Qiao Si'er looked around the banquet, but she didn't see mu Qianyue's figure. If she didn't read it wrong, the figures that flashed by should be mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan. Unexpectedly, Lu Zeyuan also came.

It seems that they are really good feelings, inseparable ah, Qiao Si Er thought, took a look at Tang Feng beside.

All of a sudden, "you like the moon, don't you?"

Tang Feng is looking for the figure of Mu Qianyue at the banquet. When he hears this sentence from Josie, the whole person is stunned.

He thought he had hidden it well, but he didn't find that his mind was already known by josel.

Qiao Si Er saw Tang Feng Leng Leng, couldn't help smiling, and said to Tang Feng, "in front of me, you don't have to hide it. I know you like shallow moon, otherwise you won't find shallow moon for the first time every time you come here in the past five years, and all the things you do are good for the shallow moon. Don't tell me that you are just an ordinary friend If you're just an ordinary friend, you don't have to do that, do you? "

His heart was broken by a woman, and this person is mu shallow month's good friend.

Tang Feng at the beginning of the whole person is not to react, the whole person to live there, and then the reaction over, suddenly feel that it is not a long-term plan to continue to hide, and he does not want to hide it.

Tang Feng nodded to Josie, "yes! I love the moon! I've loved it five years ago and it's never changed! "

With that, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing at herself, "but what's the use of this? She doesn't like me all the time. Moreover, in the past five years, I have been accompanying her in the name of a friend. Her attitude has always been lukewarm, and only limited to the distance between friends. How could I have another chance? "

Tang Feng said that he should not know what opportunities, but he just don't want to give up, this is the first person he likes!

And he did not want to give up so easily, he wanted to fight with that person, no matter how the outcome, he silently guarded her for five years, only five years, did she not have a little heart?

Qiao Si Er looks at Tang Feng, seems to be able to feel the kind of despair that emanates from Tang Feng, already want to give up that kind of feeling.

It's my own time.

Qiao Si'er approached Tang Feng in a low voice and said to Tang Feng, "now there is an opportunity for you to express your love to the moon. You may be together with the moon. Do you want to have a try? In the end, I don't know what it may look like. You may be rejected, or you may be approved by shallower... "

Qiao Si er's words have not finished, was Tang Feng cut nail fold iron voice to be scared.

Tang Feng looked at Qiao Si'er and said to her, "I'd like to. I'd like to have a try."

No matter how it turns out, Tang Feng thinks it's time for him to say what he thinks and how much he likes mu Qianyue. He says that he has been guarding her for five years and has loved her for five years.

Although he knows that mu Qianyue has met Lu Zeyuan, maybe they are still together now, and their chance may be very small, but Tang Feng just doesn't want to give up.

How much does Lu Zeyuan like mu Qianyue? Tang Feng can't send him! You may even prefer to bathe in the moon!

"OK, I'll tell you this. I'm very optimistic about you. You must come on!"

Josie patted Tang Feng on the shoulder.

And Tang Feng murmured together for a long time.

Finally, Tang Feng didn't believe it.

Tang Feng looks at Qiao Si Er, some doubt, "so, really OK?"

"Of course."

Qiao Si Er looks at Tang Feng and nods to Tang Feng.

Just when Qiao Si'er still wants to say something to Tang Feng, she suddenly feels cool behind her. She can't help but look back and see that Cheng Yinan doesn't know when she has been standing behind her.

Qiao Si Er quickly said something to Tang Feng, and then quickly ran to Cheng Yinan.

My dear, are you in the company? Why did you come here all of a sudden? "

In fact, what Qiao Si er said to Zhou Xinxin is not a fake, because Cheng Yinan really doesn't want to come to these miscellaneous parties, except that sometimes he can't get rid of them. Cheng Yinan will bring Qiao Si'er, and Cheng Yinan seldom attends these banquets.

In Cheng Yinan's words, if you have time to attend the party, it's better to spend more time at home with your cat.


Who the kitten is talking about naturally goes without saying.

Cheng Yinan looks at the smiling josie'er, and immediately wishes to take her back to bed.

"Well? Don't want me here? "

"No, I just saw that you were too tired to work, so I didn't tell you these things. Besides, isn't this just a small party? I'll help youQiao Si Er looks at Cheng Yi Nan cleverly.

However, Cheng Yinan knows that Qiao Si'er just looks cute on the surface. In fact, he doesn't know how much he doesn't want him to come here.

Cheng Yinan looked at Josie's closeness, narrowed his eyes slightly, approached Josie, and said in a dangerous way, "who was that man just now? Well? "

Josie pretended to be silly. "The man just now, the man? I haven't been in contact with other men except you

In Cheng Yinan's more and more dangerous eyes, Josie's voice can not help but become smaller and smaller.

"Well, I admit, there was a man next to me just now, but I swear, I never had a close relationship with him. The man likes the moon, and just asked me where the moon is, so I just showed him the way. Well, don't think too much about it. I like you all the time

Qiao Si Er can't help but hold Cheng Yi Nan and rub against Cheng Yi Nan's body.

It's so cute.

Cheng Yinan looks at this kind of Qiao Si Er, finally still did not have ruthless heart to do something to Qiao Si er.

Maybe, this is the feeling of love and hate.

"Shallow moon, shallow moon, what you think of in a day is just to bathe in shallow moon, right?"

"No, I think about you all day. Shallow moon, just think about it when you have time. In addition, she is alone here. I am the only good friend of the moon. Naturally, I want to serve snacks on the moon. Don't be jealous. When she has a stable home in the future, I won't miss her like this all the time. "