Lu Zeyuan had just landed with Beichen. When he came back from that place, he saw mu Qianyue holding Qiao Yu sitting beside him waiting for him. However, there was a man standing beside him. When he saw that man, Lu Zeyuan's eyes narrowed, and he held the hand of landing Beichen with some strength.

"Dad, it hurts!" Lu Beichen's voice calls back Lu Zeyuan's thoughts. Lu Zeyuan used to hold the hand of landing Beichen, but now he holds Lu Beichen and strides towards the other side.

Lu Beichen saw Lu Zeyuan like this. Subconsciously, he was holding Lu Zeyuan's neck. He didn't dare to say a word.

I don't know why, Lu Beichen is afraid to see Lu Zeyuan like this, so now he just dare not speak.

"Why are you sitting here? Didn't you wait for me Lu Zeyuan comes to Mu Qianyue's side and dotes on his waist. Lu Beichen is put on the ground like this by Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan is very close to bathe in the waist of the moon, two people look very close.

Tang Feng saw this scene, did not say anything, directly turned away.

It's just that the back and feet seem to be a little shaky.

Mu shallow month looks at Tang Feng this appearance, can't help but look at Tang Feng's back with some worry. The sight has not come back in time.

Lu Zeyuan narrowed his eyes a little dangerously, and clasped his hands tightly around the waist of Mu Qianyue. He was close to Mu Qianyue. He said in a dangerous tone, "can't you give up? Well? "

Mu shallow moon does not doubt at all, if he nods, Lu Zeyuan will put himself in the right place here.

Mu shallow month survival desire very strong shook his head, "did not see."

At the same time, he hugged Lu Zeyuan, "Why have you been there so long?"

"Mommy, I'm not feeling well in my stomach, so I've been in the toilet for a long time." Lu Beichen looks at Mu shallow moon, initiative says.

Mu shallow moon toward landing North Chen look at the past, see Lu Beichen's face do not know when some pale, a small face pale, looking at people particularly distressed.

Now, as for Tang Feng's affairs, she has been forgotten by mu Qianyue. She looks at Lu Beichen anxiously, "Xiaochen, what's the matter with you? Did you just have a bad stomach at the party? Or did you catch a cold? "

Lu Beichen shook his head toward the moon. He felt weak and said, "well, maybe I ate my stomach carelessly just now. I'm sorry, mummy."

I'm sorry. If you know what's important to knead your head, mummy must tell you what's important for you to knead your head

"Well, I see."

Neglected Lu Zeyuan some discontented to hold Mu shallow moon's waist, the whole person is full of unhappiness.

Full of sorrow, are about to put on their own face, how can Mu shallow moon not see?

"OK, OK, don't be upset. We can go back now."

Several people ate something at will outside and then went back.

Lu Beichen still sleeps with Qiao Yu. Although Lu Beichen's face is full of resistance, Lu Beichen can't compare with Lu Zeyuan.

It can't be said that Lu Beichen can't compare with Lu Zeyuan. After all, there are only two bedrooms here. Mu Qianyue knows that Lu Zeyuan is not used to sleeping with other people, so this is the only way.

It's impossible to let yourself sleep with two children, and then Lu Zeyuan sleeps alone, right?

Mu shallow month two to coax to sleep, then returned to his bedroom.

But what mu Qianyue doesn't know is that when mu Qianyue left their bedroom, the two people who were sleeping on the bed opened their eyes.

"Brother, are you asleep?"

Lu Beichen opened his eyes and called Qiao Yu.

"Not yet. What's the matter?"

But after calling Qiao Yu, Lu Beichen didn't speak for a long time. Just when Qiao Yu thought Lu Beichen was asleep, Lu Beichen's voice suddenly began to ring.

"Brother, what do you think of dad?"

Now they only called Lu Zeyuan's father, and mu Qianyue only asked them to call Lu Zeyuan's father. Therefore, it is self-evident who Lu Beichen is talking about.

Today, Qiao Yu knows what mu Qianyue said. Although there are many things he can't understand, he also knows that mommy really likes the father now.

I don't think Dad would know about this today, would he?

Now Qiaoyu is thinking about this matter, but he did not ignore it. When Lu Zeyuan saw the man, the expression on his face was so terrible and terrible.

If dad knew about it, he didn't know what would happen.

"Mommy likes him very much. I can see that he also likes Mommy very much. I think we can try to accept him."Lu Beichen thought of the warmth when Lu Zeyuan hugged him and held his palm. Lu Beichen pursed his lips and gently answered.

"What's wrong with you tonight? Are you not feeling well now

"It's all right now. I ate a little too much at the party tonight At today's banquet, mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan are holding hands in front of each other. When they walk together, Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu follow each other.

Lu Beichen looked at the man who occupied his mother in front of him. Then, he kept eating and eating himself.

And then it was like that.

Chou Yu pursed her lips. "I'll look at you later."

"Well, brother, I went to sleep." Lu Beichen yawned and then there was no sound in the back.

However, what Lu Zeyuan did not know was that after this incident this evening, the two children's attitudes towards him have changed a little.

And back to his bedroom Mu shallow moon, has not had time to turn around, was some of the fiery embrace, and that person's breath, all gush in his neck, crisp numb, let a person can't help but shrink his body.

At the same time, the heart can not help but also some helplessness, she knew, this matter, will not be so easy to pass, oneself still want to strive to shun Mao.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zeyuan touched his head.

Now Lu Zeyuan, ah mu in front of the moon, where there is that pair of strangers do not enter, a look of indifference?

All his softness is shown in front of him.

Mu shallow moon heart can not help but some soft.