"It's OK, mom. Take dad to rest first. I'll come here."

Mu Qianyue smiles at Yu Zhiyu and asks Yu Zhiyu to take Fu Zheng up first. Now Fu Zheng is drunk.


Yu Zhiyu answered and helped Fu Zheng up.

Then, Mu shallow moon looks at Lu Zeyuan beside him and asks, "are you drunk?"

Lu Zeyuan fixed looking at Mu shallow moon, did not speak, Mu shallow moon sighed, it seems to be drunk.

When he was about to get up and hold Lu Zeyuan up, he said nothing from Lu Zeyuan's mouth.

Mu Qianyue

Lu Zeyuan's appearance is no different from that of not drunk. His eyes are still calm, as if he did not put anything in his eyes. But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a trace of confusion in Lu Zeyuan's eyes.

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan like this, and can't help but be funny.

I suddenly think of a stem I didn't know where I saw on the Internet.

He approached Lu Zeyuan and said to him, "Mr. Lu, we have all kinds of women here. What type do you want?"

Mu shallow month says, still walked toward side a few steps, looking at Lu Zeyuan, seem to have a bit of this kind of appearance really.

Lu Zeyuan sat upright, his eyes straight in front of him, meticulously, as if he had not been drunk.

Hearing Mu shallow month said, Lu Zeyuan frowned, carrying his eyebrows, "do not."

"Really not? Would you like to think about it? There are all kinds of them

Mu shallow month is beside endure smile way.

"Go away!"

It was Lu Zeyuan's word.

Although already drunk, but his body is still domineering in ah.

Mu Qianyue no longer amuses Lu Zeyuan.

Come to the side of Lu Zeyuan, ready to help Lu Zeyuan's hand, upstairs.

Who knows Lu Zeyuan is drunk, but his basic consciousness is still there.

Seeing a woman coming towards him, Lu Zeyuan hurriedly sidetracked his body.

Holding eyebrows to look at Mu shallow moon, as if looking at, but also like thinking about what.

"Well, I'll help you up and have a rest first, so as not to have a headache tomorrow."

"Go away! Don't want you. Someone's coming to pick me up

Mu Qianyue Who else will pick you up besides me?

Mu shallow month hands ring chest looking at Lu Zeyuan, "who will pick you up?"

"My wife."

"My wife comes to pick me up. Don't touch me!"

Lu Zeyuan said, eyes did not give Mu shallow month a.

Mu shallow month heart can not say is complex or happy.

Drunk still remember her, warm in the heart, but why she is standing in front of him, he can not recognize?

Is it true? Or fake?

Lu Zeyuan wants to stay away from Lu Zeyuan.

Mu shallow moon also has no interest. She will go to see the two children after she sends him up.

Lu Zeyuan looked at Lu Zeyuan and said, "who is Lu Zeyuan's strong hand?"

Lu Zeyuan really listened to Mu Qianyue's words and took a serious look at it. Then, he reached out and hugged mu Qianyue and buried his head in his arms.


"A woman just wanted to tease me, but I refused."

Mu Qianyue

Lu Zeyuan said, also raised his head, eyes bright looking at Mu shallow moon, as if waiting for mu shallow moon praise.

Lu Zeyuan's hair is very soft, black hair on Lu Zeyuan's head like this, looking very soft, let people want to touch.

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan's head and reaches out. Knead two.


It's good.

It's very soft.


When Lu Zeyuan raised his eyes and looked at mu Qianyue with some incomprehension, he took back his hand seriously, "well, it's a reward."

Mu Qianyue didn't expect Lu Zeyuan to be so cute and obedient after drinking, but she was surprised.

Mu Qianyue's eyes are on the wine bottles beside him. It seems that Fu Zheng is still working hard this evening. Although two people are drinking, there are several bottles after drinking. It's strange not to be drunk.

Mu Qianyue helps Lu Zeyuan to go upstairs. Lu Zeyuan is still cooperating with her. She is very obedient, but she saves a lot of strength.

Mu shallow moon holds Lu Zeyuan to answer his bedroom, and sees a little man on his bed.It turned out to be Lu Beichen. When he saw that time was the time to go to bed, he took a good bath and came to the bedroom of muqianyue.

Lu Beichen heard the sound and forgot to go to the door.

Blink one's own big eyes, the voice in the mouth of mummy has not yet called out. We can see that mu Qianyue walks in with Lu Zeyuan, and Lu Zeyuan leans his head on mu Qianyue's shoulder, and his hands are naturally around Mu's waist. However, mu Qianyue just dotes on the head on his shoulder.

When Mu shallow moon helped people to the bedside, this just saw lying on the bed Lu Beichen.



Lu Beichen looks at Mu shallow moon, and then looks at Lu Zeyuan. His small face is wrinkled into a ball, "Mommy, I want to sleep with you."

Recently, it's dad and mummy sleeping together. Lu Beichen hasn't slept with mummy for a long time.

So when I came to my grandmother's house today, Lu Beichen thought he could sleep with his mother, but he didn't expect that mommy brought his father back.

Lu Zeyuan was bathed in shallow moon on the bed, perhaps smelling the familiar smell, buried his head in the pillow, and slowly fell asleep.

Is Lu Zeyuan so obedient after drunk?

Mu shallow moon heard Lu Beichen's words, came to Lu Beichen's side, rubbed Lu Beichen's head, "Xiaochen is good, how about going to sleep with my brother tonight? Dad is drunk with my grandfather tonight. My mother will take care of my father. Otherwise, what can I do if my father throws up all over you

Lu Beichen looks at Lu Zeyuan lying on the bed. Although Lu Zeyuan is sleepy and calm now, no one knows what will happen later.

Lu Beichen some committee Qu Baba's looking at Mu shallow moon, "Mommy." Whether in the eyes or on the face, are full of reluctant meaning.

Mu shallow moon see, also some can't bear, in did not meet Lu Zeyuan, Lu Beichen has been sleeping with her.

Now they are often robbed by Lu Zeyuan, and Lu Beichen is still small.