Mu shallow month some rigid own body, in the heart big turn a white eye, early does not wake up, late does not wake up, just at this time to wake up.

Mu shallow month some sleepy, made a yawn, to the Lu Zeyuan way after death, "I sleep first."

Lu Zeyuan: "sleep later."

Mu shallow Moon: "no, I'm going to bed now. I'm very tired."

Mu shallow month some vaguely thought, soon the whole person has gone to sleep.

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue's tired sleeping face. He didn't do anything in the end. He leaned over and gently kissed mu Qianyue, "sleep."

Because considering that Lu Beichen is still sleeping here, mu Qianyue is also very careful, for fear that Lu Beichen will be pressed and hit a little bit.

Moreover, because of Lu Zeyuan's reason, Lu Beichen is sleeping on the outside side, so mu Qianyue is also worried that Lu Beichen will fall down, so he sleeps towards the landing Beichen side, holds Lu Beichen in his arms, and then sleeps heavily.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping. I just feel that there's something in my ears. It's so noisy that I can't sleep well.

Mu shallow month some vaguely open his eyes, in front of the enlarged version of Jun Yan.

"What are you doing?" Mu Qianyue has not yet fully woken up, his voice is a little dumb, so he looks at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan stood up for a moment, "it's OK, you go to sleep."

Mu shallow month faintly nodded, and fell asleep again.

I went to bed a little late last night, and on the way, Lu Zeyuan woke up to take care of Lu Zeyuan, and spent so much of the night. I was so sleepy that I didn't want to get up this morning.

Even when the people around him disappeared, Mu shallow moon did not know, turned over and continued to sleep.

Lu Beichen, who was sleeping next to him, took into his arms and felt his soft hair. He could not help rubbing it. It was better for his son.

Lu Beichen just wakes up here and looks at mu Qianyue with her eyes closed. She lies in her arms and hugs her. She sleeps contentedly.

When Lu Beichen got up this morning, he saw himself sleeping alone on one side, while Lu Zeyuan was holding his mother!

Lu Beichen was almost angry and cried by Lu Zeyuan. His mother was in the arms of other men. How could Lu Beichen be happy? He rushed over and looked at Lu Zeyuan with a face of accusation beside mu Qianyue.

However, Lu Zeyuan didn't say anything this time. He got up and gave up his position, which surprised Lu Beichen.

However, surprised to return to surprise, but Lu Beichen naturally ran over and Mu shallow moon next to sleep together.

Lu Beichen looked at Lu Zeyuan's back and wondered. If he remembered correctly, didn't he sleep with his mother before? Why did you change your temper today?

However, this is not Lu Beichen's consideration. Lu Beichen shakes his small head and melon seeds. Relying on his small body, he gets into the arms of muqianyue and hugs muqianyue tightly.

Looking at Lu Zeyuan's back, Lu Beichen suddenly feels that this father is still very good.

Well, of course, if you don't rob him of Mommy!

Otherwise, they are all bad guys!

On the sofa in the living room, Yu Zhiyu and Fu Zheng are sitting there. Fu Zheng doesn't know what he is talking about. The whole person looks a little irritated and keeps dancing, but Yu Zhiyu looks at Fu Zheng with a spoiled face.

If someone is here and sees this side of Fu Zheng, he may be surprised to see Fu Zheng and Yu Zhiyu.

There was no serious and dignified appearance outside. In front of his wife, he was well behaved.

No one can believe it. In M country, Fu Zheng, the leader of jewelry industry, can be said to be the person who dominates most of the jewelry industry. Now, he is actually a wife slave at home! and! Still talking so much.

Also thanks to the branch rain did not despise him.

He heard Fu Zheng say to Zhi Yu with some sorrow: "why didn't you stop me last night? No, I must have lost face there last night. I must find it back!" Speaking of the latter, Fu Zheng was somewhat angry.

Yu Zhiyu quietly mended the knife beside him, "you pulled others to drink last night. It's you who want to drink, and you are the first to get drunk. "

Fu Zheng grinds his teeth in secret. How can he know that Lu Zeyuan can drink so much.

He's been in the mall for most of his life. He didn't expect to be drunk by a boy!

He was so angry!

What makes Fu Zheng angry is that he is still making a fool of himself in front of Zhiyu!

All right.

Although both of them are old husbands and wives, Fu Zheng still doesn't like to make a fool of himself in front of Zhiyu.

Yu Zhiyu means that this is nothing.

She is very generous. She doesn't mind Fu Zheng's opportunities to make a fool of herself. Of course, Yu Zhiyu won't admit it. She still has a funny attitude."Dad, mom."

When Zhi Yu and Fu Zheng were talking about something, Lu Zeyuan did not know when he came to them.

Called mom and dad.

"Ah yuan is here? Does your head still hurt? Would you like some lemonade? What about the month? Didn't you come down with you? "

When Yu Zhiyu saw Lu Zeyuan, he looked at him like his son-in-law. Last night, Yu Zhiyu had been recovered by Lu Zeyuan. As for how, Yu Zhiyu did not know.

Fu Zheng took a look at Lu Zeyuan without saying anything.

He's still mad at last night!

"No, Yueyue is still sleeping on it. She was tired last night."

Fu Zheng:

Yu Zhiyu:

How can they answer that?

It's too

"Cough, it's OK, it's OK. If you're tired, just sleep a little more." Yu Zhi Yu Dao.

The more Fu Zheng looked at Lu Zeyuan, the more uncomfortable he became. He was tired, tired

Man without restraint!

"Mom and Dad, I want to tell you one thing."

Yu Zhiyu said, "if you have anything, just say it."

Villa door bell suddenly rang, early in the morning, do not know who.

"Sir, ma'am, there is a man outside who says he wants his uncle."

Lin Ma came in to Fu Zheng and Yu Zhi Yu Dao.

Yu Zhiyu and Fu Zheng look at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan: "let him in."

Mother Lin takes a look at Yu Zhiyu and Fu Zheng.

Although Lu Zeyuan is an uncle, there are still points in this villa.

Lu Zeyuan didn't care too much.

Yu Zhiyu was embarrassed and repeated what Lu Zeyuan had just said.

Mrs. Lin went to invite people in.