What's more, there is nothing they can't do.

So, in many cases, I still need to pay attention to it.

Muqianyue and yuzhiyu stayed in the study for a while. It was Yu Zhiyu who gave his experience to Mu Qianyue, so that muqianyue was not so easy to be bullied.

Of course, muqianyue is not so easy to bully.

After saying the words, Mu shallow month and Yu Zhiyu go downstairs together.

They were like sisters with good feelings, arm in arm, coming up from above.

In fact, Yu Zhiyu is not old. Yu Zhiyu is only 42 years old this year.

Yu Zhiyu and Fu Zheng got married at the age of 20. Fu Zheng came to such a large family by himself, step by step.

Moreover, Yu Zhiyu was not from here, and his family was rich. At that time, his family was not optimistic about them. They thought that Fu Zheng and Yu Zhiyu were together for Yu Zhiyu's money.

But who can say the feelings.

Yuzhiyu is what it is. Like a lady in a big family, but who knows that Yu Zhiyu did something that she would never regret in her whole life, that is, she stole the household register and married Fu Zheng.

Of course, Yu Zhiyu didn't get the wrong person at the beginning. Although they had been together for so long, their feelings were still as good as before. Moreover, I don't know if it was the guilt of that year. Fu Zheng was especially good to Zhiyu.

Two people just came to the living room, Mu shallow moon saw Lu Zeyuan, just wanted to say hello, who knew that Yu Zhiyu beside him suddenly fainted in the past, and the whole person fell back to the back.

Fortunately, muqianyue is supporting in Zhiyu. Moreover, muqianyue's mind is also placed on Zhiyu's body. Therefore, when Zhiyu is about to fall to the ground, muqianyue helps yuzhiyu in time.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you ok?"

Mu shallow moon was frightened by this scene, looking at Yu Zhiyu, his voice was shaking.

"Light rain!"

Hearing the sound of Mu Qianyue, Fu Zheng can't help but look at this side and see Yu Zhiyu who has fainted.

Suddenly, the whole heart of a panic, hurriedly ran to bathe in the light of the moon and in the side of the branch rain.

"Light rain, light rain."

"What's going on? How could Xiaoyu suddenly faint? "

Fu Zheng took Zhiyu from mu Qianyue's hand and kept calling Yu Zhiyu's name, but Yu Zhiyu was in a coma and could not hear his own cry.

"What's the matter? Was it OK just now? Why did you suddenly faint? "

Fu Zheng looks at mu Qianyue and asks.

"I don't know. When I just came down with my mother, I was still fine. I don't know how my mother fainted like this." Mu shallow moon looks at Yu Zhiyu with a worried face.

"Go to the hospital first."

Lu Zeyuan comes to Mu shallow moon's side, holds Mu shallow month's waist, utters a voice.

"Yes, go to the hospital first." Fu Zheng said, holding Yu Zhiyu and walking outside.

Mu shallow month sees this, also want to follow up immediately, but also want to be at home two children, want to take the child also.

"And the two children?" Mu Qianyue asked Lu Zeyuan.

"I don't know."

Lu Zeyuan didn't pay attention to them.

Mu Qianyue

"Well, let them be at home."

Mu shallow month says, go out when and Lin Ma said, and then follow Fu Zheng's footsteps, go out.

Fu Zheng holds Yu Zhiyu in his arms and is not good at driving. Mu Qianyue asks Lu Zeyuan to drive and sits on the co pilot himself.

"A yuan, you drive, I'll tell you how to get there."

Although Lu Zeyuan is reluctant at this time, he also knows that this is the best way.

Lu Zeyuan's driving skills are very good. He knows that it's an emergency and he drives very fast.

The car quickly stopped in a hospital. Fu Zheng got off the bus with Yu Zhiyu in his arms and sent him to the hospital.

Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan want to park the car, so it's too late for Fu Zheng. When they go in, they see Fu Zhengshou outside, and the doctor checks Yu Zhiyu inside.

Fu Zheng's eyes have been looking at the ward. He wishes that he would go in immediately and accompany Yu Zhiyu.

Mu shallow month came to Fu Zheng's side, comforting way, "father, don't worry, mother will be OK."

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue's hands on Fu Zheng's hands. There seems to be something black in his eyes, but he is restrained by Lu Zeyuan.

That's Yueyue's father.

It's not Dad, and they're so close to each other.

Lu Zeyuan forbearance, and finally did not hold back, came to Mu shallow moon, pulled Mu shallow moon, took Mu shallow moon in his arms, "don't worry."Fu Zheng is now focused on Zhi Yu, and has no chance to move between Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue.

"Well, I'm sure mom will be OK." Mu shallow moon in Lu Zeyuan's arms, although said so, but in the heart is still some worry.


OK, how can you faint like this.

Several people did not wait outside for long, about ten or twenty minutes. However, Fu Zheng felt that he had been waiting outside for a long time, which was like a century.

The door of the ward was opened, and a nurse came out from it, "who is the family member of Yu Zhiyu?"

"I, I am, I am his husband."

The nurse took off her mask and looked at Fu Zheng with a smile on her face, "Congratulations, your husband, your wife is pregnant."

"What, what?"

Fu Zheng looked at the nurse, and the whole person was confused.


Did he hear right?

Xiaoyu, is Xiaoyu pregnant?


They have been waiting for such a long time, but they haven't waited for a child. Even they have already given up. But, what does the nurse tell him now? Xiaoyu is pregnant?

Are you really pregnant?

Mu shallow month also in one side, hear nurse say words, Mu shallow month also can't help Leng Leng.

These things, Yu Zhiyu and Mu shallow month chat, more or less also told Mu shallow moon some.

Therefore, mu Qianyue is more envious of the feelings between Zhiyu and Fu Zheng. Although they have no children, the children have not become an obstacle between them.

"What's the matter?"

The nurse didn't speak to anyone and asked a question.

Don't they like children?

When Fu Zheng rushed to hold Yu Zhiyu over, his face was full of anxiety, which did not seem to be faking. But how did he become like this when he heard the news?

Thinking of something, the nurse's face couldn't help cooling down.

Voice also can not help cold down, "the patient is still a little weak, now if you want to kill the child, it is not good for the patient's health."