Now I don't see Lu Zeyuan, but Qiao Si'er still has some doubts.

Mu shallow month, "the company has some things, I let him go back to the company first."

"You have a big heart."

Are you afraid that he has any women outside?

Josel didn't say it, but it was obvious enough.

"No way."

Joel rolled her eyes, didn't she? You are not at his side, how can you know if there is any small three outside him and so on?

Mu Qianyue firmly believes that Lu Zeyuan won't have a woman outside. She yawns and says to Josie, "I'm a little sleepy. I'll sleep first."

"All right."

And Josie said two words, Mu shallow month hung up the video phone, put the mobile phone aside, holding two children into sleep.

Mu shallow month originally is to accompany two children to sleep, who knows oneself to fall asleep to fall asleep.

Until the mobile phone rings, just to wake up the moon.

Mu Qianyue opens some bleary eyes, and the two children don't know when they have woken up.

Lu Beichen is preparing to take mu Qianyue's mobile phone and turn it into silence. Who knows that Mu's mobile phone suddenly wakes up.

"Mommy, are you awake?"


Bathe shallow month misty should one, the voice also sounds some just to wake up the dumb.

"Who called?" Mu shallow month asked.

Lu Beichen, "it's dad."

"Give me the phone."

Mu shallow month stretches out a hand, Lu Beichen hands the mobile phone to Mu shallow month.

"Hello?" Mu shallow month close eyes, put the mobile phone in his ear, the voice is a bit lazy.


Lu Zeyuan's office chair is close to his mobile phone.

Listen to the voice of Mu Qianyue.

Lu Zeyuan regretted when he first came to the company. He shouldn't have come to the company. In the company, it's really true that he's holding his little wife at home.

What's more, I've been to m country for such a long time, so many things have happened in the company. Now it's hard to solve the problems in the company. I found a time point and called mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow moon closed his eyes, obviously still some did not wake up.

Perhaps Lu Zeyuan's voice is too gentle, so mu shallow month for a time did not answer.

Lu Zeyuan can even hear the shallow breath of the moon.

Like a cat's paws, he kept Rao in Lu Zeyuan's heart.

Lu Zeyuan looks at Cheng Ling's agenda and turns back. The schedule for the next few days is basically full. He can't find any time to go back to accompany mu Qianyue.

Lu Zeyuan's eyebrows were severely wrinkled together.

This is something that has not been in the company for nearly half a month.



"I see."

Don't know what Lu Zeyuan said there, Mu shallow moon low should two, finally just hang up the phone.

Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen did not wake up after waking up. They stood on both sides of the moon and quietly watched the moon. They didn't want to leave.

Two people are very good at both sides of the sleep, eyes can not help looking at Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow month and sleep on the bed for a while, this just some clear open their eyes.

Mu Qianyue sat up and rubbed her head. She just felt like she had a dream. She dreamed that Lu Zeyuan called, and then what did she say?

She can't remember the details.

Qiao Yu lenglengleng looked at Mu shallow moon's movement, and looked at Lu Beichen. It seemed that he finally knew Lu Beichen's lazy bed appearance when he got up every morning.

These days, Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen have been sleeping together. Every time Lu Beichen gets up, he will be like today's muqianyue.

"Mommy, are you awake?"

Two people see Mu shallow moon to wake up, all of a sudden toward Mu shallow moon in the past, pounce on the body of Mu shallow moon.

"Mommy, what did dad say just now?" Lu Beichen looks at Mu shallow moon, some curiously asks a way.


Mu shallow moon is a bit muddled.

Isn't it just a dream?

Did you really call?

Mu Qianyue turns her head and looks at the mobile phone beside her pillow. She looks at Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu. She finally realizes that this is not a dream.

But what exactly is it?

Mu shallow month expresses, she also does not know.

She has just been in the middle of a dream and half waking up. How can she know what Lu Zeyuan just said.

However, being watched by two pairs of big eyes, mu Qianyue is also embarrassed to say that she doesn't know anything.Vaguely, "nothing, just tell us that he may come back late tonight."

In fact, this is just Mu shallow moon's random guess.

However, now that Lu Zeyuan has just returned to the company, there must be a lot of things in the company, so mu Qianyue thinks that Lu Zeyuan should come back later.

Fortunately, the two children are very believe in Mu shallow month said, see Mu shallow month said so, also did not ask what.

"Well, it's too late now. Let's get up first, and then Mommy will take you to the supermarket to buy vegetables."

Mu shallow month says, lift the quilt on oneself body, take the lead to come down.

Mu shallow month put his hair to the plate up, after finishing, ready to go out.

It's 5:30 p.m. and there's no food in the fridge.

Just as muqianyue was all ready to go out, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"You sit on the sofa and wait a minute. Mommy will go and see who it is." Mu shallow month finish saying, go to the door to open the door.

After opening the door, an energetic and gray old man came in.

And Mu shallow month looks at the old man in front of him, seems to be some can't believe, the voice is some intermittent, "Ye, grandfather?"

At this time, the gray haired old man in front of the moon is not Mr. Lu. Who else can he be?

It's just that now, how can Mr. Lu come here all of a sudden?

Thinking of the phone call Lu Zeyuan made to himself, mu Qianyue guessed that it was impossible for Lu Zeyuan to call him. Is that what he said?

My mind was confused for a moment, but soon, she came back to her senses and invited Mr. Lu in.

"Girl, have you suffered a lot outside these years?"

Lu Laozi looks at Mu shallow moon, in the eye Mou some heartache.

Lu Zeyuan has told him all about the causes and consequences of the incident. Naturally, he knows that he has two grandchildren.

Originally, five years ago, father Lu liked to bathe in the moon when he saw it for the first time.