Cough, of course, it's not because you care about Lu Zeyuan.

I just want to know what happened to my dad when he was a kid.

Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen's heart is like this.

The family sat on the sofa, watching TV, talking, Lu Zeyuan opened the door and saw this scene.

In particular, when he saw the smiling face of the moon, Lu Zeyuan's eyebrows could not help wrinkling.

Why do you smile so well at other men.

In a flash, Lu Zeyuan's mind suddenly came up with a very terrible idea. She wanted to close mu Qianyue. Her smile could only be seen by herself.

Lu Zeyuan was surprised by his own idea. For a moment, he was at a loss. The idea didn't mean to fade in his mind.

Or mu Qianyue first found Lu Zeyuan. Just listening to master Lu talking about Lu Zeyuan's childhood, mu Qianyue didn't expect that Lu Zeyuan would be so cute when he was a child.

Mu shallow month gets up, rubbed against ran to Lu Zeyuan's side, "you come back?"


Lu Zeyuan's hand tightly pulls mu Qianyue's hand, and the things on the handle are thrown aside at random.

Mu shallow month gather together in Lu Zeyuan's ear, light voice way, "grandfather is coming."

Lu Zeyuan knows it.

After all, he called Mr. Lu.


Lu Zeyuan looked at the old man Lu and called out.

Lu ignored Lu Zeyuan and had a good time with his two great grandsons.

Lu Zeyuan came back just in time, and now Lin Ma has just finished the meal.

Mr. Lu sat at the table and kept holding dishes for Lu Beichen and Qiaoyu. None of them left behind.

There is no such dignified appearance as mu Qianyue saw at the beginning.

Mu shallow month blinked his eyes, some doubt, whether he was wrong.


Lu Zeyuan sees that mu Qianyue has always put his eyes on it. He is a little jealous. He puts a piece of sweet and sour spare ribs that mu Qianyue likes best and puts them in Mu Qianyue's bowl, so that mu Qianyue can have a good meal.

Mu Qianyue takes back her eyes. The two children are no longer small. They can eat by themselves. Now Mr. Lu is taking care of them, which is quite good.

After dinner, Mu shallow moon was brought back to the bedroom by Lu Zeyuan.

Mu shallow moon eat also some support, do not want to move, Lu Zeyuan is almost half drag half must drag Mu shallow moon back to the bedroom.


Mu Qianyue has not forgotten her two children.

"Granddad takes care of them..."

Lu Zeyuan whispers in the ear of Mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow moon some ticklish, also did not say what, obediently follows Lu Zeyuan.

Mu shallow a month into the bedroom, some lazy lying on the bed, do not want to move.

The sequela of being full.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zeyuan sees Mu shallow moon a pair of listless appearance.

Mu shallow moon rubbed his stomach, looking at Lu Zeyuan, the water in his eyes was full of water, looking at some pitiful, "good rise."

The food made by Mrs. Lin is so delicious that mu Qianyue is another food. Therefore, she is not honored to eat enough.

Now some of my stomach is up and up. It's hard.

Lu Zeyuan's mouth seemed to evoke a smile, looking at some poor Mu shallow moon, voice more than twice soft, "I help you rub."


Bathe shallow month languidly lies on the bed, exposed own belly, is like a lazy cat.

Lu Zeyuan put some rough big hands on mu Qianyue's stomach and kneaded them gently without any special force, just like in the hair.

Mu shallow moon some comfortable squint their eyes, feel that the whole person is a little sleepy.

How comfortable.

However, some people are dishonest. Lu Zeyuan had been kneading his stomach for mu Qianyue. Looking at mu Qianyue, some of his eyes narrowed lazily, and his breath fell into Lu Zeyuan's ears. Moreover, his mouth opened slightly, and his pink tongue loomed in it.

Lu Zeyuan's Adam's apple rolled for a moment. He felt that his mouth was too dry and his body was hot.

The hands also moved restlessly.

Some cool palms are moving on their own bodies, bathing in the shallow moon suddenly wakes up a lot.

Some gnashing their teeth at Lu Zeyuan, "Lu Zeyuan! What are you doing

She had just had a short rest, and the man began to be restless.

"Well? What's the matter? "

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue innocently.

Mu shallow moon is simply Hua dog, Lu Zeyuan unexpectedly also can show such expression?This is not in line with your position as chief executive.

Mu shallow moon pulled his clothes, covered himself, this just looked at Lu Zeyuan, "what are you just doing?"

Lu Zeyuan's eyes are like the abyss, which is dark and frightening to watch. But now Lu Zeyuan's eyes are straight at the moon, and the shadow of the moon is all in his eyes.

"Rub your stomach."


It's like he was really rubbing his stomach.

I don't believe it.

Will knead the stomach knead on the stomach?

Mu shallow moon clapped Lu Zeyuan's hand, got up and looked at the time. It had been more than an hour unconsciously.

Now my stomach doesn't swell.

"I'll go out and see the children first."

Mu shallow month says, walk toward outside.

Lu Zeyuan's face is black. Children, children, are children all day long. Whether children are more important than he is in her heart.

Lu Zeyuan did not think of an action.

When mu Qianyue wants to open the bedroom door and go out, Lu Zeyuan suddenly gets up and hugs mu Qianyue. In Mu Qianyue's ear, he says, "don't go."

Mu shallow moon helplessly looks at Lu Zeyuan's head, which is obviously much higher than her. At the moment, it is burying her head in her arms. How to look at it, it is a bit funny.

If she is not wrong, she seems to hear from Lu Zeyuan's voice a bit coquettish and dissatisfied?

"I'll go and see them, and I'll be back soon."

Such a jealous man on the stand.

And I like to be jealous of my children.

Mu shallow moon expresses, can see how to do?

I can only spoil it by myself.

Lu Zeyuan's hand on the waist of Mu Qianyue couldn't help tightening up again. "Do you not like me with them? Do you like them more?"

Lu Zeyuan raised his head and looked at muqianyue, as if to get an answer from muqianyue.

As stubborn as a child.

Of course, every time he meets two children, Lu Zeyuan will compete for favor like a child.