Ah, the family, as always, have thick skin. They just don't know what shame is.

Li Yutong also knows that they are holding themselves. If they don't give them today

Li Yutong closed his eyes, "how much do you want?"

How much?

Li's family looked at each other for a moment. It seemed that Li Yutong agreed so easily?

They don't have the concept of numbers.

Li Ran said to Li Yutong, "you wait, we discuss and discuss."

Li Yutong is now on the side, watching them discuss in front of her like this.

Li Fu said, "we still owe one or two million, and now we don't have any money. How much should we want now?"

Li Mu, "that is, Ran'er, how much should we want now?"

Li Ran thought, "how about five million?"

Li Fu, "so much, will she agree?"

Li Ran sneered, "she must agree, and she must agree if she does not agree. Who can let her grasp our hands now? If she doesn't give us, then we will tell the family. I believe that when the family gets this news, it should give us a lot of money."

After all, what the family wants to get back is their long lost daughter, not a fake one.

If the people who care for their families know about this matter, will they still be like this now and have no scruples?

After several people discussed, he turned his head and looked at Li Yutong, "then you can give us five million yuan first."

"Five million, why don't you grab it?"

As soon as Li Yutong heard the number, he was not calm.

Five million, even if Xiaoya's family is spoiling her, in love with her, she only a few hundred thousand a month.

Moreover, although the family members bought her a lot of things, she didn't need to buy other things by herself.

After all, it's home care, and the clothes are all custom-made.

However, in front of his friends and those famous ladies in Kyoto, Li Yutong is still very generous.

She often gives gifts to others, and she often pays the bills. Many people envy Li Yutong because he seems to have more money than them.

Of course, this is just looking.

However, in the past five years, Li Yutong has also saved a lot of savings, which should add up to 67 million.

After all, the only daughter of Gu's family is not just a name. Her family members love her very much. She is often given several cards, not to mention Gu Chuli's brother who is the president.

Li Ran looked at Li Yutong like this and said with a sneer, "since you think so, we have nothing to say. I'd better tell the family about this. I believe that the people who care for the family will like the news very much."

"But Miss Li Yutong, you are miserable. If you let the people who care for your family know that you are not the daughter of the family, but also keep it from them for so long that they miss the opportunity to find their sister, what will happen to you?"

Li Ran looks at Li Yutong, and his words seem to be thinking for Li Yutong, but only Li Yutong knows that what Li Ran says is threatening her.

Li Yutong gritted his teeth.


It's good. It's good.

I didn't expect that the people of the Li family would get her evidence and threaten her like this.

These things are definitely not allowed to be known to the family members.

If the family knows

Li Yutong couldn't imagine the consequences.

Li Yutong looked at them, reached out and took out a card from his bag and put it in front of Li Ran, "here, it's five million! The password is my birthday. Don't come to me again. "

Li father looked at Li Ran, when Li Ran nodded. Quickly took the card in Li Yutong's hand.

"Well, thank you sister first."

Got the money, Li Ran is very happy to say a word to Li Yutong.

And Li Yutong now wants to feel sick when he hears their words!

Without hesitation, he turned around and left the place.

And Li family's person also did not stop Li Yutong, for them, now as long as the money to hand on the line.

As for Li Yutong's words, they are not worried at all.

It's just an orphan.

Li Yutong came out of his apartment and sat in his car. His brain was almost blank. The whole person was confused and didn't know what he had done.

I don't know how long I sat in the car, but Li Yutong came back to his senses. Looking at the building, he found the cruelty in his eyes.

They knew her secret.

If you don't know it's all right, you'll be fine.

But now they know that if necessary, there is no need to existLi Yutong was startled by his idea. When he regained consciousness, he gasped for breath. Some of him did not dare to admit that he could imagine that kind of thing just now. It was terrible.

No, that's not her.

She won't be like this.

Li Yutong is about to start the car to leave when the mobile phone ring suddenly, Li Yutong scared, the phone almost dropped.

Li Yutong picked up his hand, looked at the screen has been flashing name, that very familiar name, Li Yutong actually gave birth to a psychological, want to hang up this phone.

Now, she's afraid to get in touch with people who care for her family.

Because, she was afraid.

She was afraid that she would expose herself as soon as she contacted her. She was afraid that the people who cared for her family would find that she was not the one who cared for her family.

When Li Yutong thought about these things, the mobile phone hung up automatically because no one answered for a long time.

See hang up the phone, Li Yutong don't know is to be relieved, or should be lost.

However, Li Yutong's idea did not last long.

The ringtone of the mobile phone comes back to me. It was the same person who called just now.

Li Yutong took a deep breath. It's no way to go on like this. Moreover, the people who care for her family don't know these things, so she doesn't have to worry.

Li Yutong adjusted his mentality, and then connected the phone, "Hello, brother, what's the matter?"

Gu Chuli's soft and worried voice sounded in Li Yutong's ear, "Xia Xia, where are you now? Didn't you go to the company this afternoon? "

After having dinner with Gu's mother at noon, Li Yutong is ready to return to the company. After all, she still has a job in the company.

But who could have thought that they were stopped by the Li family.

Li Yutong took a look at the time. It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. The company is already off work. My brother must have gone to his office and didn't find himself before he called him.

Li Yutong did not think wrong.

As long as Gu Chuli does not travel, there is nothing special in the company. He will go to Li Yutong's office every time after work.

Then Li Yutong and Li Yutong went back home together. Today is no exception. But when Gu Chuli went to Li Yutong's office after work, he didn't see Li Yutong. Naturally, he was worried.

Because this is the first time Li Yutong has not worked in the company. Most people in the company know what identities Li Yutong and Gu Chuli are.

Also, when Li Yutong was in the company, he was very serious in his work, and he didn't have the airs of a thousand gold ladies. He treated the employees very well, so they didn't discriminate against Li Yutong.

They all get along well with Li Yutong. When Li Yutong didn't come to work this afternoon, they didn't think much about it, just when Li Yutong had something to do with his family.

But when Gu Chuli came to ask Li Yutong this afternoon, none of the people in the office could answer.

Or a person who has a little intersection with Li Yutong in the company said, "Li Yutong has not returned to the company since lunch."

Gu Chuli was angry with people in the company for the first time because Li Yutong didn't know where he was.

People who are in the same office with Li Yutong are angry for no reason.

But fortunately, Li Yutong has played a good interpersonal relationship from the beginning, so they are a little dissatisfied with Li Yutong, but now they are not particularly annoying.

Li Tong even told him where he was in a hurry, so he didn't even want to leave.

In the car, Li Yutong hears Gu Chuli's voice, and subconsciously thinks of what the people of the Li family have just said to her. He is afraid of some of them involuntarily.

So after Gu Chuli asked where she had gone this afternoon, Li Yutong faltered, since he did not say a word.

Li Yutong is afraid.

I'm afraid Gu Chuli will hear something.

But, fortunately, Gu Chuli didn't ask Li Yutong what he was doing. He just asked him to take good care of himself outside. He told himself what happened and hung up the phone.

But Li Yutong looked at the hung up phone, and Gu Chuli's gentle voice. He didn't know what he thought of and blushed.

Where there is just that look of fear.

Li Yutong shook his head, threw out the words of the Li family, sorted out his mood, and then drove back to his home.

Now the people who care for the family do not know that she is not a family person.

So, she still has a chance.

Even if she can't be the daughter of her family, she can do

Think of that man, Li Yutong mouth slightly up, some happy.

Gu Chuli may never dream that his sister, who has been spoiled for five years, has such a mind for himself.……

And it's still that kind of mind.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Mu Qianyue is wearing a white evening dress. The evening dress is open shoulder, and the white shoulder is exposed like this. It is white and white under the light of warm yellow light.

Hair was bathed in the moon into a ball head, some messy tie in the back of the head, exposed white neck goose and clavicle.