The relieved moon suddenly thought of Josie. Anyway, it's boring for Josie to be alone here, and if she leaves, she must be bored at home all day.

So mu Qianyue wanted to give the company to Josie.

As for what will happen to Josie, it is not the matter that mu Qianyue thinks about.

Because there is a big vinegar jar beside her.

Although he said that he bought the company at that time, Lu Zeyuan was not very happy at the beginning. When mu Qianyue was busy with the company, he even wanted to destroy the company.

Fortunately, Mu shallow head melon seed turns quickly, gave this company to Josie son, this just kept this company.

Qiao Si'er slowly enters the meeting room, followed by Liu Yi and Sun Yi. When she sees Qiao Si'er coming in, some directors are silent and do not speak and look at Qiao Si'er.

Although I have imagined that the new president is a woman, and still a relatively young woman, but is this woman too young?

Are you qualified for this position?

Although this group of directors did not say so, they all showed it on their faces.

In fact, josel is twenty-eight, almost thirty years old.

It looks like a little girl in her twenties. Of course, Josie is so well protected by Cheng Yinan, and there is nothing to worry about.

Every day I write a novel at home, even more manuscripts. Although it's a bit of a brain drain, it's OK for Josie.

After all, Josie likes the job.

When josel came in, she went to her place, but instead of sitting down, she looked down at the group, "why don't you say that? Didn't you just say it was quite lively? Go on? "

"Tut, people who don't know think it's a vegetable market. It's noisy and noisy. There's no company like that."

Said josel, glancing at them in disgust.

When Wen Yan just came in, he heard jos'er's words. Almost one of them didn't hold back, so he laughed. Fortunately, Wen Yan still knew where this place was. Although he wanted to laugh, he still held back.


The group of directors below were so flushed by Josie that they couldn't help but get up and point to Josie.

"Who do you think you are, but you're just a CEO with an empty box hanging, and you have the face to talk about us."

Josie looked at the director who was talking. He didn't have any deterrence and expression. But the director who pointed to josel was subconsciously stiff. The whole person was a little frozen and scared.

"By what?" said josel coldly? I am the president now, and I am the person holding the most shares in the company. Are you unconvinced? If you are not convinced, you can go out and no one will stop you. "

Some of the directors didn't know what to say when they were so hostile to Josie.

Or next to a director, looking at the atmosphere some not quite right, pulled the sleeve of the director next to him, "OK, say less."

Because someone gave her a look at her, the director sat down without looking at her. Instead, she turned over the information in front of her, as if she didn't exist.

Without caring about him, he sat down.

I didn't look at the things in front of me. I put them on the table with a slap, and looked at the warm words beside me, "have you brought the people I asked you to bring?"

Wen Yan, who was suddenly named, was a little confused. But thinking of what Josie had asked him to do, he nodded and said, "yes, it's outside. If you want to see her, I'll let her in right away."

Stand outside.

OK, let her stand for a moment.

"It's OK. It's OK to talk about it later."

Then josel turned and looked at the group of directors. "Now you know who I am?"




The man below replied.

Josel: OK, just know. Now let's talk about the last quarter

Said josel.

Because of the bully that Josie gave them just now, they don't dare to act rashly. They think that the new president is a little grumpy and has a bad temper. If they don't agree with each other, they will quarrel.

And now she's the biggest person in the company, and even their shares add up to less than Josie's.

In that case, what else can I do? Anyway, the shares and dividends of the company are almost the same. What they should do is still what they should do. That's all. Listen to me. Anyway, it's just a change of president, and there's not much to do.

Some of the directors with a good mentality give themselves a boost in their own hearts, and look at Josie's eyes is not as scornful as when she didn't come in.After all, the president seems to be a bit fierce.

A group of people started talking about the clothing industry last quarter.

Because this company is a clothing industry company, and can also be regarded as the largest in this clothing industry, so the profits are still considerable.

A director projected something on the big screen and began to speak slowly.

Josel looked at her cell phone, and then looked at the director with some boredom.

I feel like I'm in high school. I don't know.

But seeing that the people nearby were listening very seriously, and Josie was embarrassed to interrupt, so she continued to listen.

If she had been allowed to write novels by herself, she might have been more interested. But now, listening to what they said, she felt that she had a big head.

Yeah? No, that's not what she's here for.

Wen Yan nearby took a look at jos'er, and saw that she was squinting her eyes, a little sleepy.

Wen Yan looks at Josie reluctantly. It is estimated that Josie is the first person who can sleep during the meeting.

Seeing that the director was about to report, Wen Yan pushed Josie.

Josel some discontented stare in the past, looking at Wen Yan winking at himself.

Oh, yes, she is not at home now, but in the company. It seems that she is still in a meeting.

Immediately thinking of what he was doing, Josie woke up suddenly, rubbed her eyes, and sat down in danger.

Just as josel sat up, the director finished his talk.

Josel didn't know how to answer the question, so she looked at Wen Yan.