After all, the families of those with more money will have their own special doctors, and the Cheng family is no exception.

The doctor looked at it for a long time, and asked josel to hold out his other hand.

I just looked at the pulse for about ten minutes.

"I've already said that I'm fine. I'm fine. Why don't you believe me? Look, I haven't seen why you've been watching for so long."

The old doctor suddenly took back his hand and looked at Cheng Yinan. He saw a rare surprise on his wrinkled face. "Congratulations, young lady. It's been half a month. I haven't seen it at first, but I've seen it a few times."

At this point, the old doctor could not help but feel relieved.

Cheng almost lost his temper just now.

"Congratulations to the young master and to the young grandmother." Archie looks at Qiao Si ER and Cheng Yi Nan, some happy way.

Archie has always been around Cheng Yinan. Watching Cheng Yinan do so much for Qiao Si'er, he naturally knows that Cheng Yinan likes Qiao Si'er very much. Now that Qiao Si'er is pregnant, can he not be happy?


Hearing what the doctor said, josel opened her eyes to the doctor in disbelief.

"Are you wrong? Me, am I pregnant? Am I really pregnant? "

Said josel, looking at the doctor. She had no idea that it would happen to her, and so suddenly.

Josie is still thinking about all the people around her who are pregnant and have their own children. When can she be like them? But she didn't expect to realize them all now??

Being questioned about his medical skills, the old doctor is very unhappy, he has worked in the Cheng family for so many years.

Although his medical skills are not as good as Hua Tuo, he is also very proficient in medical skills. After all these years, the Cheng family has never made a mistake.

How can something go wrong?

But the other side was a little grandmother, and, judging from her appearance, it was obvious that she couldn't believe it and didn't mean to, so the old doctor didn't care about joss'son.

"Yes, granny, you've been pregnant for most of the month."

Cheng Yinan: "you go out first."

Cheng Yinan made a speech. Naturally, they had to go out.

But before going out, the old doctor thought of what josel had just said and said to her, "young grandma, the one you just said should be braised fish in brown sauce, right? In fact, it's not that it has a strong fishy smell, and because you are pregnant, your taste is more sensitive than others. "

After saying this, the old doctor went out.

Leave Cheng Yinan and Josie son in the bedroom, two people big eyes stare small eyes.

"Ah, I'm pregnant. I'm really pregnant."

Cheng si'nan comes up from the trampoline.

Cheng Yinan jumped between eyebrows and eyes, and caught Josie. "You are pregnant now. How dare you jump like this? You should notice that there is a small life in your stomach."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. I'm not so happy. I'm really pregnant."

Qiao Si Er looks at Cheng Yi Nan with a smile on her face.

Qiao Si'er, who pours on Cheng Yinan's arms, doesn't see it. Cheng Yinan's face is not half happy. His face is dark and gloomy, which is obviously a little unhappy.

It's just that Josie doesn't find out now.

Cheng Yinan originally thought about jos'er talking about children, but it was just on the spur of the moment, and he didn't want to have children now. After all, after all, two people's lives have been too long, and suddenly there is a little girl's head, and that person may compete with him for favors. Cheng Yinan just thinks about it, and he feels that he can't stand it.

However, Cheng Yinan looks at Josie so happy, after all, he doesn't say anything more.

Josel touched her stomach, a little surprised that she was really pregnant.


Now, Josie is immersed in her own joy. She doesn't find out what kind of food they eat when she comes back from Yu Zhiyu.

Qiao Si Er held Cheng Yinan for a while, then let go of Cheng Yinan's hand, and took Cheng Yinan toward the bottom. "OK, let's go to dinner now. I'm fine. I'm not full yet."

Now, Qiao Si'er has been thinking about the dishes that Cheng Yinan cooked.

"Didn't you just look at that one and feel sick? Can you still eat it? "

Josel frowned and said so.

"Then you go down and open the braised fish. I ate those dishes well just now. But when I saw the braised fish, the whole person had some nausea. It must be just that dish, and the other dishes are nothing."Josie looks at Cheng Yinan road.

"I'll ask if you can eat it."

Cheng Yinan this time is not Qiao Si er a coquettish agreed.

Although he didn't want the baby to come, now that he was pregnant, he should take good care of her body. After all, this is not only a child, but also Josie.

"Ask who?"

Some of josel didn't respond.

When the reaction comes over, Cheng Yinan has already left?

Just asked the doctor just now.

Josie sits in the room and takes out her mobile phone. She can't help sending a message to Mu Qianyue.

"Shallow moon, I am pregnant! Ha ha ha

The last few ha ha ha, enough to show the good mood of Josie now.

Josie couldn't help her good mood. She made a circle of friends, but she didn't say that she was pregnant. She just expressed her special happiness now.

Mu Qianyue doesn't go back to Josie now.

Just when Qiao Si'er is ready to go out to look for Cheng Yinan, Cheng Yinan comes in, and jos'er runs over slowly, "what's up? What did the doctor say? Can I have those dishes? "

It must be able to eat, after all, she just ate with such relish.

Cheng Yinan looked at the bright eyes of Josie and nodded.

"That's great. I'll tell you, those things must be edible."

Said josel, trying to run downstairs.

However, Cheng Yinan, who has a quick eye and a quick hand, is caught.

"What's the matter?"

"Slow down."

"Oh, yes, I'm pregnant now."

Cheng Yinan holds Qiao Si'er downstairs, obeys Qiao Si'er's meaning, opens the dish of stewed fish in brown sauce, and gives Josie a bowl of rice again.

Josel ate several bowls of food, and she was satisfied.