Mu shallow month some apologetic looking at Lu Beichen, to Lu Beichen way.

Then he held Lu Beichen in his arms.

"It's OK, Mommy. I don't blame you."

"Well, that's good."

Mu Qianyue today is wearing a white dress, skirt just to the knee position, where exposed white fiber legs, two arms are also.

Lu Beichen is also wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts today.

That small arm crus son's thus exposed, the body still has the smell of milk fragrance, evil smell.

Lu Beichen looked at the back. He didn't see Lu Zeyuan's figure. He couldn't help asking, "where's daddy, Mommy?"

Now Lu Beichen has accepted Lu Zeyuan. After all, Lu Zeyuan is very good at everything except robbing his mother with them. He is also very good to himself.

Mu Qianyue's face is still burning. I don't know if it's because of the incident just now. But now when I hear Lu Beichen's question, mu Qianyue finds that she can't find any answer.

After thinking about it, he replied, "well, your father is changing clothes, and he will come out soon."


Lu Beichen Oh, continue to stay in the arms of the moon.

Well, it's better to be in the arms of Mommy.

If mommy's been held by his father now, if he's not holding it, then he'll be holding it for sure.

Lu Beichen thinks that he would like Lu Zeyuan to stay in it for a while, so that he can hold his mother for a while.

It's just that it's impossible.

Lu Beichen is preparing to come down from mu Qianyue's arms. He can't let his mother hold him for a long time, because if he holds him for a long time, his hands will be painful and sour.

However, when Lu Beichen is ready to come down, Lu Beichen inadvertently sees those red skin on mu Qianyue's neck, as if he had been beaten.

Lu Beichen see, suddenly, the whole person is not good, want to pick up, but found more of these things.

Mu Qianyue naturally feels that Lu Beichen has jumped up a little in her arms, but she thinks it's just Lu Beichen who is afraid of falling down, so she wants to hold tight. She doesn't know what Lu Beichen's mood is like now.

What Lu Beichen can't see most is that his mother is injured. All of a sudden, the birds in his eyes are full of tears. His small mouth comes close to him and wants to help him blow on the moon. "Mommy doesn't hurt. Xiaochen blows for you."

Mu Qianyue only feels Lu Beichen's warm breath blowing out on his neck, some itching, but when he hears Lu Beichen's words, mu Qianyue still has some mistiness.


"Xiaochen, what's the matter?"

Mu shallow moon holds Lu Beichen down and looks at Lu Beichen with some doubts.

Lu Beichen raised his small face and looked at mu Qianyue, "Mommy, did your father beat you?"

Mu Qianyue: "no, why is Xiaochen so..."

Mu Qianyue's words haven't been finished yet. She thinks that Lu Beichen was lying on her neck just now, and she is wearing a white dress today. She just can cover up those traces.

Lu Beichen didn't see those things, did he?

Think of what Lu Beichen said and what he did.

For a time, Mu shallow moon's face some embarrassment, looking at Lu Beichen do not know what to say.

How to explain this kind of thing?

But in hearing Lu Beichen say that Lu Zeyuan hit her, Mu shallow moon did not want to deny.

Mu shallow Moon: "no, Xiaochen, dad didn't beat Mommy."

Xiaochen or reluctantly looking at Mu shallow moon, pointing to those red and red traces on her neck, she asked, "what are these things? It's only when they are beaten. They're all red. Recently, mummy is with her father. Who's the one who won't fight? "

Lu Beichen said, suddenly went up, a hug Mu shallow moon, raised his small head to look at Mu shallow moon, "Mommy, we don't want dad, OK, just like before, we three people live together, dad is a bad guy."

Mu Qianyue

Mu shallow month cannot help but move his eyes, cough twice.

You can't let Lu Beichen misunderstand Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue squatted down and looked at Lu Beichen, "Xiaochen, my father didn't beat Mommy. My father is so good to Mommy. How could he beat mummy, right? These marks on mummy's neck are bitten by mosquitoes and have nothing to do with dad. Really. "

Lu Beichen: really

Mu Qianyue immediately nodded: "really, of course it is. Did Mommy cheat you? It's really just a mosquito bite. "

Mu shallow moon is very sure to point his head.

Also afraid that Lu Beichen didn't believe it, he picked up a little of his half sleeve lotus leaf sleeve and showed it to Lu Beichen, "really, there are some on mommy's arm, which are bitten by mosquitoes."Lu Beichen, should not know what this is?

In order to coax Lu Beichen, mu Qianyue is also bold. Fortunately, when she changed clothes today, she took a look at the traces on her body, and then she found such a skirt to change.

Lu Beichen or some doubts looking at Mu shallow moon, "mosquito bite? But when my brother and I sleep together, there are no mosquitoes? "

Muqianyue breathed a sigh of relief, "that's because when you were sleeping, mummy ordered mosquito repellent liquid in your room, so there were no mosquitoes. But last night, Mommy forgot to light mosquito repellent liquid, so she was bitten, and there was some itching. It will be OK in two days. It's OK. Xiaochen, don't worry about it."

After Mu shallow month such good and bad talk, Lu Beichen this is the letter that can be Kan.

After such a interruption, Lu Beichen almost forgot to call his mother.

Lu Beichen: "mummy, let's go down to dinner. Later, you will send my brother and me to school."

Mu shallow moon points Lu Beichen's small nose, some funny looking at Lu Beichen: "yesterday you don't want to go to kindergarten, how can't wait today."

Lu Beichen: "yesterday was yesterday, today is today. Let's go."

Mu Qianyue: "can Xiaochen go down by himself? Mommy, let's go to see if Dad's clothes have been changed. Will you come down with dad? Just wait a minute. We'll have a good meal

Lu Beichen is reluctant to leave his mouth, but because it is mu shallow Moon said, so Lu Beichen also points his small head, that he knows.