The teacher took Lu Beichen, introduced Lu Beichen to the children, and then watched them play there.

Lu Beichen and they get along very well, the teacher looked for a while and then returned to Mu shallow moon's side.

Mu Qianyue also looks at Lu Beichen playing there. It seems that the fusion with those children is not bad.

The teacher followed mu Qianyue's eyes to see the past, and said with a smile: "Xiaochen is very good and obedient, and you can see that he likes you very much."

"He's the best kid I've ever seen. Other kids, when their parents send them over, either cry or make a lot of noise. You don't know at that time, it's really hard to coax! It's a little better now. "

Mu Qianyue: "after all, these children have lived at home for so many years, and they are all brought up by their own parents. Suddenly, when they come down to a strange environment, they may be afraid, but as they get familiar here, they won't be like this after they get up."

The teacher nodded, "yes."

"Now these children are quite obedient."

"How old is Xiaochen this year?"

"Four and a half years old."

"Is this your first visit to kindergarten?"

"Yes, he didn't like to come to kindergarten before. In addition, he had a brother at home who would teach him some knowledge from time to time, so he didn't send him."

Teacher: "in fact, it's better for a child to come to the kindergarten for a period of time, so that he can talk with these friends in the kindergarten, which will be good for him in the future."

Mu shallow month: "mm-hmm, yes, so now I still send him to kindergarten."

Qiao Yu is obediently standing beside Mu shallow moon, Lu Zeyuan is also, two people did not speak.

The teacher looked at Qiao Yu beside mu Qianyue and asked in surprise, "is this also your child?"

Mu shallow month looked at Qiao Yu, "yes, he is also Xiao Chen's brother."

"You are very happy."

The teacher looked at mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan and suddenly said a word.

"Thank you."

After standing here for a while, mu Qianyue felt a little tired, so he went to the chair beside him and sat down to watch Lu Beichen play.

Looking at Qiao Yu, who didn't speak, mu Qianyue rubbed Qiao Yu's head. "Xiao Yu, do you want to play? Go and play with my brother."

Joe shook his head. "No, I'll be here with mommy."

And what he didn't say is that he is now so old that he has already stopped playing those games.

Those who watched Qiao Yu sit quietly on one side without talking, and then looked at Lu Zeyuan, who was sitting next to him, and raised eyebrows.

I just think they are so similar now.

Lu Zeyuan is also a person sitting there quietly, no one to talk to him, or ask him anything, he will not speak, Qiao Yu is now like this.

I really don't know how to raise such a disposition.

And Qiao Yu was brought up by her all the time. How could she be like this now?

Mu shallow month in the heart some wonder.

Anyway, today muqianyue has already asked for a day's leave. In order to sign up for two children's studies, Lu Beichen has such a good time there alone. Mu Qianyue feels happy to see it.

After all, Lu Beichen will spend more than a year here.

When mu Qianyue was thinking about these things, Lu Beichen, who was playing with the children on the other side, did not know when he came to Mu Qianyue's side. "Mommy, I don't want to play anymore. Let's go home."

Mu Qianyue held Lu Beichen in his arms, wiped the sweat on Lu Beichen's forehead and asked, "why don't you want to play? I had a good time just now

Lu Beichen skimmed his small mouth. "At first, I thought it was very interesting, but after playing for a while, I didn't think it was interesting. It's better to go home and play."

Mu shallow month hears Lu Beichen's answer, immediately some are unable to smile, originally this child is only three minutes of heat?

Then he will stay here for more than a year. What should we do? There's no interest now.

"Then you will come to kindergarten from tomorrow. You can't help but listen to the teacher's words. You have to come to kindergarten every day, except on weekends, you can't come, OK?"

Mu shallow moon see landing Beichen small face, some helpless way.

Lu Beichen nodded his little head. "OK, I know. Mommy, can we go now?"

"Well, let's go." Mu shallow moon to see landing in Beichen that look a bit funny.

I can't wait to go back.

Mu shallow month and the teacher said a, and then took two children back.

With two children to sign up, it's only ten o'clock now, it's still early.

Mu Qianyue thinks for a moment that they will all go to school tomorrow, and she and Lu Zeyuan are also busy with their work. It is better to take their two children out and have a good time today.Mu Qianyue suggested, "why don't we go to the amusement park today? Will you go? " Mu shallow month says, the eye looks at Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu.

Lu Beichen blinked his eyes, "go!"

"What about Xiao Yu? Want to go to the amusement park? "

Joey nodded his head. "I want to go."

Mu Qianyue: "OK, let's go to the amusement park."

"Husband, do you have no opinion?"

After asking the two children's opinions, mu Qianyue still hasn't forgotten Lu Zeyuan. She immediately turns her head and looks at Lu Zeyuan, smiling at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan:

Looking at this kind of Mu shallow moon, what can he say to refuse?


It's a very cold one, eh.

Mu shallow moon some secretly happy smile.

When Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu didn't see it, they caught Lu Zeyuan's hand and put their small hand into Lu Zeyuan's hand.

Immediately, Mu's small hands were held by Lu Zeyuan's big hands.

Mu Qianyue leans on Lu Zeyuan's shoulder and looks at two children.

Mu shallow month closed his eyes, lips slowly raised a smile, so it is very good.

I went to a big amusement park, where there are all kinds of things to play and eat.

Mu Qianyue and his family get off the bus and stand in front of the amusement park. Lu Beichen seems to like the appearance here very much. As soon as he gets off the bus, he can't wait to get in.

"Xiaochen, your father will lead you."

Mu shallow moon looks at Lu Beichen standing beside him and says.

"I'm going to Hold Mommy."

"Be obedient. There are so many people in the amusement park. What should I do if I get lost later?"

Hear Mu shallow moon this sentence, Lu Beichen this just some reluctant past to lead Lu Zeyuan's hand.