Children's eyes can not help looking at Mo baby.

Today, Mo baby is wearing a pink fluffy skirt and pink leather shoes. Her hair is combed into two small braids, which are tied in the back of her head.

A delicate face is tight, no smile, but looks good-looking, although a small face, but some cute, especially good-looking.

"Well, Xiaobei, introduce yourself to the children."

The teacher said to Mo Baobao.

Can't call baby, then can only call Xiaobei.

"My name is mo baby."

Even less than Lu Beichen introduced.

"How beautiful she is

"Yes, she is more beautiful than Xiaoya."

Children looking at Mo baby, you a word I began to say.

The nominated Chen Xiaoya takes a look at Mo baby and lowers her head.

She, she seems to look better than herself.

Because there is only one position in the class, Mo baby has to sit with Chen Hu.

Lu Beichen looks at Mo baby and his eyes are bright. He seems to be different from other children in this kindergarten.

The child's temper comes quickly and goes quickly. He was talking about Chen Hu's bad things just now, but the next second, he forgot and played together again.

After class, the children all ran out to play. There were still two people sitting in the classroom.

That is mo Baobao and Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen looked at the people who had such a good time and turned his mouth. He didn't play those things when he was three years old.

Mo baby looked at Lu Beichen and dropped her eyes. This person, she knew.

It's the family I met when I was on the plane, and the gentle Mommy.

Mo baby is holding her chin. What about her mother?

One day in kindergarten, it's time for children to go home.

Children are their own parents to pick up, or, some parents do not have time, will let other people to pick up the children.

Lu Beichen is also watching, do not know who is to pick up their own.

It should be grandfather Zeng. After all, dad has to go to work, and mummy has to go to work.

"Xiaochen, your mother is here to pick you up."

The teacher's voice rang out, Lu Beichen heard the two words the teacher said. He looked up in surprise and found that mu Qianyue was standing in front of him.


Lu Beichen called out and rushed to the moon.


Mu shallow moon smile at Lu Beichen, when Lu Beichen comes, catch Lu Beichen.

Rubbing Lu Beichen's head, he asked, "did you listen to the teacher's words in school? How are you getting along with the other children? "

Lu Beichen ordered his small head, "I have obedient to the teacher's words."

"How nice." Mu shallow moon embraces landing Beichen and kisses Lu Beichen's cheek.

Lu Beichen also went back to kiss the moon.

"Mommy, I miss you so much. How could you pick me up today?"

Mu Qianyue: "because today is your first day of kindergarten, so Mommy must come to pick you up."


"Mummy, let's go."


Mu shallow moon embrace landing Beichen, is ready to leave, but suddenly found a line of sight straight at himself.

Mu shallow moon some doubts, look up to see, kindergarten inside, wearing a pink princess skirt of a girl, is staring at themselves.

Mo baby didn't think he could see her here, this gentle woman, Mo baby looked at Mu shallow moon and Lu Beichen's interaction, some envy.

His eyes fell on Lu Beichen, and he felt that Lu Beichen was very happy.

Mo baby didn't expect Mu shallow moon will look in the past, a little flustered for a time, gazing at Mu shallow month's small eyes quickly received back.

Mu shallow month looks at Mo baby, a smile appears on her face, and asks Lu Beichen, "is that little girl your classmate?"

Lu Beichen followed mu Qianyue's eyes to look at the past, nodded, "mm-hmm, is today's new, called Mo baby, I like her very much, I feel very comfortable looking at her."

Mu shallow Moon: "well, it's really pretty. I'm young, and I'll have someone I like."

Lu Beichen frowned on his small eyebrows, "it's not. Anyway, I just think that she and I should be very close."

When mu Qianyue wants to see the little girl again, the little girl has disappeared.

Mu shallow month in the heart has a little light of loss.

"Mommy, what's the matter?"

Lu Beichen looks at the moon with some doubts.Mu shallow Moon: "it's OK, let's go back."


Lu Beichen can stay in this kindergarten. Since he scared Chen Hu to cry, Chen Hu likes to follow Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen is completely regarded as a boss.

Lu Beichen and Mo Baobao also became good friends, because they both seemed to be more mature. Mo Baobao didn't want to play with these children. Lu Beichen was the same, so they became good friends.

Mo baby looks at Lu Beichen, but can't help but think of Mu shallow moon.

She pursed her lips and asked Lu Beichen, "who is going to pick you up today?"

Lu Beichen looked up, "it should be great grandfather."

"You, Mommy won't come to pick you up?"

Speaking of mummy, Lu Beichen is obviously very happy, "I don't know this. If mummy is busy playing with her work, she will come to pick me up."

"What's the matter?"

"It's OK."

Mo baby moved his eyes, will not tell Lu Beichen, she likes his mother.

Mo baby is thinking, if he has such a mother, then how good.

Or, she can create conditions for daddy to be her own mother.

This is the first time in a long time that Mo baby likes a woman so much.

I want her to be my mother.

I didn't expect that my mother came to pick me up today.

Lu Beichen saw Mu shallow moon, can't help but toward Mu shallow moon rushed in the past.


Mu Qianyue hugs Lu Beichen with a smile.

In fact, if she can, she wants to pick Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu to and from school every day. After all, it's her own child. Mu Qianyue still wants to do it by herself.

So, after the business of muqianyue company is finished, they will go to pick up Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu from school.

However, Mu shallow moon came to Lu Beichen today, and found a trace of difference.

Lu Beichen's side stood a little girl, the little girl looked and Lu Beichen almost the same size, a pair of watery big eyes looking at Mu shallow moon, eyes do not take a blink.

Lu Beichen jumps down from Mu shallow moon's body.