It's very rare for us to look like this today.

What's more, seeing Lu Beichen like this, I'm not surprised.

Mu Qianyue whispered to Lu Zeyuan: "that little girl is Xiaochen's friend. I don't think her parents have come to pick her up, so I brought her back. I'll send her back after dinner."


Lu Zeyuan holds mu Qianyue's hand.

Mu shallow moon white Lu Zeyuan, decided to stay away from Lu Zeyuan.

"Honey, what do you like to eat? My aunt asked them to do it. "

Mu shallow month came to Mo baby's side, asked.

Say aunt these two words, Mu shallow month oneself feel some strange.

Mu shallow month feels, be because oneself already old reason.

Mo baby clever response to the voice, "I can, I am not picky."

If it's Mo Lishu here, hear the words of Mo baby.

Take a look at Mo baby's clever appearance in front of the moon. Maybe you'll be angry.

He worked hard to raise Mo baby for five years. He did everything by himself. There was no fake hand.

Mo baby is not picky about his food, doesn't he know?

Now she is so clever in front of others that she is not picky about food, and even more clever than in front of him.

Although Mo baby is very clever and obedient in front of Mo Li Su, she looks like a little cotton padded jacket.

But why this scene fell in front of others, Mo Li Su's heart is not very bad taste.

Of course, this scene has never been known.

"Good boy."

Mu shallow moon rubbed Mo baby's head.

Mu Qianyue doesn't know why she likes Mo baby so much, why she likes to be close to Mo baby so much.

Maybe it's because mu Qianyue had a daughter before. Now she can't help thinking of her daughter when she looks at Mo baby.

Mu shallow month thinks, on the face can't help but be soft a few minutes.

Mo baby blinked and looked at the moon, some shy bow head, smile.

Today's dinner was very rich, because of the arrival of Mo baby, the people present were also very enthusiastic, and Mr. Lu seemed to like the appearance of Mo baby very much.

Of course, in addition to Lu Zeyuan, he has been sitting beside mu Qianyue with a straight face. All the people present are very enthusiastic and happy.

Because Mo baby also likes to sit with mu Qianyue.

Lu Zeyuan has already sat on the other side of the moon.

So Lu Beichen had to give up the position beside him to Mo baby.

Sitting next to Mo baby, mu Qianyue looks at Mo baby, and asks from time to time what Mo baby likes to eat, and then keeps putting vegetables for Mo baby.

Lu Zeyuan, sitting next to the moon, saw Mo baby.

See Mu shallow moon to Mo baby this appearance, can't help but some taste.

Not to mention Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen looks at mu Qianyue's good appearance to Mo baby. He feels that there is something wrong with him, as if this seat is his.

Mu Qianyue's appearance to Mo baby is like that of his mother before.

However, children are still children after all. No matter how much Lu Beichen thinks about it, he will not go deep into it.

Mo baby thinks that this is the best meal that he has ever had. The happy appearance of his family is not the appearance of himself and his father.

Mo baby here, completely forget Mo Lisu now, still stay in the office, so long did not receive Mo baby sent, let him go to pick up baby's message.

Mo Lisu is now in the office, and the whole person can't sit still.

Some of the irascible are walking around the office.

Ze a at the side looking at Mo Li Su's appearance, also dare not go forward to say what.

After all, miss is the person the president cares about most. Now, only the president knows what to do.

They can't say anything. Even if they say something, the president may not listen.

I have told the president that when the young lady grows up, she will have her own friends, and she will find her own boyfriend later. However, the president does not seem to put it in his heart.

Now, it's not that miss can't leave you, but you can't leave Miss.

Imperial Palace of brocade.

Mo baby after dinner, and played for a while, bathed in the light of the moon to see the sky outside.

It's already six o'clock now. Although it's still bright outside, if you wait a little longer, it will be dark outside.

It's not good to go back after dark.

And Mo baby's parents have not called, do not know whether to forget Mo baby, or something is too busy did not come.

Looking at the Mo baby sitting on the sofa, mu Qianyue doesn't know why. He is a little agitated. Is it because Mo baby's parents didn't come to pick up Mo baby and didn't put Mo baby in his heart?So obedient and clever a child, unexpectedly let her wait in the kindergarten alone?

Originally, he was just an unimportant person and also a friend of Lu Beichen.

Mu Qianyue feels that she should not have much position to tell Mo baby's parents and how her parents and parents are.

But I don't know why, as long as I think that they put Mo baby in kindergarten for a long time before they came to pick her up, or sometimes they forgot things and didn't come to pick her up.

Mu shallow month's heart is very uncomfortable.

Mu shallow month came to Mo baby's side, quietly asked, "baby, do you have a phone call from Mom and dad? It's very late now. Auntie will take you home

Hear Mu shallow Moon said words, Mo baby this just touched out his small mobile phone to see, now it is so late.

Little lips pursed, she never felt that time passed so fast.

Are you leaving now?

In the heart some do not give up.

Mo baby nodded, "there's a call from dad, I'll call dad."


Mu shallow moon sits beside Mo baby.

After receiving the call from Mo baby, Mo Lisu finally breathes a sigh of relief. It seems that baby still remembers his father.

Ze a listen to Mo Li Su constantly urged him to drive the car faster, some silent in the heart.

Just now, who could not sit in the office and said that if Miss didn't call him again, he would not care about her. Now, who is in such a hurry and panic.

Until the car slowly into the palace, this section of the villa.

Mo Li Su slightly narrowed his eyes.

Since Mo baby said he wanted to go to kindergarten, Mo Lisu had already mastered the information of those children in the kindergarten.

The information doesn't say that anyone can afford to live here.