Nature is his and Mu shallow moon two person's two person world.

Can you be unhappy?

This wedding is also a good opportunity. At least, people in business can meet people they want to meet.

In the future, we can do business in the market.

Mu Qianyue also wants to go.

But look at the man standing by his side, Mu shallow moon or only put this idea to rest.

It may be estimated that she has not said a word with others. The air conditioning of the person next to her can scare people away.

This evening, Mu shallow month also did not say what, open two people's relations to open it.

The relationship between them should also be made public at this time.

Just as mu Qianyue is going to take Lu Zeyuan and sit in any place, a man stops in front of Mu Qianyue.

And this man is the protagonist of this evening.

At this time, the man standing in front of the moon is not like the wind, but who can it be?

Feng Ruge is wearing a white gauze skirt, holding a glass of red wine in his right hand, and holding a man in his other hand.

Just now it was a little far away, so mu Qianyue didn't see what the man looked like.

But now you can see it clearly.

I saw that the man who was held by the wind like song was wearing the same white suit with a brooch pinned on his chest.

It's very tall. It should be 1.9 meters. It's very white. It's very handsome. After all, foreigners are so tall.

But their own men are not bad!

Well, it's crushing!

Mu Qianyue looks at the wind such as song, some illusion, the wind such as the song should not come to her to show off her boyfriend?

Oh, no, it's my husband now.

In the light of the moon in the muddle.

A slight pain on the hand, Mu shallow month hastily takes back own vision, looks at Lu Zeyuan: "how?"

Lu Zeyuan a pair of dark eyes looking at Mu shallow moon, did not speak.

Mu shallow moon is almost an instant to understand.

When she just looked at that man for a long time, he would not be jealous because of this, right?

As it turns out, it's what mu Qianyue thought.

Wind such as song smile, "did not see you just now, I thought you did not come."

Said, put the red wine into his mouth, slightly sipped a sip, and then smiling at the moon.

People who don't know think they are so good friends.

But only the two of them know what the relationship is.

Mu shallow Moon: "promised you things, how can not come, congratulations ah, now finally have their own love of people."

Mu shallow month this words a, feel oneself is saying wrong words.

And the wind such as song's eyes, in Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan's body looked around, "thank you."

Mu Qianyue is a little curious. Why does Feng ruoguo stay with a foreign man?

And it seems that the relationship between the two should still be very good.

Perhaps seeing the curiosity in Mu's eyes, the wind sings: "if you are interested, I can tell you when you have time."

The tone and attitude of Feng Ru Ge is just like two people are very good friends.

Let Mu shallow month some scalp is numb, answer a way: "need not."

After all, there are so many people here waiting for them to toast.

Mu shallow month looks at the wind such as the song's back, straight feels the wind like the song, certainly is comes to show off.

I don't know what to show off? She's married? Or do you have a boyfriend who is no worse than Lu Zeyuan?

Oh, no, husband.

Mu shallow month some boring yawn, to Lu Zeyuan way, "look for the child, found us to go back."

Of course, Lu Zeyuan agreed. He wanted to go back for a long time.

Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu in the mouth of Mu shallow moon are playing with Mo baby.

There was no Lu Beichen just now. The reason why he wanted to come over was because he saw Mo baby.

Mo baby naturally also saw Lu Beichen, two people seem to have a good heart like that, get rid of adults, a few children play together.

In fact, Mo baby wants to be with mu Qianyue in the past.

However, I was afraid that Daddy would be angry.

"Baby, are you here, too?" Lu Beichen looks at Mo baby with surprise.

Mo baby nodded, "daddy said that the uncle who married today is his good friend, so we came."

Almost all Lu Beichen is talking with Mo baby, and Qiao Yu is standing quietly on one side.

Qiao Yu is not a person who talks a lot.

Qiao Yu looks at Mo baby who is talking with Lu Beichen. He doesn't know why. He just feels that Mo baby is familiar with him?But Qiao Yu also knew that he had never seen Mo baby.

When several people were playing together, there was a rustling sound in the grass nearby.

Lu Beichen and Mo baby can't help but stop talking and look over there.

Because it's open-air, and it's the highest floor, so there's still greenery on it, and some trees and grass are no exception.

"Can't it be something?"

Lu Beichen looked at that side, his eyes did not blink, but some curious meaning.

"I don't know. Anyway, just be careful."

Said Joyu.

He is the biggest one here, so he has to take good care of them. Moreover, Qiao Yu also likes Mo baby very much.

"Shall we go and have a look?"

"Good." Mo baby is in line with Tao.

Qiao Yu walks in front, Mo baby and Lu Beichen follow Qiao Yu.

Several people have something to be surprised, but also with a little bit of fear.

The closer we get, the clearer the rustling sound.

"Well, these people are gone. They're just bored to death."

At the same time, the voice of a person who jumped out of Beijiao was suddenly heard.


Feng Zixuan suddenly jumped out of the grass and saw three people standing in front of him. He could not help but cry out in fear.

But then I don't know what I thought of and suddenly covered my mouth.

Not only Feng Zixuan, but Lu Beichen and Mo Baobao are also frightened.

A person suddenly jumped out of the grass, can't it be frightening?

It's just, how could this guy be here?

"Who are you?"

Feng Zixuan looks up at her small head and asks Mo Baobao about them.

Lu Beichen didn't like Feng Zixuan's attitude. He frowned and replied, "who are we? What's your business? Have not asked you, squatting in the grass, rustling why? "

"I asked her, not you." Feng Zixuan has been staring at Mo baby since she came out.