Mo Li Su's eyes and cold toward Feng Zixuan looked in the past, "child?"

As early as someone found something wrong, they had already run in the past, ready to inform the wind like song.

After all, the owner of this wedding ceremony is still like a song from the wind.

At this time, the wind like song and the wind father and mother are in, a servant rushed in, "Miss, no good, young master, young master, he..."

Wind such as song has not yet made a sound, the wind father and the wind mother can not help but say, "what's the matter with young master? Tell me

Wind such as song toward the wind father and wind mother light look at the past, "urgent what?"

The servant gasped for breath and said, "young master, it seems to have offended the president of Lu's group."


The wind father couldn't help but get up and stare at the servant.

"What's going on?"

What else did the servant want to say, but she was interrupted by the wind mother, "what do you care about now? Come on over there

The only thing in Feng's mind now is that Zixuan has offended Lu Zeyuan.

Thinking of Lu Zeyuan's tactics, Feng mu can't help but be afraid that Feng Zixuan will be bullied and hurt.

"What are you doing here? Lead the way The wind father roared at the servant.

The servant came back to God and quickly took his father and mother to the other side.

What they don't know now is that Feng Zixuan has not only offended Lu Zeyuan, but also Mo Lishu.

We should know that Mo Li Su's means are no less than Lu Zeyuan's.

Feng Ruge turned her eyes a little bored. It was her brother who made up the whole thing, and even offended Lu Zeyuan.

Now it's up to them to protect him.

Grosse next to him looked at the wind and asked, "shall we go with you?"

"Go! Of course

Such a good play is rare for a hundred years. She would like to see how Feng Zixuan offended Lu Zeyuan and other people.

Feng Zixuan really deserved it.

Originally that character was the wind father, and the wind mother pet is not the same, now put him on the wedding, can not offend people?

Over the years, Feng Ruge doesn't know how many aftercare things have been handled for Feng Zixuan, and Feng Zixuan is still ungrateful.

Naturally thought that is what she should do, so said the wind such as the song to this younger brother also is really speechless, also hates him very much.

The wind is like a song, following the father and mother of the wind.

She was a little agitated. She should have had a happy day at her wedding. Who knew that Feng Zixuan had such a thing, she asked her to help solve it.

Grosse seemed to know what the wind was like in his heart. He put his arm around his shoulder, held the wind close to his arms, and said to her, "when this matter is finished, let's go abroad, so that we don't have to be here or look at them in the eye."

The wind is like a song: "good."

After Feng Zixuan was born, all the family members in this family have already ground Fengru song.

Also see, wind father and wind mother dote on people is what kind.

"Zeichi, take the man away."

Mo Lisu just looked at Feng Zixuan, then took back his own eyes, as if to see more, like dirty his eyes.

When Feng Fu and Feng Mu just came here, they heard Mo Lisu say this. They were shocked and rushed to Feng Zixuan's side.

Looking at Feng Zixuan who is escorted by his bodyguard, they are heartbroken.

They hold their sons everywhere. Now they treat them like this by a little bodyguard.

Even if Feng Zixuan did something wrong, he is also a child. Can we use this? big deal.

"Who are you? Is Zixuan what you want to take away? "

The wind mother looked at Mo Li Su, and the whole person was not angry.

Looking at the bodyguard, "let go of my son, or I'll be rude to you."

"I'd like to see what you want to do to my bodyguard."

When the wind mother said that sentence, a cool and cold voice suddenly came from behind, and it was also familiar.

Feng Fu turns around and sees Lu Zeyuan, who has just changed his clothes.

The heart is shocked, can't really like that servant said, he really offended Lu Zeyuan?

Feng's father stepped forward and came to Lu Zeyuan's side. He said, "I don't know where the son of a dog is. Mr. Lu has offended him. Let me go back to have a good education."

Lu Zeyuan didn't even look at Feng Fu. He bypassed Feng Fu directly and came to Mu Qianyue's side, holding mu Qianyue.

But found that Mu shallow month did not care, he came back, eyes straight at another direction.Lu Zeyuan along the direction of Mu shallow moon to see the past, eye is a particularly delicate and beautiful man.

Male and female are indistinguishable.

Lu Zeyuan took mu Qianyue's hand tightly.

He doesn't go to the gap between changing clothes. Who is this man?

Suddenly, there are more hands on his waist. Mu Qianyue knows that Lu Zeyuan is back, but he still can't help but don't want to take his eyes back.

She wanted to look at her daughter like this all the time. After so many years, she finally found her.

The hands on her waist are getting tighter and tighter. Mu Qianyue feels that if she hasn't put her eyes back, her waist will be cut off by Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue takes back her eyes and explains, "I didn't look at him."

She was just looking at her daughter.

Lu Zeyuan is so ignored. Moreover, Lu Zeyuan is still flirting with a woman like this. Feng Fu's face is not good-looking.

"Good nephew, you see, I don't know what Zixuan did wrong. I asked you to treat him like this. Zixuan is still young now. No matter what he did just now, I apologize for him. Do you think it's ok? "

Lu Zeyuan's mouth showed a trace of sneer, "since so many years, you have not educated him well, then I might as well help you with education. What do you think?"

"Lu Zeyuan! Don't go too far! Don't think your Lu family can cover the sky with one hand in Kyoto. Our Feng family also has a place in Kyoto

Before he could speak, he was robbed by his mother.

Hearing this, Feng Fu just wants to slap her!

What's all this talk about!

Only add fuel to the fire!

"Ha ha, I don't know if my Mohist school has a place in Kyoto?" Ink from the sun in the side of the slow long mouth.

If you dare to bully his baby, you should be prepared to bear his anger.

His baby, no matter what, he was reluctant to fight and say a word.