If we say, in the past, Mo Li Su took Mo baby back, just thought it was fun and curious.

Now, I have raised Mo baby for five years, and in the past five years, I have brought up Mo baby by myself.

The feelings among them are unimaginable to ordinary people, so today there is this scene, this thing, but no matter what, Mo Lishu will not give Mo baby out.

He doesn't care whose child Mo baby is, but now Mo baby is his child.

Mo Li Su looked at Mo baby and turned out.

Ze is standing by the door of the bedroom, see Mo Li Su came out to call out, "president."

Mo Li Su, "what's the matter?"

Ze looked at Mo Li Su's appearance, only felt that Mo Li Su really forgot that woman?

Thanks to him, he still thinks that Mo Lishu should remember that woman.

It turned out that he thought more about everything by himself.

Ze Yi covered his face in silence.

Ze Yi also sees that Mo Li's affection for Mo baby is not general. It is estimated that if the real miss's biological parents come to visit her.

The president said that he would not let people go. If they were civilians, ordinary people were OK, but the family was Lu's group in Kyoto.

It's a little difficult.

In the past, I thought that if the president casually brought a child back to raise him, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with him. But now the problem is coming. How should this matter be solved?

Would you like to return the lady directly?

The president would not agree, would he?

What about that? Take over the young lady directly?

The people of the Lu family are not fuel-efficient lamps. It is estimated that they will not be able to do so.

Ze suddenly felt some brain wide pain.

Mo Li has been seeing Ze for half a day without saying a word. After a look at Ze, he sees Ze Yi's face strangely looking at himself.

Mo Li Su, "if you have anything to say." He has to go back to sleep with his baby.

Mo Li Su has no consciousness of robbing other people's baby.

Well, zeichi can see it now.

Ze looked at Mo Li Su, some tentative asked, "president, you really don't remember what the mother looked like when you picked up the child from the hospital?"

"What do you mean?"

But don't know, Ze one this words say export, Mo leave early on cold looking at Ze one.

The doubt in the eyes is not like faking.

No wonder.

Ze Yi some helplessly help forehead.

No wonder the president didn't look like any waves when he saw the grandmother.

It's not his family. It's amazing.

It's because the president of his family has long forgotten what the woman looks like.

Ze Yi: "is just blocking the president you do not let the president you leave that woman, she is Miss's biological mother."

Ze a mouth is OK, a mouth is a blockbuster!

At this time, the two people who were talking were absorbed in this matter.

Did not think, behind the bedroom door, was opened a little small gap, a small head toward the inside drill out.

Drilled out of the Mo baby just heard Ze Yi said this sentence.

Little mo baby didn't panic, even standing there like this.

There was no voice, no words.

Because the movement is very small, so the two people present did not find it.

Only heard Mo Li Su some don't care sneer a body, "is she is the baby's own mother, how can it be? Now the baby is my daughter. She can't take it back

Ze Yi is simply for their own president's IQ catch urgent.

Ze Yi has been with Mo Lisu for so many years, and he is also the leader of Mo Lishu, so in many cases, Zeyi can still speak.

Ze Yi, "president, you can't say that. After all, the little grandmother of the Lu family is Miss's biological mother. If she really wants to take her back, we can't help it. After all, they are related by blood."

"And you, President, are very old now, and your life is always a matter of the old man's heart. It is estimated that this time you come back to Beijing, the old man will definitely make a blind date for you again."

"What's more, the young lady is not the president's daughter after all. The old man's side..."

Mo Li Su, "even if it is not his own daughter, how can he still like it very much."

"Do you want me to find a woman to give birth to one?"

Zeyi: "although the old man likes Miss very much now, she is not your own. No matter how happy the old man is, there is always some estrangement. I believe that you, the president, should know this better than me.""Yes. It's such a mess. I just like babies. Besides, I'm only 25 years old now. How can I be a big man? "

Is there something wrong with your eyes.

For this, Ze Yi is also very helpless.

Who knows that the old man wants to have a grandson.

So every time he comes back, he will urge him to leave.

Let's see when Mo Lishu can give birth to a grandson. In this way, the old man doesn't have to catch Mo Lishu every day.

Mo Li Su, "OK, you go back, I will handle this matter myself."

"Yes." Ze A should, want to leave, because two people talk is back to the bedroom door, so Ze repeatedly turned around, saw the bedroom door that a small head, also do not know where standing for how long.

All of a sudden, Ze felt his whole person was frozen in place.

I dare not move.

Mo Li Su some irritable want to smoke a cigarette, turn around, see Ze a has not left, just want to say something, see Ze a some face frightened looking at the bedroom door.

Is it difficult?

Mo Li Su scared the smoke on his hand and fell to the ground like this.

"Honey, how long have you been here? Is it cold? Come to Daddy Su Mo, as always, from the voice of mo.

But today, Mo baby did not look like before. After hearing this sentence, he ran towards Mo Lishu.

Mo baby a pair of big eyes looking at Mo Li Su, don't know what happened, eyes filled with tears.

In this way, as if no money, has been falling down.

Mo left the early childhood suddenly flustered, from small to big, the baby has not cried so.

Mo left all the time and did not care about anything else. He came to Mo baby's side and hugged Mo baby, "baby, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare? Don't cry, don't cry. Daddy is here. "