Chen Xiaoya's mood is a little low. Does Xiaochen like Mo baby?

"Xiaochen, do you like Mo baby, too?"


It was his own sister. How could he not like it.

Lu Beichen is still thinking, if the future to the Mo baby to take back home, after he must put his sister good pet!

Don't let anyone bully my sister!

Moreover, we can't let our sister be carried away as before.


Looking at the happy face of Chen Xiaochen.

Suddenly I felt a little sad.

They all like Mo baby. They don't like her anymore.

She should not like Lu Beichen.

"Xiaochen, your parents have come to see you."

The teacher is on the sideline.


Hearing the teacher's voice, Lu Beichen got up from his seat.

Mommy came to see him.

As for the father mentioned by the teacher, he was ignored by Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen went out with his teacher and saw mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan standing beside him.

"Mommy!" Lu Beichen happily called out a mummy, and wanted to rush to Mu shallow moon's body.

Not surprisingly, he was blocked in front of him by this annoying father.

So many times, Lu Beichen didn't want to say anything more.


Mu shallow moon rubbed Lu Beichen's hair, "is the baby in it?"

Lu Beichen shook his small head, "no, I just went to ask the teacher, the teacher said, there is something wrong with baby's home, so I should not come to kindergarten recently. What's the matter, Mommy? "

Mu Qianyue feels her hands are shaking.

Baby didn't come to kindergarten.

Is mo Lishu not allowing baby to come to kindergarten? In other words, he was afraid that they would take the baby with him, so he hid the baby at home and did not let the baby come to kindergarten.

Lu Huaili is the first one to take charge of yourself

"What's wrong with Mommy?" Lu Beichen has some doubts.

Just now he said that when baby didn't come to kindergarten, why did Mommy look like this.

"It's OK."

Lu Zeyuan finish saying, take Mu shallow moon to go out, although Lu Beichen has some doubts, but now he is not good to chase out to ask.

Besides, dad is still with mommy.

Mu shallow month's hand dead grasps landing Ze yuan's sleeve, "the baby did not come to the kindergarten, they shut the baby at home."

Lu Zeyuan, "don't think too much about it. Maybe it's just that there's something really going on at home for the baby, so he didn't come. OK, OK, didn't my grandfather say it? My grandfather went to see the Mohist family. "

Cheng Ling is listening, silent.

Is this person who has said so much and is still comforting is the president of his family?

In the past, who could use one word to solve the problem would never say two more words. Now it's still very quick to coax people up.

"To the company."

Lu Zeyuan holds mu Qianyue to the car and faces Cheng Yudao.

Lu Zeyuan didn't let mu Qianyue go to her company, but took him to his own company.

Just take a look at the current situation.

Lu Zeyuan dare not let mu Qianyue go to the company alone.

After getting out of the car in the garage, Lu Zeyuan directly took mu Qianyue to the stairs in an exclusive elevator. Naturally, no one saw President Lu's Golden House hiding Jiao.

Lu Zeyuan has been a bit busy recently because of a piece of land.

Lu's family was originally real estate, which involved a wide range of entertainment circles, finance, aviation, hotels, chain stores, advertising, tourism, Internet, etc.

Anyway, it involves a wide range.

Lu Zeyuan brought mu Qianyue into the office. "You can sit next to him now, or you can go and play with the one named Ye."

If it was in the past, Lu Zeyuan would definitely not let mu Qianyue go out and do something with other people.

You will put the moon under your own eyes.

However, today, mu Qianyue's situation is not quite right, and Lu Zeyuan is also afraid that he will keep a close eye on people, so he thinks, let mu Qianyue go to find some friends, and then talk and talk together, which can distract his attention.

Mu shallow month sat on the sofa, did not move, did not know what to think.

On the tea table, there was a big push on some of the little girls' favorite snacks and snacks.

It was Lu Zeyuan who asked Cheng Ling to prepare.

But mu Qianyue didn't move at all.

Lu Zeyuan slightly invisible wrinkled his brow, but also helpless.Today, we have to keep a close eye on muqianyue.


At the same time.

Mohist school.

It's about his great grandson. How could Lu not pay attention to it, so when mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan left the palace of emperor Baijin.

Master Lu also went to the master of the Mohist school.

Mo Lisu's father and mother have a very good relationship, only Mo Lisu has one child. After handing over the company to Mo Lisu, he goes to travel around the world.

No matter what the Mohists say, they don't care.

This pair is still rare.

So, there is only the old man here.

Fortunately, Mo Lishu sometimes brings Mo baby back to play with him for a while.

Today, I don't know what's going on. Mo left early in the morning to send Mo baby here.

However, the old man was very happy.

"Honey, it's you, isn't your dad bullying you? Why are you so depressed all morning? You tell great grandfather, great grandfather goes to help baby beat him

Mo baby put his eyes on the old man from the TV and shook his head, "great grandfather, daddy didn't bully me."

on the TV, there's piggy piggy, the little kid love to see.

"Really not bullying baby?"

"No, daddy is so good to me. How could he bully me?"

"Well, if daddy bullies you. You must tell great grandfather that he will teach him a lesson for you. "

Perhaps the expression on the old man's face is too vivid and lovely, Mo baby can't help laughing, should voice way, "good."

A big and a small in the living room to play in the abnormal fun.

Until, have housekeeper come in, don't know what to say in the ear of the old man.

"What is he doing here, old man? No, no, I'm going to play with my great grandson. What do you think he's doing? Drive him away

"Who are you going to drive away, brother Mo?"

Before he saw anyone, he heard the sound.

The old man's face darkened.

Mo baby was a little curious and looked at the door.

This voice is not the voice of great grandfather when he was at Xiaochen's house?

This bad old man.