Whether they are in the dark or in the light, everything and industry are involved in a little bit.

Although now has a very good position, but the existence of the enemy is also unexpected, do not think of who will suddenly jump out to kidnap or how to the family.

Therefore, Mo Li Su's protection of Mo baby has never dared to fake others.

I've always been in charge by myself.

Therefore, this time will appear such a thing, is also caught off guard.

Lu Zeyuan: "at least, we are her own parents. We are better than you."

Mo Li has been holding Mo baby's hand, gradually tightening.

Looking at Lu Zeyuan, there is a bloody scene.

However, it is not involved in Mo baby.

Gu Chuli didn't speak beside him. Mo Baobao was not familiar with him, and he couldn't put in any words now.

If Mo Lisu really doesn't return the baby, Gu Chuli doesn't mind. He joins hands with Lu Zeyuan to take the baby back.

When Lu Zeyuan's words came out, the people present did not speak.

There was some silence in the ward.

For a long time, Mo Li Su said, "in this case, let the baby choose by himself. Let's see how the baby chooses. We can't interfere."

"What do you think?"

"No way!"

"Baby has lived with you for so long, baby will certainly choose you."

Mu shallow moon exit road.


In Mu shallow month just said this sentence, there's Lu Zeyuan should be a good.

Mu shallow month can't believe looking at Lu Zeyuan, the whole person can't help standing up, "no, can't do this, I don't agree."

"Ah yuan, you can't do this. Baby has been living with him for so long. He must have chosen him. What should we do? No, absolutely not. "

Mu shallow moon to stop the road.

Lu Zeyuan placidly patted mu on the shoulder, "it's OK, you believe me."

"No way."

Mo Lisu had a lot of confidence this time that he would let Mo baby choose him, but he didn't expect that this time he had a miscalculation.

Mo Li Su put the baby down and put it in the center. Looking at Mo baby, he said, "baby, do you choose Mommy or daddy?"

Mu shallow moon one face hopes to look at Mo baby.

Mo baby looked at Mo Li Su, and then looked at Mu shallow moon, standing in place, did not move.

Although Mo baby is not moving in the same place now, Mo Li Su still has a face of self-confidence, compared with mu Qianyue's face tangled.

Ink from the early days seems a lot more calm.


Mu shallow moon cannot help but cry.

Mo baby is her child. Although it is true, Mo Li has been raising Mo baby for such a long time.

They have been together for five years, and their feelings are bound to be much more intimate than Muqian moon and Mo baby.

Mo baby stood by for a long time without speaking.

For a long time, I couldn't help crying.

It's not that kind of crying.

Instead, I shed tears in silence.

Tears keep falling down, like a broken line of beads, there is no half a break.

"Honey, what's the matter? Baby don't cry, don't cry, I'm sorry, it's mummy's fault, you shouldn't be allowed to make such a choice. "

See Mo baby a cry, Mu shallow month immediately can't sit still.

Even faster than Mo from the sun, came to Mo baby's side, holding Mo baby, quietly coax way.

"No, no, I want mommy and daddy."

Mu shallow month holding Mo baby, listening to Mo baby's intermittent sound, from time to time also with a cry.

It's just that I'm so sad to bathe in the moon.

"Good, good, no choice, no choice, baby, follow who you want, OK? No more. "

Looking at this kind of Mo baby, Mu shallow month's heart is also uncomfortable tight.

In fact, she should have thought of it, didn't she?

Baby and Mo have been living together for so long, and they have already had strong feelings.

What's more, it's only a month since baby met her.

Now this kind of situation, Mu shallow month also already very satisfied, at least. Mo baby did not directly choose Mo Li Su.

But mu Qianyue also knows that it is forcing Mo baby to make a decision.

Mo baby is still so small, bathing in the shallow moon is really unbearable.

Mu shallow moon comforts oneself in the heart.

At least now that she has found the baby, also know that the baby is now in her own side, she should be satisfied.

Why do you want to force her.Mu shallow month to Mo baby hold to the side of Mo Li Su, don't face, "you take the baby away, don't choose, baby and you together."

"But, you have to promise me one thing, that is, when we come to see the baby in the future, you can't stop. We are the baby's parents. When we want to see her, we can come at any time."

Mo Li Su didn't answer Mu shallow month's question, took Mo baby in his arms, turned and left the ward.

Listen to the sound of the footsteps farther and farther away.

Mu Qianyue finally couldn't help crying.

It was a piece of meat from her own body. How could she not be sad.

Lu Zeyuan comes to Mu Qianyue's side and holds mu Qianyue. Mu Qianyue pours in Lu Zeyuan's arms and hugs Lu Zeyuan tightly. "A yuan..."

Lu Zeyuan pats Mu shallow moon's shoulder, silently comforts.

"Good, it's OK."

Mu Qianyue doesn't know how long she cried in Lu Zeyuan's arms, and finally there is no sound.

Mu Qianyue stood like this, fell in Lu Zeyuan's arms, and fell asleep in the past.

Lu Zeyuan didn't know at the beginning, but Gu Chuli, who was next to him, looked at mu Qianyue. He reminded Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan found that he was still crying in his arms. He didn't know when there was no sound.

Lu Zeyuan carefully places mu Qianyue on the hospital bed, covers mu Qianyue with quilts, takes a look at Gu Chuli, and they leave the ward.

As soon as she got out of the ward, Gu Chuli couldn't wait to ask, "now that the moon has been found, when will she be able to look back on her home and meet us?"

The brother who grew up together has become his brother-in-law. Gu Chuli's heart is still somewhat subtle.

However, when he saw that Lu Zeyuan was so good to Mu Qianyue, Gu Chuli was relieved.

Lu Zeyuan's character is clear to him, so now give mu Qianyue to Lu Zeyuan.

Gu Chuli is also quite at ease.

But now Gu Chuli is worried about only one thing.

That is, when can mu Qianyue look back home?

Lu Zeyuan is the same look at Gu Chu Li, "I don't know."