Those rumors outside are just rumors. As long as her daughter says yes and confirms it, Gu's mother believes it.

Women seem to be born with endless topics.

Mu shallow moon and Gu's mother walked around outside and said a lot of words.

Mu shallow month looks at the time, when Lu Beichen and they are about to come back, they enter the living room.

It didn't take long for Master Lu to land with Beichen and Qiaoyu.

The first thing Lu Beichen did when he returned home was to see if his mother was at home.

It used to be just Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu. Now they are three people.

Lu Beichen and Mo Baobao are obviously very happy when they see mu Qianyue sitting on the sofa. They run towards the moon and say, "Mommy!"

"Xiaochen and baby are back."

Mu shallow month holds two children, a person kisses.

But Gu's mother and father look at the three children running in. They have not yet returned to God.

This, this, this, this is the three children of the shallow moon?

Why are they so cute.

Gu Chuli had met Lu Beichen. He was carved in the same mold as Lu Zeyuan.

"Hello, uncle."

When he saw Gu Chuli, Lu Beichen called sweetly.

"It's not time to call uncle now. It's uncle. He's Mommy's brother. You all need to call uncle. Do you know?"

Mu shallow moon rubbed Lu Beichen's head and said to several children.


The three children spoke with one voice.

"Oh, how nice."

Gu Chuli is very happy, looking at his three children cleverly.

Suddenly I remembered that I didn't seem to have prepared a gift for the child.

Make it up next time.

Mu Qianyue looked at Gu's mother and father who were sitting on the sofa. "This is my grandfather, my grandmother, my mother and father. You call them grandparents."

Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu look at Gu's mother and father, and look at mu Qianyue. They are puzzled.

Isn't it grandparents?

Grandparents don't look like this.

When Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen were in the state of M, they called Yu Zhiyu and Fu Zheng's grandparents for four years. When they saw that people were different, they naturally had some doubts.

Lu Beichen just want to ask what, was Mu shallow moon to stop.

"Xiaochen, Xiaoyu, please call your grandparents."

"Good grandfather, good grandmother."

Although in the heart some doubts, but Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu still obediently listen to Mu shallow month's words, called grandparents.

"This, is this Xiaochen?" Gu's mother looks at Lu Beichen, and her heart is almost melted.

"Yes, grandma. My name is Lu Beichen. Is this my brother, Joey, or is this my sister, Mo baby

Lu Beichen said, also by the way, Qiao Yu and Mo baby introduced together.

"How nice."

"Can grandma hold you?"

Lu Beichen subconsciously looked at Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow moon to land.

"Yes, grandma. Hold it."

Lu Beichen said, stretching out his little hand, Gu's mother immediately picked up Lu Beichen.

There is also a smell of milk and milk on my body. It smells very good.

Mr. Lu watched the scene and did not speak.

He knows about muqianyue.

After all, to be with Lu Zeyuan, although Master Lu has already identified mu Qianyue, we still need to thoroughly understand that mu Qianyue is not.

Now Mu shallow month's family found, Lu Laozi also play bottom of the heart for mu shallow month feel happy.

So many people, let the past some quiet villa, all of a sudden active up.

Mu Qianyue looks at the warmth of the room with a shallow smile on her face.

That's it. It's good.

Unknowingly, the family stayed here for almost a whole day.

This is what Lu Zeyuan saw when he returned home.

A large family of happy sitting on the sofa in the living room, what TV is still put in the TV, mu Qianyue and several children have a good time.

Lu Zeyuan had to step into the steps, stopped for a moment.

Looking at Gu Chuli beside her, she is a little cold.

The man hasn't left yet.

Gu Chuli felt the breath from Lu Zeyuan and looked at the landing Zeyuan. He saw Lu standing on one side and looking at himself coldly.

Compared with Lu Zeyuan's attitude, Gu Chuli's attitude is much better.

Gu Chuli gently smiles at Lu Zeyuan, which is also a greeting.

"Are you back?"Hearing Gu Chuli's voice, mu Qianyue subconsciously looks out and sees Lu Zeyuan at the entrance.

Mu shallow month came to Lu Zeyuan's side, "back."


Lu Zeyuan hugs muqianyue tightly in his arms.

But still considering the children, so the strength is also a little light.

Mu shallow month gather together in Lu Zeyuan's ear, light voice way, "a yuan, that, elder brother and they come."

"Well, how long have you been here?"

"Pretty much. I've been here all day."


After Lu Zeyuan came back, Mrs. Lin's dinner was also ready, "master, young master, little grandma, you can eat."

Gu's father and mother realized that they had been here for so long.

Want to leave immediately.

The old man stopped him from eating. You are shallow month's parents. When you leave at dinner, people who don't know think we have treated you unfairly or what. "

"No, it's just that we feel like we've been here too long, so..."

"Why do you stay too long? You are the parents of the shallow moon. It's natural and natural for you to come to see the shallow moon. It's a matter of course. Well, don't talk about it. Have a meal."

Mr. Lu said, beckoning a large family to the table.

Mu Qianyue looks at Mr. Lu gratefully. Now he comes into contact with Gu's father and his mother. Although he can talk with his mother, there are many things to say, but.

Want to let Mu shallow month call out that sound mother now, Mu shallow month feels, oneself some not quite adapt.

Moreover, mu Qianyue was in M country for five years and called Yu Zhiyu's mother for five years. Although Yu Zhiyu was not Mu's own mother, mu Qianyue regarded Yu Zhiyu as her own mother.

With so many people on the table, there was a lot of excitement.

Food does not speak, sleep does not speak, although it is said that, but, a family sitting together to eat, if not speak, it does not seem too cold?

The atmosphere on the dining table is very happy, which makes people feel envious.

After dinner, Gu Chuli and others are about to leave.

Gu's mother looks at mu Qianyue, her face is full of reluctance, and suddenly she doesn't want to leave.

Although I have been here for a day, I still can't see enough.