"Give it to me." Tang Feng looked at the cold, the voice of the cold road.

Today's Tang Feng, has not been that in those years, five years of tempering, let his temperament look more mature, but also more charming.

"Brother Feng! There is no grass in the world. Besides, the moon is already the mother of several children... " In Tang Feng's more and more frightening eyes, the voice of the cold can't help falling several degrees.

Now Feng Ge, more terrible than before, OK?

"Drink, drink, see what you can drink." Cold no way, had to give the wine back to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng took the wine and began to pour it into his mouth.

Looking at the exquisite wedding arrangements everywhere, he couldn't make a sound in his heart.

Originally, today Tang Feng did not want to come, see his beloved woman, into the arms of others, this is what any man can not stand.


In the end, Tang Feng couldn't help coming.

Because he missed her. He wanted to see her.

Since a farewell in M country, Tang Feng has not seen Mu shallow moon.

Looking at Tang Feng's appearance, Gao Han can't help shaking his head. It's really deep.

Two people did not notice, more hidden place, a dressed delicate beautiful woman stood there quietly.

Looking at Tang Feng, who is filling his mouth with wine, his eyes are full of heartache. His hands are clinging to the wall beside him.

Why did he refuse to look back at her.


Here, mu Qianyue is surrounded by Su youyou and others, and the wedding is about to start. Mu Qianyue doesn't see Lu Zeyuan.

Can't help asking, "where's Ayun? Where is he? "

"Well, how long has it been separated? I can't help asking where he is?"

Someone joked.

Mu shallow month's face red, mainly, she was a little flustered, today's surprise, is really a little bigger.

"Don't worry, he'll be out in a moment, and he'll be married soon." Su youyou comforted by the side.

"Moon, don't be afraid." Gu father did not know when came to Mu shallow moon's side, patted Mu shallow moon's hand, light voice way.

Looking at mu Qianyue's appearance, Gu's father almost thought it was his wedding with his mother.

"Well." Mu Qianyue smiles at Gu's father.

Take Gu Fu's hand.

Later, the father took his daughter's hand and put it on his son-in-law's hand.

Piano music, the wedding dream, slowly sounded, the wedding host came to the stage, the same opening.

Mu Qianyue takes Gu's father's hand and slowly walks onto the stage and comes to the host's side.

Lu Zeyuan stood aside, since the emergence of Mu shallow moon, his eyes have been on Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow moon can't help but move her eyes a little.

"I'll give her to you. If you dare to let Yueyue be wronged, we can take it back at any time by taking care of our family."

Gu Fu holds mu Qianyue's hand and puts it on Lu Zeyuan's.

"Don't worry, Dad. I won't let Yueyue suffer half an injustice."

Lu Zeyuan takes mu Qianyue's hand and bows deeply to Gu's father.

My daughter just recognized it. She hasn't covered the heat yet. Now she's going to give it to another man.

There is some crystal liquid flowing in Gu Fu's eyes.

Mu Qianyue came forward and hugged Gu Fu, "Dad, don't worry, aYuan will treat me very well. You have always been my good father and mother."

"Be good."

Gu's father patted mu on the shoulder and then went down.

Under the stage, Gu's mother sees mu Qianyue holding Gu's father. She can't help but have some taste.

It seems that the moon has not held her yet.

And he took advantage of it.

"Please face the rostrum of love and open a new chapter in your life together."

Two children standing next to Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan began to scatter flowers.

Mu shallow month feel two children some familiar, fix a look, is not Mo baby and Lu Beichen?

Lu Beichen blinked his eyes toward mu Qianyue and called out with lip language, mummy.

Mu shallow moon face with a smile.

"Bride, will you marry the bridegroom in front of you? Will you be loyal to him and love him till he dies, whether in good times or in adversity, in poverty or wealth, in health or in disease? "

Mu shallow month looks at Lu Zeyuan, slowly open a mouth, "I am willing to."

"Bridegroom, will you marry the bride in front of you? You are willing to be loyal to her and love her until you die, whether you are in good or bad, poor or rich, healthy or ill. "

"I will.""Let's invite the bride and groom to exchange rings."

"Please embrace and kiss

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue, whose face is red and shy. Moreover, Lu Zeyuan doesn't want to let them see the beauty of Mu Qianyue in front of so many people.

Next is the toast, because the moon can not drink, so use juice instead.

Mu shallow moon on Lu Zeyuan's body, some soft.

I'm so tired.

"Tired?" Lu Zeyuan turns his head and looks at mu Qianyue.

"A little bit." Mu shallow moon nods.

"Let's go." Lu Zeyuan takes mu Qianyue's hand and prepares to leave.

Mu Qianyue: "are we leaving like this? Isn't it a little bad? "

Mu Qianyue doesn't know how other people get married, but they are masters.

Just leave like this, really OK?

"It's OK. Our business is over."

Lu Zeyuan doesn't care about Tao.

Mu Qianyue was also pulled away by Lu Zeyuan.

"Where do you want to go?" After getting on the bus, Lu Zeyuan asked mu Qianyue.

"Just hang around and go back."

The moon wants to blow the wind.

There were too many people just now.


Mu Qianyue is thinking of those posters and photos when he entered the arena just now.

Every one is very good-looking, and mu Qianyue remembers that he did not take these photos with Lu Zeyuan.

Looking at Lu Zeyuan driving on the side, mu Qianyue can't help asking.

"Very early."

"How early?"

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue and did not speak.

Mu shallow month also almost guessed what, did not speak for a time.

Two people took a ride in the car outside a circle of wind, and then went back, Mu shallow moon went to the bedroom to open the door, for a time thought that they had gone wrong.

I don't know what the big bed is when it's changed into a big red bed.

Moreover, there is a big photo hanging on the bed, which is a picture of Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan. They are wearing wedding dresses and suits, arm in hand, looking at the camera, smiling sweetly.

Not only that, but also a lot of small photos at the head of the bed, which are framed by photo frames, are Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue.

The whole bedroom looks like a brand-new one. It's so red that mu Qianyue thinks that she almost went to the wrong room.

"What's the matter? Don't you go in? "

Lu Zeyuan in Mu shallow behind the moon, see Mu shallow moon standing in the bedroom door stopped, some doubt asked.

Ah yuan

Mu shallow moon suddenly rushed to Lu Zeyuan's body.

"I love you so much."

"Be careful. You're pregnant now."

Lu Zeyuan hastily catches Mu shallow moon, and is still in fear.

Later, I heard mu Qianyue's words. Looking at mu Qianyue's face full of stars, Lu Zeyuan suddenly felt that his arrangement in the previous month was nothing.

Lu Zeyuan led mu Qianyue into the bedroom, "how about it? Do you like it? "

"Like it! I love it Mu shallow moon happily rushed to Lu Zeyuan's body.

"When did you prepare it?" Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan curiously.

In fact, Lu Zeyuan had already come back to prepare for the wedding ceremony.

And he has been preparing these things since five years ago.

But at that time, Mu Xiaoyue suddenly left, and these things, he also suddenly stopped.

But in seeing, Mu shallow moon in the wind like song wedding, looking at the wind like song appearance, Lu Zeyuan back on the nonstop preparation.

In fact, Lu Zeyuan has been preparing for this wedding for a long time.

But after muqianyue is pregnant again, so the wedding has to be advanced. Otherwise, if we have to wait for muqianyue to give birth to this child before holding the wedding, I don't know how long we have to wait.

"A few months ago." Lu Zeyuan replied.

"Thank you, Ayun." Mu shallow moon holding Lu Zeyuan.

How lucky she was to meet such a good man as Lu Zeyuan.

"What do you call me now?" Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue with a smile.

Mu shallow moon's face suddenly red, the voice pressure is very low, simply can't hear what Mu shallow moon calls.

"Husband." It's like a mosquito.

Lu Zeyuan heard that.

It's just, "I didn't hear you clearly, Yueyue, what did you just call me?"

"Husband, husband. Do you hear me clearly? "

Mu shallow moon opened his eyes and called several times.

"Well, listen clearly this time."

Lu Zeyuan replied.Take the moon in your arms.

Mu shallow month is startled, "what do you want to do?"

What do you want to amuse Lu Zhiyuan

Mu Qianyue: "no way I'm still pregnant. "

"It's OK. I've asked the doctor. The doctor said that after the first three months, it's OK. I'll be more careful."

Lu Zeyuan is in Mu shallow month's ear side light voice way, some bewitch.

Mu Qianyue, listening to Lu Zeyuan's voice, almost agreed.

Mu shallow moon shakes head, "can't, can't hurt the child."

"He's not that vulnerable."

Mu Qianyue

She now seriously suspected that Lu Zeyuan had planned the wedding day for a long time!

But it is, because if the wedding is not held now, I don't know how long it will be delayed. Lu Zeyuan doesn't want to wait. It's too early. The children don't stabilize. It's not too late. If you have a big stomach, you will show up.