Mu shallow month worried words a word to say, over there South Luo morning crackling sound so rang up, do not take a trace of breath.

Listen to Mu shallow moon a Leng a Leng.

You're pregnant??

You're pregnant??

After a short pause, it is an endless surprise.

Although it is across the mobile phone, Mu shallow moon that is full of surprise voice also without reservation, so it reached the side of nanluochen.

"You're pregnant? Where is youyou now? I'm going to see you. "

In this way, it is even more exciting than when I was pregnant.

Nanluochen heard mu Qianyue's words, his eyebrows jumped, and he quickly stopped him. "No, no, little sister-in-law, you don't have to come. I'll be here. You're still pregnant with a child in your stomach. I can't help such a rush. I'll take youyou to see you later."

Nanluochen is afraid that if Mu Qianyue really comes to the hospital, Lu Zeyuan has to fly over and beat him.

He now understood that Mu shallow moon was a treasure in Lu Zeyuan's heart.

These brothers, in Lu Zeyuan's heart, and Mu shallow moon compared, is simply not bad.

That differential treatment is needless to say.

Mu Qianyue is now pregnant for seven or eight months. With such a big stomach, Lu Zeyuan even thinks that the company will not go, and he will accompany mu Qianyue directly at home.

How could nanluochen let mu Qianyue come to the hospital to see Su youyou? If something happened, would he not be able to bear it?

"I'm ok. I'd better come and see you."

Mu shallow moon some uneasy.

"No, little sister-in-law, don't come. You stay at home well. You'll be OK. Well, I'll take care of you. I'll hang up first."

Nanluo morning said, directly hung up the phone, and finally did not forget to tell Mu shallow moon, let Mu shallow moon must not go.

Hang up the phone, Mu shallow month put the mobile phone aside, the whole person was anxious to come and go in the past.

"What are you doing, little grandma?"

What did you do in the kitchen

You're pregnant, Lin Mu Qianyue looks at Lin MA in surprise, and her voice is a little excited.

"Miss Su, are you

Su youyou often comes to see mu Qianyue recently. Moreover, Lin Ma often hears Su youyou's name from mu Qianyue's mouth, and knows Su youyou.

"Well, that's her."

"That's great. Miss Su must be very happy now." Lin Ma said.

"By the way, Mrs. Lin, can you help me to see you in the hospital? It's not convenient for me to go now

"Good." Mom Lin agreed.

"Thank you, Ma Lin." The moon is a little joyful.

"What are you talking about?"

Mu shallow month quickly took his mobile phone, ready to send a message to nanluo morning, ask in which hospital.

The information has just been edited. Mu Qianyue thinks about it, but she has deleted all the messages.

Mrs. Lin has already entered the kitchen. When she asked her to go to the hospital just now, she went directly to the kitchen and prepared to bring some soup to Su youyou.

Mu shallow moon holds his stomach and walks towards the kitchen slowly.

"What's the matter? I've just packed the soup. It's black chicken soup. It's very tonic. I'll send it to Miss Su later

Mrs. Lin said, shaking the thermos cup in her hand toward the moon.

"Mom Lin, I just thought about it. You'd better not go."

"What's the matter? Is something going on? " Lin Ma looks at mu Qianyue nervously.

"No, no, Ma Lin, I just suddenly remembered that nanluochen is now taking care of you in the hospital. Let them be alone."

"Yes, yes, it's still very thoughtful of the little grandma. I'll pour out the soup for you first."

"No, Ma Lin, I'm not hungry yet."

Mu shallow moon now is that kind, see soup, want to vomit that kind.

Because after she was pregnant, she was stewing soup for her every day.

Today is what ribs corn soup, tomorrow is pig's feet and wax gourd soup, the day after tomorrow is what crucian carp soup.

Anyway, it's very helpful to people.

As a result, let Mu shallow moon now see those soup, subconsciously want to avoid.

And, Mu shallow month feels oneself whole person is mellow a circle.


Mu Qianyue is still afraid of getting fat.

Although did not deliberately care about their own body, but mu shallow month also do not want to give birth to this child, became a big fat man!

Because Su youyou is pregnant, nanluochen doesn't even go to the hospital now. Instead, she stays at home with Su youyou.Su you you also see very tight, Mu shallow month also heard that nanluochen consulted those gynecological doctors in the hospital, what can eat, what can't eat, what can't be done, what can't be done, dense copy of a good big note.

Moreover, the family also invited a few nutritionists, in order to give Su youyou care for her body.

This is what mu Qianyue heard from Lu Zeyuan.

However, mu Qianyue still has some restlessness in the evening after having a baby.

For example, I suddenly want to eat the cake from the shop in the south of the city, or I have a dream that I am eating hot and sour powder.

I didn't know how.

Mu Qianyue turns on the lamp at the head of the bed, and Lu Zeyuan is still sleeping.

Lu Zeyuan's sleep is shallow. When mu Qianyue sleeps with him, Lu Zeyuan's sleep is better.

Therefore, mu Qianyue did not wake Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue takes her mobile phone and looks at the takeout on it. She can't help but feel her stomach. She ate so much in the evening, and she is very full. Now mu Qianyue feels a little hungry.

Looking at the sour and spicy noodles on the moon

Mu shallow moon see the focus, even when Lu Zeyuan behind her wakes up did not notice the way.

Lu Zeyuan looks at the things on the mobile phone screen of Mu Qianyue and hugs mu Qianyue, "want to eat?"

"Mm-hmm, I want to eat it now. Do you remember the hot and sour powder we ate in that shop last time? I really want to eat it. "

Mu shallow moon turns back, eyes bright looking at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan suddenly opened the quilt, put on his clothes and was ready to leave.

Mu shallow moon lenglengleng looked at Lu Zeyuan this series of actions, the reaction came over when Lu Zeyuan had all dressed neatly.

"Husband, where are you going Mu shallow month also wants to lift the quilt to come down.

Lu Zeyuan quickly pressed Mu's hand, "wait for me, I'll be back soon."

Then he left the bedroom.

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan's back, thinking about what Lu Zeyuan asked himself just now.

Once his head turned, how could he not think of what Lu Zeyuan was going to do.

She just said it casually

Now, I don't feel like I want to eat any more.

Mu Qianyue puts his mobile phone aside and sits on the bed waiting for Lu Zeyuan to come back.

It's February. Although it's just over the new year, it's still very cold. The outlet gas is thick white fog outside.

Lu Zeyuan came to the store. It's no surprise. It's only three or four o'clock in the morning. People haven't gone to work yet. How could someone be there.

Lu Zeyuan took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

The manager who received the call was sleeping soundly in his sleep. The phone ring suddenly rang, which woke up his good dream, and the whole popularity did not come to any place.

Confused eyes took the mobile phone, connected the phone, "who ah!"

The tone is not very good.

Let it be who, at what time in the morning, when sleeping soundly, was awakened by a phone call, it is estimated that no one will be in a good mood.

But when he heard Lu Zeyuan's indifferent voice, the manager was still sleepy.

Suddenly, the whole person woke up.

"Lu, general manager Lu."

The manager's voice stuttered.

"It's not open yet?"

The manager doubted that his time had not been reversed. He took a quick look at the time. It's only three o'clock in the morning. That's right.

Why did Lu Zeyuan ask.

But the manager didn't dare ask.

"Yes, yes, it doesn't open until nine o'clock. It's not time yet..." Said the manager, trembling.

"I want a bowl of chutney."


The manager didn't recover for a moment.

When he wanted to ask something, Lu Zeyuan over there had already hung up the phone.

The manager took his mobile phone and didn't respond for a while.

Next to the wife was also the manager of these movements to wake up, see the manager with a mobile phone, some of the dull looking at their own mobile phone, a did not look back.

He asked, "what's the matter? I don't sleep in the middle of the night. Why do you sit up

"Just now Mr. Lu called me and said that he wanted a bowl of hot and sour powder."

"Mr. Lu? Which one? "

"In Kyoto, you said there was the general manager Lu."

"Let's go. What are you doing here?"

The woman gave the manager a push.

"But I haven't been to work yet..."

"No matter what! That's Mr. Lu. Maybe he's already waiting outside the store. Hurry up, let them go to work now and pay them five times, no, ten times today. "The woman even busy way.

"Oh, yes."

Although the manager still some did not return to God, but still listened to the woman's voice, to the following people made a phone call.

At first, no one wanted to go.

When the manager said ten times the salary, someone still agreed to go.

After that, the manager was relieved.

Some puzzled looked at the woman, "why?"

"Are you stupid? That's Mr. Lu. He said that if he wants a bowl of hot and sour powder, it must be Mrs. Lu who wants to eat it. You don't know that Mrs. Lu is pregnant now. Mr. Lu is such a pet wife. If Mrs. Lu didn't want to eat, would he come out so late to buy it? "