Until they were lifted onto the wide carriage, Shao Shang was confused about what had happened in the past two days.

When she came home from Yin Mansion that day, it was already evening. Two solemn-looking maids called her to Jiuyu Hall, only to see the huge candle in the hall holding high, Mrs. Xiao In independence, the face is frosty. She knew immediately that something had happened. When she set up the bureau, she thought that someone might see her hands and feet, but she never thought about it so quickly. Therefore, in the face of Mrs. Xiao's questioning, she bluntly admitted it.

"There is no reason, I just want to vent my anger." Shao Shang looked indifferent and knew no wrong.

Mrs. Xiao sternly reprimanded, this guy is dragging the ancient prose sentence by sentence, and the young businessman is too lazy to distinguish. After the verbal reprimand was over, it was the turn of the legendary 'family law'. Mrs. Xiao was obviously prepared. The rescuers seemed not to be in the mansion. Shao Shang knew that something was wrong, but she was used to being stubborn since she was a child.

Although my father has been unloving and unloving since I was a child, and I have been indifferent and prejudiced, I have never suffered any sins in my flesh!

Seeing that Director Xiao is obviously going to make a big deal, Shao Shang wanted to ask for mercy, but he couldn't say anything.

, She wanted to shout, but she could only hear the hoarseness in her throat, like a fish whose scales were scraped alive, she could only **** in the cold air.

For fear of saying shameful words begging for mercy, Shao Shang clenched his lips tightly, even if the pain was suffocating, he would never open his mouth to inhale - as for why not beg for mercy? Director Xiao today is not as angry as she used to be. She even feels that as long as she begs for mercy, she should be able to avoid this crime. But she just doesn't ask for mercy! Even if you are killed!

In elementary school, there was a class teacher who was good to her. She was old and kind. She once said to her grandmother, 'Lingnan is so stubborn and tough, it's bad to say bad things, but it's good to say good things, when does she want to understand If you want to study hard, you will definitely be able to exert yourself.”

Unfortunately, she will soon retire. After that, Shaoshang never met such a teacher again. Later, when another teacher treated her well, it was only when her grades were better than others.

A total of a few sticks, Shao Shang can't remember, tasted astringent fishy smell in his mouth, his body was numb, but the bite on his lips hurt more clearly some. Feeling dizzy, she was carried back to her place, only to hear Ah Li's cries and cries, she felt light inexplicably, and then she didn't know anything.

When she was half-awake and half-dazed, she felt that her wound was cool, and she must have been on medicine. Another warm, soft hand caressed her gently, from her hair to her face to the wound. The skin on the palm was delicate, completely different from Ah Lisheng's calloused hand, Shao Shang thought drowsily, it was probably the Sang family.

When I woke up again, it was already dark, but I don't know if it was the third or fourth watch in the middle of the night, Shao Shang was startled by a huge black and furry figure at the head of the bed, and the figure let out a whimpering cry The sound, like a broken gong being blown by the night wind, is very scary. But because of the pain, Shaoshang's response to the shock was much slower, and he had no strength to scream, so he could only stare blankly.

Cheng Shi sat on the head of the bed and wept, his burly and tall figure twitched, and by the faint light of the soot buried in the stove, Shao Shang saw his father's beard hanging on Full of tears and snot, a little disgusting.

Then she cried.

She didn't cry when she was ridiculed by others, she didn't cry when she was bullied, and she still gritted her teeth and didn't cry when she was severely punished, but at this time she was crying like a kindergarten middle class The level Cheng Xiaoyu cried like he had a stomachache yesterday.

She has always despised her grandmother as being old and incompetent, unable to withstand the wind and rain outside for her when she was young, and feudal and ignorant, unable to guide her on the path of life. Let her face that malicious world alone at a young age.

She went to a key high school for boarding with an armband and black badge. At that time, she didn't know anything until the principal personally gave her a certificate of merit at the celebration party, and the uncle's happy portrait only opened The mouth of the melon, the people in the town have praised her for being sensible and able to get into such a good university, which is the light of the whole town - she suddenly wanted to let her grandma see all this.

However, the old man has been dead for three years, and the tomb is covered with green grass.

At this time, Shao Shang realized that he was really the only one in the world. The son wants to be filial but the relatives are not there, these seven words are so bloody, there is no room for repentance, no one can complain about your guilt and gratitude, you can only walk forward with your neck stuck.

Shao Shang Fu was crying on Cheng Shi's knee, tearing his heart to pieces, wishing he could vomit out his heart and liver.

Why is she always cautious when she follows the eldest sister, because no one outside will take care of her fault; why does she dare to quarrel or even fight with others in Yinjiawanjia, because she knows Father Cheng I will definitely forgive her and take care of her aftermath.

She is such a despicable villain!

But now she wants to be good to Father Cheng, brothers, uncles, aunts, and sisters, so that they can be happy and proud of themselves, instead of worrying about when they will She cleaned up the mess.

The father and daughter wept bitterly, until the fire was about to go out, and Alime had no choice but to come in to add charcoal.

Cheng Shi never said anything to Shaoshang from beginning to end. Would a smart person like her daughter know the truth of 'don't take risks easily, don't make too many enemies'?

After a day's rest, Shaoshang will set off with Chengzhi and Sang. On the day when everyone in the Cheng residence saw them off, the sky was gloomy, there was no wind and no snow, and Mrs. Xiao was absent without an excuse.

Cheng's mother still dragged her younger son to cry and wipe away tears, and at the same time stared at Sang like a hungry wolf protecting food, threatening her to take good care of the 'oldest relative'. With the same expression and the same nagging, Cheng Shi repeated to his daughter how to recover from the injury, how to be strong, eat more meat and vegetables and move more, and then instructed Ah Li in the same way.

Cheng Cha led the women to cook before dawn, and prepared a few baskets full of snacks for Shaoshang to eat on the road, while Cheng Song and Cheng Shaogong kept going to Shaoshang's luggage Moving things, I don't know what to eat and play.

Cheng Yong stood beside him for a while before walking straight to the side of the car. Through the curtain, he stuffed a piece of new ink wrapped in oilcloth into Shaoshang's hand, and whispered: "Continue reading and writing, don't waste it already."

Shao Shang propped up his body, stuck his head out, saw that his eldest brother's eyes were a little red, and said, "eldest brother, don't stay up late to study in the future. Be careful that you will be bald and blind when you are less than thirty!"

Cheng Yong touched the double-handed feathers tied around the young girl's head and sighed.

It was easy to get rid of the enthusiasm of Cheng mother and Cheng Shi, and the convoy was finally able to set off. Unfortunately, Shao Shang’s injury is still in pain, so he can only lie in the carriage honestly, and miss the chance to pass through the magnificent city The spectacular scene looking up at the dome at the door.

In another car, Cheng Zhi was gossiping with his wife: "Why didn't Sister Yuanyi come out today? She would never do such a rude thing."

Sang Shi glared at her husband: "What are you asking?"

Cheng Zhi asked again: "Didn't it say that I would have ten sticks that day? There are still three or four sticks, so why did my sister break the cup?"

Sang Shi didn't even change his tone: "It's a clear thing, what are you asking."

Cheng Zhi was amused by his wife: "You said, should we tell the curlers, lest their mother and daughter become more stiff."

Sang Shi said: "How do you say? 'Yoyou, your grandfather wanted to hit you ten sticks, your grandma softened and beat you three sticks less, are you happy'?!"

She imitated her husband's tone, rolled her eyes after saying, "If you really said, I don't know if their mother and daughter are good, their father and daughter will definitely not be good. At that time, see if the brother is not. I'll bake you alive!"

Cheng Zhi smacked his mouth: "Okay, let's not talk about it. I'll go back and persuade Cui Cui, don't keep arguing with your mother."

Sang shi's white eyes are about to fly out of the sky: "You think you are amazing in your heart, and she will listen if you say it? She only listens to 30% to 40% of what your brother says!"

She deeply felt that her husband felt too good about himself. "He has a right mind and a stubborn temper. Some things have to be figured out by herself. You should save your energy and wait until the appointment. Give her something delicious and fun or something new and interesting. I'll come by."

Cheng Zhi lowered his shoulders and sighed: "Curly is really tough, and she is so stunned that she doesn't say a word. It's a pity that she is a girl, if she were a man, she would definitely be able to make a lot of achievements!"

Sang Shi was silent for a while, then said: "That Qianzheng is really good, I have seen the wounds of the curls, the bloodstains have not broken the skin, the redness and bruises are not deep, so..." She I couldn't help but reached out and pressed my husband's back, "Does it really hurt?"

Cheng Zhi immediately screamed like a live jumping shrimp, mourning.

He covered his back with his hands and pointed at his wife: "You, you, you...you have no conscience. You asked me to go to Qian and try some painful methods, and you still treat me like this now. ?!" At that time, when he was hit by the stick, almost half of his body was numb from the pain.

Sang Shi couldn't help laughing: "If I don't let you get a stick, just look at the injury, how do I know how painful the curl is." After laughing, she also sighed, "It's not the curl It's because of sullenness. Don't bother me for a while, I'll take care of her!"

The son of the county chief Lou Ji, named Lou Yao, asks to see your lord."

"Lord Lou's nephew?" Cheng Zhi was at a loss, "What does the Lou family have to do with us, did the elder brother just become friends? How could I not know."

Sang Shi thought for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

Cheng Zhi put on his coat and got off the car, and saw a team of neatly dressed guards, each riding a fat tall horse, embracing a heroic teenager waiting not far away.

As soon as the young man saw Cheng Zhi, he immediately turned over and dismounted, and bowed to salute: "Boy Louyao, greet the Cheng family uncle!"

Cheng Zhi returned the salute, said a few polite words and cut to the topic: "Why did Mr. Lou come here?"

Probably because of the galloping horse, Lou Yao was still whimpering, sweating on his forehead, and nervously said: "Uncle Cheng, I'm not today, I have seen Lingxi Shao Shangjun before, and I feel deeply. I feel deeply about her...I came to see her today, I wonder if my uncle will allow me to see her..."

After a lot of detours, in fact, everything was clear, and the boy's face turned red.

"You know my young businessman?" Cheng Zhi looked at the sun and felt that he was not dizzy.

Lou Yao's face became redder and stuttered more and more: "Yes, I have seen it before, I don't know it...but, but it's the same at first sight..."

It attracted Hedong Lou's son to follow, excellent, excellent.

"When and where did you meet my concubine?"

Cheng Zhi was inexplicably arrogant. Although his daughter Cheng Wei was not yet ten years old, he had consciously entered the picky mode of his old father-in-law in advance.

"—Your Excellency is true, what a lot to ask." Who knew that Mrs. Sang helped the servant girl to get out of the car and came to demolish her husband's platform, "Master Lou said that he met Shaoshang, could it be that? It will make fun of us!"

She smiled at the young Louyao again, "Shaoshang is a little ill, just in the car in front, Mr. Lou will go and say something. But we have to get to the station before sunset. , Master Wanwanglou, hurry up."

Lou Yao was sweating profusely from being asked by Cheng Zhi. Hearing Sang Shi's words, his face was full of gratitude. Did not laugh.

Not only that, but Sang also kindly asked Alimie Amei to come out of the carriage of the young merchants, so that the young man and woman could speak alone. Cheng Zhi said angrily, "You might as well host a blind date feast for them!"

Sang Shihehe: "The blind date banquet is not necessary, just don't make trouble."

Cheng Zhi snorted a few times, then suddenly said, "...Aren't you dissatisfied with Sister Yuanyi's way of being so sloppy?"

Sang Shi was silent for a long time, and said: "I am blessed with a good life. My parents are knowledgeable, they only tell me to be honest and kind, and everyone else can talk about it. I don't love Nvhong, my father said no, I I don't like to spend all day with my sisters gossiping, so my brother drove me to see the world. Even after I dealt with the Huangfu family like that, the family also depended on me. However, Xiangjun's life is not so good. "

Cheng Zhi said: "Is that your best friend? I remember she's already..." The grave must have grown into a tree.

Sang's heart was aching: "As far as talent is concerned, Xiangjun is not inferior to his wife, but unfortunately, she has not met such good parents as me, and she was forced to marry a man who is not open-minded. Son-in-law, this has ended with hatred early."

Cheng Zhi recalled for a while, and said, "So she came to ask you for help a few years ago, and you just perfunctory?"

Sang Shi said bitterly: "Obviously there is a thousand miles of horses in the family, and they can gallop the world. They have to be locked up and detained, and the family deserves to fall! Hmph, don't they say that rules are more important than the prosperity of the family? , then stick to their rules!"

Speaking of this, she felt sad for a while, "Xiangjun is still too kind, he can't bear to betray his parents and family. If you can be like a curl, depending on who you are, you dare to step on her head and immediately turn your face away. , then...then she must still be alive now..."

Cheng Zhi sighed, although his wife's words were suspected of instigating the children to disrespect their parents, but he understood his wife's sorrow, so he put his shoulders around her and stopped talking.

In the other side, Lou Yao walked to the Shaoshang car.

Shao Shang looked through the hanging car curtain and was very surprised: Although he had met this man twice, he never said a word.

"I don't know what advice Mr. Lou has?" She thought to herself that she had never offended this person. I think should not be?

Louyao had been moaning for a long time, and peeked at the girl in the car, only to see that the light in the car was dim, and she was pale and weak, and her brows were lightly frowned, like a little flower whose head was lowered by the rain , white and young and beautiful, as clear as autumn water.

He thought that the Cheng family motorcade had to hurry, so he gathered up his courage and said: "You...I, I want to say, you are very good, I, you are very good..."

Shao Shang: Would you like to reorganize the sentence? Pay attention to the subject-verb-object complement.

"I don't think you were at fault for that incident! Not at all." Lou Yao finally made a big move, "I admire you very much in my heart."

He thought that the focus of this sentence was the second half of the sentence, but the girl in the car focused on the first half of the sentence.

Shao Shang's face suddenly sank: "What do you mean I'm not at fault, where did you hear what?"

Lou Yao was taken aback: "No, it's nothing... You just got them off the bridge, that's right, nothing wrong..."

Shao Shang was startled, he propped up half of his body, his face tensed: "What nonsense are you talking about! Where did you hear it!" Except Mrs. Wan Lao, no one should see it, not to mention This man doesn't look very smart either.

"I, after I send A-hang away, I will go back to find you and want to thank you..." Lou Yao saw the girl in front of him with eyes like red flames, and was frightened to stutter, "But I didn't After thinking about what to say, I followed you for a while, and when I saw you, you took out a few bridge wood..."

Shao Shang fell down.

Sure enough, God's calculation is not as good as man's calculation. This young man should have been trained in martial arts, with light legs and feet, so she didn't notice when she followed behind.

Lou Yao saw her face pale, and quickly said: "Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone! Even my parents and close relatives won't tell me. If I say it, I will die immediately. , God is the proof!"

Shao Shang was finally relieved, she knew that the people here valued the curse of oath very seriously, no less than the effect of going to the notary office for property notarization. Then, at least this secret will not be spread, and it will not cause trouble for the Wancheng family.

"I was young and ignorant, and I was so ashamed that I got into such a catastrophic disaster." Shao Shang's voice was low and pitiful, "Don't lie to Mr. Lou, I'm not sick now, Instead, he was punished by the family law, expelled from the capital, and ordered to repent."

Looking at her appearance, Lou Yao's heart softened, even her voice softened: "Don't be afraid, don't be sad. In my opinion, what's wrong with you in this matter, Wang Hao You deserve to suffer! But you were punished by your elders! How many times have you beaten the cane? Does it still hurt? I have good medicine at home, I will bring it to you!

Shao Shang secretly complained, you take a woolen thread, do you want the Cheng family team to wait for you to go home to get medicine? ! But the voice pretended to be weak: "Then thank Mr. Lou, you can take it slowly, let's not pass it first."

The language problem of these words is extremely ill, but Lou Yao not only did not hear it, but also laughed and wanted to quit, and finally remembered that the most important thing had not been said, and he stepped forward and said: "Master Shao Shang ,me…"

The young man was covered in the sun, and said firmly, "I want to marry you!" Although he has been engaged for more than ten years, this confession is once in his life.

Shao Shang was impatient, and after hearing this, the anger that was so easily suppressed rose up again, and his tone was sarcastic: "Marry me? What about Lou Gongzi's fiancée?"


Shao Shang sneered: "Young Master Lou's marriage contract was abandoned, so he came to tease me? You are also deceiving people too much! Why, now that you have taken hold of my handle, you have no fear? I tell You, surnamed Lou, if you want to say it, go ahead and say it, I will not be threatened by you!"

The young men and women in the market do not study and start a business, what else can they do when they are idle and bored. Although she was still young at the time, the oaths she had seen made it possible to make plans.

The gentle Ah Qiang said 'I love you', Ah Zhen moved in with him, although he dumped her and married someone else after N years;

The cool Ah Gou said 'you are my woman', Ah Hua gave him an abortion, N times, and later got riddled with all kinds of illnesses, because he never got married, and the young businessman didn't know her Can you be a mother?

A Biao, who is proficient in language art, said, "Sooner or later, you will get married, what is the difference between yours and mine", and A Chun's working savings for many years have gone to the republic.

Mada bullies her without seeing the world! Shaoshang was furious: "How far do you give me! Marry me? Are you successful? Did your parents tell you, did you find the matchmaker, where is the betrothal gift, come to entertain me with empty teeth! Although the Cheng family is not as good as it is? You Lou family are splendid, but you won't be humiliated by this!...Mother Fu, Amei, come quickly! Find someone! Drive this disciple away!"

Lou Yao never dreamed that the girl would react like this, he stammered: "No, I, I really want to marry you...really...I already..."

Shao Shang didn't want to listen to his nonsense, and pulled down the car curtain forcefully. I only heard a clutter of footsteps outside, noisy voices, mixed with Lou Yao's explanation, and then everything gradually disappeared, obviously Lou Yao was driven away.

She was lying on the cushion and crying, she couldn't get through this day, everyone came to bully her!

Sang's hands were cool and slippery, and Shao Shang felt very comfortable.

Shao Shang said embarrassedly: "I made my aunt laugh."

Sang shi smiled: "Don't worry, your uncle has already sent Mr. Lou away. But..." She was very interested, "Why don't you believe him?"

"Why do you believe it?" Shao Shang was dumbfounded, "Isn't it right that you don't trust me in advance?" That way you won't be hurt.

Sang Shi was startled, then smiled: "That's right."

Then she took out a small and exquisite green bamboo flute from her sleeve, handed it to Shaoshang, and said, "The journey is boring, let me teach you how to play the flute."

Shao Shang hesitated and said, "Didn't you just take a piece of music from your eldest father's house a while ago and found that in addition to your uncle playing the flute and playing the qin, you still need a flute to reconcile?" It was Mother Cheng who embarrassed the Sang family and deliberately asked her to clean the former residence of the late Cheng Taigong.

Sang's face sternly said: "What is smooth, what is going! Can people in the same path communicate with each other and say what is going on? Uncle Jun is in the spirit of heaven, and I am so happy to know that we will play his score! Not to mention Too many skills don’t overwhelm you, what’s wrong with you learning too much.”

Shao Shang had eaten this aunt's platoon and hurriedly took over the flute with a wry smile.

At this moment, a long eagle roar suddenly sounded outside, breaking through the sky, like a sharp sword cutting through the dull sky. Sang hurriedly lifted the curtain of the car, and Shao Shang stretched his neck to look, only to see a vigorous and majestic goshawk soaring in the gray sky.

Shao Shang's eyes filled with joy: "I have never seen such a big eagle!"

Sang looked at the girl, and at the eagle that flew farther and farther: "Yes. You will see more in the future."

At this time, the driver's shouts and the strong commands of the Cheng family guards sounded again outside, and the convoy slowly set off.

[End of this volume]

Volume Two