This memorable silence ended with a cry from the healer—"The blood is still flowing...!"

He stared blankly.

Shao Shang came to his senses, glanced sideways at the bleeding wound on Ling Budo's shoulder and back, took a step forward and said unhappily: "The broken arrows are pulled out, you still What are you dawdling on there, and you still haven't come up to heal?! The hearts of the doctors and parents, why aren't you in a hurry?"

As soon as this remark came out, the doctor was so grieved that he couldn't wait to cry in the sky! But before he could make a sound, the two guards beside him moved a little to the left and right, and now he couldn't even speak.

—Yes, from the girl's point of view, the doctor's left arm, which is held behind him, can't be seen.

Liang Qiufei wanted to laugh, but was pulled hard by his brother beside him, and the boy quickly turned his face up.

Li Wulang couldn't stand it any longer, and turned his head to stare at the door; Li Taigong slapped his mouth a few times and found that his beloved beard had been touched off a few times, so he had to let go and sit down on Maza.

Medical doctor Cheng silently stepped forward to perform his duties, Shao-shang took a step back when he saw the situation, and wanted to go back to his seat. It was placed slightly lower on the right side of the main seat of Ling Budo's upper head.

The scarred guard smiled very kindly: "Young lady, sit first."

Shao Shang froze for a moment, then sat down woodenly.

She recalled that in Cheng's house, as long as Cheng's mother was not there, when Mrs. So, does this mean paying homage to the landlord? But this house belongs to Taigong Li, although she arranged it. Is that because the Cheng family's status is higher than the Li family...

Being ignorant, she suddenly smelled a strong aroma of wine, and looked at it with concentration, and the doctor Cheng was using the whole jar of freshly opened spirits to wash Ling's wounds repeatedly.

Taigong Li raised his nose and commented with a smile: "This is a good wine of the past ten years!"

Liang Qiufei showed a slightly smug look: "My old man has good eyesight, this is an old wine found in the warehouse of the Chen Palace, and I don't know how long it has been hidden. I plan to drink it at a celebration feast."

Shao Shang also took a breath, thinking that this wine is really strong but not overpowering, mellow and fragrant. She wanted to say, I can purify high-concentration alcohol for you, don't waste such a good wine, why don't you give it to my father Cheng.

Of course not. Someone saved your life, and you haven't even paid the interest, and you still want to covet someone's wine? !

Ling Budo glanced sideways at the girl, then looked at the bundle of brocade handkerchiefs in his hands - just pulled out the broken arrow, the girl immediately handed back the brocade handkerchief, and then wrapped the neck rope back into your hands. Although she is young, she has a clear mind and doesn't mean to be tied down.

At this time, the adult healer began to cut off the carrion.

But the man with bare shoulders quietly put his hands on his knees, his expression indifferent, except for his pale face and slightly pursed mouth, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the red lips on his snow-white skin from the side, Shao Shang thought inexplicably, he is too young for this level of authority...

s damage.

Ling Budoubt was served by Liang Qiufei and put on his robes one by one. After drinking another half a bowl of wine, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to call someone in.

Two soldiers came in with a long silk satin scroll, and then slowly unfolded in front of everyone. It turned out to be a picture book marked with mountains, rivers and villages. In the fog, Taigong Li knew that this was a map of Yanzhou.

Ling Budo had a solemn expression, and said, "I have passed by Yanzhou several times, but Dongjun has never been there. There are several remnants of soldiers scattered here and there, and I have killed two groups in the past few days. But there is another group of Xiaozhuang that chased to the south of Qingxian County and disappeared. Please ask the Taigong for guidance, now that Yulin Huben is blocking the east, in which direction will they flee?"

Taigong Li was startled and blurted out: "Is it really as Mrs. Cheng guessed that something happened to the saint?"

Everyone looked at the girl sitting on the right side of the head, Shao Shang was extremely embarrassed, and scolded old man Li for being too quick!

Ling Budo looked interested: "What did you guess?"

Shao Shang waved his hands again and again and said nervously: "No no, no... I'm guessing, I can't count, I can't count!"

Kuaizui old man Li hurriedly added to her: "Little lady Cheng said that someone is plotting to do something wrong, first delaying the trip of the imperial car, and then suddenly attacking, no one on the west side knew about it in the past."

Shao Shanghe laughed a few times.

Ling Budo smiled and looked at her for a while, before saying: "I guessed half right. It is true that some people have wrongdoings, but His Majesty has already noticed it, but he hopes that he can repent on his own. Who knows that the thieves are vicious, and as soon as the uprising is not successful, they will disperse the remnants of the bandits who have just gathered from Qingzhou recently, and spread the rumor that the emperor will kill them all, and then the culprit escapes in the chaos."

Li Taigong thought that the village that had been recuperating for a few years would suffer again, and could not help but aloud and regretted: "Your Majesty is too kind, what kind of affection, the chaotic ministers and thieves should be dealt with immediately!"

Shao Shang thought of the comatose Sang Shi and the casualties of the Cheng mansion, and also came: "Yes, yes."

Ling Budo thinks that she is very endearing, so she smiles: "Fengjiang official, move your whole body. Your Majesty has really controlled the overall situation, but I didn't expect it. until they are so vicious."

Taigong Li snorted, and slapped his thigh: "Fengjiang officials?! Is it because our state shepherds are in a mess? Thanks to our county governor's efforts to maintain it, there is no trouble extending to the west! "

The corner of Ling Budo's mouth twitched: "No, it was your county governor who was bewitched by others. Yanzhou prefecture loyally guarded the monarch and worked hard to pacify the chaos, and the west of Qingxian County was generally safe. His Majesty will announce it to the world."

This time, I don't need to be quick with Mrs. Li, Ling Budo turned his head directly to Shaoshang: "Is this what you guessed?"

Shao Shang's embarrassed ears were all red, and he could only continue to laugh: "Little girl is ignorant, ignorant...hehe..."

Noticed that the girl was staring at him, Taigong Li felt embarrassed and walked over to the map to check, and asked casually, "Where did those thieves escape from?"

Ling Budoubt said: "The matter is Hua County."

Li Taigong turned around excitedly and said loudly: "This time, Mrs. Cheng guessed it right! Sure enough, the accident happened in Huaxian. Fortunately, the wife and the daughter-in-law did not go to Huaxian, otherwise, wouldn't they be entering the tiger's mouth? Madam Cheng is so smart!" He was a kind person, and he thought to himself that the little girl was thin-skinned. He had just lost face twice in a row, and now he can always make a comeback.

Ling Budo couldn't help laughing: "This is not true. Because Your Majesty was prepared, he was stationed in a village in the east of Huaxian County, and the chaos was immediately extinguished. So if you went there yesterday In Hua County, it should be calm and safe."

Taigong Li smirked twice and hurriedly looked down at the picture. Liang Qiufei and Li Wulang each turned around and snickered, and the guards in the house from the scarred guard and the two soldiers holding the picture book were silently laughing.

Shao Shang: Taigong, I beg you to hold back!

Dongjun occupies a large area and is prosperous, Taigong Li stood in front of the picture book for a long time, hesitating: "...Lord Ling, the truth is to be honest, the old man dare not say anything about this place, but The roads and rivers are also well known. But where will the thieves and bandits go on this road, it is really difficult to be old..."

Before he finished speaking, the young merchant stood up and shouted loudly: "Tai Gong does not need to be embarrassed. People have deeds, and thieves have plots! If you want to disturb the situation and escape while Your Majesty’s troops are suppressing bandits, then you must be looking for a remote way to escape, especially in the gaps in the mountains and forests that are not easily noticed!”

This time, Taigong Li didn't dare to praise at will, so he hurried to see what Ling Budo meant, but saw that he was looking at the girl, smiled slightly, and said, "You are right." The general, who is known for his savage skills in the capital, looks extraordinarily young and handsome when he smiles.

Shao Shang finally raised his eyebrows, biting a small corner of his mouth and chuckling.

Ling Budo looked at the girl and said, "If the times were turbulent in the early years, even if the land was deserted, a team of brave people would be formed to protect the village. But these years, the brave and brave have all gone home to open up wasteland. Farming is gone. Suddenly there is chaos, and there is no doubt that wolves will enter the flock. Therefore, Your Majesty ordered that everything should be ignored, and the bandits will be suppressed first. Taigong, this bandit is one of the most evil, and he is preparing to flee south to Jingzhou and enter Shu through the road."

Taigong Li stroked his beard and nodded, turning to look at the picture.

Li Wulang thought to himself: Master Ling, you said it very well, but can you face my father when you speak?

"So the adults have been busy chasing thieves and bandits these past few days, which has delayed even healing?" Shao Shang understood this time.

Ling Budo smiled and said, "Ferocious tigers are easy to slaughter, but ants are hard to kill. Not to mention that the spring is about to break the ground, people make mistakes for a while, and people make mistakes for a year. It is very easy for people to eat and live in peace. Rice, you can't go wrong."

Shao Shangdun felt that the person in front of him had grown taller, probably the loyal ministers and generals mentioned in ancient books were like this, she replied with a sweet smile: "I think what you said is also quite right. ."

Li Wulang silently went to see his father: Father, they seem to be flirting.

Taigong Li: Keep your mouth shut.

Finally, the old man pointed to two places on the map and said, "If you want to escape, you should take these two roads."

Ling Budo nodded thank you, and ordered the soldiers to put away the album. Shao Shang hurriedly asked about the safety of his pig-headed uncle, and Ling said without doubt: "The magistrate of Qing County is loyal and brave, and he can rush to King Qin when he hears the news. When I came out, the magistrate Gongsun was answering in His Majesty's tent. If your uncle enters Qing County, The city walls there are tall, so it’s easy to come here.”

Shao Shang smiled, and in his heart mmp - stinky uncle, his brain is so bad, he deserves to be a big pig's hoof! When I complain to my aunt, if I don't make fun of it, I don't have the surname Cheng!

At this time, the older guard just came in, the arrow that had pierced through the left arm had been pulled out and was wrapped in bandages. He stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Young lord, there are forty-two captured thieves. The screening has been completed, and everyone has blood on their hands."

Ling Budo frowned slightly: "Why did you capture so many?" The implication was that he didn't kill them all.

The father and son of the Li family were heartbroken. Shao Shang was also surprised and couldn't help but look at Ling Wuxuan.

However, in a short while, the young and handsome young man seemed to change his attitude. He was gentle and courteous just now, benevolent and righteous, but when he talked about bandits, he understated them with blood and blood, and didn't think of them as 'human beings' at all.

She thought, this person is a good person, but he is a bit more murderous.

The old guard seemed to be used to it too, and said with a smile: "This group of useless cowards, when they robbed women and children, they were very courageous. If they can't beat them, they can be fast!" Then he brought in a few bandits led by Wu Hua Dao.

As soon as the five bandit leaders came in, they cried and cried, Ling Budo was very patient, and slowly waited for them to finish crying before saying: "Yes, you are all helpless and forced A bandit?"

A bandit leader with large blue spots on his face cried loudly: "…Xiao was originally a corporal under His Majesty's command. I just followed in a confused way…”

The bandit leader next to him who was missing one ear quickly picked it up: "General Mingjian, we all obey orders! Be a man, marry a wife and have children..."

Then, you said a word to me, and you cried while talking, and even the saliva came out; That's right' the answer.

"You came from Cong Township in the southeast of Qing County?" Ling did not doubt.

The five were puzzled and could only nod their heads.

"You still said that you are all under Zhang Sui?" Ling did not doubt.

Ling Budo nodded: "Speaking of which, when I was young, Zhang Sui also taught me how to use the knife." He seemed to remember something and sighed, "The world is so impermanent. Zhang Sui Although he was born in a bandit, he has been a good general since he was captured by Fan Chang. After years of separation, he never imagined that the world would be turned upside down. Fan Chang listened to the provocation and wanted to act inappropriately. Zhang Sui. As a result, Fan Chang was killed on the spot, amputating his limbs and cutting his head..."

The five people's eyes filled with hopeful joy, and they begged for mercy even louder, and also mentioned how General Zhang was benevolent.

Er, "These two are buried alive."

The father and son of the Li family let out an "ah", originally thinking that Ling Budo would spare them, but who would have known such a sudden change.

Shao Shang was also taken aback, thinking: This person is a good person, but he is moody.

The guards were about to drag these five people out, but when they heard the big blue spot howling hoarsely, Ling Budo raised his hand to make the guards stop for a moment, then smiled and said, "You rabble, Japan has been broken up a few days ago, and they used these words to deceive the soldiers of the Congxiang Guard Station, right? Then they slaughtered all the people in the station at night, regardless of the old and the weak, women and children, and then came out again after stealing the weapons. plunder."

Speaking of this, he turned cold: "Kill all, not one."

Are we still alive? It's really a last resort!"

At this time, even the father and son of the Li family, who have always been benevolent, hated them.

Shao Shang said bitterly: "Hmph, that General Zhang Sui was a bandit only in troubled times. If there is a second way to go, he is determined not to be a bandit. You are good, you can't wait to loot the people if you have a little trouble! What is the last resort? Can't you find a cave to avoid the limelight? Can't you hide your name and be a commoner? Can your majesty make an arrest notice to catch a few of your bed bugs and grasshoppers?! Feeling that she played a bit too far, she quickly turned her head and smiled, "Lord Ling, right?"

Ling Budo couldn't hold back, chuckled softly: "No more right."

Li Wulang looked back at his father: Father, aren't they really flirting?

Li Taigong was very irritable, ignored his son, and stepped forward: "It's not a pity for such despicable thieves to die, it is better to slaughter these leaders, and the rest will be punished as hard labor. "Lord Ling, since ancient times, killing and descending is ominous."

Ling Budo's tone was still gentle, but his words were not polite: "I'm too late to say this. I've killed bandits several times in the past few days, and I can see that I'm carrying prisoners?"

Li Taigong rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Yes, but this kill...after all, after all..."

Ling Budo's expression was light: "Baiqi Changping pit killed nearly 500,000 Zhao soldiers, that is called killing and surrendering unknown; Xiang Wang Xinan killed 200,000 Qin troops at night, that is called The killing and descending are unknown. Because these soldiers could have fought to the death, fighting to the death and breaking the net. But these..." He pointed to the five bandit leaders, and his eyes showed ridicule. Surrender. If they don't surrender, what can they do?" After reading for a few years, it is so pedantic.

At this moment, Shaoshang suddenly said: "Lord Ling, how about you hand over these captured bandits to me? I'll kill them."


The scarred guard and the older guard looked at each other, their young master is already weird enough, I didn't expect such a cute little girl to be so weird.

"It's ominous to kill and surrender, but they didn't surrender to me, did they?" Mrs. Li of the Shao Shang Dynasty said, "It doesn't matter if I kill them, right?"

Li Taigong was speechless and speechless. Now it was his turn to see his son Li Wulang.

Ling Budo was about to speak, but saw Shaoshang turn her head and asked, "Is there anything worse than being buried alive?" She didn't know much about the popular punishments of this era.

It was Liang Qiufei who was asked. He saw that his young master was also looking at him, and stammered: "...The car cracked?"

Shao Shang nodded in satisfaction, then stood up in style and took two steps forward. The guards who were about to drag the five bandit leaders out saw Ling Budo's wink, and swiftly pushed them back into the house, pressing them down and kneeling.

Shao Shang asked: "Last night, you arrested a few maids from my family, where are they now?"

The five bandit leaders looked at each other in dismay, and quickly denied it, saying that it was not what they did, but other dead leaders.

Shao Shang pointed at the 'one ear' and sneered: "Don't pretend, you were among the people who crossed the horse-rejecting fence that night! I remember very clearly that when you escaped back, you Did you catch a maid?"

The 'one ear' was undeniable, begging for mercy again and again, and said that he had not treated those maids badly.

Shaoshang's eyes were full of blood, and he said word by word: "I have sent a family general to find out, and eight were taken captive, and now there are only two left." Fortunately, those two The girl was plump and slim, and the gangster wanted to keep it and continue to humiliate it, so he didn't kill it. Although it was horrible to watch, she survived anyway, and she will make comprehensive arrangements for them in the future.

As soon as the five bandit leaders heard this, they knew it was over. If they were all killed and there were no survivors, they could deny it. Now that there are two survivors, what else is unclear? !

This morning, several women will cook and eat them!" Shao Shang didn't shy away from it, and shook it all out.

Taigong Li had seen such a tragic incident, and his heart was shocked and his body was cold, and Li Wulang was frightened.

The guards in the house did not know about this, and they were all indignant when they heard it.

You are also worthy of being human for making fun of human flesh?! Since you don’t want to be human and want to be animals and animals, then I will treat you as animals and slaughter whatever you want?!”

That 'one ear' knew that he was going to die, but bravely rushed forward a few steps and roared: "How dare you?! You—!" Before he could finish speaking, the guards blocked his mouth, but he was still baring his teeth and grinning low and growling, his eyes were like wild beasts, and Li Wulang couldn't help but feel fear when he saw it.

Shao Shang was frightened and took a step back, but remembered the tragic state of the two girls who were torn apart. Eating bones and heads.

She was furious, took two steps forward, and sneered: "Don't do this to me! You are a ghost, and you will only be judged by Yama! Torture! Do you still have time to come to me?! Hmph, you are strong, you can fish the weak. Now that it is in my hands, I can also fish you. Now I want to tear you into as many pieces as you want! I have already Ask the surviving women to identify them, those who have eaten human flesh and killed them, let's break the car together!"

The remaining four bandit leaders still wanted to scold and struggle, but Ling Budo made a gesture, and several guards dragged them out with force.

Shao Shang held back his weak legs and was afraid, and determined to understand the matter at one go, he bowed to the Li family father and son and Ling Wuxuan: "I'll go to the judge, and retire for the time being... ouch..."

Ling did not know when she had stood over, gently pressed her back to Ma Zha, and said warmly, "Don't go, it's too troublesome for the car to split, so let's split the corpse into five horses. I'll go to the execution."

Shao Shang refused to stand up again: "No, I will go to the execution!"

"Don't go." Ling Budo looked at the stubborn girl, "You haven't seen that scene, you will have nightmares."

"I won't have nightmares." Shaoshang raised his head, "I never have nightmares! If you don't call me the judge, I'm going to see how these animals die!"

Ling Budo closed his eyes, and after a while, said indifferently: "Do you like to see bridges? There are also many arch bridges in my mansion, many of which are built with the skills of the public transport class."

These words are thoughtless, and only one person in the room can understand.

Shao Shang was dizzy for a while, and sure enough, he guessed it.

She sat down on the pony, her whole body was powerless, but she remained calm: "Since Mr. Ling is so kind, I will be disrespectful." ; It would be better to see this person as little as possible in the future!

Ling Budo shook his head helplessly, got up and walked out the door, when he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head and said to Shaoshang: "It's not your fault that those maids were kidnapped, you are so young. , this action is already quite remarkable. And..." He paused, "Drink a bowl of soothing soup before going to bed tonight, remember?"

Shao Shang nodded, seeming to understand.

She thought to herself, this man is still a good man, but he is more controlling.

Looking at Ling Budo and his group walking out the door, Li Wulang let out a sigh of relief and went over to support his old father: Father, I still think they are flirting.

Taigong Li: ...No, I'm going to tell Mrs. Sang and Mrs. Xiaocheng.

The author has something to say:

At this moment, Ling Budo&Yuan Shen is 21 years old, the heroine is 14 years old, the elder brother Cheng is 18 years old, the second brother Cheng & Lou Yao is 16 years old, Cheng Shao Gong is the same age as the heroine .