Stop the spirit for a few days, until the fourth day the emperor's decree arrives.

First, the Chinese word commended the old Cheng county magistrate 'broad kindness and righteousness, benevolent to the people, benevolent to future generations, and worthy doctors in the world to compete for the title', not waiting for the young merchants kneeling below Abdominal slander, the Huangmen immediately read out the dry goods: postgraduate Lao Cheng county magistrate as a second-class Guanneihou, and after his eldest grandson is crowned, he will be awarded the title and awarded an official rank of 600 shi, and he will also be given 10,000 yuan.

Seeing that her niece was half-understood, Sang hurriedly explained in her ear: That is, when the grandson of Old Master Cheng reaches adulthood, he can automatically obtain the official position of the six hundred stone official rank. As for whether it is an important job or an idle job, it depends on the child's own ability - this is already a very generous reward.

Shao Shang let out a sullen breath, thinking that this emperor is still good. If it wasn't for the emperor's kindness and soft-heartedness, he didn't take the time to deal with the rebels, how could Huaxian and Chengfu encounter this **** catastrophe!

The Sang family's elder brother Sang Yu was accompanied to announce the decree. Mrs. Cheng led her two grandchildren to bow down to thank the emperor, and then asked Cheng Zhi and his wife to accompany Sang Yu to the side Hall speak. Coupled with the young merchant, the four of them sat around the charcoal basin. Because it was not easy to eat and drink beside the old Cheng county magistrate's mourning hall, Cheng Zhi could only serve a bowl of hot honey syrup to his wife and brother.

He held the cup and didn't drink, and first asked about his sister's injury.

Sang Shi smiled and said, "I have eaten and slept well in the past few days, and I have changed the medicine every day. It is much better. It is all skin injuries, but no bones and muscles."

Sang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and brought a second piece of news to everyone, saying that the emperor ordered Cheng Zhi to temporarily act as the magistrate of Huaxian to appease the people and eliminate disasters in the village; arrive.

While cursing his uncle's good luck, Shao Shang politely asked, "Master Sang, why didn't this edict be sent together today?" It's all like this to accompany, and occasionally catch up with two sentences.

Sang Yu had learned from the letter at home that his sister loved Cheng's family's daughter very much. At this time, seeing the girl's eyes and eyes, she was in a good mood, and she thought that after her sister was injured, it was thanks to her little girl for taking good care of her. , I was close to him early in my heart, and smiled: "Your Majesty is merciful. In order to fear that the family of the old magistrate will be hurt, he will send an order one or two days later."

Shao Shang was speechless, she never thought that the Supreme Emperor was so kind and considerate.

Sang shi looked at her dazed appearance, smiled and said to her brother: "She, a few days ago, she complained to me that His Majesty was not cruel enough, and earlier, apart from that Fan Chang, nothing happened. Is it?"

Shao Shang let out a startled "Oops", and scratched Sang Shi's waist in dissatisfaction, and Sang Shi backhandedly scratched her little nose.

Sang Yu shook his head and sighed: "There are probably not a few people who think like this now, but how does the world know the difficulty of Your Majesty. That Fan Ni's achievements in following the dragon are not small, except for being more violent, There's nothing else next to him. Before the treason's deeds are revealed, I just took him down on the basis of rumors... This, this..." He stroked the five strands of scribe's beard under his chin, and said, "Besides, we have always shared weal and woe, and the rich and the noble. At the beginning, Emperor Gaozu killed a lot of heroes, but now it is said that His Majesty will follow suit, which has not avoided people's instability...cough..."

Shao Shang nodded secretly, which makes some sense.

After thinking about this matter, she said crisply: "Uncle, I will go to the front mourning hall to guard for you. You and Master Sang have a good talk, don't worry." He turned his head and said, "Master Sang, I instructed the cook to cook the meat soup with green onion and mountain mushroom sauce. My uncle couldn't eat it. We poured it on the hot wheat rice with my uncle and ate it."

Cheng Zhi was originally in a gloomy mood, but at this time he couldn't help patting the floor and scolded with a smile: "You kid, even if you don't like your uncle, don't show it to everyone!"

Shao Shang immediately said: "Last night I used bone soup to make soup cakes for you!"

"Isn't that what Mrs. Cheng told you to cook an extra bowl!" Cheng Zhi was angry when he remembered it, "otherwise you only plan to cook for their grandparents and grandchildren! I hurt you for nothing! It's gone!"

Shao Shang was impatient: "Uncle is a big idiot, you can eat well if the old lady speaks! Humph, there is no soup for you tonight!" Stop staring at the back and blowing out the beard, the Sang family brothers and sisters all collapsed on the seat with a smile.

When the girl walked out the door, Sang Yu wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said to her sister, "You are a smart and well-behaved niece." Then he turned to his sister-in-law and said, "This is The county town is okay, but the villages outside the county suffer a lot, so you have to be diligent and considerate, maybe you can make up for the position of county magistrate."

Who knew that Cheng Zhi shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's natural to be diligent and thoughtful, otherwise I wouldn't be able to apologize to the elders under Jiuquan. But I still won't make up for this lack. Here it is, I will ask my brother to find another place."

Sang Yu frowned, and was about to express disapproval, Sang hurriedly grabbed it and said softly: "I and Zirong mean the same. Zirong is afraid that he will also go out to the city to kill thieves, and his life and death are uncertain. Now the old man sacrificed himself for righteousness, but we are doing well. If Zirong fills this gap, he will inevitably be criticized by those who are conscientious in the future, saying that the frivolous and comfortable are blessed, and those who are loyal and dedicated. But it suffered."

Sang Yu stroked Hu, thought for a moment, and said, "That's right. Don't worry about where you go, I know that there are several small counties that can make up for the lack of county magistrates, alas... It's not as prosperous as here. "

As the emperor crushed the heroes one by one and conquered the lands, in fact, a lot of local officials were needed. But it is also the county seat. There are tens of thousands of prosperous counties like Huaxian County in Qing County, and there are also small and barren counties with only hundreds of thousands of households. Going there to be the county magistrate is not as good as being the county magistrate in Hua County. oily water.

"It's okay." Cheng Zhi said seriously, "I should learn to stand up for myself and protect one side of the people like an old man. That is..." He looked at Sang, "Why don't you come back? Go to the capital, and I will take office myself."

Sang shi squeezed **** her husband's waist and stared: "If you want to go back, go back by yourself, give me the official seal, and I will take office for you! I didn't go anywhere with my brother in the early years. Well, I need you to pity Xiangxiyu!"

Cheng Zhi covered his waist with a yo-yo, and said angrily, "What do women know, I'm here for your own good!"

"Okay!" Seeing this scene, Sang Yu had a headache for a while, "Where is this point, am I going to find a place for Zirong to make trouble for people?! General Cheng also I won't agree! Besides, I have to wait for His Majesty to complete the tour of Yanzhou, and then to Qingzhou, and then I can officially confer an official after returning to the capital."

After he said this, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He pointed to his sister's nose, and said loudly, "You, give me a good leg injury, otherwise I won't want to go anywhere!" My brother-in-law, "You, take care of you and me, don't make a mess! Otherwise, go back to Bailu Mountain to study for my father!"

After shouting, seeing that the couple was careful not to make trouble, the admired Master Sang finally felt much more comfortable, and after heaved a breath, he said: "Go, tell me Let your wife prepare dinner, and I will go back to His Majesty tomorrow morning."

Sang shi raised his head and said strangely: "Huh? Didn't you say that His Majesty will leave the camp for Shanyang County in a few days, brother won't you go back and pack your bags immediately?"

Sang Yu said helplessly: "Your Majesty has been losing his temper these two days, I have to hide for a while, the luggage has already been packed by Tonger."

Cheng Zhi also thought it strange: "Is Your Majesty indignant about Fan's rebellion?" The emperor was not angry during the sudden turmoil, and now Fan Chang and all his followers are hung up and dried in the sun , how did you get angry.

"Why is it for this?" Sang Yu squeezed his beard and smiled bitterly, "Two days ago, Fan Chang and those **** who were instigating and plotting were caught up and killed by Shiyi Lang. Well. This is a good thing..." He paused, "Who would have thought that Shijirou fell head-first when he was reporting back from the imperial front, and His Majesty only knew that he had been injured for several days, but he kept concealing it without reporting it, and insisted on chasing down the traitor. Now I'm sick with a high fever, I'm in a coma... er, no, I was awake when I came out."

Cheng Zhi and Mrs Sang looked at each other, Mrs Sang said with a smile: "Since the person is awake, why is Your Majesty losing his temper?"

Sang Yu was angry and laughed, and said: "Your Majesty walked back and forth in front of Shijilang's sickbed, saying repeatedly, telling him to quickly become his own son, otherwise no one will die when he dies. !"

"Eleven Lang refused?" Cheng Zhi said.

"Bullshit! How could His Majesty lose his temper if he agrees!" Sang Yu said feebly, "Later, when he was in a hurry, Shirou said that he would like to marry someone he loves like his uncle. I don't want to be like his parents, resentful and hated for half my life."

Cheng Zhi clapped his hands and smiled: "As soon as you say this, Your Majesty must be out of luck."

Sang Yu said angrily: "If he doesn't say this, His Majesty can't do anything about him! Four years ago, the chief of Yuchang County remarried him. His Majesty wanted to force him to get married, but he rode alone. I ran to the northwest, and I happened to meet the barbarian criminals, and almost lost my life there! How dare Your Majesty dare to be tough after that! Your Majesty can't lose his temper at Shirou, and he can't take his anger on the heads of others?!"

Cheng Zhi couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty pity Shishi Lang is difficult and difficult, raising him like a parent. In fact, if he really doesn't want to get married, why don't he take a concubine and have children first?" , the focus is on Mr. Child.

Sang Yu drank the sugar water in one gulp and said, "Concubine Concubine, hum, do you think Your Majesty didn't give it? Others didn't give it? But Eleven Lang is also weird, those concubines come and go, No one has served for a long time, let alone a heir. Oh, forget it, I will return to Bailu Mountain after accompanying Your Majesty to tour Qingzhou.

Sang's thoughts were all without a word, and he did not mention this matter since then.

After the three-day wake-up call, Cheng Zhi immediately devoted himself to the post-disaster reconstruction work in full swing. Because Sang's leg was injured, in addition to dealing with the ladies of the county town to ask for food, many of the other auxiliary work was honestly and rudely assigned to his good niece.

Shao Shang once heard a sentence when he was studying, until the founding of New China, the control of local governments in the past dynasties in my country could only be at the county level at most, and the local governance of units below the county basically relied on clan gentry, etc. Indigenous forces.

Before she came here, she didn't understand what it meant, how could she not be able to control it? What's more, there is a complete set of various auxiliary offices of the public security, procuratorate and law, collecting taxes, gambling, pornography, and black population statistics.

But now, the businessman understands it all.

Hua County is not a small county, with a permanent population of 10,000 households, with a county magistrate, the official rank is more than a thousand stones (less than a thousand stones), and a county magistrate (Cheng Zhi) , The official rank ranges from 400 shi to 600 shi, and he is in charge of civil affairs, taxation and household registration statistics, and two county magistrates with an official rank of 200 to 300 shi are in charge of public security.

In other words, in such a large county, with a population of tens of thousands, there are only four officials established by the state! Four! The rest of the auxiliary staff are staffed by the officials themselves.


The old Cheng county magistrate has four or five staff members, and the family soldiers brought in from the family also write memorials and documents in Taiping.

The chief of Xiaocheng County raised two or three disciples, and his elder brother sent a steady stream of battle-hardened generals to guard him.

Even the two local snake county magistrates also have a group of little brothers to follow. On weekdays, they shout at the street market and among the shops to maintain order.

At first, Shaoshang wanted to ask 'what if the magistrate and county magistrate who took office had no money and no one would do', but then I thought that this question was too mentally handicapped. Tian Shelang, twilight for the emperor's minister'. Nowadays, most of them are recruited by imperial court and celebrities. To put it simply, those who can become officials, no matter whether they are from a family or not, are basically people with backgrounds.

Take Yuan Shen as an example, he meets all the above conditions - his father is a state shepherd, a well-known official in the frontier, he can completely recommend his excellent son to the court; his N teachers Not only the great Confucian scholars in the world, but also the big bosses of Guozijian, can also introduce proud disciples to work. But he took the third way. At the age of 18, he was a blockbuster in the classics, and was conscripted by the emperor himself.

Of course, there are exceptions to save the country by curves.

As Yiyi, the next-door senior brother Gongsun's subordinate was from an ordinary farm family, but he was smart and extraordinary from a young age.

Ru Er, the current governor of Dongjun originally came from a family of hawkers in the market, but he found business opportunities in the troubled times and accumulated a lot of money by selling horses. It is said that he also helped several generals of the dynasty Raised forage during the war. Based on this, he donated a small post after the war to pass the official addiction, and it can be regarded as a shining lintel. This time, his immediate boss made a mess, and he responded face to face with hype, and kept saying that he would donate all his family property for the great cause, and then turned his head and surrendered to the emperor.

—Shao ​​Shang couldn’t help but cocked his big toe for this county chief, talent!

Shao Shang originally thought that this mode of appointment as an official was not conducive to the advancement of talents at the bottom, but looking at the heavy bamboo slips in his hands, he felt that this idea was redundant. In a society where even paper has not yet been developed and popularized, knowledge cannot be circulated in a cheap mode , how can the large-scale bottom-level talents go up without opening the minds of the people - this is the reality.

For example, she is now standing in the medical hut at the corner of the West City, which doubles as a shelter & porridge shed, a small official came to ask:

The day before yesterday, 30 dendrobium old rice was delivered, and yesterday, 40 dendrobium mixed beans were delivered. A large pot requires two dendrobium rice. Chen Mi boiled a portion of mixed beans into thick bean porridge. There are more than 1,200 people outside. Today, at least Mr. Xiao Cheng needs to send about how much Chen Mi and how many mixed beans?

In the other side, the doorman that Cheng Zhi sent to help hadn't made up his mind yet. Shao Shang took a branch and drew a few equations on the ground to figure it out, which shocked the little official. Close your mouth.

Shao Shang was also taken aback, she clearly remembered that as long as it did not involve high numbers and above, Sang's mental arithmetic was much faster than her own formulas, and the results were not much different. That doorman is still a literate person. As for the rest of the people in the shed, they have no idea what the Shaoshang are talking about. Some of the wild and undeveloped ones can't even count the basics, let alone addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition.

Shangshang suddenly found that he needed to work hard to suppress greed, because it was too easy to deceive these farmers and hunters, and a little manipulation of numbers when collecting fur and grain was simply worthless! - Slapped to death the profiteer gene that Dad Liang Bo had inherited from him, Shao Shang stubbornly worked hard, and resolutely drove away these evil thoughts.

Because the tiger Ben army arrived in time, the time that the gangsters can commit crimes is actually only half a day, even if they work overtime, **** and loot, the damage to the population and economy is still limited.

Now more than 1,200 people in this shed belong to the hardest hit households. Not only have their houses been burned down, their families have been killed and maimed, and their property and food have also been looted. Even if there are relatives' homes to shelter in, the injuries on the body cost a lot. Therefore, Cheng Zhi specially set up a medical hut here to accommodate the people in the village who suffered from scourges for treatment and treatment.

Shao Shang: Sure enough, seeing a doctor has always cost money.

Originally, the Sang family didn’t want Shaoshang to come to such a place, but Shaoshang felt depressed by accompanying the orphans of the old Cheng county magistrate’s family all day long, so he might as well go out and engage in the Red Cross movement, not to mention Trauma is not contagious.

Sang Shi wanted to respect her opinion, so she had to agree.

The medical level at this time is still very rough, and the treatment of trauma is mostly a three-pronged axe, cleaning - scraping rot - applying medicine, and it's over. At most, a suture with high technical content is added, and it is threaded into the flesh with twine, which makes the heart tremble. Don't think about antibiotics, the most advanced treatment is to let the sorcerer dance and sing the curse song on the side!

Originally, Shao Shang wanted to drive these superstitious people out for a meal, but after seeing such a trick, many wounded people have the courage to survive - so the atheist Cheng The little lady politely invited the gods to perform a performance every few days, and the remuneration was easy to say. After a long time, the county has a good reputation of admiring the heaven and earth and respecting the gods.

The medical hut accommodated all those who suffered disasters in this military chaos. Naturally, there was no good atmosphere. Everyone has a sad story. Second, only a cold, hard-hearted person like Shaoshang can hold on.

Put the outflowing intestines back, sew up the belly with a loud howl, and cut off the stump of the skin and flesh. Without anesthesia, I can only endure it, burning it to black The red burnt flesh is covered with medicated oil...

Faced with the medical apprentices and helpers summoned from the entire county, Shaoshang stood in the middle of the command with a blank expression. Daily mobilization of food, medicine and water, registration of the names and places of origin of those who have died and those who have recovered from injuries, deployment of manpower to take care of the injured, arranging work and rest shift schedules, and careful statistics of expenditure and income to avoid waste and corruption.

Cheng Zhi originally only wanted to let his niece stay in emergency for a few days, but when he was free from repairing the city defense, he would send another reliable person to manage the medical house. retreat.

These days, she gets up almost before dawn and rushes to the medical house from the county office. She only goes back at dusk, working at least fifteen hours a day; Lu Neitang made do with lying down all night, anyway, there were alternate guards and maids beside him.

In the beginning, she just took refuge outside to avoid the crowded county government, but later it seemed that there was an inexplicable anxious and violent force behind her, urging her day after day Stick to it.

The fifth day of the medical house—

Faced with a group of wounded, crying or heartbroken, Shaoshang has been able to deal with it indifferently:

"Crying, what's the use of crying, if you have the strength, quickly bite the wood in the doctor's hand and hold your bones straight!"

"Stop yelling, it's not just being bullied. Ah, bullied several times, what's the difference between once and several times. Your fiancé-in-law has been waiting outside for two days. Well. If you're not good, I'll find another bride for him as a matchmaker!"

"Did your father and brother have their limbs chopped off and died of pain? I am very sorry. But if you die, so many fields in your family will have to be given to others, so you should hurry up and seek a daughter-in-law to live One, two, three, four, five, just live back the days of your father and brother."

"What, your mother and sister were tortured to death? Fortunately, you are a man, and the thief is straight, otherwise your chrysanthemum will turn into a sunflower." - This sentence is a slander.

The tenth day of the medical house—

When Shao Shang wrote 'Twelve people recovered from injuries today and returned; 31 people were injured and moved out of the house', she deeply felt that the most important thing at the moment was the development of paper to spread knowledge or develop medical care.

In the past, those who couldn’t get through were pulled out of the city.

One-third of the people who have left have become dead, and the corpses are either brought back by their families for burial, or burned into ashes and sprinkled into waste graves.

On the fifteenth day of the medical house, it rained heavily—

Shao Shang squatted beside a quiet sickbed in the inner hall, holding a cold little hand tightly in both hands, and could not help but burst into tears.

The **** the sickbed was less than thirteen years old, with beautiful eyebrows and a large dimple on her cheek. She used to have a happy family, but unfortunately her home was built at the entrance of the village, and she couldn't even escape when the bandits came on horseback.

She watched the whole family being slaughtered, and was stabbed in the abdomen after being brutally gang-raped. The kind neighbors picked up the dying girl from the burned house and took care of her for several days. It was not good, so I sent it to the county medical house.

How her brother loves her. Shao Shang tried his best to take care of her, wrapped her wounds with medicine and changed her clothes, and kept encouraging her in his ears, praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky not to let the child die.

As long as you live, as long as you live.

But she still went, with endless pain and unwillingness. Before she died, she opened her eyes wide and said to Shaoshang, "Young lady is a great kind and great virtue, and the little girl will repay her in the next life..."

With tears in her eyes, she remembered the little maid who also had dimples on her face and loved to listen to her playing the flute. She didn't even see her corpse, or maybe there was no corpse at all...

Shangshang suddenly wanted to go home, and it would be better to go back to the town that was scornful than here. Because there, she was not afraid of anything. When someone ridiculed her, she could scold her a hundred times over; if someone bullied her, she could always find an opportunity to retaliate back with double the amount of revenge; in the end, everyone in the town looked at her with admiration.

But here, she is so powerless! She can't do anything! I can only cry helplessly in the inner chamber...

I cried for a long time, until my head hurt. The guard hurried in from outside and reported: "Miss, there is a gentleman surnamed Wei Lou outside who wants to see you."

Cry, why don't you cry now.

When he saw Shaoshang at first glance, his face was full of joy, but before he could open his mouth to say half a word, Shaoshang walked over like a gust of wind, and silently grabbed Young Master Lou's sleeve and dragged it out.

In terms of strength, the three young merchants can't drag Lou Yao, but Lou Yao can't compare his strength with a girl, of course, he was dragged to the courtyard outside the house along with the young merchants, and a few housekeepers winked. , will not come forward to 'protect the Lord'.

Shao Shang plunged into the pouring rain, his eyes were red, and he said loudly: "What are you doing! Come and threaten me again!" !

It was raining heavily, and most of the girl's clothes got wet in the blink of an eye. When Lou Yao saw something was wrong, he quickly took off the hoodie on his shoulders and put it on the girl, stammering: "No, I said it last time, I admire you very much..."

The young man pushed away the shoji in the boy's hand, roaring and screaming: "Shut up! Who wants you to admire me! You don't know who I am! When you see three colors," Admiration', you ignorant Shuzi, do you know what's going on in Yanzhou these days?! You still think about this worthless 'admiration'? , I will retaliate, narrow-minded, vicious, full of sneaks but no ability! Only relying on the protection of my father and brother to show my teeth and claws until now, it is really useless! What is there to 'admiration'..."

Lou Yao kept talking despite the girl's self-indignity, stepped forward and grabbed the hood and put it on her head and shoulders, then stepped back three steps in a row, mustering the strength of her chest, He shouted like thunder: "You listen to me first!"

Shao Shang was taken aback, and he covered his mouth dumbfoundedly.

Lou Yao took a deep breath, but because of the rain all over his face, he almost sucked the water into his nostrils, and after a few embarrassed coughs, he said loudly: "That day outside the capital, You see off, I just want to say, in fact, I told my mother that I wanted to marry you as soon as I went back to Wanjia Banquet! At first, when my mother was joking, I knelt in front of her house... I knelt for about half a stick of incense. ...Only then did my mother agree to send a letter to Yanzhou to ask my father about this."

Shaoshang is stunned: Banzhuxiang, it's so short, your mother seems to be very talkative.

Lou Yao continued: "Who knew that you would leave the capital so soon, so I came after you to tell you. I, I am not a disciple, not a frivolous person, I am sincere I admire you."

Speaking of this, he was a little shy, "After your motorcade set off, I actually went back to pack up immediately and rushed to my father in Sanyang County, I, I want to tell my father, you A very good woman."

Shao Shang laughed, almost burst into tears: "I, I'm fine?" This is the best joke she has heard since she was born.

Lou Yao was soaked all over at this time, he wiped his face and said firmly: "Yes, you are very good. You are very brave, witty and intelligent. Dare to say what others dare not say, dare to say Do what others dare not do! I have been taught since I was a child to take a step back and give way to He Zhaojun. But I don't want to! If I break off the marriage on my own, am I going to be cowardly and endure for the rest of my life?!"

"I think... I want to be as fearless as you! I don't want to be mediocre and cowardly like before." The boy said word by word, he stood upright against the rain, not feeling cold at all.

"Five days ago, my father promised you and me a marriage, and he has sent someone back to the capital to let my mother propose marriage to the Cheng residence. I, I will come to see you first..."

"Don't listen to other people's words and then insult yourself. I have inquired about you, and you are not what the rumors say! I believe in my own eyes! You must also believe in yourself!"

The winter rain was biting and cold, but the eager sincerity exuded from the boy seemed to evaporate this biting chill into nothingness.

Shao Shang looked at him dazedly, a warm feeling came from his heart. Although it is only a small warmth like a night light, it is enough to give people hope.

She doesn't feel cold anymore.