Chapter 140:

When Huo Budo saw her, his blood surged.


After being seriously injured and falling off a cliff, he lay in the cave waiting to die, cold all over, lonely and desperate, but as long as he thinks of her, his heart is hot. He didn't know what heartache was like before, and he didn't feel much pain even when he was about to die. Now he finally understands that it is to wrap a thin wire around your heart in circles, and then slowly tighten it. Blood dripped down.

"Young businessman!" He whispered like a dying beast, trying to pounce and hug the girl.

At this time, Cen Anzhi led two rows of eunuchs into the hall, and the queen shouted sharply: "Hold him down!"

The queen has been in the number for ten years, no matter how kind and generous, she has accumulated power. The first four strong eunuchs immediately stepped forward to hold Huo Budo’s hands and feet, Cen Anzhi hesitated, and the queen said coldly : "Cen Anzhi, my words are no longer useful." Cen Anzhi was shocked, and quickly called the four eunuchs behind him to come up.

If it was before, let alone eight eunuchs, there would be eighteen, Huo Buzhuo could also overthrow them, but now he is seriously injured and weak, and he is imprisoned Press firmly in place.

"Young businessman, young businessman, come back!" he shouted in a hoarse voice.

However, the girl was still sitting on her knees and motionless.

"Your Majesty, my concubine will ask Your Majesty to approve something today."

How smart the emperor is, he hesitated: "This..." Seeing the queen's eyes swept over, he quickly said, "Okay, you say."

The queen said: "Zisheng and Shaoshang have been arguing since the day they got engaged, and they haven't had a few days of peace. Now that it's like this, I don't think it's interesting to let them be husband and wife again. now..."

"Niangniang!" Huo Buxuan looked at the queen begging with tears in his eyes.

The emperor scolded: "Well, it's better for them to make their own decisions..."

"Shao Shang." The Queen called, "Tell me."

He remembered how the girl used to be, no matter how many harsh words and admonitions from the elders, she was so vigorous, full of dew, as innocent and fearless as a child running barefoot on the bluestone slab, even if The gravel hurt his foot, and he cried for a while and then passed.

But now, she is like a mule that has just been unloaded from the stone mill, tired and haggard.

The Empress of the Shao Shang Dynasty kowtowed respectfully: "My concubine comes from a cold background, has a shallow talent, and has an unruly temperament. Let's end this marriage."

"Young businessman! Listen to me..." Huo Budo struggled hard, but he couldn't move when he was pressed. Clothes are empty.

"No!" Shaoshang suddenly raised his voice, "Please listen to me this time."

I don't have any. But it doesn't matter, there are many people in the world who are more difficult than me, and I can get down on my own. But, I met you..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, "You made me like you, I like you. You made me depend on you, I depended on you. You made me believe in you, and I believed—and you will I threw it down heavily, and I didn't look back!"

Someone said that falling in love with someone means putting yourself in an unsafe situation, but that's okay, now she's learned - and she'll never let herself heart is in danger.

ran out of the temple.

Huo Budo couldn't say a word, he could only watch the girl kowtow to the emperor, and then ran away. He let out a low growl and used his last strength like a wounded beast, the wound on his head burst open, and blood dripped down his white forehead.

The emperor stepped over in two big steps, a knife in hand knocked out his adopted son, and asked Cen Anzhi to carry Huo Budo out for the doctor to re-wrap the wounds, he screened the others and looked at the queen.

The queen looks back.

After a while, the emperor smiled bitterly: "Why do you do this?"

The queen said sternly: "Since the beginning, Shao Shang was reluctant to marry Zisheng, but because of His Majesty's monstrous power, she could only bear it hard. It can be seen that the marriage is still a matter of course, the melon is not sweet, and it is difficult to become a husband and wife after all - just like me and Your Majesty."

The emperor did not dare to look her in the eyes, and said to him: "Now that this incident has happened, there is a crack in the hearts of the two of them. ...separate, that's fine."

The queen walked up to the emperor and looked straight: "Apart from the marriage of Shaoshang and Zisheng, what about the thing that the concubine told His Majesty before?"

Shao Shang was running in the dark palace alley, many palace maids and eunuchs saluted her along the way, she didn't dare to turn her head, just ran wildly. She felt that the wounds on her body were burning with pain, her headache was splitting, and she couldn't even breathe. But she knew she couldn't stop, and once she stopped, she would be overwhelmed by the sea-like heartbreak.

I don't know how long I ran, it seemed that I passed the mirror lake and the garden, and saw the tall tower in front of me from a distance, suddenly a soft and strong hand grabbed her, she couldn't stop and almost fell .

"Shao Shang, Shao Shang! What's wrong with you! Wake up, what's wrong with you!" a familiar male voice shouted.

Shao Shang focused his eyes and saw Yuan Shensi's handsome face, he was asking anxiously: "I went to Fufeng County a while ago, and I only heard about Ling... Huo Budo this morning, I heard that you were carried away covered in blood... Are you injured, where is it!"

He was sweating nervously, grabbing Shaoshang's shoulder with both hands, but he didn't dare to use force, "Are you alright, you just talk..."

"No...this..." Yuan Shen was at a loss for words. When he came, he felt that he had something to ask the girl, but now he didn't know where to start. After searching for a long time, he could only say: "You don't have to worry about it. Huo Budoubt, Your Majesty must protect him. However, the crime of privately transferring troops and shaking the capital is not trivial.

"You don't need to say it, his business has nothing to do with me in the future." Shaoshang said coldly.

Yuan Shen was stunned, his voice inexplicably raised a bit: "Could it be that you and him...?"

Not waiting for him to ask the exit, a large group of people rushed forward, and it was the second prince. I saw him rush forward furiously, and the eunuchs and maids around him stopped him one after another.

"You slaves dare to stop me! Go away, I want to go to the palace to see my mother..."

"Your Highness absolutely must not, the empress specially ordered that all the princes and princesses will not be seen in the past few days!"

"Fart! I'm my mother's biological daughter, why can't I see you! You all get out of the way, or I'll kill you one by one!"

"Think again, Your Highness!"

"Hurry up and stop Your Highness, are you all dead!"

—While pulling and pulling, the second prince saw Yuan Cheng and the two in front, and said loudly: "Okay, you stopped the prince and princess, but let these two foreign ministers in the palace If there is no one else, you are also deceiving people too much, get out of here!"

Yuan Shen regained his composure, and folded his sleeves and hands idly: "Second Highness, the royal family is not an ordinary family. Whether you can enter the palace or not depends not on the bloodline, but on whether it conforms to the rules. The Shangjun has a palace gate order, and naturally he can enter the palace, does your Highness have it?"

Shao Shang was shocked: "What, the Empress is going to be abolished? Who said that! Is it Your Majesty!"

Yuan Shen said softly: "You've been in the palace, it's not unusual for you not to hear about it. It's not that your Majesty wants to dismiss the queen, but that after a few stubborn lords in the court yesterday petitioned for dismissal, His Majesty has already refuted it. It's gone!"

Shao Shang was speechless.

The second prince said anxiously: "Isn't the father going to abolish the mother..."


In the past few days, the palace is full of turmoil.

Only then did Yuan Shen look at the second prince, and said indifferently: "The day before yesterday and night, Huo Buxuan blood-washed the Ling family's other courtyard and privately transferred the six battalions of troops under the East Palace. There is no one around to discuss, so I once sent someone to find the Second Highness. But the Second Highness is very wise, saying that he avoided seeing the disease, and now it is urgent, doesn't the Second Highness feel that it is too late?"

The second prince's face was red, and Qi Ai said: "This, this... Gu is really sick... otherwise... otherwise..." I thought to myself that this person was not in the capital, so he knew everything.

"Don't speak secretly in front of Ming people." Yuan Shen said, "There is no one else at the moment, so the second highness does not need to pretend. I know that when the second highness first heard Huo Budo's actions, he immediately guessed that the prince had Difficult, then I think that the prince has fallen, so it's your turn to turn your highness! Who knows, when the back position was unstable, you were shocked to realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly entered the palace..."

The second prince's face turned into a purple eggplant, and he shouted: "Yuan Shanjian, you said disrespectful words, Gu, Gu is going to visit you!"

Yuan Shen didn’t care about this at all, and continued: “This minister has never had contact with the third highness, but the minister also has to say that on the day of the change, the third highness cannot be taken out, but he does not He couldn't avoid it, and insisted on supporting Huo Budo, who was still unknown. Even if His Majesty threw a stone at him, he would not frown! The Second Highness thought, what my servants thought - Wang Dao Tan Tan, Wang Dao Ping Ping , Even if the third prince has a plan, he is still standing upright himself. The second prince is doing well, and he is often dissatisfied, but he shrunk in the critical moment. Second prince, you used to stay behind closed doors, and now you don't have to come out anymore!"

The second prince was speechless. After taking a few deep breaths, he began to attack personally, and said with a sneer: "Okay! I've always heard that you, Yuan Shan, are sharp and articulate, and today you've learned a lesson! After being dormant for many years, not being attracted by the Yue clan, not participating in the courtiers' evaluation of the princes, the father has summoned you to the Shangshutai several times to manage the affairs, but you have always refused. Except for the preparation of a few edicts for the father, you usually have a The appearance of being obsessed with learning is full of great truths now? Hmph, you don't see rabbits and don't throw eagles!"

To Yuan Shen, this level of attack was like dusting ashes, he just listened to him calmly saying: "Your Highness has the duty of His Highness, and the minister has the duty of a minister. If you are on an errand, you will not lose your majesty's entrustment. However, your majesty and the prince are a mother and compatriot. When the prince is in trouble, you don't have the heart to protect it, and you know that the queen is worried. When I see you, I will definitely be as the minister thought, and I will feel more and more that the second highness is ruthless, unfaithful and unfilial... If your highness does not believe it, it is better to go back and ask the second imperial concubine."

The second prince has always been afraid of the emperor. After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth reluctantly and left.

Yuan Shen watched him walk away before turning to face the girl: "Shao Shang, you..."

"I'm the number one idiot in the world." Shao Shang looked at him blankly, as if he had never known him, "I said why every time I see you in the palace, I'm not sorting out the books, or Talking about the classics. Young Master Yuan, you are a real gentleman who doesn't say anything about chess, did you expect this day to come?"

Yuan Shen was silent for a long time before he said: "The Yuan family is not a hero of the King, nor is it a descendant or a vassal of the East Palace, so it is inconvenient to participate in this matter."

Shao Shang felt that his face was cold, and when he reached out his hand to wipe it, he realized that he was shedding tears again.

She murmured and laughed at herself, "It's another one who hides and doesn't reveal his true face. I think I'm smart, but it turns out I'm just being smart. You are all good at it. I'm the only one who's stupid."

"Young businessman!" Yuan Shen took a step forward and said anxiously, "I know you and the queen are very close, but you can't intervene in the abolition of the queen, so don't..."

The Shao Shang waved his hand to stop him from continuing to speak, and she finally understood the empress's behavior that was very different from her usual behavior.

She whispered: "You are mistaken, it's not that His Majesty wants to abolish the queen, I am afraid that the empress does not want to stay in the Changqiu Palace. The rear and storage positions are like two knives on top of the head After hanging for decades, she is also tired."

Yuan Shen was taken aback: "What did you say!"

"I'm going home, I'm tired too, don't follow me..." Shaoshang walked forward on his own.

Yuan Shen blankly watched the girl walk away, suddenly woke up and chased after her.

In the inner room of the emperor's palace, the emperor and the queen are still facing each other. The emperor sat down and sighed, "Why are you suffering?"

The queen slowly walked away a few steps: "I have been pushed around all my life, and there are many things that I know are not right, and still follow the flow. I knew you were married at first, but My uncle asked me to marry, and I got married. Later, when you wanted to make me the queen, I looked at the heroic men of Jingying who filled the courtroom, and I knew that the queen was full of thorns, but I was still sealed."

The emperor said irritably: "It's not your fault! You are a lonely woman, where is your choice!"

The Empress continued quietly: "Later, His Majesty made Zikun the Crown Prince, I can't say that I have not been secretly happy. Your Majesty's fellow villagers will no longer want to see me sitting in the back seat, but in the future I have to enshrine my son as the monarch! As long as I endure it, the clouds and mists will eventually dissipate. But then Zikun grew up slowly, and I watched him become more and more like my father day by day, and I knew that the clouds and mists would disappear forever. no more..."

The emperor sighed.

The queen turned around and said, "I knew that many high-ranking officials did not like our mother and son, but if Zikun can be as wise and wise as His Majesty, or as bold and strong as the third prince, I believe that his position It's safe... But, he's like my father!"

In front of her eyes, the loving and free face of Taigong Xuan who passed away early appeared, and she felt sad for a while.

"I really, really, never disliked Zi Kun, he just sat in the wrong place." The queen continued, "He should be like my father, building a house in the mountains and opening a garden , cooking wine and reading books every day, having fun with his wife and children Ning Xin, visiting friends, writing poetry and singing, writing books and talking—if this is the case, he can also be as famous as my father and praised by everyone. But being a prince is like sitting on the edge of a sword, sleeping and eating every day is difficult..."

The emperor sighed again.

"My father gave up the wealth of his family, purely from the heart; I miss Zikun, and I also want to give up the storage seat." The queen sighed, "But after deposing Zikun, then Isn't that the second child? The second child is not as good as Zi Kun, at least Zi Kun is kind and kind. So, Your Majesty, you should abolish me, and then make Yue Heng as the queen, then Zi Duan can enter the East Palace logically. "

"God knows!" The emperor shouted, his eyebrows full of contradictions and struggles, "You, don't say that..."

The queen laughed at herself, "I'm an incompetent mother, I didn't teach the children well. The other ideas are very big, I don't need to take care of them, only Zikun - Your Majesty, if you want to waste storage, you must I really can't bear to be charged with the crime. I'd better get rid of me, after a year or two, let Zikun resign himself to the throne in the name of being incompatible with etiquette and law, and everyone will be very happy."

The emperor slapped the table hard: "Everything is happy! I see that the third child is irritable and cruel. If you are not kind to your mother and son in the future, what should you do?"

The Empress smiled and said, "Although the third prince is not a concubine, but the concubine knows him better than His Majesty - he never forgives his relatives, nor does he have any resentment for no reason. So His Majesty does not need to worry about Yuejia The power is great, and foreign relatives will be a disaster in the future, because in Ziduan, no relatives are of any use. Your Majesty does not have to worry about Ziduan being mean and unkind, in fact, he is as honest and honest as His Majesty, and will treat our mother and son kindly. "

"But you haven't been at fault for decades, how can you abolish the queen!" The emperor cried out in pain.

The queen smiled and said, "Let's just say that I have resentment in my heart, and I have the style of Lu Huo."

"God knows!" The emperor stood up suddenly.

"This is not actually false. Over the past few decades, every time I saw His Majesty and Yue Heng together, it was like an ant gnawing at my heart. When I become the queen mother, everything will be fine. It's hard to say."

The queen looked directly at the emperor: "Only if I abolish me, can the crown prince be able to escape without incident, and the second and three little princes can give up on the throne. If you die, you can live smoothly."

She fell down and kowtowed, saying word by word, "Please, Your Majesty, fulfill the wish of a mother."

The author has something to say: 1. Say it again, this is an overhead, don't compare it with historical figures, thank you.

3. Many chapters ago, some readers asked me to let the heroine develop technology and start a career. I can finally say it now. I write ancient sayings with historical background. I always like to find some basis. based on the imagination.

I can't write anything that never happened in history.

In history, I have never seen a lady who developed technology to start a career or even promote the development of the times and found a country, so I can't write it.

Wang Mang is the one who most resembles the transmigrator. Everyone knows what happens.

In history, Guo Shengtong can be said to be the luckiest queen.

In addition to the prince who died when he was in his thirties, the other four sons of Guo Shengtong's wife were mediocre and lived longer than Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, so what kind of bicycle is needed.

Instead, it was Emperor Ming's own younger brother. Except for the fourth, who was his die-hard fan, the other three were cleaned up.

Count on Liu Zhuang's head.