Receiving Qi Ruxuan's call, Murong Jin was very happy. He felt that his plan was perfect and was about to achieve his goal.

After returning from the opposite house yesterday, Murong Jin didn't suffer as much as Qi Ru Xuan and Murong Feng. He wanted to drink a cup of wine to celebrate himself.

In fact, he did the same thing. Holding a glass of red wine, Murong Jin sat on the sofa in satisfaction as he recalled his masterpiece. How perfect was this? Two birds with one stone!

Because this fake paternity test, he got the recognition of Qi Ruxuan, and that was a huge blow to Murong fou!

This is great! If this is the case, for the sake of the baby, Qi Ruxuan will definitely accept this biological father of hers. Then, Murong Feng will forever scram to the side.

Since he was in a good mood, it was naturally easy for him to fall asleep. That was why Murong Jin fell asleep on the sofa while drinking wine. He even had a beautiful dream, until Qi Ruxuan's call woke him up.

"Xuanxuan, I'll be right over." Hearing Qi Ruxuan's voice, Murong Jin was so excited that he didn't even notice the bitterness in her voice.

Murong Jin was filled with joy. He thought that the reason Qi Ruxuan wanted him to come over was to tell him that the stumbling block, Murong fou, had been chased away. Now they were going to have a family of three reunited together.

Would you like to bring a bottle of wine? Murong Jin changed his clothes as he thought, "Forget it, it's better to take care of the baby. If I want to drink, I'll have a lot of opportunities in the future!"

However, Qi Ruxuan was so haggard and pitiful. She had not rested for the entire night, and her spirit was a little low. But thinking that it would be better to settle this matter as soon as possible, she waited until the first light of the morning before calling Murong Jin to come over to talk.

She felt that she had to quickly inform Murong Jin of her decision. Otherwise, it would be unfair to him. If that was the case, she would be able to free herself, and she wouldn't have to suffer so much.

I wonder what will become of Murong fou after she left here yesterday? Was he suffering from the same insomnia as himself, or was he indifferent?

Qi Ruxuan was still thinking about that figure who left in disappointment when she heard Murong Jin knocking on the door.

"Xuanxuan, are you there?" Murong Jin's voice sounded very happy, as if he was bathing in the fresh green leaves of a summer morning.

Qi Ruxuan couldn't help but feel a little upset in her heart. Murong Jin must have been very happy when he found out that she was her father's biological father, but if he was about to say what he had decided, wouldn't he be cruel to him?

But then he thought, "Long pain is better than short pain, it needs to be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, the longer it delays, the more painful it would be for everyone, and at that time, it would bring even greater harm."

Qi Ruxuan opened the door, and a refreshing breeze blew outside, causing her body to tremble slightly.

It was supposed to be a beautiful morning, but Qi Ruxuan couldn't feel that kind of vitality. Her heart was a little cold, so her body felt weak like it was being blown away by the wind.

"You're here, come in." Qi Ruxuan said as she looked at Murong Jin in front of her. Then, she turned around and sat back down on the sofa.

Mu Rong Jin had been so elated when he had been outside the door that he had even imagined that he would be able to gently hug Qi Ruxuan after opening the door, and then softly say something to her to make her feel warm.

After that, he could start the meal or watch Qi Ruxuan cook a sumptuous breakfast and wake the baby up to enjoy the comfortable morning.

However, when the door was opened, what he saw was not what he had hoped for, but the pale and haggard face of Qi Ruxuan, as well as her long hair, which had fallen to the ground due to her lack of rest.

He seemed so lonely because of his lack of life.

What was going on?

Not getting the welcome that he had expected, Murong Jin was also a bit confused and embarrassed. He followed Qi Ruxuan into the living room and sat down, not daring to say anything.

It seemed that Qi Ruxuan did not have a good night, and it was not as she had expected. Instead, she lowered her head as if she was very sad.

"Jin, I called you here to tell you something." After a while, Qi Ruxuan said with some difficulty. She also knew about Murong Jin's expectations and joy at this result.

Murong Jin looked at her face. Her beautiful face looked even more pitiful because she stayed up all night, and the dark circles under her eyes made him feel even more sorry for her.

Why was she so tired? Was it because Murong Feng's departure made her feel so bad that she couldn't sleep at night? Murong Jin hadn't expected that Qi Ruxuan's next words would make his heart ache.

However, the woman before him made him want to embrace her so much that he caressed her long hair to make her feel at ease and make her happy.

"Xuanxuan, go ahead." Murong Jin couldn't wait to agree to all of her requests, as long as she could show that happy and carefree smile from before.

After a moment of silence, Qi Ruxuan finally raised her head to look at Murong Jin and said, "What I want to tell you is, we already know the results of the paternity test, so what should we do next?"

"Needless to say, of course I want to live with you and the baby. We are the real family, aren't we? Xuan Xuan Xuan, don't worry, I will definitely treat you and the baby well, and make up for the times when we weren't together before. I will make the baby healthier and happier, and now that he has a good impression of me, I will definitely work even harder to make the baby like me, and make you happier! " Murong Jin finished speaking in a single breath and looked at Qi Ruxuan with a sincere expression.

However, this action of his made Qi Ruxuan want to immediately say what she was thinking, otherwise, it would only become more and more sad in the future.

"No, listen to me. I feel that life is very good right now. There's no need to change it." Qi Ruxuan sat up straight and looked at Murong Jin firmly.

"What do you mean? How can we go on like this, after all we've been through? Then wouldn't this paternity test be a waste? " When Murong Jin heard this, he became anxious. Qi Ruxuan's words made him panic.

Was this the result of all the things she had done? Murong Jin couldn't accept it.

"I know it wasn't fair to you, but that's the truth. We made a mistake that day in a state of unconsciousness that no one wanted. But I thought it would be better to treat both the baby and me like this. " Qi Ruxuan said with some difficulty.

Murong Jin looked at her in disbelief and asked, "What do you mean by 'make a mistake when no one else is willing to do it'?" I am willing, and I will not regret it! For the sake of your baby, you should let him live with his biological parents. Why do you think a single parent family is good for their child? "

"No, or maybe this is my fault. You misunderstood something. But since I've chosen to be responsible for the birth of the baby, I won't let him feel that there's anything wrong with the one-parent family. " Qi Ruxuan felt that she was being cruel to Murong Jin, but she couldn't force herself to live with him.

The expression on Murong Jin's face gradually turned to one of disappointment. Qi Ruoxuan couldn't bear to watch this either. She turned her head, unwilling to see his expression again.

"Xuanxuan, do you know that your words are extremely hurtful to me? "I love you so much, and of course I love my baby, but your words are like a knife cutting my heart." Murong Jin lowered his head and said in a miserable voice.

Half of what he said was true, while the other half was false. Of course, he really liked Qi Ruxuan and wanted to be with her. However, this wish had another unspeakable reason.

That was, he had to get close to Qi Ruxuan and completely occupy her heart, letting Murong Feng feel disappointed, even despairing, to the point of being tortured by that kind of bone-piercing chill.

When he is depressed, it is possible for him to step into the top leadership position of AK, no longer living under the shadow of Murong.

Now that Qi Ruxuan had said so, it made him feel pain from the premature end of their relationship, and he also felt greatly frustrated and disappointed from his own failure.

However, from Qi Ruxuan's tone, it seemed as if she had made up her mind and couldn't change her mind. This made Murong Jin feel even more humiliated.

"I know, I owe you this. It must have been nice to know you were the baby's real father and wanted him to be with you, but I had to make that choice. " Qi Ruxuan didn't know that Murong Jin was actually the culprit behind that paper appraisal.

His goal wasn't just to live with the baby at all. He was upset that his plan had failed.

"Do you really think so? I hope you can calm down a bit and think carefully. Don't be so impulsive." Murong Jin still wanted to redeem Qi Ruxuan's decision, so he tried his best to persuade her and implored her to do so.

However, Qi Ruxuan had already made up her mind. She looked at Murong Jin and said, "We shouldn't pursue the past matters any further. We should all think for the future. You're the baby's biological father, right? I can't take away your relationship, so if you want to see him, you're welcome to come visit him anytime. "

Murong Jin thought, "What does that kid have to do with me? He's just a chess piece, a chess piece that allows me to get close to you. My goal is to defeat Murong Feng!"

But of course, he couldn't say that. That was why Murong Jin had a sorrowful look on his face, as if he was hurt beyond belief by Qi Ruxuan. He even looked as if he was sobbing, unable to utter a word.

Seeing him this upset, Qi Ruxuan also felt guilty, "Don't worry, I'll definitely take good care of the baby and won't hide it from him. I've already told him that you're his real father, and I'll make him like you!"

After a pause, Qi Ruxuan continued, "However, my relationship with you is limited to this. I am Qi Xu's mother, and you are his father. Other than that, we have no other connections. "

These words undoubtedly disappointed Murong Jin to no end. Everything that he had expected had been for naught. He hadn't thought that the joy he had felt that night would instantly vanish like smoke in thin air.