"Mommy, daddy, where are you? The baby is afraid. Come on The baby was tired of crying. He looked at the empty room with tears and trembled.

And Murong Feng here hung up the phone and went to pick up the baby. He was very happy when he thought that he had not been with the baby for a long time.

Since he can't be with Qi ruxuan for the time being, it's also a comfort to see the baby playing with him. He loves the baby so much. It's heartbreaking to think that he has to follow Qi ruxuan everywhere at such a young age.

Because the baby has always been on his side, Murong Feng thinks that the baby is really cute. No matter who the baby is, it's hard to get along with him like this.

This time, he must be happy. Murong Feng, while driving, plans how to take the baby to play, where to play and what to eat.

His heart is very urgent, so he drives very fast.

When Qixuan arrived at the door of the hotel, it was the wrong time for her to leave the hotel.

The car picked up the baby in front of Murong Feng, but Murong Feng didn't even think of it. He didn't even look at the license plate of the car. He thought he was here to pick up some guests.

After waiting for a long time at the door of the hotel, Murong Feng did not see the baby come down. Murong Feng thought whether the child was reluctant to leave her mother, so she was still saying goodbye to Qi ruxuan.

But in the end, he promised to leave. After a while, Murong Feng got worried. He took out the phone and called Qi ruxuan.

"Xuanxuan, when can the baby come down?" Murong Feng asked casually. He didn't want to urge the separation of mother and son. Besides, the baby also depends on her mother. It's normal to have some time to say goodbye.

However, Qi ruxuan said strangely: "the baby has been down for a long time. Soon after you hung up the phone, he left. He said that he was waiting for you at the door, but he didn't want me to accompany him. He said he wanted to prove that he was a big boy."

Murong Feng listened to her words, and then looked around, or did not see the baby's figure, said to Qi ruxuan: "where is it? I saw no one at the door

"What? No, I've been down for a long time. I also said that he would call me when he got on your car. I didn't hear from you after waiting for so long. I was just about to ask you! " Qi ruxuan was worried.

At this moment, both of them were a little flustered. Murongfeng got out of the car and asked the waiter at the door. Qi ruxuan also ran down the stairs in a hurry.

"What child? Oh, is it the one who was picked up just now and said that his father came to pick him up? " The waiter pointed to the direction of picking up the baby's car and said to Murong Feng.

"Yes, yes, I am his father. I just arrived. Who took him?" Murong Feng's heart out of a bad premonition.

The waiter felt his head and said, "it's strange. The driver said that the child's father sent him to pick him up. You are his father again, aren't you?"

Bad, Murong Feng's heart immediately pulled up, who is this, how can pretend to be their own people? There must be something wrong.

At this time, Qi ruxuan also came to the door of the hotel. Hearing Murong Feng and the waiter, she almost fainted. This is in country f, how can the baby get on a stranger's car!

"Xuanxuan, don't worry. Is there any misunderstanding?" When murongfeng saw Qi ruxuan like that, he also felt the seriousness of the situation. He was very anxious, but he wanted to comfort Qi ruxuan.

Seeing their appearance, the waiter also noticed that the matter was not simple. He said to them, "don't delay any more, please call the police. The child must have been kidnapped!"

Murongfeng held Qi ruxuan, who was about to fall down, and said to the waiter, "you are right. Please help me to call the police. The mother of the child is in a hurry and needs to be taken care of by me!"

The waiter didn't dare to neglect it. After all, it was something that happened to him. He quickly took out the phone to call the police. Murongfeng helped Qi ruxuan to one side and sat down. He was very worried.

"Baby, baby, where did you go and who got in the car?" Qi ruxuan's face was pale and her lips were shaking all the time. She was so worried that she almost broke down.

This is not a simple thing. She knows how difficult it is to find a baby if she is not familiar with her hometown abroad, so she is more worried.

Murong Feng was also worried, but he had to worry about Qi ruxuan, but he was calmer than Qi ruxuan, so he said to her, "Xuanxuan, don't be afraid, I will try my best to find the baby! The police will do their best there, and I will find other ways

"I only want my baby, please help me!" Qi ruxuan couldn't care so much. She had only one thought in her mind, that is, to find the baby quickly.

"I know, I know, you can rest assured, it will be OK, the baby is so cute, no one can bear to hurt him!" Murong Feng said heartily.

At this time, the waiter came to them and said, "I have already called the police and our hotel will not ignore it. Please rest assured."How could she rest assured that Qi ruxuan's eyes were dark and her mind was in confusion. How could this happen? How long is it under your own eyelids? The baby is gone.

Qi ruxuan blamed herself very much. If she insisted on it, she would send the baby downstairs. However, she was so careless that she could let such a small child run out alone.

What an irresponsible mother she was, Qi ruxuan was about to scold herself to death.

But this is also useless, her tears run down, but can not solve any problems, Murong Feng holding her shoulder, feeling her helplessness and pain, but also very sad.

After Qi ruxuan was settled down, murongfeng began to find a way to find the baby. He found the largest triad leader in this area through some relationships.

"Money is not a problem. I will pay you as much as I want, but only one request is to find my son!" Murong Feng took out a blank check, let that look very ferocious man use at will.

"I will help you find your son as long as it is within our scope." The mafia boss vowed that he didn't feel how difficult it was at all.

However, he did not expect that the baby had been hijacked to the suburbs so far away, and was still locked up in a nobody's villa.

So even if he turned the whole block down, there was no trace of the baby.

Two days passed quickly, but things did not make progress, so that the mafia boss also had no face. He said to murongfeng, "I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you this time, because it's not done by my staff!"

"How is it possible that you have such a large sphere of influence, how can you get some information?" Murong Feng was worried, but the mafia boss shrugged and said, "if it's my people, I'll find it. Well, then please be more patient and let me help you find out slowly! "

Murong Feng is speechless. He doesn't know what kind of situation the baby is now. How can he wait until they slowly look for it. He stomps his feet and leaves.

Qi ruxuan knew that the boss of the underworld had no way to deal with it. She fell ill in a hurry. She had a high fever and was dizzy in her head. Only one thought was to find the baby.

Seeing her like this, Murong Feng thinks that if he can't find the baby, he is killing Qi ruxuan indirectly. But now he can only comfort her and persuade her to be strong.

"Xuanxuan, you have to take care of your body to find the baby. You must trust him! Isn't the baby saying that he is a little man, he won't be so fragile! " Murong Feng himself is also anxious to have a few bubbles on his mouth, but he has to say so to Qi ruxuan.

"The baby is so small, how can he experience such a thing, all blame me!" Qi ruxuan tears like rain, she cried to Murong Feng said.

"It's OK. The baby will be OK. You have to believe that!" Murong Feng looked at Qi ruxuan. Both of them could only encourage each other, because their hearts were the same pain.

Qi ruxuan listened to murongfeng's words, she felt that she really wanted to be strong this time. If she fell down, what could the baby do?

She wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, tried to make herself sit up, and then said to Murong Feng, "well, I believe. Please prepare some food for me. I want to replenish my strength and make myself strong

Murong Feng endured the sadness in his heart and said with a smile, "yes, this is the good thing! I believe the baby will come back safely because of your good mother

After drinking some porridge, Qi ruxuan forced herself to eat as much food as possible. She struggled to get out of bed with a splitting headache.

"Xuanxuan, you can't do it like this. Let me go to find the baby. Just lie down and have a good rest." When Murong Feng saw her like this, he loved her body and felt her pain.

"It's OK. If you really care about me, let me go out to find the baby!" Qi ruxuan couldn't let herself stay in the room without doing anything.

Her heart flew out long ago, trying to find the baby.

Seeing Qi ruxuan's resolute eyes, murongfeng couldn't bear to stop her. He had to help Qi ruxuan stand up and say to her, "OK, let's go to find the baby. I know it's no use stopping you now, and I can't bear it. "

Qi ruxuan nodded. She looked at murongfeng and said, "you should know what kind of existence baby is for me. He is all my hope and my courage to live on. I can't forgive my negligence. I have to find him!"

"Yes, I understand." Murong Feng took her hand and said seriously.