Gu Cheng left the back kitchen expressionlessly carrying the cake box.

Ding Ziyue also followed, and specially prepared an extra set of silver knives and forks for him, with inexplicable encouragement in her eyes, "Xiaoyi, go and stay with Young Master Gu!"

The harder you abuse, the more I can heal him~

Gu Cheng:?

When they returned to the other building, the group of onlookers outside the ward were not eligible to visit, and had already been invited by the Gu family's servants to the banquet hall to wait for dinner.

Gu Cheng walked outside the ward and saw his mother Song Lan walking out of the ward.

Song Lan is a strong woman, and the jewelry brand she founded is a time-honored gold brand in China. After the accident in Gucheng, she and Mr. Gu supported the group together and balanced the internal relationship of the Gu family.

However, no matter how much financial and material resources are poured in, Gu Cheng can't wake up, and Gu's people's hearts are already floating.

Song Lan closed the door, lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, and when she looked up again, she saw "Ning Yi" walking over.

She covered her expression and nodded slightly: "Come?"

Gu Cheng stopped in his tracks, and the icy depression from the exchange of bodies dissipated slightly, "Mom."

Song Lan was slightly taken aback. The phrase "Mom" did not expect her daughter-in-law to call her so affectionately.

Gu Cheng could tell that although Song Lan was still exquisite and decent, her haggard eyes could not be concealed.

Song Lan recovered and saw the cake in his hand, "This is..."

The servants and nurses would put some food in Gucheng's ward on a regular basis, so as to make it more popular. Could it be that the daughter-in-law is so attentive? I was worried that she would have resentment...

Gu Cheng also looked down, thinking why he brought the cake, his face turned dark.

Although he can't tell Song Lan about such a bizarre body swap now, he can pave the way and infiltrate Ning Yi's personality in advance so that he can get a smooth divorce when he returns.

So Gu Cheng said lightly: "Oh, I brought these to eat myself."

I almost wrote the words "delicious and lazy" written on my face.

Song Lan was taken aback. Is this kid honest?

She has been in a wealthy family for too long, and she is used to seeing all kinds of ladies and daughters, but she admires some girls who return to the basics, do not pretend, and are more real.

This child Ning Yi looks good, if he can withstand some small tests, the Gu family will definitely not treat their daughter-in-law badly.

"Go and eat," Song Lan smiled kindly, "Remember to save some stomach for the dinner."

Gu Cheng: "...?"

How come you look quite satisfied.

Ning Yi lay on the bed and squinted happily for a while, then woke up precisely.

— Here comes the takeaway!

"Old~gong~" she called out in her head.

At this time, Gu Cheng had just walked to the bed and stopped to make sure that she was not drooling with her face.

Hearing this, he paused.

Her perception is so sharp?

Obviously, his body can only feel the slightest fluctuation of the airflow.

Gu Cheng asked calmly: "Can you change it back now?"

Ning Yi has a very good attitude: "Not yet." However, he is trying hard to fit the cake.

Gu Cheng looked at the clock on the wall, squinting to count the time.

They changed a total of three times today, the first time and the second time were a complete exchange back and forth. After the third time, there was a cooldown period, which is about two hours now.

He needs to find out the various laws and restrictions of body swapping as soon as possible to gain more initiative.

Perhaps, this is also an important turning point for him to break through the vegetative state.

"It's okay, husband." Ning Yi lay on his back with a very affectionate tone, "Now that the exchange has happened, for you, I am willing to endure more pain while lying down, in exchange for your freedom."

After all, her biggest goal in life now is to eat well and sleep well! Then take the time to use her doomsday almighty technology to make some money, so that when the boss wakes up, he won't be killed quickly.

Gu Cheng heard the hooked lips, but there was no smile in his eyes: hypocrisy.

After a while, Ning Yi's swap ability returned to normal.

Gu Cheng secretly remembered that the cooling time this time was about two hours and fifteen minutes.

It's just that he thought that he would be used to changing his body again, but when he returned to the closed dead silence again, he felt a burst of uncontrollable depression.

After a brief taste of freedom, the darkness became even more unbearable.

And Ning Yi didn't speak again after returning to her body.

Sure enough, human nature is selfish.

So did he.

Gu Cheng remained silent for a moment in the dark, and became even colder: "Hello."

There was no response from the other side.

The silent darkness was like a boundless tide, and Gu Cheng suddenly had a trace of doubt.

Is it just an illusion after he was trapped insane that he regained his freedom by exchanging his body?

"...Hey," Gu Cheng's voice was cold, "You—"

"First, I don't call you hello."

Her voice finally came through.

"Secondly, I'm eating cake." Ning Yi's voice was a bit vague, "Husband, are you lonely? Want to listen to food broadcasts?"

Ning Yi is very religious about food.

The Gu family deserves to be a top rich family, the chef in the back kitchen is quite skilled in making desserts, the mellow and sweet taste permeates from the tip of the tongue, and then the soft and dense touch of the cake body, her dopamine immediately began to be crazily secreted.

Ning Yi generously shared happiness with her husband in a vegetable state: "Yami Yami Yami."

This time, Gucheng was quiet.

Ning Yi continued: "Bah, blah, blah."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi: "I will continue to eat and broadcast for you at the dinner party later, don't worry my husband, I won't make you lonely."

"...Okay," Gu Cheng said blankly, "Shut up."

Today, the Gu family will hold a small family dinner in the banquet hall in order to entertain the rich and famous people who came here.

After eating that piece of cake, Ning Yi became very interested in the Gu family's dinner.

This is also a plot point in the original plot. Because the original owner participated in this kind of high society dinner for the first time, he felt inferior and cowardly and dared not speak, so he was severely pulled into the control group by the confident and generous heroine. After going back, her mentality was even more distorted, and the abuse was doubled, which was also the beginning of her death.

Ning Yi looked in the mirror before leaving the ward.

Sure enough, if you sleep well, you will feel refreshed. In the last days, she couldn't sleep deeply, and she couldn't eat well. Although her facial features were still the same, her beauty was greatly reduced. At this moment, Ning Yi's whole body is stretched, and there is a kind of lazy beauty between the exquisite eyebrows and eyes.

What is there to be ashamed of growing up like this?

Besides, this is a brainless novel, can it be difficult to get mixed up in a pile of zombies?

When Ning Yi opened the door and walked into the banquet hall, she held her head high.

Everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on—

At this moment, Ning Yi doesn't have that cold aura on her body. Her delicate and beautiful features have a loose and natural attraction. When she walks, she has a very upright posture, which makes people unconsciously notice that she used to be slender and tall. , the waist is so thin, the legs are so long...

However, in a wealthy family, appearance alone is useless.

The long tables in the banquet hall are already full, and the hierarchy in the wealthy circle is very clear. Everyone's family background and coffee position have a ranking in their hearts.

Ning Yi's ranking order is undoubtedly the bottom of the bottom.

She asked Gu Cheng in her mind: "My husband, where do you think I should sit?"

Gu Cheng was very familiar with this kind of occasion, and with malice in his heart, he suggested coolly: "You should sit at the nearest seat under the chief seat."

Ning Yi applauded in satisfaction: "It's the same as I thought."

That's the closest to the main course.

Gu Cheng sneered coldly.

As soon as Ning Yi sat down, the eyes on the scene were more focused on her. The man opposite looked at Ning Yi up and down: "Go to the back, do you have the nerve to sit here?"

When Ding Ziyue heard this sentence, she quickly and gently came out to make a rescue: "I'm sorry Mr. Gu, my sister has never participated in this kind of banquet and doesn't understand the rules, so I'll take her to sit in another seat—"

Her behavior aroused good looks from those around her.

If it was the original owner, he must have stood up disheveledly by this time, but Ning Yi did not rush, raising his eyes with a beautiful arc.

"What?" She said with peace of mind, "Gu Cheng's wife, can't sit down?"

The banquet hall was silent.

Ding Ziyue's face froze, and Gu Zhisong, who had spoken just now, was suddenly at a loss for words.

Ning Yi, a bumpkin from the countryside, they can do whatever they want, but who would dare to name Gu Cheng?

This is the Gu family, and no one dares to refute this sentence. Even if that man is still unconscious, his name is the rule.

Ning Yi has no shame in taking advantage of the boss's position, nor does she feel any moral guilt.

whee. Her happiness is the most important ^-^

But in the distance, Song Lan, who witnessed this scene, showed a bit of admiration in his eyes - yes, Gu Cheng's wife, the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, should have such confidence in the first place!

Song Lan gave a brief speech at the main seat, thanking everyone for their concern for Gu Cheng, but did not mention anything about Gu Cheng's situation.

After that, the restaurant opened for dinner.

There are two types of dinner, Chinese and Western, with exquisite dishes and tangy aromas. Ning Yi found that sitting in this seat is simply not more convenient.

So she repayed her kindness and said to Gu Cheng: "My husband, you can't eat it, let me introduce it to you^3^"

Gu Cheng: "..."

"The pan-fried foie gras is served now, and I will eat ten in one bite."

Gu Cheng was very indifferent, but unexpectedly did not interrupt.

The best friend next to Ding Ziyue gritted her teeth, "She just sits there and eats with peace of mind? She's really thick-skinned."

Ding Ziyue's complexion was also not good, but after a few seconds, she smiled mysteriously again.

There is only one explanation for Ning Yi's personality change so much - she must have abused Young Master Gu, making herself feel like stepping on someone else's head! Otherwise, how could she be so calm and calm?

It seems that she has to find a chance to visit as soon as possible, Young Master Gu in the dark is still waiting for her rescue!

So Ding Ziyue got up gracefully, and raised her wine glass: "Aunt Song Lan, I would like to take the opportunity that everyone is here today, and invite everyone to come to Ding's house to attend my welcome banquet next week~"

I was envious all of a sudden:

"Wow, as expected of the daughter of the Ding family~"

"Your family spoils you so much, Yueyue!"

Ding Ziyue looked at Ning Yi who was eating with her head down, and sighed softly: "Everyone knows that I have inadvertently taken over the identity of my younger sister for so many years. In fact, I have always felt guilty and worried. So Xiaoyi, you... you will Come to participate?"

Generally speaking, there is no fake daughter who is willing to admit that she has occupied the magpie's nest, but Ding Ziyue is different. Although she is a fake daughter, she has a more powerful real family, so she can speak out frankly, and even has a kind of superiority. sense.

Ning Yi took a moment to glance at her.

Ding Ziyue's words were indeed stepping on the original owner's pain point - if she wanted to say she was willing to go, but when she was taken back to Ning's house, let alone the welcome banquet, her biological parents didn't even say a few words to her, so how could she go? Can you see how Ding Ziyue is loved so much in her new home? If you say you don't want to go, it means that you have resentment in your heart and you are not generous enough. Ding Ziyue has already taken the initiative to show you that you don't know how to flatter her.

No wonder in the plot, the original owner's psychology was so twisted that he dug a hole in the tablecloth under the dining table.

For a moment, everyone looked over, waiting for Ning Yi's answer.

"Yes," Ning Yi nodded and smiled, and asked a question of concern: "Then can your meal standard meet the banquet standard of the Gu family?"

Ding Ziyue was taken aback.

Song Lan also looked over.

Ding Ziyue never expected that Ning Yi would throw back a more difficult question for her? ?

If she said that of course it was better than the Gu family, she would be suspected of underestimating the Gu family. Song Lan must be dissatisfied with her, how could she visit Young Master Gu? If she wants to say that she is not as good as the Gu family, then how should she explain that she invited everyone so confidently just now and got unanimous envy? ?

— Just now she provoked her and Gu Zeyu, and now she is setting up a trap for her, why is Ning Yi so scheming? !

In the end, Ding Ziyue had no choice but to stammer and say, "Of course, our family will work hard."

Ning Yi nodded in a very big way: "Then you all work hard."

Ding Ziyue's face almost turned green.

Why does she use this attitude? ! Just let Young Master Gu let her abuse him behind his back?

After she healed First Young Master Gu and helped him rise stronger, she was waiting to see Ning Yi's miserable end!

Looking at the heroine's green face, Ning Yi ate a piece of grilled sea bass with basil leaves.

Then she moaned to Gu Cheng very contentedly: "Does husband want to eat? Just say if you want to eat."

Gu Cheng's voice was indifferent: "I don't want to be greasy or meaty."

Ning Yi said in a doting tone, "I don't believe what you say in anger."

Gu Cheng: "..."

He has lived on the bottle for three years, and he can no longer accept all the irritating smells of meat and oil.

The reason why Gu Cheng didn't interrupt her was because the rich and powerful circle has always been hypocritical. In a social occasion like a dinner party, anyone who really eats like Ning Yi must be an outcast.

The darkest intuition in Gu Cheng's heart told him that the worse Ning Yi's situation was, the more opportunities she would need to exchange bodies with him, wouldn't it?

With dark malice, Gu Cheng asked in a low voice, "Did you enjoy your meal?"

Ning Yi was watching and waiting for the last hard dish of today's dinner, the best braised pork with two black heads in Jinhua.

After it was delivered, it was crystal clear, and the color of the meat was like a work of art.

"Happy!" Ning Yi put the meat into her mouth happily, and invited without distraction: "I really want you to come and taste it, husband."

As soon as the words fell, a strand of her hair was blown by the wind.

In the next second, the people of Gucheng had already been cut.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi: "???"

She's just being polite, doesn't she really want to change?

On the other side, Gu Cheng was sitting at the dining table expressionlessly, with a big mouthful of fat and oily braised pork stuffed in his mouth, which almost fell out.

Ding Ziyue has been staring at "Ning Yi"'s mistake unwillingly, and now she finally catches it, and hurriedly came over to teach him: "Oh sister, you don't know table manners, let me teach you..."

Gu Cheng took a deep breath, held back his breath, picked up the napkin, folded it skillfully with his slender fingers, and gently wiped off the oil on his lips.

Every inch of movement is impeccable elegance.

Then he bit the piece of fat and exhausted his life-long cultivation.

Swallowed like shit.

Ning Yi.

You are doing well.