Ning Yi lay flat on the bed, almost pouted with a smile.

She doesn't even know that the heroine still has this line? ? Homemade?

In fact, in the original plot, Gu Cheng was accidentally lying on the bed as a vegetable for three years, which was originally a setting made by the author. Otherwise, theoretically, the brain function of a vegetable should be completely damaged, without consciousness, and can only maintain breathing and heartbeat. However, the boss not only has a clear mind and normal consciousness, but also the functions of his body organs have not degenerated, as if he was frozen at that time.

As far as the medical method can't find out the reason, it's completely set by the world. The purpose is to force the boss to be abused and blackened, and then rise up and crush him.

It's easy to guess the heroine's train of thought. The heroine of Chongwen doesn't need to explain why she cheated. She probably did it because she knew that Gu Cheng would be able to wake up.

Ning Yi thought it was very interesting, and Ding Ziyue would probably come here often in the future, it was simply a ready-made pleasure.

When Ding Ziyue came out of the ward, she also had a smile on her face.

——Although Gu Cheng, who was lying on the bed, couldn't make any response, but she believed that her appearance had shone into his heart like a ray of warm sun!

Walking and walking, Ding Ziyue met "Ning Yi" who came back.

Gu Cheng was holding a bag of things in his hand, and he glanced at her as if he was mentally handicapped.

Ding Ziyue took the expression on his face as vigilance and suspicion, she quickly smiled: "Sister, I just came to deliver something to Aunt Song Lan, so I met you by such a coincidence?"

Gu Cheng didn't have a deep impression of Ding Ziyue, and the baby kiss that the elders in the family made more than ten years ago didn't mean anything to him.

Now he doesn't know, what exactly does this woman want to do?

Seeing that "Ning Yi" didn't speak, Ding Ziyue smiled heartily, and then her expression became more sincere and friendly: "Will you come to my welcome banquet? My brother has been very troubled in the preparations these days, and the venue has booked the best hotel. They also invited a lot of bands from abroad, you must come!"

Ding Ziyue knew that the fact that she was favored in her new home would definitely irritate Ning Yi, and maybe she would double abuse Young Master Gu when she returned to the ward.

In this way, Gu Dashao, who was warmed by her just now, will feel her kindness even more!

Ding Ziyue smiled.

Gu Cheng also remembered—

Ding family.

Three years ago, an investment failure named Ding Yusen came to him and almost knelt down.

Judging by age is her brother?

Sure enough, a nest of mentally handicapped.

Ning Yi lay down all morning, making up for the sleep she owed last night, feeling her soul stretched.

He let out a big yawn with satisfaction.

"Are you awake?" A cold voice rang in my ear.

"Husband, you are here." Ning Yi was obedient.

After she finished speaking, she felt a cold on her hands.

Ning Yi's first reaction was that the boss was going to abuse her? He reacted in the next second, but he didn't need to hurt his body, did he? ?

There wasn't any pain or discomfort in the hands, it was just cold.

The touch ran along her palm, to the back of her hand, and then to every crevice of her fingers.

Meticulous and patient.

Ning Yi asked, "Husband, what are you doing?"

Gu Cheng held the disinfectant wipes, wiped his hands with a sullen expression, "Disinfect."

Ning Yi was taken aback for a moment, then died laughing.

—thus you annihilate your light!

Gu Cheng wiped it twice, threw the tissue into the trash can, and suddenly asked in a low voice, "Where is Ah Yi?"

Ning Yi:? It's definitely not a good thing to call it so nice.

Sure enough, Gu Cheng's voice was cold, with a bit of indescribable evil, "Aren't you going to wipe my body today? You love me so much, don't you look forward to it?"

Ning Yi:?

Don't be too confident, who would covet your body—

Ning Yi politely switched back to her own body, which happened to be standing by the bed and looking down—

Stared at Gu Cheng for three seconds.

I thought: okay. It is indeed a bit of a feast for the eyes.

Gu Cheng's crushing in the book is not only in the business field, he also beats everyone in various soft and hard indicators - tens of billions of net worth, the helm of the group, the **** face shortlisted in the top 100 in the world, a sick beauty lying down, standing It looks like 188 Shuaibi.

Even that thing is the strongest and biggest in the book!

Ning Yi rubbed her chin, but it was a pity that she knew that he was the big boss of the dark world, but the cannon fodder that would be killed by him in the future.

Let Ding Ziyue write a word on the palm of his hand and have to disinfect it twice. If he really wants to wipe his body, who knows if he will hold grudges in his heart?

Ning Yi was thinking about how to fool her, when the butler knocked on the door gently.

"Miss, Madam invited you to the main house for lunch."

Ning Yi: Here comes buddy!

"The housekeeper asked me to have dinner, my husband," Ning Yi said while being embarrassed, and quickly left the ward, "You know, I don't want to be absent."

Gu Cheng's voice was cold: "Hehe."

Ning Yi has no sense of guilt and Meimei cheats.

The original owner had just married into the Gu family not long ago, and this was the first time she would see all the Gu family members at the dinner table.

Ning Yi followed the butler all the way into the main house. Compared with the cold and simple building in Gucheng, the architectural style of the main house is more gorgeous, with European classical charm, and there are priceless paintings hanging beside the handrail of the spiral staircase.

Ning Yi followed into the restaurant, and Song Lan saw her waving: "Xiao Yi, come and sit."

On the main seat was the old man of the Gu family, holding a teacup but with clear eyes, he looked like a very powerful old man. Gu Cheng's father left early, and the next seat was Song Lan, Gu Cheng's uncle Gu Zhisong and others, and then the young people.

Ning Yi sat down opposite a young boy.

The other party was also looking at Ning Yi, as if observing her.

"Husband, there is a little boy who looks a lot like you," Ning Yi communicated with Gu Cheng in his head, "It's him who dyed the thing on his head green."

"..." Gu Cheng said, "It should be Gu Le, my younger brother."

Ning Yi didn't know why the other party was so tense, but she understood after a while after lunch started.

Gu Le's three words are inseparable from his brother, purely a fanboy, and the Gu family's firm "Gu Cheng will wake up" party.

There is also an unsteady party, like Gu Zhisong, who at the dinner table looks like he wants to lead the future of the Gu family, talking about his latest project, and mentioning a few words about the Ding family. He admires both Ding Yusen and Ding Ziyue look.

While listening to the undercurrent in the Gu family, Ning Yi paid attention to the filet mignon that was being served by the servant.

As soon as he picked up the knife and fork, Gu Cheng's cool voice came from his ear, "Ayi ignored me."

Ning Yi held the knife and fork, and said to herself, then I will give you some sense of participation ^3^

She squeezed the clip and said: "Husband~ help me cut the steak~"

Women will act like a spoiled child, and husbands will float in marriage.

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips curled slightly, without reminding her of something.

Now that the exchange has become more and more skillful, "Ning Yi"'s body just slightly paused, and Gu Cheng switched over.

Gu Zhisong is still talking about his grand plans and ambitions, "Everyone knows the current situation in Gucheng, our Gu family has been standing still for three years, and we can no longer continue to operate according to the rules he set when he was there!..."

Gu Cheng listened to a few words leisurely, then cut the steak for Ning Yi.

Gu Zhisong saw "Ning Yi" looking at him from the corner of his eye, and sneered, "Do you understand?"

Gu Cheng smiled, and his subordinates sliced ​​the top-quality grain-fed beef in a calm manner.

His hand holding the knife was slow, the steak was medium-rare, tender and juicy, and the light red blood flowed out from under the dill grass. There was an inexplicably familiar feeling of oppression with a chill all over his body.

For some reason, Gu Zhisong shivered.

Gu Cheng cut the steak, and Ning Yi couldn't wait any longer, "Have you finished the steak? I know you're meaty and greasy, so I'll help you eat o—"

Before finishing the word "oh", Ning Yi suddenly realized that she couldn't move her body.

Gu Cheng hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "This is the fourth time."

It has been swapped three times since zero, and there will be a cooldown period between the fourth time.

Ning Yi was stunned.


This old cunt!

Ning Yi's voice could no longer be contained, "Honey, save the steak for me!"

Gu Cheng's voice was gentle: "If it's cold, it won't taste good."

Ning Yi was in a hurry: "Ahhhh—"

Gu Cheng was full of malice, and there were little smiles in his eyes.

This was the first time he really laughed in three years.

On the other side, Gu Zhisong looked at the smile in his eyes, feeling very upset, and leaned over to take the dinner plate from the opposite side.

Gu Cheng raised his head with a slight smile, and asked softly, "Why, are you in a hurry to eat too?"

Gu Zhisong:? ? No matter what.

By the time Ning Yi came back, lunch had already come to an end.

Although the last two dishes of white pepper pork belly chicken and Spanish black pork in honey sauce, as well as the dessert honey **** were very delicious, Ning Yi still felt heartbroken while eating.

After showing off everything, the green-haired boy on the opposite side put the honey **** on his own plate to her dinner plate.

"Sister-in-law, I think you have my brother's aura on you." Gu Le's smile became shy, and his affection for her increased greatly. "I think my brother will like you when he wakes up!"

Ning Yi was expressionless.

Your brother is dead!

Gu Cheng returned to his body, rarely feeling happy.

Since the exchange of bodies, he has understood the current situation of the outside world at the fastest speed, and he has also grasped the development of the Koo Group in the past three years.

He doesn't need sleep, that's what he hated the most in the past three years.

But after two days and nights of sleepless nights, did he need a moment of rest?

So Ning Yi went directly from the main house back to the study in the other building, picked up the keyboard and tapped a bunch of codes, and threw them into Gu Cheng's computer like throwing shit.

Not long after knocking, Song Lan called her out from outside the study.

In all fairness, Song Lan is actually a good mother-in-law. Fu Yang Conscience is very obvious in her case. Except for the accident of the eldest son, she has not encountered too many ups and downs, so she has always been gentle, and she was also good to Ning Yi in the early stage of the original plot.

But the original owner felt inferior and tense, feeling that no one in the Gu family could think highly of her, and she was constantly broken by Ding Ziyue pulling the control group outside, so her psychological distortion could only vent her anger on her speechless vegetable husband. By the time Song Lan found out that Gu Cheng was being abused, it was already too late, and she almost got angry.

Ning Yi would not let Song Lan do this.

Song Lan twirled her hair, with a warm face, "Can I entrust Xiaoyi with what I said yesterday?"

Ning Yi knows it's about scrubbing, but who wants to scrub Lao Yinbi, scum!

Song Lan implicitly handed over a shiny golden black card, "Please."

"." Ning Yi immediately took it with both hands: "Okay, no problem."

The black card made of titanium alloy, with a credit limit of 10 million, shone with low-key luxury.

Here, if necessary, she can wipe her husband's bald skin today^3^

"The nurse for scrubbing and massage will not be used tomorrow." Ning Yi propped up the tentacles of the devil in his heart.

Song Lan had a gentle attitude: "You don't have to be polite to buy whatever you want. Although Ah Cheng is not here these few years, our Gu family can still afford it."

Ning Yi: "Yeah!"

Then when he thought of something, he suddenly smiled affectionately: "Then I'll change my husband to a more comfortable mattress first!"

However, Song Lan was taken aback when she heard the words, and was deeply moved.

How can there be any sincerity in the intrigue among the rich and powerful?

After Ah Cheng's accident, how many people are willing to consider him sincerely?

Ning Yi is really...

If Ah Cheng can wake up, he will definitely like her very much!

"No problem, you can choose for yourself."

Ning Yi carefully selected ultra-luxury and high-quality mattresses for her lying quality.

late at night.

A caring wife can naturally realize that her husband is resting after her husband has not made a sound for a long time.

So when Gu Cheng fell asleep and suddenly vacated: "?"

Ning Yi has a doting face—

Household electric patient care hoist solves the problem of difficult movement of bedridden patients!

Gu Cheng was hung up to change the mattress with a blank expression.

Ning Yi: "Husband, don't be moved, this is what I should do for you!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

What did he dare to move?