Of course, Gu Dashao's noble body can never lose his hearing because of this reason!

After all, it is three years of exquisite care day after day by a team of 30 people!

Ning Yi had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, as long as the feelings are in place, the effect is almost fine^_^

In the future, I will think of a new way to torture—no, I will cure my husband again!

Ning Yi wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corner of her eyes: "Honey, I can only do this for you!"

Gu Cheng: "...Thank you."

Can't take any more.

In the end, it was the experts and doctors who were going to deal with Mr. Gu's body, and the professional matters were left to the professionals.

"Husband, I know you are busy now, and you don't have enough time alone, so you can use mine too." Ning Yi thoughtfully took Gu Cheng's place and lay down for the examination, "I'll do it for you, it's okay!"

Lying down, Ning Yi is absolutely professional√

Gu Cheng worked twice as long, and she lay down twice as long. And since Gu Cheng's ears are still not good, then his side is still a quiet big bed room for her, hehehe.

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

He couldn't refuse anyway.

After the physical examination was completed, Ning Yi also took a short nap.

"..." Gu Cheng admires her sometimes.

Finally, the doctor checked his body and said that Mr. Gu's body functions are all normal, but his hearing and walking ability are still restricted for some reason. Judging from the current recovery process, these will also spontaneously return to normal.

"However, it is still recommended that Gu Dashao rest more and more," Director Qian suggested cautiously, "It is best not to work so hard as soon as you recover, after all, your body has been in a state of rest before."

Mr. Gu and Ms. Song Lan attached great importance to this.

Mr. Gu also said: "Since Ah Cheng has woken up, everyone in the group already knows the news. Now that technology is so advanced, meetings can be held online, so you don't have to go to the company every day. You should listen to the doctor and rest more. .”

Gu Cheng said lightly, "Grandpa, I'm fine—"

"Don't be brave, look, Xiaoyi is so worried about you." Mr. Gu said.

Gu Cheng turned his head to the side, and Ning Yi had a worried look on his face, "I have nothing to do except silently worry about being caught when my husband is fighting outside."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Mr. Gu said: "Isn't there a publicity event in the Bishui Yunshu? You and Xiaoyi have lived there for two days, and the environment there is also good."

Song Lan also smiled softly: "Now that Ah Cheng is awake, the relationship between you husband and wife has begun to be harmonious. You can live outside more together to enhance your relationship."

Bishuiyun Villa is a high-end recuperation villa area developed by Mr. Gu in the past few years, and several of them are under Mr. Gu's name. In the plot of the original book, this apocalyptic-themed survival activity is actually the house of the Koo Group to promote the Bishui Yunshu. So how about saying that Gu Cheng is a business emperor who reduces dimensionality in this book? For the hero and heroine, this is an opportunity for the development of the relationship line, and for him it is selling a house.

"Grandpa is getting old now, and he doesn't want to live there. This house is not all yours." Mr. Gu looked at Ning Yi kindly while holding a cup of tea. We all see the hard work, and we will definitely not treat you badly."

Ning Yi's eyes lit up: Touched!

The whole family is fine, only Gu Cheng is a picky one!

"Of course, grandpa wants to give you a little test." Mr. Gu held the teacup and looked at Ning Yi with gentle eyes with some strength, "There are five houses in the area of ​​Bishui Yunshu under my name. If you can clean it out, it's yours."

This is also to further observe the child's heart. After all, it takes time to see people's hearts. Now that Gu Cheng has just woken up, whether Ning Yi can firmly stand by his side and not be tempted by other factors in the future amidst the ups and downs is all up to him. is what they need to measure.

Ning Yi was startled, and made a net profit of a tens of millions of villas.

Although she felt that this little test could not test anything at all, Ning Yi still couldn't help but want to ask the sky and the earth—is there such a good thing? ? !

From Nanny Rong, who wears books, to I, who wears books, is the domineering little rich woman in the palm of the overlord, stacking one set of Buffs, one step closer to the freedom of wealth and freedom!

Ning Yi couldn't help saying with a passionate voice like a gourd baby: "Grandpa! Don't worry, Grandpa!"

after all! She can be used by two people alone, hahaha——

Ning Yi turned to look at Gu Cheng: "Is it your husband?"

Gu Cheng:? Watch what I do.

It's not him who cleans.

Gu Le next to him listened for a long time, and came up with green heads and green brains: "Then what about me, grandpa?"

As a big fan, Mr. Gu has no ambitions for the family property, because he knows that without his brother, the property will shrink several times. But Young Master Gu loves to join in the fun, and the survival event next to the Bishui Yunshu sounds exciting!

It also cooperates with Zhao Weining and their platform, and will broadcast the whole process live! Gu Le also wants to participate, in case he becomes popular!

Mr. Gu squinted at him: "What are you going to do? The two-person world of a young couple."

Gu Le: "I'm very good QAQ!"

Although Mr. Gu arranged a test for Ning Yi, he not only wanted to observe Ning Yi, but also wanted to see the changes in Gu Cheng. I don't know if Ah Cheng himself has noticed that when he is with Ning Yi, he has more popularity. Not like an emotionless ice sculpture like three years ago.

Ning Yi looked shy, "I will definitely have a good time with my husband over there!"

Gu Cheng looked at her silently.

I don't know why there is always a bad feeling.

I always feel that she will not do him any favors.

Since Mr. Gu spoke, Gu Cheng had no choice but to take a few assistants and Ning Yi to Bishui Yunshu.

His security team was also led by Song Yan to go there.

In the car, President Zhou was reporting to Gu Cheng.

"Young Master Gu, this time we are promoting with the CMore platform. Bishui Yunshu is a high-end main house, and there are not only many potential high-end consumer groups on CMore, but now the number of registered users on their platform has reached a certain level..."

Ning Yi listened to it for a while, deeply convinced: "Yeah."

Her platform is indeed the most suitable product for this world, perfectly integrated into the plot of the original book~ Mr. Zhao’s small company has the Zhao family’s backing, and the management and business systems have relatively mature people to connect with. Ning Yi only needs to maintain the core technology , just be their spiritual leader ^v^

Gu Cheng leaned on the back seat of the car, closed his eyes and listened while thinking.

Even if he went to the villa in the mountains to recuperate, he didn't mean to relax at all. He was still wearing a shirt and trousers, sitting on the back seat of the car, with his hands folded on his knees.

This small company was paid attention to by Gu Cheng before, the reason is very simple, they have a good grasp of the trend, and Zhao's company is behind it. But he didn't expect this small company to make such a big platform.

The founder of this platform is a bit interesting.

He understands the hypocritical ecological environment of the wealthy circle very well, and he is also very good at taking advantage of it. Moreover, the technology is excellent.

The founder should come back at the Internet Sunac Conference next month. There is a chance to see you.

Ning Yi next to him: Huh hee hee.

Business matters let businessmen come, she is just an architect with core technical capabilities, and when she becomes bigger and stronger after financing and goes public, she will take dry shares and directly make money to lie freely and win life.


However, since he was going to Bishui Yunshu, it would inevitably collide with the plot line of the hero and heroine, so Ning Yi recalled the original plot on the way.

On the day before the end-themed event—that is, today, the organizer held a kick-off banquet at the Clearwater Cloud Villa in order to please Mrs. Gu to help promote it. Introduce the interior decoration and layout of Bishuiyun Villa to all the wealthy young masters who participated, so as to stimulate their consumption.

And at this banquet, Jiang Linyi will appear in surprise, give Ding Ziyue enough face, and make her become the envied celebrity in the whole circle. Because Jiang Linyi is not only a popular actor, but also a wealthy young master from other provinces. He belongs to the type who will go home and inherit the family property if he is not popular. Who doesn't envy this? In the whole circle, except Young Master Gu, there is no one whose conditions can compare with it.

After the survival activities started, Jiang Linyi envied everyone for his protection of the heroine in the crisis. Even Jiang Linyi's fans couldn't help but be attracted by the aura of the heroine of the spoiled article, and many people actually started to lick their CP.

The end of the petting article is that the whole people pet and eat together. Miss Qianjin and the actor finally formed the sweetest CP that everyone wishes and envies. This is also one of the reasons why Ning Yi founded CM in the first place, to give them a stage to earn their money.

Ning Yi recalled the plot, operated it with her mobile phone, and tagged the event in the backstage of CMore, and asked Zhao Weining and the others to add weight to it.

—#The Most Favored Ta#

After Ding Ziyue saw it, she was overjoyed: This topic is tailor-made for me! It seems that God wants her to be the focus of attention~

According to the prophecy in the dream, she will be doted on by Jiang Linyi in this event! Think about it - other people couldn't find the supplies, and were scared by the zombies and ran all over the place, but she would be protected by Jiang Linyi all the way!

If Ning Yi saw this, wouldn't he be so envious? !

Ding Ziyue couldn't hold back immediately, and sent a message to Ning Yi.

[Sister, although we had a bad fight that day, I believe there was a misunderstanding. I still hope that you can come to participate in the doomsday themed event~ It will be fun, don’t be afraid~]

[If you come to participate, I will try my best to protect your [heart][heart]]

Ning Yi glanced at Ding Ziyue's news, but didn't like her.

If she goes, what are they going to do?

How can I give the hero a chance to perform? Has the relationship between the hero and heroine developed? She is a qualified cannon fodder.

However, Ding Ziyue was afraid that she would not come, so he sent another message:

[There is a bonus of 500,000 yuan for the first place~ Although it has nothing to do with you, it shows that this event is organized with great care~]

Ning Yi:?

Ning Yi: Okay, here we go.

Make money, who would think too much money!

On the way, Mr. Zhou finished reporting on his work, and then received the list of tomorrow's end-of-the-world survival-themed activities. He glanced at Ning Yi in the rearview mirror.

"Is my wife going to attend tomorrow's event too?"

Gu Cheng opened his eyes that had been closed all along.

The indifferent black pupils first glanced at the chief assistant, and then slowly moved to Ning Yi next to him.

Why doesn't he know.

Ning Yi shyly said: "Since it is an event sponsored by my husband, I should also support it!"

Since it was sponsored by Mr. Gu, winning the prize means taking money from Mr. Gu's pocket, hehe.

Mr. Zhou's assistant looked understanding: "So that's how it is!"

Gu Cheng beside him watched their conversation silently, his eyes were cold.

This tone, they are quite familiar?

Ning Yi nodded: "Although this event is so thrilling and exciting, I know that my husband will definitely not be willing to let me get hurt, and he will silently care and protect me. With my husband's care, I am not afraid of anything!"

Gu Cheng looked indifferent.

Although he said that he wanted to spoil her falsely, but in front of his trusted assistant, Gu Cheng didn't have to.

Ning Yi didn't care what Gu Cheng's attitude was.

On the contrary, Mr. Zhou's assistant was suddenly shown.

Gu Cheng didn't like Ning Yi's accent, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw Ning Yi flamboyantly moving around in the back seat, and reminded him in a sneering tone: "Look at it."

I don't even know it's about to hit the glass.

Ning Yi quickly hugged her head: "Oh." Her clever head can't be broken.

After Gu Cheng finished reminding, he turned his head to the side expressionlessly.

Zongzhu Zhou in the front row couldn't help saying with emotion: "Master, you and your wife have such a good relationship!"

Ning Yi: "Of course!"

Gu Cheng: Where did you see it?


The further you go into the mountains, the denser the vegetation around you will be.

Sitting on green mountains and green waters, Bishui Yunshu is a good location in City A, and it is also a natural oxygen bar. The land is very expensive. The gates of the villa area are very low-key and luxurious, with all-stone carved gates, simple and honest.

Knowing that Young Master Gu was coming, the property had already greeted him at the door in advance, and when they saw Young Master Gu's car, they all ran over to greet him.

Zongzhu Zhou replied a few words instead of Gu Cheng.

Then the pole was raised at the gate of the property, and their car drove all the way to the core of the villa area.

Mr. Gu did what he said, and asked his secretary to follow him, specially to deal with Ning Yi's cleaning work and transfer work.

"The villa we are entering now belongs to the king of buildings in the entire area. It has an excellent view, a bright layout, a four-story townhouse, complete facilities, and a simple and elegant decoration style..."

Ning Yi listened very carefully, after all, it will soon be hers.

After the secretary finished explaining, he said, "Then madam, I will work hard for you to clean this villa today. After you finish, I will truthfully inform the old man."

Ning Yi was quite serious: "Yeah."

It's okay, there are two of her here, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Before she started, the phone rang first, as if she knew that she and Gu Cheng had arrived at the villa.

When I opened it, it was Gu Zhisong:

[Gu Cheng went to Bishui Yunshu? The doctor said you need to rest? 】

[What's his health condition, take a picture and see]

Ning Yi: Huh.

Gu Cheng's gaze also followed, exploring with a little shadow.

With his oppressive gaze, he can easily overwhelm anyone in the Gu Group. But Ning Yi didn't have the feeling that she couldn't bear Gu Cheng's gaze at all, she just stood still.

After a while, the opposite party really got on the road, and began to bribe her with money again.

Gu Zhisong: [Transfer 200,000 yuan]

Ning Yi is satisfied, this is the attitude of asking for help.

Then he erected the phone and clicked two pictures at Gu Cheng, without considering the angle at all.

Gu Cheng realized that she was secretly taking pictures, and instantly tightened his jawline, revealing a perfect profile.

Then he lowered his eyes slightly, and asked indifferently and casually, "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi sent the random blurred photos over, leaving it to Gu Zhisong to do the reading comprehension, and then "snapped" the money, and only then took a closer look at the photos—

How could this man Gu Cheng look so good-looking when photographed from any angle of death? The proportions of the profile lines are so precise that it is as if someone has compared them with a ruler. The nose bridge and mandibular angle are so superior that they can be put on a poster at any time. Even the drooping eyelashes are very long.

Ning Yi usually blows rainbow farts casually, but this time he didn't praise him—

The boast is too real, afraid that he will be proud!

Ning Yi looked up and told Gu Cheng: "Old Kugua wants to know your physical condition, let me take a picture."

"...?" Gu Cheng said, "Oh."

She was quite honest, but Gu Cheng somehow felt a little uncomfortable.

Then I remembered to ask, "Who is the old bitter gourd?"

"Your uncle." Ning Yi explained, "Because your husband is back as king, his face is green and wrinkled with worry, so he is called Old Bitter Gourd."

"..." Gu Cheng thought for a while, and he was quite vivid.

Ning Yi has harvested hundreds of thousands from the old bitter gourd, and she is in a good mood—the recent income is so much! very nice!

When she owns this villa, there will be more!

"Come on man!"

Ning Yi scanned the entire villa imposingly. This is a very high-end villa, not to mention that it is the king of the building. The view, layout, and decoration are all in line with Ning Yi's ideal home.

Ning Yi: Woohoo, I love it.

She copied the mop and vacuum cleaner from the utility room, and circled around.

In fact, the ground and the wall are very clean!

The only problem is, it's too big!

This is the first time in Ning Yi's life that she has such troubles: the house is too big!

Mr. Gu did what he said. Apart from introducing her, the secretary also had the purpose of supervising the work.

Ning Yi thought for a second, then glanced at her dead husband who was sitting on the sofa working in the distance.

Then Ning Yi raised his arm that could break the skulls of zombies in the last days, and delicately held up the mop and waved it on the ground.

I'm so weak.jpg

In the eyes of the secretary, she didn't say a word and started working in silence.

In his mind, Ning Yi's mouth didn't stop for a second.

"Honey, I'm not tired, really."

"This vacuum cleaner is not heavy at all, and my hands don't hurt at all."

"The stairs are not high at all. I'm not tired. It's good."

Gu Cheng: "..."

"If anyone can help me, he is simply the most perfect and handsome man in the world. I will really love him to the core, and I only have him in my eyes! As long as he can help me..."

Gu Cheng quietly flipped through a page of the financial report, and asked casually, "Isn't Ayi already completely devoted to me?"

Ning Yi: hetui, he really has no feelings!

Ning Yi: "Honey, you don't even feel sorry for him—"

Before she finished speaking, the two suddenly switched bodies again.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ning Yi raised her hand: "I didn't do it, it was random."

She originally planned to show her affection again, but if she couldn't, she would change it^3^

Gu Cheng looked at the mop in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Random again.

Swapping bodies seems to be getting more and more unstable? …

But—Gu Cheng put the mop in his hand aside indifferently.

Young master Gu had never done such a thing in his life.

"It's okay, Ah Yi, the random swap will end automatically," Gu Cheng said with a hint of evil on his lips, "You can wait before continuing. It would be even better if you help me clean out the study first."

Ning Yi: Pinching a horse?

Really take me as a babysitter, right **** husband.

Ning Yi smiled slightly and said earnestly to Gu Chengyu, "Husband, you see that Gu Zhisong is always inquiring about your physical condition. You have come to Bishuiyun Villa to recuperate. The outside world must think that your waking up is just a waste of time. How to break these rumors!"

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

Ning Yi said encouragingly: "I'm leaving you the opportunity to exercise! I'm leaving you the good happiness! I'm leaving you the bright future!"

Gu Cheng was unmoved.

He even sat down calmly under the observing gaze of the secretary, with a hint of amusement in his voice: "But this is Ah Yi's job, how can I **** it from you?"

What does it have to do with him.

Ning Yi gritted her teeth.

Not only did Gu Cheng not help! And use her body to mess it up! Let grandpa think she didn't work on purpose!

This cut ratio! You just don't want to give me the house, do you?

Do you think I can't take you down? Ah-

Ning Yi reminded sadly: "Honey, you can move your entire upper body now."

Gu Cheng had a bad premonition: "What's wrong."

The moment Ning Yi looked over, she suddenly winked at his girl group.

She is now in Gu Cheng's body, using the boss's cold, perfect, handsome face like a sculpture, and her eyes as dark and deep as the sky of the universe—making a very girly wink. For a moment, those eyes seemed to radiate lightning in the universe, and they shot towards Gucheng charmingly.

Gu Cheng watched his face make a shape that had never been seen in the past thirty years.

Received a very intuitive impact: "..."

Then, I heard a "click" behind me.

Assistant Zhou closed the door politely and retreated, and chose to blind himself blindly.

Young Master Gu, I didn't see anything.

The relationship between the young master and his wife is really good, it's a little scary.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng has been in charge of the group for many years, and has never made such an expression in front of his subordinates.

Gu Cheng was so angry that he sneered, "...Ayi."

Ning Yi thought **** ho **** to fight with me.

"Husband, not only can I be ababa ababa now, but I can also beep, beep, beep."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi did what she said, and slowly pursed her thin lips against his face: "Old-father-kiss-kiss-"


Before the horrific shyness appeared on his face, Gu Cheng stopped her: "Enough!"

"Ayi, it's fine," Gu Cheng gritted his teeth and picked up the mop, "You're fine."

Ning Yi: ^3^

Women will act like a baby, and your husband will take care of your housework.

Gu Cheng was using all his strength to pick up the mop.

Ning Yi slowly picked up a cup of tea: "Honey, make a little effort for our little family! Okay! Let me see your efforts!"

Such a big house, how many square meters will be shared with you ^3^

Gu Cheng turned around and mopped the floor, not wanting to say a word.

two hours later.

Mr. Gu's secretary watched from a distance, "Ning Yi" was still dragging the vacuum cleaner seriously.

And "Master Gu" sat in a wheelchair drinking tea. Although he could not participate due to physical reasons, he accompanied his wife silently and watched her silently.

The secretary showed a grateful expression.

—What a sweet scene!

Gucheng's security team and assistants also watched silently and did not dare to disturb.

—What a beautiful love!

Gu Cheng: "..."

He scanned the first floor, straightened his waist, raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brow.

Then habitually raised his finger and pointed, "Song Yan, come and help me—"

Ning Yi rolled the wheelchair: "My flaming red lips are here—"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes, "Forget it."

Oh shit.

Evening festival is not guaranteed.

At this time, Bishui Yunshu gradually gathered luxury cars.

The kick-off banquet for this post-apocalyptic survival event is being held, because this time it is invested by the Koo Group, and even Young Master Gu himself has come to Bishui Yunshu to sit in the town, so the popularity is unprecedentedly high!

The famous ladies and daughters gathered together and whispered.

"I saw Young Master Gu's car. I won't recognize the model and license plate."

"This event has Gu's investment, because there will be many audiences at the scene, and it will also be promoted jointly with the CM platform, so the popularity will be very high!"

"Young Master Gu sits in charge in person! Ahhh, then I must take the first place."

"The bonus is not important, the important thing is that Mr. Gu personally presents the award!"

The kick-off banquet explained the game rules for tomorrow's event. Their apocalyptic mode will be very realistic. When the participants start the game, they only have a simple backpack. They need to find supplies by themselves, and at the same time avoid the attack of zombies.

And the brave can **** things from the zombies, and finally unify the rankings, and the first place that grabs the most will get the prize of the Gu Group, and invite Young Master Gu to present it in person!

"Yueyue, can you take the first place?" Someone asked Ding Ziyue in the crowd.

Ding Ziyue put on a delicate makeup, waiting for Jiang Linyi to appear later. Hearing this, she covered her mouth and smiled: "Maybe."

There was a commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Sure enough, Jiang Linyi really appeared according to the plot in the dream! Surpass the crowd and appear in front of Ding Ziyue like a prince!

Ding Ziyue showed a surprised and shy look: "Brother Lin Yi, why are you here?"

Jiang Linyi doesn't know what's wrong with him recently, this simple girl is always lingering in his mind. Even when she asked him without hope if he wanted to come to this event, Jiang Linyi agreed at the risk.

"Didn't you say that you are afraid of zombies and need protection?" Jiang Linyi held up his glass and whispered, "I'm here."

Ding Ziyue's eyes widened in shock.

"I'm so envious!"

"Yueyue already has her guardian knight!"

These are all girls present, how could anyone not be afraid of zombies?

How can a girl easily find supplies in the mountains and forests?

For them to participate in this event, they will definitely need to form alliances and seek help from others. However, Ding Ziyue already had Jiang Linyi to spoil her before the event started! How can it not be enviable!

Seeing the envy in everyone's eyes, Ding Ziyue felt extremely relieved!

She is looking forward to the start of the event tomorrow, when Ning Yi can't find supplies and is scared by the zombies and runs around, but she only needs to stay by Jiang Linyi's side, be cared for by him, and held in the palm of his hand!

This comparison will definitely make Ning Yi even darker, and Young Master Gu will discover her true face sooner or later!

She was in a happy mood when she suddenly heard an unbelievable voice.

"What? Ning Yi and Young Master Gu lived in the Bishui Yunshu together?!"

"How is it possible, Young Master Gu will bring her with him?"

After all, Gu Le came to play with Zhao Weining, and when he came in, he heard someone talking about his sister-in-law, and he was very dissatisfied and said, "Why is it impossible? My brother even gave the house in Bishui to his sister-in-law."


The average price of the villas in Bishui Yunshu is tens of millions, so give it to Ning Yi? That bumpkin? !

Ding Ziyue was so jealous that she couldn't hear what Jiang Linyi was whispering.

In a trance, Ding Ziyue was thinking that the plot in that dream basically happened in reality, and the only strange one was Ning Yi. Because of her change, Young Master Gu didn't recognize himself as a benefactor after waking up, but mistakenly regarded Ning Yi as the object of his favor—

Could it be that Ning Yi gave Gu Dashao some medicine to make him forget, or was he confused?

Probably! After all, Ning Yi is such a dark person, he can even abuse her, and it is normal to prescribe drugs.

Ding Ziyue was suddenly a little uneasy.

Jiang Linyi is of course very good, but the relationship between them will go through ups and downs when they are with him. Unlike Gu Cheng, he was born on the throne, and after awakening, he is also an absolute emperor, and it is the real supreme honor to be cared for by him.

No, she can't let Ning Yi continue to seduce Young Master Gu!

Ding Ziyue deliberately sprinkled water on her skirt, and then quietly left the banquet under the pretext of going upstairs to change.

At this time Ning Yi had stopped supervising the work.

Pushing the wheelchair by myself, I walked slowly on the wide lawn in the front yard of the villa.

"Is Ah Yi not staring at me?" Gu Cheng's sullen voice rang in his ears.

Whenever he wanted to quit, Ning Yi would roll over in a wheelchair, always ready to pout and wink indiscriminately.

Therefore, in order to protect his face, Young Master Gu could only clean the villa by himself, and had the biggest amount of exercise in three years.

"Oh man, you've already finished scanning, we don't talk about that between husband and wife." Ning Yi said happily.

Gu Cheng sneered, and squatted down to clean up the garbage he had cleaned.

One day let him learn all the housework.

Only his Ah Yi can do this.

very good. very good.

Ning Yi rolled freely in her yard, and then heard footsteps with sharp ears—very familiar footsteps. During the time she was lying on the Gucheng hospital bed, she appeared every now and then.

——It is the light of Gucheng, the light of innocence and madness!

Ding Ziyue saw "Eldest Young Master Gu" coming out alone pushing a wheelchair at a glance. The bodyguards were all watching from a little distance away. The timing was just right, and she wanted to help him recall everything!

When the sad winter love song came from the bone conduction earphones, Ning Yi hadn't realized what it was, but when Ding Ziyue's voice came out, she almost laughed silly.

—"Hey. Young Master Gu, do you remember?"

— "Perhaps, did you make it? I declared it to you."

— "I know that Ning Yi has caused you harm, but it's not Kanxi, you still have me."

Ning Yi: Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha.

What exactly has Gu Cheng endured? A heartless person like Ning Yi began to feel sorry for him.

Ning Yi had no choice but to close her eyes, not to let her smile show too clearly.

However, in Ding Ziyue's eyes, "Master Gu" was sitting in a wheelchair, his slender fingers resting on the armrests were exerting force, with a slight shiver of forbearance. He seemed to have no expression when he closed his eyes, but Ding Ziyue Know—he must have remembered.

It must be like this, it was something Ning Yi did that caused the plot to deviate from what she expected.

She and Young Master Gu should have a relationship of light and redemption!

Ding Ziyue: Pain! It hurts so much!

—There must be something blocking them!

Ning Yi: It hurts! It hurts so much!

—It hurts to hold back a laugh!

Ning Yi could only support the wheelchair firmly. Turned around and left, speechless.

Ding Ziyue stood where she was, looked at his back, and shed the tears of a youthful and painful literary heroine.

So when she saw "Ning Yi" walking out of the villa carrying a garbage bag, she couldn't help rushing up.


She stopped Gu Cheng who was in Ning Yi's body at this time, she must record the evidence!

"Ning Yi, did you abuse Young Master Gu! What did you do to him?!"

Gu Cheng was expressionless, and looked down at his hands that were forced to work hard for the evening festival.

Gu Cheng, who had just been abused by Xin Xin, became angry from embarrassment:

"none of your business?"

This is between them.