Frankly speaking, Ning Yi's feet are also very beautiful.

Very fair, smooth and tender skin, round nails, if it is a small affair between husband and wife, that's all.

But the question is—how did it develop to this point in the darkness just now? Are you so exciting! Young Master!

Ning Yi: Hehe.

Just now when a jio was kicked out, the shoe flew off accidentally.

She also didn't expect to kick Gu Cheng's hand—who knows why Gu Cheng stretched out his hand suddenly?

Is it to hold her?

How can Gu Cheng be so kind? Really? I don't believe it.

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng's expression, he kept secret and didn't know what he was thinking, but the meaning of "I don't want to talk" was revealed from the brow bone to the bridge of the nose to the lips.

Ning Yi asked quietly in her heart: "Does it hurt from being kicked by me? Husband."

Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds: "No."

Wang Wu in the distance held up the little leather shoe that his wife flew out, and gave it back with a serious face, "Madam, your shoe."

He didn't even dare to look at Young Master Gu, what if it was really a couple playing around?

Gu Cheng's eyes closed and closed again, and when he opened them again, he had regained his composure and clarity.

Then he put Ning Yi's shoes on with a blank face.

Ning Yi stood on her two legs again, moved her wrists and ankles, and smiled at the big guy: "Just kidding, just kidding. It's good that my husband is fine."

The assistants and bodyguards nodded.

—Indeed, the sentence my wife yelled in the dark just now is really touching and touching.

Such a good wife, young and old must treat her well!

Ning Yi: Be sure to buy me a big gem!

Gu Cheng had no expression on his face, he didn't want to stay in this space any longer, so he turned around and went to the conference room to deal with his multi-billion big project, and a group of assistant secretaries hurried forward to follow.

And Ning Yi's clear and crisp shout suddenly came from behind Gu Cheng.


Ning Yi had a happy face, and with a posture of holding a black card, he handed him a thin one with two fingers.

"Take it and use it."

Gu Cheng took it and turned it over.

Disinfectant wipes.

Ning Yi: Hehe, Yazi must report it.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng: "Thank you."

never mind.

Although failed this time. But at least it has been verified that if you want to switch bodies, the physical contact must be the same part.

Just touch hands.

It's useless to touch your feet.

Not long after Gu Cheng left, Ning Yi received a message from Gu Zhisong on his mobile phone.

[Is there anyone around? Don't let people see the screen]

[The lights on the 28th floor were black just now? Something happened to Gu Cheng? Did you catch anyone]

Ning Yi was deeply amused by Gu Zhisong's spy war tone.

She decided to stick with a paid Q&A bot, with coins to get her replies.

The other party obviously felt that she was struggling in pain and did not want to continue to betray Gu Cheng, so he called her 100,000 yuan.

Only then did Ning Yi move her fingers: [Yes. 】

Coin-operated reading, this money is really easy to earn!

Seeing the news of her return, Gu Zhisong laughed mockingly.

Ning Yi, a superficial woman, has almost been grasped by them.

Gu Cheng now takes her with him wherever he goes, which is like opening a huge weakness to them.

The next step is to carry out stricter mental suppression and control on this woman, allowing her to steal more business secrets and intelligence.

Start with suppression.

Gu Zhisong sent several messages in succession.

【You are by Gu Cheng's side now because you helped him somewhat when he was awake, but do you know, Miss Wen? Gu Cheng's childhood sweetheart grew up together, a famous daughter]

[What is the purpose of returning home? You should understand if you are not stupid]

[So what do you think you have a chance of winning? While still being by Gu Cheng's side, provide more value, and live a more comfortable life in the future. weigh yourself]

After speaking, another 50,000 hush money was paid.

Ning Yi: Hmm. Weighed it.

It's okay, a little heavy.

From a distance, she saw Gu Zhisong casting a dark and menacing gaze at her.

Ning Yi was panicked and at a loss on the surface, and turned around to force Lai Lai with Gu Cheng in her heart.

"Husband, your bitter brother-in-law said that you were going to marry someone else soon, and he abandoned me severely, leaving me without food and sleeping in the street, and living a miserable life."

"Husband, will you do this, husband?"


Gu Cheng looked at the heads of the entire conference room.

Everyone is waiting with bated breath.

Young Master Gu broke off inexplicably as soon as he said a word, and they didn't dare to vent their anger, they were all waiting for Young Master Gu's next sentence.

"Huh? Husband? Mmmmm?"

Gu Cheng warned her weakly in his heart: "If you talk again, I will really."

Ning Yi: Hehe, I know you **** has no conscience!

like her!

It seems that you have to blackmail him a lot!

At this point, the airport.

A flight from abroad has just landed.

City A's wealthy circles are surging again, and the major chat groups have begun to flock.

【Did you know that Wen Zhili is back! 】

[Miss Wen is going to come back after Young Master Gu woke up? But I have to wait for her overseas design works to be completed, so I come here now]

[Ahahaha, the wife of a certain Young Master Gu is finished, how can Ning Yi compare with Miss Wen? The family background is incomparable, what about the career? Hahaha】

【There is a good show to watch—】

Ding Ziyue is also very concerned about Wen Zhili's news, you know, she has disliked Wen Zhili since three years ago!

At that time, Young Master Gu had not had an accident, and Ding Ziyue did not pass on the identity of his fiancée to Ning Yi, because he was quite envied in the circle because of the baby marriage promised by the Gu family when he was young. And Wen Zhili is a childhood sweetheart who knew Gu Dashao since he was a child, and he also studied in the same university abroad, so his status is naturally very special!

Although neither of them got too much favor from Young Master Gu, they were secretly comparing each other in every aspect!

[I heard that Wen Zhili directly entered the CMore platform when he came back, and the certification was written by the designer of his own studio, wow, awesome]

Ding Ziyue gritted her teeth.

This woman was really not a good comer, and she was given a blow as soon as she came back!

Her certification on CMore is only the daughter of the Ding Group, but Wen Zhili advertised so much, but her studio was also opened for her by the Wen family!

Ding Ziyue was upset for a long time, but when she thought about Ning Yi, she felt better again.

Fortunately, Ning Yi is worse than them.

What career does Ning Yi have?

Ding Ziyue opened her CM platform with a smile, and looked at the surge in comments and likes—because her brother recently spent millions of dollars in marketing for her, now Ding Ziyue's account has almost one million followers!

Although there is of course a big gap with the entertainment industry actor like brother Lin Yi, she is already the most prominent one in the celebrity circle! A smug smile appeared on the corner of Ding Ziyue's mouth.

Sure enough, she was right to seize the opportunity to enter this platform. Now that CM has become a trendy social media among young people, her pampered life will only be envied by more and more people.

And what does Ning Yi have?

die laughing.

Ning Yi is doing architecture.

The handsome guys at the beginning of the monkey are also together.

After the last post-apocalyptic survival-themed event, CMore's live broadcast potential was taken a fancy to.

Because their live broadcast is smooth, clear and silky, and the interactive system is innovative and interesting, and the picture of swiping gifts is very exciting, which can completely open up a new business ecology, and then it is another gold-absorbing section!

The most important thing is that there are popular anchors who are willing to come to CMore's live broadcast platform! Can directly bring millions of fans to settle in!

This anchor has always played doomsday games, all kinds of immersive zombie killing and doomsday escape games, he has played Thief 6, and he has never been scared like other anchors, and has been nicknamed "the end of the world" by fans. who come."

The last time this popular anchor watched their live broadcast of survival in the last days, he seemed to be very interested in one of them. Not only contacted Zhao Weining, but also expressed that he would like to meet the mysterious founder 01 of their platform if he had the opportunity.

Ning Yi tapped the code with her feet up and said, "No see."

She is worth tens of millions now, so anyone who wants to see her can see her!

Of course, Zhao Weining also felt that their 01 bosses could not be met by anyone who wanted to, so he directly rejected the game anchor named Wander.

Facing the two computer screens, Ning Yi tapped the keyboard for a long time, and finally got through!

Refreshingly, she handed over the rest of the small problems to her brothers, and got a wave of howling thanks.

【sister! You are my only sister! 】

[Ah, ah, big brother! My reborn parents! 】

[Sister, why are you so strong! 】

Ning Yi waved her hand easily, not all of them were forced out in the extreme environment of the last days!

After finishing her work, Ning Yi suddenly remembered what Zhao Weining said just now.

"Wait what's the name of that anchor?"

"Wander, he is handsome."

Ning Yi scratched her head, the name sounds familiar?

She used to—a few years ago, had a friend named that?

Ning Yi typed the code for a whole day without distraction, only to realize that she was already so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

She lay flat on the spot to reduce consumption, then took out her mobile phone and planned to call her Xiaozao.

But before the phone was dialed, she suddenly found herself in a box.

The environment of this box is very quiet, one wall is opened to create a landscape, small bridges, flowing water and green wood pine needles. There is a table of Huaiyang dishes on the table, steaming, it looks like it has just been served.

There are Wensi tofu, crab noodles and lion head, and squirrel mandarin fish. They not only look delicious in color, but also have very delicate shapes.

Ning Yi looked down at her hand next to the chopsticks. The knuckles were clearly slender and beautiful—so it seemed that they switched randomly again. She is now in Gu Cheng's body, and this time it was exchanged remotely.

But that's not the point right now, the point is—

Well you Gucheng, secretly eat your own food! ?

"Husband!" Ning Yi complained in her head, "You steal it! Don't take me!"


She is going to make a fuss!

Gu Cheng: "..."

He just finished talking and has already asked his assistant to pick Ning Yi up for dinner.

This heartless woman.

After swapping randomly, he found that Ning Yi was lying down again.

The computer on the next table was turned on, and several fingerprints were punched on the keyboard.

Gu Cheng: ...How hard does she play games?

Don't know if it hurts your eyes?

Ning Yi on the other end complained to her husband, and then moved her index finger at a table of dishes—the dishes were all to her taste! It’s just that Huaiyang cuisine is generally light and sweet. It would be even better if you add a slightly spicy dish!

However, the private room is very quiet. In this kind of high-end private restaurant, the service staff pays great attention to the privacy of the guests, and they will stand outside the door unless they take the initiative to summon them.

Ning Yi looked around but couldn't find the calling bell, so she simply pushed the wheelchair out of the box.

As soon as he came out, he heard familiar footsteps.

As expected of a world revolving around the heroine, it's true that life doesn't meet each other.

When Ding Ziyue saw "Gu Cheng", her eyes lit up.

In the past two days, because of Wen Zhili's high-profile return to China, her depressed heart suddenly eased. She and Young Master Gu are really destined!

"Young Master Gu..." Ding Ziyue walked up in a few steps.

Ever since that day in the Bishui Yun Villa, she replayed her recording to him outside the villa, and they haven't communicated again.

It just so happened that Ding Ziyue had a quarrel with Jiang Linyi today, and Jiang Linyi lost her temper because Jiang Linyi was going to other provinces to catch a notice that she couldn't take her with her.

Now Ding Ziyue looked at Young Master Gu, and felt a burst of tenderness in his heart: Someone like Young Master Gu would definitely not quarrel with others, right? If she can be the woman he loves, she will definitely be praised to the sky...

Ning Yi who was in Gu Cheng's body at this time: "."

You look at me like that, I'm not good at ordering, bro.

Ding Ziyue looked affectionately: "Young Master, do you need me to push the wheelchair for you?"

Ning Yi:? Didn't you say last time that I push a wheelchair like a nanny?

Why does this little thing have two faces.

Ning Yi: "No need."

Ding Ziyue was not discouraged by the cold rejection, and was about to say something when a soft voice cut in—

"Ziyue hasn't seen you for so long, is she still the same as before, she loves to befriend others?"

When Ning Yi turned her head, she saw a completely unfamiliar face, which was quite close.

Ning Yi subconsciously asked, "You are?"

There was a moment of silence.

The man also fell silent.

Then Ding Ziyue burst into a laugh that she might want to control but couldn't control at all: "Hahahaha!"

Ding Ziyue tried to control her expression, but she wanted to laugh so much, her face twisted a little, and she looked at Wen Zhili behind "Master Gu".

"Zhi Li, you've been away for too long, Young Master Gu doesn't know you anymore hahahaha—"

Only then did Ning Yi recognize it - oh oh.

sorry? I have never seen it!

No wonder you meet the heroine here, so the war between Ding Ziyue and Wen Zhili has already started? It's really the same as what was written in the story of the brainless pet novel.

Ding Ziyue was originally unhappy because Wen Zhili bumped into Wen Zhili's rejection by Young Master Gu, but now she felt that everything was worth it tonight!

Wen Zhili made such a big mess just after returning to China, and she just happened to pick her up!

So Ding Ziyue happily bid farewell to "Eldest Young Master Gu", and turned to share the joke with the little sisters.

Ning Yi felt very strong happiness from her face.

Wen Zhili's face darkened.

Of course, she didn't believe that Gu Cheng didn't recognize her, or had forgotten her. After all, no one had as deep a connection with Gu Cheng as she did.

Gu Cheng has always been indifferent and withdrawn, and she should be the woman who has talked the most with Gu Cheng in this world.

Now, although Gu Cheng in front of him is sitting in a wheelchair, he needs to wear bone conduction earphones in order to have a normal conversation with others. But his kingly demeanor is completely gone, and his brows are still handsome and restrained, which makes people cannot help but be impressed.

It doesn't matter, Wen Zhili can understand that Gu Cheng must be angry with her. After all, he has been bedridden for so many years, but she has been abroad, so he is angry with her.

Being angry means being affectionate. Wen Zhili thinks this is a good thing.

As for Gu Cheng's married wife? Wen Zhili has already checked, if she wants to have a family background without a family background, and a career without a career, it is impossible for Gu Cheng to like her. All this was because he was unable to communicate with the outside world when he was lying in bed, and it was Ms. Song Lan who arranged it all by herself.

And now, the most suitable woman for him is back.

She immediately suppressed all her emotions, and said softly to "Gu Cheng", "In two days, I will visit with my father."

Ning Yi: Very good, very good, more people and more food.

Their chef can give full play again, okay.

"—There is also a jewelry conference, you must come," Wen Zhili said with deep meaning in his eyes, "There are works designed by me."

After finishing speaking, she wisely stopped and turned to leave.

At the end of the corridor, Gu Cheng just went up the stairs.

At this time, he was in Ning Yi's body.

Wen Zhili also saw him, but obviously, "Ning Yi" was not worth her stopping or saying hello.

She and "Ning Yi" passed by each other.

— looks really good. But it is impossible for Gu Cheng to like someone just by his face, he is not such a superficial person.

Gu Cheng also took a look at Wen Zhili.

Familiar people, but haven't seen it for too many years, it doesn't matter.

So Gu Cheng walked over to Ning Yi with no expression on his face.

"Why don't you go in?" he asked.

"I want to add some food." Ning Yi said.

"Just call the waiter."

The voice gradually disappeared in the box.

Wen Zhili paused for a while, thinking,

Gu Cheng must have told her on purpose.

Finally, a spicy saliva chicken was added to this table dish.

Ning Yi worked hard all day, and rewarded herself with the dishes her husband ordered, planning to go home and lie down for ten hours after eating.

Gu Cheng looked at her, even feeling puzzled.

Ning Yi either lays down or plays games every day, why is she so hungry?

In doubt, he transferred the dish that Ning Yi ate the most to her side.

Ning Yi just choked on the pepper, and grabbed Gu Cheng's hand, "Husband, water!"

Gu Cheng's hand paused slightly.

Holding hands happened unexpectedly.

And the next second, he returned to his body.

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

Now replace it with Gu Cheng: "Cough, cough cough—water."

Ning Yi's body stopped choking, and she handed him the water happily.

Random swap over?

This husband is really easy to use, he can stand up to anything.

Gu Cheng took a few sips of tea before he calmed down.

He gently wiped the corner of his lower lip with a handkerchief, and his dark pupils with blue arcs fell silently on Ning Yi.

Ning Yi is already busy continuing to cook with her body.

It seems... She didn't realize that after shaking hands, the body will really switch back.

Gu Cheng's lips slowly evoked a cool smile.

This is the clearest initiative for him since he and Ning Yi switched bodies. It's really...

"Husband, give me a lion's head!" Ning Yi whimpered.

The smile on Gu Cheng's lips was withdrawn again.

"Who are you ordering?" Gu Cheng looked indifferent.

Then he put the lion's head on the plate indifferently.

"No one is robbing you," he said.

Eating is like famine.

I don't know where I got so hungry.

After dinner, Young Master Gu had to go to the company.

Ning Yi just wanted to lie down after working all day, so the driver took Ning Yi home first.

After entering the manor, Ning Yi met Song Lan who hadn't seen him for several days.

Ms. Song Lan has been very busy with the jewelry conference recently.

Song's was originally a time-honored brand in the domestic jewelry industry. Song Lan herself is also an expert in jewelry design and appraisal, and has countless collections at home. In the past few years, due to the ups and downs of the Gu family, Song Lan supported Mr. Gu to sit in the town together, and the jewelry conference has not been held for several years. Now that Gu Cheng wakes up and takes the helm of the Gu family again, her jewelry business can also develop smoothly.

This jewelry conference will definitely become a big event in City A!

Also because of her busy schedule, after Ning Yi and Gu Cheng returned from Bishui Yunshu, Song Lan didn't have time to eat together.

"Xiaoyi, come here and let me have a look!" Song Lan beckoned to her kindly.

Ning Yi is obedient: "Mom."

Song Lan looked at Ning Yi's face, she didn't look thin, she should have been eating well all the time. Her face was small and slender, so she looked just right with a little bit of flesh, and she was plump and beautiful just right.

Song Lan's conference this time will invite a group of jewelry models to walk the runway wearing the jewelry displayed by their Song family. Because they are backed by the Koo Group, they can even hire celebrities. But Song Lan looked left and right, and felt that the models the secretary found were not as good-looking as her daughter-in-law.

So Song Lan suggested that Ning Yi could wear jewelry on the runway once, and it doesn't need to be professional, the main purpose is to display jewelry.

"Then, Mom will give you that jewelry as a gift, okay?" Song Lan asked.

Ning Yi immediately said, "Okay!"

The jewelry collections used for display are worth several million, and Song Lan couldn't hire ten models for that much money.

Woohoo, my mother-in-law is too kind.

To let the dead husband buy a piece of jewelry, you have to negotiate the terms and value.

Gucheng what are you!

However, Ning Yi also remembered that in the original plot, the original owner who abused Gu Cheng had already begun to be severely retaliated by Gu Cheng at this time. The Gu family kicked her out, and the Ning family naturally couldn't want her. The original owner even stole the jewels that Song Lan wanted to display at the conference.

Now that the plot has been completely changed, I just don't know how much remaining plot power there will be? After all, the world still serves the heroine.

Song Lan didn't know what she was thinking, but she was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

Ning Yi is 1.7 meters tall, and she looks taller and slender when she wears high heels. And if Gu Cheng stood up, he would be 1.88 meters tall. Standing together, the two of them would have the best golden height difference!

What a match!

Song Lan sighed, but she didn't know when Ah Cheng's legs would recover...

Thinking of this, Song Lan remembered a very important thing.

She couldn't help lowering her voice, and asked Ning Yi quietly: "Xiaoyi, did you and Acheng live together when you went to Bishuiyun Villa this time?"

Ms. Song Lan has always been elegant, and she was a little embarrassed to ask this question, but after all, it was about the future of her son and daughter-in-law, so she still held back her embarrassment and asked it.

Of course, Ning Yi has no embarrassment at all!

What's the matter!

"Yes, Mom," she replied.

"That you…"

Ning Yi waved her little hand, covered her mouth and said, "Oh, he can't do it!"

Now the plot has not progressed in place, and the boss's lower body has not recovered at all! Ning Yi took it for granted that the lower body must include that part!

So lying on the same bed with him doesn't have to worry about anything^^

Song Lan: "Ah..."

Although this result was expected, it was still a bit sad. Because in Song Lan's view, Gu Cheng's complete recovery is not sure. Unlike Ning Yi, who knows that in the future, Gu Cheng's body will definitely be fully awakened and revived in all directions without dead ends.

Ning Yi couldn't bear her sadness and disappointment, her mother-in-law is so good, she should do what she can to help her!

Although her husband is a dead husband, she should try her best to help him recover!

After all, the plot is getting deeper and deeper now, Gu Cheng has to hang and beat everyone, and also has to beware of rebels, and the female supporting role is going on and on, so he is very busy!

Legs are a bit difficult.

But she can still try her best to think of a way.

Anyway, my husband’s lower body is not in a hurry^3^

When Gu Cheng returned home, he was still processing several contracts.

Zongzhu Zhou was very used to the intensity of work with Gu Dashao. Gu Dashao entered the other building while browsing the terms, and he took the signed documents at the same time.

Upstairs, there are still a few steps to the room.

Ning Yi inside had already heard the sound of the wheelchair rolling.

She called delicately: "Old~~ Gong~~"

Gu Cheng had a meal.

In just two words, she yelled the eighteen bends of the mountain road, and each syllable carried a different emotion.

Zongzhu Zhou immediately stood still and stood at attention, not daring to take another step forward.

After Gu Cheng finished signing the remaining documents, Mr. Zhou took over and sorted out all the documents, and bowed.

"Young master, pay attention to your body!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhou quickly ran away.

Gu Cheng: "?"

what are you saying.

He raised his eyes and looked at the door of his room, what kind of Pansi hole is this?

Ning Yi has been lying on the bed thinking for a long time.

The reason why he didn't stimulate his hearing with a loudspeaker last time was probably because the direction of the stimulation was wrong.

Because Gu Cheng is not really deaf, nor is he temporarily deaf, he is simply sealed by the power of the plot.

So it is not to stimulate through the volume, but to mobilize his internal driving force - to make him want to hear very much, very eager to hear, this is the correct way to stimulate!

So after Gu Cheng got out of the shower, Ning Yi started to perform.

"Husband, let me tell you a story."

Gu Cheng wiped his hair, and the front of the black silk pajamas was slightly open, revealing a cold white neck and a small piece of well-defined chest. He looked up and glanced at her through the wet hair.

However, Ning Yi ignored his sexiness and said: "I have a friend who broke up with her boyfriend, and immediately got together with his boyfriend's brother, and she became pregnant! However, the child has no name, no division, no household registration, so she Choose to go back and marry your ex-boyfriend…”

Gu Cheng: "?"

What a mess.

Ning Yi: This is The Legend of Zhen Huan! No one can not love to listen to the Legend of Zhen Huan!

"It was only later that she found out that her ex-boyfriend was with her only because she looked like her first love!..."

Ning Yi only said half of it, and didn't talk to him about the rest.

Her voice is full of emotion and articulate, so I don't believe that Gu Cheng doesn't want to listen!

In order to stimulate the emotions he wanted to hear, she also walked around the room and performed gracefully.

Gu Cheng remained expressionless, as if watching a mime.

I even thought about it for a while—since it has been confirmed that shaking hands can exchange bodies, and this authority is higher than random exchange, what about other physical contact?

Like, hug?

Gu Cheng looked at Ning Yi's legs turning back and forth during the performance with an inscrutable expression.

According to his prediction, Ning Yi would bump into the foot of their bed on the fifth lap. In this way, as long as he appears in a diagonally forward position, according to the precise calculation of human dynamics, she will fall into his arms.

It was a hug that was emotionless and full of accidents.

try 3.0

Gu Cheng leisurely pushed the wheelchair forward.

Unexpectedly, Ning Yi just happened to talk about passion, and turned around abruptly.

Then Kuang Ji tripped over Gu Cheng's outstretched foot, almost bumping into his wheelchair.

Ning Yi was startled: Gu Cheng, are you sick? ! ? !

What are you tripping me for?

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng: "I didn't mean to."

Ning Yi: I've seen the farting, you're doing tricks on purpose!

I will tell you stories to help you recover and you will repay me with revenge!

Then fix your ears!

Don't worry about your lower body!

Ning Yi: "xh#w! eujyw!"

From her mouth shape and vivid expression, Gu Cheng could see that she was scolding him.

His face was flushed with scolding without panting.

So Gu Cheng tried hard to hear clearly.

He stared closely at Ning Yi's mouth shape, and finally, gradually, he could really hear a little sound in his ears.

Moreover, the voice is still gradually clear.

Ning Yi watched his face gradually become ugly.

what's wrong?

How are your ears?

If you listen to Xianle, your ears will be clear for a while?

The moment Gu Cheng's hearing completely recovered, he heard Ning Yi's extremely loud roar, shocking the whole Biedong:

- "What kind of man are you!"

— "Gu Cheng! You! No! OK!"

Gu Cheng wished he could become deaf.

— "Ning Yi!"