Ning Yi twitched her lips: "Why do you say that about him!"

She was still in Gu Cheng's arms, turned around and directly grabbed Gu Cheng's collar, and said aggrievedly: "I did this because I cared about my husband's health!"

Gu Cheng stretched out his hand to wrap her around her, and said in a low voice, "Okay, I got it—"

Ning Yi was still fidgeting about: "What if I flick your third leg twice, and the remaining two legs also stand up? Are you right? I am the one who cares about your body the most in the whole world." my husband—”

She sits in his arms.

The **** moved restlessly.

Blue veins appeared on Gu Cheng's forehead, he couldn't bear it any longer, he stretched out his hand to grab her waist.

"Stop moving."

This time I really couldn't move anymore.

Ning Yi: OvO?

Why do you have so many problems.

Fortunately, the body has finally switched back, and I can wash myself tonight.

Ning Yi has a more comprehensive understanding of her husband's body this time, and now the whole body recovery rate has reached 66.6%!

Just seeing how Gu Cheng was holding back something at night, Ning Yi was a little worried, wondering if she had caused irreversible harm to him.


Ning Yi quietly stretched out her hand to touch it: "Is your husband broken?"

Gu Cheng immediately grabbed her hand: "..."

He held back for a few seconds, "No."

Not only was it not broken, he finally knew it.

very good.

The next day, Ning Yi was Ning Yi, and Gu Cheng was Gu Cheng.

In the hotel lobby, when Wander met them, he somehow felt that 01 was different from yesterday.

"Brother Wan." She also greeted with a smile.

Gu Cheng glanced at her lightly.

Wander raised an eyebrow.

What, isn't it cold today? But still so cute 01.

The three stand together, and this time everyone's role is positive. Wander looked at Ning Yi. Gu Cheng also looked at Ning Yi.

Gu Cheng hooked his lips and smiled coldly, "Ayi, why don't you introduce me?"

Wander folded his arms, "Yeah 11."

Gu Cheng raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

Call other people's wives so intimate.


Ning Yi looked left and right: the atmosphere was a bit strange.

But thinking about the roles of the two of them, it seems to be normal—after all, they are hostile relationships! Wan Ge is the male lead who is infatuated with the heroine, and Gu Cheng is the big villain who crushes all the male lead and male lead without distinction.

So Ning Yi put on an expression of "harmony makes money", and briefly introduced the two of them to each other.

— "This is my husband, and this is my friend."

There are too many things that can’t be said, so be it ^3^

Gu Cheng smiled coldly.

Wander also smiled.

Not friendly at all.

Ning Yi:?

I'm sick. You don't want to get to know me. What else do you want me to introduce?

Friends from the Wander club called him twice from a distance, so he put on his mask and turned around, the silver earrings flashed past, like the smile in his eyes, "Come over to watch the game later, and there is also a VR trial, will you like."

Ning Yi rubbed her hands with interest: "Oh?"

After all, they are old friends. He said that Ning Yi would like it, and Ning Yi was really curious.

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

Gu Dashao raised his slender and well-articulated fingers lightly, and Zhou Zongzhu behind him immediately stepped forward. After quickly figuring out the holy will within a few steps, he professionally handed over the plan of the VR game investment plan that was just delivered today.

Mrs. Gu would not necessarily invest in that game, but looking at it now, Young Master Gu might not even vote!

Gu Cheng smiled indifferently.

He is definitely not someone who influences his business decisions because of private affairs. What he values ​​is only commercial value, not personal feelings.

He tapped his fingertips on his knees, and asked casually, "Ayi, do you want to see it?"

Ning Yi really thought about it, because apart from the game itself, today's plot is also very interesting hahaha.

The **** drama between the heroine and the e-sports player's male partner, of course, requires the audience and netizens to watch, to be witnessed is the fate of the heroine of Chongwen! Ning Yi really wanted to see if Captain Wan would really become the supporting actor of the favorite man.

Ning Yi enthusiastically pushed into the wheelchair: "My husband, I knew you wanted to watch it too, so let's go!"

Zongzhu Zhou behind him was shocked: Did he really think about it? Mrs!

Gu Dashao exuded an uncomfortable low pressure all over his body.

So much so that the protective circle of the surrounding bodyguards silently expanded a little.

However, after a few seconds, First Young Master Gu pulled up his thin lips and smiled softly, "Let's go."

He wanted to see what kind of game it was.

Why would Ning Yi like it?

Today, most of the people who came to participate in the Sunac Summit went to the e-sports center to watch today's star e-sports player exhibition match.

Because the core content has been exchanged on the first day, the itinerary for the second day is indeed more casual.

In the Internet age, the game sector is also a must. Many current e-sports players are very capable of attracting traffic and are extremely popular.

The CMore platform has cooperated to open a live broadcast window, and viewers and netizens have become accustomed to watching it on this platform, and the online broadcast volume is extremely high.

They couldn't watch the previous day's summit, but today's event audience can watch online!

The entire arena of the e-sports center is illuminated with cool pink and purple lights, and the big screen in the middle is playing

There were still many fans at the scene, and when the players entered the arena, there was a tsunami!

【Ah, ah, brother, brother, brother, I'm here】

[Jiang Linyi's girlfriend fan report - well, see the one next to him

【Am I the only one for Sister Ning and Young Master Gu? 】

【You are not alone! 】

【Why are you still scolding people】


Ding Ziyue looked at the enthusiastic e-sports fans around her, and her heart was already getting excited.

Most of these people are fans of Wander, if they see Wander confessing his love later, wouldn't they be crazy?

She purposely waited at the entrance where the players passed by, and when she saw Wander, she shyly handed him a bottle of water.

The teammates of the club suddenly booed—

"Beauty brought water!"

"Why does the beauty only send Brother Wan and not us~"

Ding Ziyue's innocent little face suddenly had two blushes, and said ignorantly and shyly, "I, because, because Brother Wan took me to play games yesterday."

Wander was pushed and shoved by his teammates, so he had to accept the bottle of water. The teammates booed even more fiercely.

When Ding Ziyue saw it, she knew in her heart that it was safe!

So she gave Wander an affectionate look, turned around and walked towards the auditorium.

When Ning Yi passed by, she left an expression full of superiority.

Ning Yi: OvO?

Ding Ziyue turned her buttocks and went back to Jiang Linyi's side.

In the Shura show that will be held later, the popular actor and top game anchors will fight for her! Everyone at the scene can prove it with their own eyes!

Ah~ her favored life~

Soon, in anticipation of the fans on site and online, the exhibition match began.

Gu Cheng is not interested in games, his focus is from a business perspective.

Ning Yi was quite happy watching it.

The hands of e-sports players are like bulls, and each operation is cool.

And 90% of the fans at the scene were watching Wander, and Captain Wan's appearance was too prominent in the e-sports circle, and Ning Yi could even hear the girl next to him shouting that he was about to split.

The game was hearty, and wander showed his e-sports level outside of zombie escape games, which ignited the enthusiasm both online and offline!

After the exhibition competition, the organizer saw that Jiang Linyi had such a large amount of live traffic in the audience, and he was not in vain, so he invited Jiang Linyi to come on stage and have a fight with them.

Jiang Linyi was personable and generous, while Wander was lazy and didn't show much enthusiasm.

Ding Ziyue thought in her heart: Brother Wan must be ready to tear himself apart with Jiang Linyi!

I really want to see Jiang Linyi tearing off the gentle mask for her and being crazy about love!

So when they finished fighting, Ding Ziyue sat down immediately, with a shy expression and her heart beating wildly, waiting for the unruly man on the stage to turn against the gentle actor, and send her to a new height that everyone envied!

However, the organizer came out and said that there will be a VR game trial event today.

This game is ready to be released to the public and is looking for more investment, Koo is their biggest goal. So just taking advantage of such a rare opportunity that Young Master Gu was at the scene, to show off their game experience.

"Then let's pick some fans on the spot and play with our e-sports players~"

The game is the zombie theme that Wander is best at. Ordinary players will definitely panic after entering the game. This is exactly the effect the organizers are willing to see. Only when there are hot spots and hot spots can capital notice it!

Ding Ziyue had a bad feeling, why is it like this again!

However, the public screen has already started random pictures, and the director switched shots throughout the venue, and finally "snap" to freeze the frame.

A smiling face appeared on the big screen.

Those bright eyes were shining brightly, her facial features were extremely delicate, and her hair was slightly curled over her shoulders, giving her a lazy and calm beauty.

The moment it appeared on the screen, it immediately triggered a tsunami on the scene.

【Sister Ning ah ah ah ah】

[Director I love you! ! 】

【Hahahaha I laughed so hard, didn’t this **** kick the board?】

【Organizer, who do you think you picked! 】

【It's a god—not hahahaha】

Ning Yi didn't expect her to be so "lucky", she looked around, first met Ding Ziyue's angry expression, then turned her eyes back, and obediently looked at Gu Cheng.

Under the pink-purple light, Gu Cheng's expression was still indifferent and cold.

Ning Yi blinked her eyes: "Husband, am I going to play?"

Gu Cheng turned his head indifferently, "Whatever."

Whatever = ok.

Ning Yi stood up enthusiastically.

At the same time, they met the eyes of Wander in the field, and unconsciously smiled at each other. Because she already knew why Team Wan said she would like this game.

However, this glance was captured by the camera, and the online audience exploded:

[Fuck, did you see just now]

[I'm sorry, Young Master Gu, I'll be on my knees for a second [kneeling] [kneeling]]

[Just now, I suddenly felt like I have experienced many battles together, and I don’t know why]

【Does anyone care about Young Master Gu's face hahahahaha】

There was actually no expression on Gu Cheng's face.

But this face is also perfect under the high-definition lens, and this year it can still be selected as the top 100 **** men in the world. It clearly reveals 100% gloom.

This unhappiness will continue to spread and aggravate in the next game.

Gu Cheng: Heh.


Their game is called "Escape from the Corpse", and the name is very simple and straightforward.

Players will land on a sunny day in a desert area where the zombie plague is rampant, where they are blocked by the tide of zombies. Players on the scene will be divided into human and zombie camps. Humans who are bitten by zombies will turn into zombies. Basically, the remaining humans will fight extremely hard.

Although the main selling point is the smooth and immersive VR technology, the shooting mechanism of this game is also very good. Different parts of the zombies can be damaged. If you want to shoot their heads or break their necks, they can be perfectly displayed on the screen. presented.

Ning Yi walked to the center of the e-sports arena amidst cheers.

Wander smiled, "Like it."

Ning Yi also smiled, "Indeed—I still miss it a bit."

The experience this time was much better than that survival event in the last days and the online games. Ning Yi stretched herself and put on the VR equipment.

Ready to open the shark √

In combat, you can actually choose to fight or crouch. There are many ordinary players who become cowardly after entering.

But these two are wild.

Wander is an excellent commanding captain, with a calm voice coming through the headset.

And Ning Yi can completely follow his train of thought.

"At 11 o'clock, yes."

"Watch your right hand side."


Wander's voice is relaxed and laughing.

[Fuck, do I feel something is wrong? Why is Brother Wan so affectionate? 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? ? ? 】

The first perspective of VR is directly projected on the 15 large screens in the e-sports center to ensure that the on-site audience has an excellent immersive experience, and at the same time, the online audience can also watch perfectly.

Many wander fans have already felt the tacit understanding between Wan Ge and Ning Jie when they played games together before. This time, they were attracted by the kind of mutual attraction from the first perspective of VR. It feels crazy to the other party.

[I'm sorry Young Master Gu, I'll stand for a second]

【So does anyone care about Young Master Gu's expression hahahaha】

Gu Cheng analyzed the market pain points of this game with a strong calm self-control.

After listing three points in my heart, there is only one thought.

Ning Yi smiled so happily?

Is it so fun?

Are you so happy?

And there is probably only one person in the audience who has an uglier expression than Gu Cheng—

Ding Ziyue's face was almost green!

Don't you want to confess to her! When will you confess? Why don't you confess!

Obviously, the last time I bought the Riverview Villa, it has developed according to the dream, why has it changed again! ? She has done her makeup and hair today!

How could it become Ning Yi to show off? !

Jiang Linyi, who was next to him, watched with great interest as the two of them played games in harmony, and had no intention of being jealous and going crazy to fight for love.

Ding Ziyue held back her unhappiness, and could only cue the plot by herself, and said to Jiang Linyi very delicately and longingly: "Wow, I think Team Wan is so handsome and manly. I want to go on stage and play with him too."

Can this be vinegar? She praised him so much! Why do brothers turn against each other?

On the public screen, Wander just threw a short knife and cut it into the head of the rushing zombie, and then Ning Yi made another shot, hitting the knife edge Wander cut out.

Fit perfectly.

"Well," Jiang Linyi said with a smile, "it's really handsome."

Wander and that special girl, both are handsome.

Ding Ziyue:? ! ? !

Are you not jealous? ? ?

In the end, the two of them, as the only remaining human beings, still slaughtered the Jedi when all the players had been infected and became the zombie camp, winning the overall situation brilliantly!

The audience screamed and tsunami!

[Ah ah ah Wan Ge! ! 】

[Sister Ning is so handsome ah ah ah]

Ding Ziyue was so angry that she almost vomited.

But her draft is ready! !

[@娱乐我看行: Jiang Linyi watched the game live but showed off his jealousy? Former friends want to turn against each other for a daughter? ]

The manuscripts received by the marketing account are not bad, and after receiving the money, they are regularly deposited in the manuscript box.

However, Ding Ziyue forgot that she had set a time with the marketing account in advance, and sent out the draft after the All-Star Game was over. Anyway, by this time, the Internet must have exploded, so we must strike while the iron is hot.

It turned out that the All-Star Game was over, and the draft was sent out as scheduled. After watching it, the melon-eating netizens laughed to death collectively.

[Laughing to death, are you **** blind? Jiang Linyi watched the whole process happily, okay】

[Only one person in the audience was jealous. Who is it, I won't say]

[Upstairs directly report Young Master Gu's ID number, forget it hhhhhh]

[Sister Ning is so handsome, Mr. Gu who is jealous is so sweet]

After reading it, Ding Ziyue gritted her teeth.

Ning Yi!

You are never finished!

If Ning Yi is not eliminated, the world will not be peaceful for a day!

Waiting for the e-sports player competition at the Internet Sunac Summit to end—

The trending search is exploding, and there is also a hot discussion on CM with tens of millions of traffic.

Everyone is saying-

[Is there any more! Is there any sugar? 】

[Sister Ning x Young Master Gu, or Sister Ning x Brother Wan, I can do it! I don't choose ah ah ah! 】

Gu Cheng coldly pushed the wheelchair and walked ahead.

The sense of oppression on Young Master's body was too strong, and all the assistants and bodyguards around were silent.

Only Ning Yi is completely immune.

"What's the matter, husband, who made you unhappy?" Ning Yi picked his hand on the armrest.

Gu Cheng took his hand back and smiled coldly.

Ning Yi blinked her eyes, "Honey, wasn't the baby handsome just now? I exploded 17 heads! I also broke 5 necks!"

Zongzhu Zhou wiped his sweat silently from behind.

Their wives are quite **** and violent.

But it's really handsome! They were so excited just now!

They were in the aisle of the backcourt at this time, and the organizer walked over expectantly, and asked Gu Cheng: "So this game, Mr. Gu, do you think you are interested?"

Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds, and finally made a professional judgment.

"not bad."

The effect of the game is indeed excellent, and after this trial, the popularity is also very high, and the release can be directly promoted, and the commercial value is very objective.

However, the excellent visual effect also made Gu Cheng clearly feel how tacitly the cooperation between Ning Yi and that person was, silky and smooth, as if he had trained countless times in the real place of death.

Gu Cheng's dark pupils narrowed down.

This is not reasonable.

The organizer rubbed his hands excitedly, "Great, then, we will follow up with you for further planning."

Zongzhu Zhou has already stepped forward to make further contact.

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng still with an unhappy expression, and decided to spray a rainbow fart first, "Honey, you look so handsome when making decisions! You are the king of killing and decisiveness, the most powerful man in the world, crushing Everything, the king is invincible!"

They are all lines from the original plot, and Ning Yi copied them directly.

Hearing her hypocritical compliments, Gu Cheng didn't feel anything at first.

However, in the next second, I saw the e-sports players exiting the stage. Wander just passed the corner and could obviously hear it.

Gu Cheng paused slightly, and then the corners of his lips slowly curled into a cold arc.

Ning Yi continued to blindly blow with her eyes closed: "Yes, you are my one and only, my god, your existence makes this world more meaningful."

Wander: "?" It's over.

Gu Cheng looked at Wander with blue arc pupils, his thin lips curled up little by little, "Really, Ah Yi."

Ning Yi nodded, "Of course it's true, when did I ever tell a lie, husband."

Wander is behind: ? ? When did you tell the truth baby.

The handsome 186 e-sports guy who had just exited was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and the corners of his mouth were grinding with the tips of his teeth.

I can really blow.

However, no one in their team has ever gotten a rainbow fart like Ning Yi's. Even if it's fake, it sour.

And Gu Cheng sat there with loose black hair and lazy eyes.

A pleasant refreshing feeling spreads to every neuron.

It's hard to describe, but it's cool.

"Then let's go, Ah Yi." Gu Cheng took her away.

When he turned around, he glanced at someone coldly from the corner of his eyes, mocking and condescending, with a strong sense of oppression.

Wander: "..."

He was deaf and didn't hear what Ning Yi said.


01's platform will continue to develop, and the technical requirements will be very high.

In this world, only he and she have jointly carried everything in the last days.

In many things, only he can help her.


After Ning Yi followed Gu Cheng out, she got into the car directly.

Boss Ba had a serious face and didn't say where he was going.

But the corners of the eyes and brows are dark.

I don't know what's going on secretly? ?

Ning Yi thought to herself, the man who came to the aunt is indeed strange!

"Honey, where are we going?" Ning Yi lay on the car window looking at the city.

Gu Cheng said lightly, "Don't you want to travel?"

Just now there is time.

Ning Yi blinked, turned around after a few seconds, and leaned over sweetly, "Husband~ You are so kind, you remember everything my baby said, why do you love me so much~ Chiu Mi Jiu Mi wants to kiss me so much!" Kiss you~"

Gu Cheng sneered.

It's not about love or not.

It's just that it's all about satisfying your partner's wishes, which is the basic thing a mature man should do.

However, although Gu Dashao himself has been to all over the world due to business trips, he actually spends very little time traveling.

He has no time.

So he handed over this matter to his assistant to plan.

Before the chief assistant in the front row started talking about his carefully prepared romantic and sweet plan, Ning Yi had already shouted.

— "Big boat, there's a big boat!"

Gu Cheng is very sensitive to these two words now.

With his eyes closed, his eyebrows skipped a beat, he directly grabbed Ning Yi's wrist, and warned, "Don't shout in public."

"Husband, what are you talking about?" Ning Yi pointed to the double-decker wooden boat on the lake outside the car window, "I said that."

"..." Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds, then let go of her, "Oh."

It's not easy by boat.

Within an hour, with Mr. Gu's arrangement, he directly arranged for a three-story ultra-luxury lake boat, which not only has carved railings and painted buildings, but also has a very wide deck.

It was convenient for Gu Dashao, who was in a wheelchair, to board the ship.

After boarding the boat, Ning Yi looked around very excitedly, then took a mung bean pancake from the kitchen, and went out to look for Gu Cheng on the deck.

The wind on the lake at night is very comfortable.

Gu Cheng just sat there quietly, but Ning Yi couldn't stay idle.

Ning Yi remembered that Gu Cheng didn't let her shout anything just now, so she was very obedient.

"Husband, I know you don't like to mention the word big boat!" Ning Yi said considerately, "I won't pass the trial after I say it, so let me change it to a greener and healthier name! Only the two of us know! "

? What does it mean to fail the trial?

Gu Cheng asked, "What is Fa?"

Ning Yi said very creatively, "In the future, our homonym will be called positive, how about it? Is it healthy and positive? Protecting your husband's big positive—"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng turned around blankly and rowed to the side of the boat.

Is she all right?

This exchange lasted more than one day. At the end, there was indeed something I didn't think clearly.

Ning Yi leaned beside him and blinked obediently, "If the exchange takes so long next time, my husband, I will definitely not hurt your efforts again."

Gu Cheng suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly.

cause some damages?

This seems to be the first time they left something on each other's body after the exchange.

Ning Yi quickly followed his train of thought and thought of this question.

"Do you mean that when the body senses that the other party is going to do something unfavorable to your body, it will switch back? Yesterday was when I was going to hit you yesterday—"

Eh, that's not right either.

Why is it okay to rub with a bath towel for the first time?

The two looked at each other silently.

—Maybe this is the mechanism produced after rubbing positive? ?

They had never had any effect on each other's bodies before, and this was the first time. So after the swap, a new self-protection mechanism emerged.

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

Ning Yi: "Understood! It was your positiveness that reminded us of the fear of being dominated by me, so our bodies switched back!"

Gu Cheng didn't really want to talk about this topic.

Can't stand it.

But Ning Yi seemed very interested, "Then husband, even if we can't get back in the future, you will definitely not use methods that hurt my body to fight."

Gu Cheng: "Yes."

What kind of man is he who hurts his wife?

"Husband, me too! I'm not willing to hurt you." Ning Yi said affectionately, "Even if I know that if I stick a needle in you now, the body swap can be ended, I definitely won't!"

Gu Cheng smiled sinisterly: "So you stabbed me at the beginning, didn't you?"

When he was trapped in a vegetative body, it was dark and dark every day, and suddenly someone stabbed him.

Ning Yi:?

Abba aba.

Why are you so narrow-minded.

Fortunately, Gu Cheng didn't want to delve into this matter, he let out a cool breath between his thin lips, and then pinched her wrist to make her look ashore—

There are lanterns tonight.

There is a warm yellow soft light on the shore of the lake, all kinds of small shops are selling strange things, and there are many tourists wearing Hanfu, shuttling through the streets and alleys.

The moon reflects the flowing lamp, and its shadow falls on the sparkling water.

And they are spectators on the water.

Gu Cheng sat quietly beside Ning Yi.

Ning Yi also had a rare moment of silence.

— but it was quiet for a moment.

She was restless again.

Gu Cheng looked at her helplessly, some people are allergic to romance, right?

"Since we have guessed the new mechanism, my husband, let's try it out!"

Gu Cheng has lingering fears about the two-day exchange.

With his hands hanging between his legs, he said coldly, "Don't move anymore—"

Ning Yi: "Don't worry, I won't be aggressive!"

Gu Cheng just said "Hmm", and then saw her slender fingertips stretched out in front of him, and gently scratched the bridge of his nose.

Ning Yi smiled dotingly: "My husband."

It's a gesture of intimacy.

Gu Cheng paused slightly, leaned back on the back of the chair, and for a moment, for some reason, wanted her to sit in his arms.

Let's blow it together.

And in the next second, Ning Yi's hand ran along Gu Dashao's high and perfect bridge of nose, and grabbed the tip of his nose fiercely.

"Come on husband, challenge to hold your breath for three minutes."

"Let your body feel the crisis and see if it will be swapped!"

Gu Cheng was forced to raise his face: "?"

I really don't want to scold you.

However, on the shore of the lake, the camera lens recorded the moment when the two people on the wooden boat looked at each other.

The viewers who were addicted to alcohol in the afternoon were looking for candy everywhere, and immediately saw this group of photos leaked on the Internet.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah this scene I am consummated and I will die without regrets]

[I announce that I am resigning from □□! I'm still a real couple, woo woo woo]

【I also want to be spoiled by Sister Ning so much】

[I really want to know what Young Master Gu is thinking at this moment! 】

Gu Cheng: I am suffocating.