Chapter 54: go through what she went through

The tinnitus and headache had just dissipated, and the surroundings seemed strange.

Gu Cheng looked down at his wrist.

The wrist bones are lonely, so pale and thin that the light blue blood vessels are clearly visible. He recognized at a glance that it was Ning Yi's hand.


Gu Cheng frowned, and slowly stood up. It was all figured out in an instant.

Now, he was replaced by Ning Yi—the Ning Yi of the last days.

Gu Cheng raised his eyes and looked around.

This doomsday world, which he had glimpsed in the dream fragments, was finally shown in front of his eyes—

Look up desolate.

The roadside is full of weeds.

Smoke was burning in the distance.

There were inexplicable roars sounding from all directions.

This is the world in which Ning Yi came. It's where she grew up. It is also where she struggles.

But Gu Cheng also seemed to have weeds growing in his heart.

He stood there, took a deep breath, and tried to speak in his mind: "...Ayi."

No reply.

The inner communication he had had since he woke up was cut off.

Gu Cheng closed his eyes and forced his brain to run calmly and clearly—since the exchange mechanism sent him here, Ning Yi should be in his body now.

And if they exchanged painful periods in each other's lives, then... he stood in the end of Ning Yi's struggle, while Ning Yi should have been trapped in the darkness of his three years.

Correspondence between three years and three years.

So...swapped bodies, felt your emotions, read your memories, and finally hurt what you hurt.

It's like a foreshadowing and layout from beginning to end.

Gu Cheng slowly squeezed the bottle in his hand.

To find ways to.

To find ways to.

...there will be a way.

This is Ning Yi's body, she is already very thin.

Ning Yi has protected her bright heart, and Gu Cheng must at least protect her body.

But it was obviously a grape-flavored liquid in the mouth, but it was very bitter when he drank it.

Gu Cheng threw the bottle, looked up at wander, and finally spoke.

"Now is... the first year of the end of the world?"

"The second year," Wander looked at her, "are you stupid?"

Gu Cheng frowned, so they were not sent to the beginning of their respective three years, the timeline was random.

He observed Wander's appearance. At this time, Wander's appearance was slightly different from what Gu Cheng had seen. He was full of muscles, but he obviously lived a hungry and full life, and his eyes were full of forced wolf nature. And bloody, vigilant for any changes.

Perhaps when he was drawn back to the end of the world, the timeline was also adjusted. But even if he doesn't have the memories of the next few years, there should only be one wanderer in the same world, just like there is only one Ning Yi now.

Wander waved his hand in front of his eyes, "Stupid?"

When he looked at "Ning Yi", there was still some humanity in his eyes, and he patted his shoulder with a dusty and **** hand, "Don't be stupid, or the fourth and those people will force you again. Okay This time you have all the communication equipment set up, at least the team won’t say anything.”

Gu Cheng didn't know the reason, but he could get a general idea of ​​Ning Yi's current situation just by listening to it.

In the last days, everyone lives in a group, with the team as the basic unit.

Ning Yi is the only woman in the team led by Wander. Although her powerful communication skills are useful, this is the end of the world, and technology cannot satisfy people. Even though Ning Yi has the strength to break off the heads of zombies without being protected, she is not a reserve force in the team.

However, for the most important tasks of robbing supplies and repelling zombies in the last days, the males in the team obviously have an advantage in combat effectiveness. Even though Ning Yi is constantly absorbing and upgrading his own technology in order to improve his survival value, he may be abandoned at any time.

Gu Cheng's pupils were dark and cold.

He's not Ning Yi, he doesn't have as strong communication skills as Ning Yi.

Once they find that "Ning Yi" is useless, there is no need to think about what these people will do.

Gu Cheng was very calm.

The powerful core he has cultivated over the years supports him to analyze all the current situations.

It's just that, to really feel the hardships that Ning Yi experienced every step, every step almost made him clench his fists.

You need to do your best to suppress the distress and miss, and calmly think of a solution.

Seeing that he was silent, Wander kicked the box next to his feet and said, "01, pick a weapon that you can use."

Right now their team is in a school where a wave of zombies has just ended and three teams died. Wander directly led the team to lie in ambush for a long time. They were full of combat power and physical strength. They ran over and licked the bag directly, and picked up all the supplies that could be picked up. In addition to food and water, there was also a box of weapons—

Wander knows that 01 has not received professional training, and she can survive in the last days thanks to her good brains and quick hands, but she is not of the power type after all. Among these weapons were knives and sticks, and several broken guns.

Gu Cheng glanced down.

Gu Cheng has systematically practiced slow fire and rapid fire, and the long-range fire is still accurate, but he is more accurate in another.

He scanned them one by one, and was about to reach out, when a mean and laughing voice came over.

"Wan Dui, are you taking care of your little sister?"

It was a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, who came over with a gun and whistled, "Our 01 sister is so slippery in typing codes, can she touch a real gun?"

The contempt and wretched stare that came to my face.

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips tightened, his eyes were cold. Ning Yi's living environment is bad not only because of the end of the world, but also because of people.

The cold and gloomy aura from another world's strongest emperor spread out in all directions, and the eyes that looked at that person seemed to be looking at a dead person.

The other side obviously also felt the inexplicable danger, and even subconsciously wanted to raise their guns.

Strange, why did 01 suddenly become a different person? !

Wander scolded, "Fourth brother, how many heads did you take?"

Fourth child: "Don't mention it, just now three jumped out of the women's toilet, fuck, luckily I'm quick."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange hissing sound seemed to be getting closer.

Wander's expression turned serious.

Although the tide of zombies has left, there will never be absolute safety in the last days, and zombies may appear at any time.

Wander used the communication equipment to listen to the reports of each channel, and was ready to evacuate at any time.

The fourth child was bluffed by 01 just now, and walked towards "Ning Yi" very unhappily, "You're so **** excited—"

However, Gu Cheng didn't know when he took out a bow from the weapon box and was just putting an arrow on it.

"Pfft—hahahaha! Our genius sister wants to use a cold weapon hahaha," the fourth child suddenly laughed, and said very wretchedly: "She is going to draw her bow, shoot me, come, shoot me—"


Gu Cheng stretched his shoulders to the full, and his dilapidated bow was stretched into a moon by him, and it flew out through the air.

Shoot straight at him!

The speed of the arrow exceeded everyone's imagination.

Wander suddenly shouted: "01!"

However, the tattered arrow feathers precisely pressed against the cheek of the fourth child, drawing a bloodstain.

Then, it flew to the distance at an extremely fast speed—it hit a bird flying over from low altitude, and nailed it to the tree!

The fourth child was nearly headshot by an arrow, and stood there dumbfounded.

But after the bird was nailed to the tree, it didn't die, but struggled under the cluster of arrows chirping. Obviously, this was no longer a normal bird!

However, Gu Cheng withdrew his bow indifferently. After proving 01's strength, he picked up two guns openly.

Wander was also taken aback, but he immediately realized that the crisis was approaching, and he didn't have time to marvel at his archery skills.

"Damn it, the birds are **** mutated!"

"Everyone bring their things, we withdraw!"

Wander's team returns to camp.

Gu Cheng followed silently.

And because he shot an arrow just now and had two guns pinned to his body, the fourth brother couldn't figure out his current combat power, so he had to walk aside resentfully.

Their camp is a basement that has been secretly covered. The entrance has been covered with climbing vines. There is also an iron net and a hidden door. There is a safe escape passage inside the basement.

The basement was crudely divided into several dark compartments, and taller people even had to lower their heads slightly in them. Because the air is not circulating and there are so many people, the whole camp is filled with a dull smell.

Gu Cheng found Ning Yi's cubicle.

There is only a hard board bed, an old computer that is almost scrapped, and a dusty keyboard.

There are several books piled up under the bed, "Computer Program Construction and Interpretation", "C Programming Language", "Effective C++", "MoreEffective C++"... and "Digital Holographic Technology and Its Application", "Universal Holographic Unification". Wait, it should have been spoiled by Ning Yi as entertainment.

Under the weight of the book, Gu Cheng saw her senior software development engineer certificate.

After opening it, there is a photo of Ning Yi on it. Although it has turned yellow and depreciated, you can still see Ning Yi's slightly greener face, smart and agile expression.

Gu Cheng's fingertips fell on her photo, and he realized that his restrained thoughts were about to burst, so he closed the certificate carefully and put it in his coat pocket.

The supplies from this search are being distributed outside.

There are also unspoken rules for the distribution of materials within the team.

When allocating, the strongest combat power can be given priority. After Wander, there are those equally tall young adults.

Wander looked down at the supplies, reached out and picked out a piece of cake.

It's a chocolate-flavored cake with very low-quality ingredients. Before the apocalypse, it was only sold for a few dollars in supermarkets, but now it has become a scarce dessert.

"Wan Dui, do you want it? I'll take it away—"

"You old man still likes to eat sweets?"

"I stole it, of course it belongs to me—"

Wander's hand paused, but he didn't grab it after all.

He originally wanted to leave it to 01, but the fourth child and the others were already dissatisfied with 01, and if he took care of her, it would only exacerbate the conflict.

In fact, the reason why he took care of 01 was that many people said that he had a picture of a face, but that was not the case—he just thought that, if not in the last days, a girl with a strong heart and hard work like 01 would have a brighter and brighter life. I like to use my skills to a wider world.

So he just, felt sorry.

If only they could all have another life...

And in the compartment.

Gu Cheng had already put on his clothes and lay down, closing his eyes.

chocolate cake.

He remembered a long, long time ago, when he had just escaped from the boundless darkness, when Ning Yi had just entered that world, when he exchanged bodies with him for the first time—

"Husband—then can you bring me some cakes, husband?"

"I haven't eaten it for several years, I want chocolate flavor!"

In the last days, she can't tell at all.

Obviously she has also paid, and she is also capable.

Obviously so many grievances.

However, at that time, her tone was relaxed and cheerful, without any resentment or haze.

Gu Cheng folded his arms.

Close your eyes tightly.

... Ah Yi.

The longing that I have been working hard to suppress suddenly festers.

Ning Yi at this time.

She had a long sleep and woke up as if in a dream.

The darkness is unchanging and endless, and only the memories of life can be used for entertainment.

She always knew that Gu Cheng was a very powerful person.

But indeed, only by experiencing the pain experienced by the other party can we truly understand how difficult it all is—

Gu Cheng's body didn't feel any discomfort, and he didn't need to eat. At first, he could easily fall asleep in the darkness and silence.

Later, the spirit got an excessive rest, but began to be excited.

However, excited but unable to move.

It's torture.

It was too quiet. It was so quiet. So Ning Yi began to whisper to himself.

"I'm super strong."

"I'm very good, aha."

"If you can hold on, so can I."


"Porp porp."

Gu Cheng couldn't talk to her anymore, so Ning Yi started talking to herself.

She has endured so much hardship, but she can't make it through this test.


"Hum hum."

"Gu Cheng—fortunately it's me."

Fortunately, it was me who exchanged with you.

Fortunately, you like me.

Her spirit has been tempered long ago, and she will definitely be able to stay awake until she sees the light again. Just like him.


Don't make her wait too long.

Because the last sentence before parting said, he said wait for me.

Gu Cheng has been thinking, trying to break his head.

While surviving the malice of the last days, think about ways to break the situation.

Looking back at their entire journey from the first body exchange to the present, there is a trend of vertical deepening but also horizontal integration. In the end, they are parted in a fusion of mutual shuttling.

So if switching to the other party for three years is the acme of the swap mechanism, then perhaps fusion should be the final destination—but, is it their fusion? Or a fusion of worlds?

Gu Cheng became anxious every day.

There must be a time node.

There must be a node in the swap, which is random again.

However, it was as if he was so close to Ning Yi - he could touch Ning Yi's left hand by raising his right hand.

But they are so far away, so far away that they have to straddle two worlds.

And Gu Cheng finally understood all her subsequent actions in the process of witnessing her experience.

Because of her hearing that was forced out in the last days, she was always alert to any possible crisis, her nerves were always tense, and she had to work hard every day to prove her worth, so she wanted to lie down and sleep so much later.

Because there will be zombies rushing out suddenly, with festering and hideous faces, which are much more impactful than their original survival game. The smelly and **** teeth were like opening and closing weapons, Gu Cheng could already crush their heads expressionlessly, and then remembered that it was no wonder Ning Yi was so calm in survival games and VR.

He experienced everything that he hadn't understood Ning Yi before.

In the end, unraveling her heart—

When the team was searching for medicines in the hospital.

Gu Cheng met an old lady who was knocked out of the hospital bed.

Her lips were chapped, her eyes were glazed over, and she was starved to death, lying there pitifully.

After taking the medicine bottle on the table, Gu Cheng paused for a second, finally walked to the side of the hospital bed, lowered his head and stuffed a cheap candy into her mouth, then turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly—the old woman jumped up and grabbed him, biting the candy and hissing ferociously.

Then the sound attracted people from the broken window, and a rope flew out suddenly, trying to trap Gu Cheng. The noose was made of steel chains, and even though Gu Cheng quickly dodged sideways, it still broke the trousers on his calf.

Only then did Gu Cheng see the bite marks on the old woman's legs hidden under the quilt.

She had already been infected and was used as bait.

Wander's roar was mixed with several gunshots: "01, come back quickly!"

Darkness eats blackness in the doomsday.

All teams want to annex other teams.

To bait the only woman in Wander's team, to test her humanity and morality, this is the method the other side came up with.

Capture her and see if her captain will exchange her with supplies. Even if you don't change it, this woman can still use it.

All the filth and malice came directly, and Gu Cheng didn't even make an expression.

He smashed the Zombie Woman's hand with the **** of his gun, then stepped back quickly, and in the midst of several cold shots fired by wanderer, he perfectly coordinated and twisted back with the steel chain.

Then he retreated neatly without a trace of muddy water.

The opposite party thought that this woman was the weakest combat power of their team, but they didn't expect him to be so fast and cooperate with the captain very tacitly?

In fact, Gu Cheng understood wander. In that world, whether Ning Yi and wander matched in games, or had a tacit understanding in later sports events, Gu Cheng had observed carefully with jealousy. Not to mention, he had already partnered with Wander in Ning Yi's body.

It's just that these don't seem to matter.

Gu Cheng fired and retreated like a machine.

He looked at the old woman who had tears in her eyes as she was dragged back and forth on the ground, and seemed to still have a bit of human sanity, and there was only one thought in his mind.

turn out to be.

human nature. conscience. No value here.

Ning Yi's sense of morality has been forced to become thinner in this way.

"Damn, are you stupid?!"

"Such an obvious bait, did you just come to the end of the world?"

Gu Cheng didn't speak.

Even his expression became more and more numb.

It was a painful expression, but no one could understand it.

Wander looked at him with an indescribable feeling. With all the experience in the last days, how much malice a beautiful girl can endure, if someone else has already collapsed, or simply degenerated, using beauty itself for the resources of survival. But 01 would rather trade technology for survival, and has never fallen. Her heart is strong and free, and she is positively born towards the sun.

That's why Wander herself is in the mud, but always wants to protect her. Because it is too rare.

But now 01...she is still strong and stable, but seems to be...sader than before. Wander couldn't describe the feeling.

The fourth child's new hatred and old hatred are combined, and today he wants to teach this increasingly cold woman a lesson.

"Your mother 01, who are you showing your face to? I'm going to beat you up today—"

Wander stopped shouting, "Shut up for me! Is this the time for infighting?"

He recovered from 01 and quickly judged the situation. Judging from his rich experience, four or five teams gathered here in a short period of time, and the smell and temperature of humans would attract more zombies.

If you stay longer, there will be a wave of zombies here within an hour.

Wander: "Pack up everything and prepare to retreat from the west gate and go straight up the mountain."

Everyone looked different, but they had to obey the captain's instructions.

Wander squeezed 01's thin shoulders hard, "Cheer up."

He thought that 01 was hit.

However, when everyone was about to retreat, someone suddenly shouted: "Wait, don't you smell blood?"

No one was shot just now, and even if they were injured in the collision, it was only a bit of flesh and blood, and there would not be such a strong smell of blood.

Bleeding in the last days, however, is not a good sign.

Everyone was on alert immediately, and searched around, and finally the eldest brother shouted——

"It's 01! Her pants are full of blood!"

"01 is bleeding?!"

"So she was bitten by a zombie lady just now, right?! She's going to be infected!"

In an instant, all the men in the team suddenly raised a row of guns.

It is distributed in a semicircle and aligned with "Ning Yi" in the center.

Everyone's expression is full of alert.

Wander also had to distance himself from him, frowning fiercely: "You were bitten?"

"No," Gu Cheng's voice was strangely tense, "No."

The fourth child refused to let go: "Then why are your pants full of blood?!"

The trouser legs are all dyed red!

After confronting a row of gunpoints for a few seconds, Gu Cheng squatted down silently, rolled up his pants, and showed everyone the wound on his calf that was twisted by the steel chain just now, and the blood was still bleeding.

And his mind is also very clear, indeed no symptoms of infection.

Only then did everyone put down their guns sparsely, preparing to retreat.

Wander issued the retreat command again, and then whispered next to him, "Can I go? I can't carry you."

Not to mention that he was in charge of the entire team, if he carried 01 on his back, all his teammates would be even more dissatisfied.

Gu Cheng stood up slowly, his face pale: "No need."

Need not.

Back then, Ning Yi, she survived like this.

Gu Cheng's legs trembled slightly, but it wasn't because of the pain from the wound.

but because.

The gurgling blood.

It's hers, menstrual blood.

Just like that, it flowed down the trouser leg.

The whole team is full of men, and no one understands what this is.

Looking around, there was nowhere in this place where Ning Yi could find a sanitary napkin.

How did she get through it?

Gu Cheng's expression was numb, and he slowly covered his abdomen, and the familiar dysmenorrhea began. He had helped her carry dysmenorrhea countless times in her body, but this time, Gu Cheng didn't seem to feel the pain anymore.

Gu Cheng thought, if the purpose of exchanging to the extreme is to let him and Ning Yi understand each other's everything, and hurt you to the deepest.

Na Gucheng believes that the turning point is already on the way.


But at this moment.

Her blood flowed all over her legs.

The whole world is chaos and despair.

Struggles, jealousy, betrayal, restlessness, hunger, fear.

But what appeared before Gu Cheng's eyes... was the face that smiled without any grievances when he opened his eyes and saw Ning Yi for the first time, as if he had never experienced such an embarrassing moment in his life.

From the first sight, it is bright and strong.

Now Gu Cheng has finally witnessed all the hardships she endured alone.

So Gu Cheng finally felt the pain.

A whole world and three years have passed.

Holding her belly, my heart aches like ashes.