Chapter 2416: Sister Nian: Stop at the intersection

Chapter 2416 Sister Nian: Stop at the intersection

Qin Si also went in first, and with the help of Xu's mother, he settled down in Feng Yu first, while waiting for Xu Yi to return from buying medicine...


Xu Yi found a pharmacy nearby. Not many people went out at ten o'clock in the evening. He saw only a burly man in the corner looking for medicine in the pharmacy.

The clerk sat at the counter and nibbled melon seeds leisurely, staring at the computer at the cashier to watch idol dramas. When someone came in to buy something, she didn't bother to look up.

Xu Yi looked at the situation in the store, turned around, took two boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, and walked to the counter to check out: "Hello, pay the bill."

"Okay." The clerk turned off the TV show on the computer and got up to pay for him.

Xu Yi looked at the items such as gauze and iodophor on the counter again, so he raised his eyelids and pointed to the clerk with his hands as if he was inadvertent: "There are two other things, please fill me a bottle. "

The clerk turned his head and looked over: "You mean iodophor and gauze?"

The burly man in the corner of the pharmacy who was looking down at the medicine raised his head and looked in their direction like a torch.

Xu Yi was keenly aware of the look behind him. He responded quickly, and immediately paid for it with his mobile phone. He picked up the anti-inflammatory medicine on the cabinet and said to the clerk, "I don't want it anymore, thank you."

He was about to walk out with his head down.

It's just that someone outside is one step ahead of him.

A man with yellow hair came out of the corner, just blocking Xu Yi's way at the door of the pharmacy: "Brother, what are you doing buying iodophor and gauze at night. Are there patients at home?"

Xu Yi's complexion changed slightly, he clenched the anti-inflammatory medicine in his hand, and looked at the other party pretending to be calm: "My mother cut vegetables and cut her fingers. Is it normal for me to buy iodophor and gauze to go back?"


The man at Huang Maoji Wotou grabbed the medicine in his hand, looked down at the introduction on the box, and then put the box in front of him, mocking with a half-smile: "Then explain it to me, your mother Do you still need to eat cephalosporins to cut vegetables?"

Xu Yi looked at each other with dark eyes, very calm: "I have a cold, cephalosporin is the medicine I bought for myself."

Huang Mao Ji Wo Tou half-squinted his eyes, his eyes were dangerous: "Oh?"

Xu Yi went to pick up the water without changing his face, and stretched out his hand to him: "You don't believe that I can eat it for you now."

Huang Mao Ji Wo Tou gave him a deep look, as if to pierce him, his eyes sharp and dangerous. However, Xu Yi has always maintained a calm and calm attitude, holding his hand in the air, maintaining a gesture of asking him for medicine...

"Boss?" The burly man in the pharmacy who had been here from the beginning came over at this time, shouted, and stood beside the head of the yellow hair chicken coop, glanced at Xu Yi out of the corner of his eyes, and said coldly, "This kid has problem!"

He is not blind, of course he knows there is something wrong with this kid!

"..." Huang Mao Ji Wo Tou was too lazy to kill him, he threw the stolen medicine on the ground and ran over it slowly with his toes. He waved his hand and took out a knife and placed it in front of Xu Yi's chest. The tone of voice: "Brother, do it conveniently! Tell me where is the person?"

Qiao Nian had already obtained all the surveillance videos of the intersection where Feng Yu and the others had an accident in the car, as well as the record of the last call with Feng Yu's mobile phone.

It couldn't be easier for her to locate a person. In less than a minute, she had already located Gu Hengbo's location.

"Stop at the intersection." After finding the location, the girl put away her phone and said to the driver with a blank expression.

(end of this chapter)