Chapter 3792: There is too little information about the Zhai family.

Chapter 3792 There is too little information about the Zhai family

Nie Qingru saw that his heart was shaking, half-closed his eyes, crossed his hands on the table, with an inexplicable expression, and said slowly: "Old Xue, time waits for no one."


Hongmeng headquarters.

Guan Yan drove Qiao Nian back to that unremarkable small white western-style building.

When Qiao Nian came back, Ye Wangchuan and Qin Si were still in the hospital.

She went in from the entrance and dropped the leather bag to get a glass of water. She sat on the sofa and took a sip of water. Then she picked up the leather bag that was thrown there, untied the twine wrapped around it, and pulled out the materials related to the Zhai family from it.

50 million only buy a thin piece of paper.

It records information related to the Zhai family.

Guan Yan saw that she was holding the cup in one hand, and holding the thin paper in the other hand to read, so she couldn't help leaning her head to take a look.

"How about Sun? What is the origin of this Zhai family?"


Qiao Nian read the above content at a glance, twitched the corners of his mouth, lowered his eyelashes, and probably understood why the boss who sold her news had no idea why he had to give her some insider information before leaving.

She handed over the piece of paper she had finished reading: "You can see for yourself."

Guan Yan took the piece of paper from her hand, lowered his eyes and looked at the content on it curiously, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned: "M state, a family engaged in information technology. That's it...?"

The information on the paper is really poor.

Guan Yan once doubted whether the things in his hands were materials bought from the black market, how could it be so thin.

She continued to look down patiently: "There are 16 people in the family, the most famous of which is Zhai Xiao, who is known as a talented musician."

She seemed to grasp the point, and immediately looked at the girl: "Is this Zhai Xiao Nie Qingru's lover?"

Qiao Nian was noncommittal.

Guan Yan just took it as her acquiescence.

Then I continued to look at the content on the paper, and soon saw the last sentence: "18 years ago, a fire broke out in Zhai's house, and all 16 members of the family were killed in the flames. When the rescuers arrived, no one was left alive. "

The content on the paper ends here.

Guan Yan held the paper in his hand dumbfounded, and frowned: "Then what happened to Zhai Xicheng? It said that there is no one in the Zhai family, but Zhai Xicheng is clearly still alive."

There are many wealthy families on several continents.

The Zhai family is not a very high-ranking family in M ​​state, and there is no particularly amazing talent in the family.

Whether a family like this exists or perishes, it is difficult to attract attention.

Few people cared about the fire at Zhai's house back then, which is why no one knew about the fire when Qiao Nian searched for news on the Internet.

If it weren’t for the fact that there is still such a file in the black market, with Nie Qingru’s style of covering the sky with one hand, he would have wiped out all the news about the Zhai’s fire outside, and it would be difficult to find traces...

But why did Nie Qingru erase the news from that year? Did the fire that nearly wiped out Zhai's house have something to do with her?

Qiao Nian couldn't figure out what was the connection here, and vaguely felt that Zhai Xicheng was very dangerous, the kind of dangerous person that even Nie Qingru couldn't control.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Guan Yan seemed to be thinking about something, silently put the piece of paper back to its original place, and asked in a low voice: "Sun, there is no useful information in this document, what are you going to do next? Those people are still trapped in the illegal area, if you want to deal with them as soon as possible, otherwise one or two will escape if they don’t keep them together..."

(end of this chapter)