Chapter 214: Don't mix in Hollywood

Leaving the Hilton Hotel, Arthur Miller and Frank Pearson did not go home, but rushed to Wehir Street in Beverly Hills, where the headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is located. After receiving the news, Vy Lausman notified the other seven Jewish members of the supervisory committee separately, and they were already waiting here.

"This is not a trivial matter, nor does it happen in a private setting."

Sitting in a high-back chair, Arthur Miller did not touch the coffee in front of him. He just explained as quickly as possible, "It is not only Frank and I who are present, but most of the actors, directors, producers and media representatives participating in the Golden Globe Awards are also there. This is an open discrimination incident."

"Mel Gibson's words are more serious than Arthur's description." Frank Pearson also said, "Those dirty words..."

He shook his head and did not continue.

The room is temporarily silent. Although these people are all Jewish, they are not without contradictions. At this moment, they can let go of their prejudices. Although they are only some members of the supervisory committee, they are rooted in Hollywood for decades and have a huge relationship. Net, no one can ignore the influence of these old men.

"If we don't respond."

The speaker was the first deputy director of the academy, Syed Bruce Kona, and also the executive director of the Producers League. "This kind of thing will happen the first time there will be a second time."

"I agree with Bruce."

Some people agreed, and others nodded.

"I will call some old friends in the media."

Looking around, Levi Lausman can see that the people here have actually reached a consensus, "Everyone, it’s time for you to play. I suggest a number of channels such as actors, directors, producers, and acting agents. Limit Mel Gibson!"

No one else has any opinions, from the brokerage company to the production company to the distribution company. The high-levels in this circle are full of Jewish descent. As long as things get messy, it is not difficult to restrict Mel Gibson.

Can things be suppressed? When they came, they had already talked to many old friends in the media on the phone, and the industry was also full of Jewish people.

"Where is the Oscar?" Arthur Miller suddenly reminded, "Mel Gibson now has the advantage, should we just sit back and watch him get the nomination and best director?"

"It's too late to nominate. We will only leave words for people to change the nomination list at this time."

Three days later, there will be a luncheon for the Oscar nominees. It is too risky to change the nomination list. Levi Lausman thought for a while, "Let him be nominated, but he wants to win..."

He snorted coldly, "That's just a dream!"

For many people, this is destined to be a sleepless night. Tina Brown rushed to the hotel and immediately notified the Los Angeles branch of Vanity Fair to work overtime. At the same time, I dialed the phone from New York, discussed briefly with others, and decided to issue an additional issue of "Vanity Fair" tomorrow.

Afterwards, she handed her mobile phone to her assistant and told her that unless she was the president and chairman of the group, she would not answer any calls!

There is no reason to let go of such sensational news, and there are so many people present. Even if ten Mel Gibson and Caa appeared in public relations, they couldn't hold it down.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. In the Duke’s Manor in Malibu, the eye-shaped villa was brightly lit, and Penny Kellys and Nancy Josephson had already rushed over.

"That's how it happened."

Worried that subjective emotions will affect the judgment of public relations and agents, Duke simply asked Sophia Coppola to explain what happened at the party in a relatively objective way.

"Nicely done, Duke!"

Although it seems to be accidental. But Nancy has a certain understanding of her customers and believes that this is definitely not accidental, "Mel Gibson is dead, at least in the last four or five years."

Hearing what Nancy said, Sophia Coppola took a sip of coffee. At the same time shrugged.

This is the most forgettable circle. After being forcibly suppressed for four or five years, Mel Gibson will inevitably not be able to keep his position as a first-line superstar. Once a few years of silence, how many filmmakers will remember him?

"Pani," Duke looked at his PR, the professional, "what is the most appropriate next step?"

"Show your attitude. From tomorrow on, you will definitely be pushed into the air of public opinion. You must not shrink from it."

After thinking about it for a while, Penny Kellys said, "Call a press conference to deal with Mel Gibson in the toughest way."

"His Oscar is over," she said again, "Duke, here is your chance!"

The office floor of the Century City caa was also brightly lit. Martin Bob got the news and immediately dropped Ino Martin, who had been entangled with him at an impromptu meeting at night, and rushed to the Hilton Hotel to bring Mel Gibson. Came here.

After forcibly infusing the sober medicine and getting an ice towel for cold compresses, after Martin Bob called for nearly half an hour, Mel Gibson finally woke up.

"This is a trap, Martin." He threw away the towel, covered his swollen cheeks, and shouted, "This is definitely a premeditated frame-up!"

Martin Bob was not surprised, just like they wanted to frame each other, this fiercely competitive circle is full of traps. There were before, there are now, and there will be in the future.

He looked at Mel Gibson, this is the heaviest star in his hand and the first favorite of this year's Oscar for best director. What about now?

His eyes gradually turned cold, Martin Bob knew what was going on, even if it was drunk as an excuse, even if the other party really provoked, Mel Gibson was basically helpless, at least he thought he could not save him.

As his head became clearer and clearer, Mel Gibson gradually realized the situation he might be facing, and his face was filled with anger. Suddenly, there was a little panic on his face.

"Martin, want to help me!"

He looked at his agent hopefully, Martin Bob also looked at him, and said slowly, "I just called the editorial offices of many media such as Vanity Fair and Los Angeles Times."

"They..." Like a dog falling into the center of the Pacific Ocean, Mel Gibson was still dancing his paws, knowing that there was no hope. "What's their reaction?"

Martin Bob shook his head, "David Firth told me. Some people in the college have already reached many high-level media outlets. Half an hour ago, Arthur Miller, Frank Pearson, and Levy ? Lausman and others just left the college headquarters, along with them, there are many Jewish members in charge of the committee."

"My best director..."

Hearing Mel Gibson's whisper, Martin Bob lowered his eyes slightly. What Gibson lost was more than just the best director!

Mel Gibson covered his face. I don't know what he is thinking, Martin? Bob lowered his head, considering how valuable the opposite person is, and whether it is worth his continued shot.

The pain on his face suddenly reminded Mel Gibson. He raised his head and asked tentatively, "Duke Rosenberg moved his hand at me. This is personal injury. I can call the police to sue him!"

"Be sober. Mel!" Martin Bob hammered the table hard, making a dull noise. "There are countless people on the scene who can confirm that you insulted the other party first, and the first person who wanted to do it was you. Don’t forget, you are suspected of racial discrimination, and the other party has the right to prosecute selectively. If you are found guilty, you will be held criminally liable!"

"Damn Jewish pig!"

After cursing this sentence, Mel Gibson suddenly felt something falling from his mouth. He quickly vomited it on his hand, it was clearly a big blood-stained tooth!

There was a glimmer of light from the horizon. Newspapers and magazines were shipped out of the printing plant and sent to various sales outlets and citizens' homes. Most of the newspapers temporarily changed the layout in the early hours of yesterday morning, leaving the position of the front page headlines to the famous Mei. Gibson.

"Mel Gibson is suspected of racial discrimination. He made anti-Semitic remarks at the Golden Globes..."

"After winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Director last night, Mel Gibson forgot about it, insulting..."

Not only these, but also the interview records of many people at the scene. Apparently after the media got the news yesterday. The quickest response was made, and some words from these people confirmed Mel Gibson's suspicion of racial discrimination.

"I heard very clearly."

A newspaper quoted the original words of Tom Cruise, "Mel Gibson used racially discriminatory remarks to publicly attack and provoke Duke. This is a very shameful behavior!"

At the same time, quite a few multimedia reporters gathered in the press room of Warner Studios. As Duke’s spokesperson, Penny Kelly issued a stern statement that not only condemned Mel Gibson’s actions, but also Claims to reserve the right to prosecute him for racial discrimination.

This kind of issue hardly needs to be considered. The mainstream media will definitely be on Duke’s side, especially the media under Warner, Fox and Disney, who are all using the strongest voice to denounce Mel Gibson and attacking his "Brave" They all saw the hope of "Saving Private Ryan" at the Oscars.

In the next two days, many famous Jewish people in Hollywood also actively or passively stepped up to express their views on this matter, even if Mel Gibson publicly apologized in the afternoon of the next day and shifted the blame to alcohol. But the Jewish forces in Hollywood did not mean to let him go.

Bruce Kona, executive director of the Producers League, even publicly called on all Hollywood producers not to cooperate with Mel Gibson!

Not to mention other things, as a partner, Paramount Pictures has stood up against Mel Gibson, and is a super heavyweight.

Summer Redstone of Viacom is a standard Jewish descent. He was interviewed by cbs television-Mel Gibson made enough money from Hollywood Jewish wallets, and he exposed his hatred after drinking a little alcohol. The nature of the Jews is too much. If you have opinions about Jews, don't mix in Hollywood!

His words can be said to be the best portrayal of Mel Gibson's future situation.

In the midst of all these disturbances, the 68th Oscar nominees luncheon was held on time and the nominations were announced. (To be continued...)

ps: There will be a total of eight chapters in the two days of the weekend! Give some support and encouragement!