v2 Chapter 412: Those who have done Jessica are fools

Since last week, some negative news about "The Fellowship of the Ring Expedition" has not been interrupted. The most typical one is Billy Boyd and Ian McLean's new-year friendship, which has been rendered by many ingenious media. Become a grandfather and grandson love, after all, Ian McLean is a famous gay, this gossip still has the persuasive power.

Maybe homosexuality will not cause too bad influence, but homosexuality with such a huge age difference may be rejected by many people.

Although the major major newspapers will not publish these news, many tabloids are hyping, and there are even pictures of Gandalf and Pipin looking at each other affectionately after being revised. The Internet is not only Duke will use it.

It's hard to say how many negative effects these have caused, but the box office of "The Fellowship of the Ring" will definitely be affected. Behind the various negative news, it is not difficult to see the shadow of Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures.

Affected by Angelina Jolie's various scandals and poor audience reputation, after consuming the audience of game fans in the first weekend, "Tomb Raider" has drastically dropped in the box office starting from the second week, with a single-day box office. Almost at the speed of free fall, falling below US$3 million, and other media are following this hot news, Warner Bros. has quietly withdrawn from the main battle group.

This ≡, in the future, neither Duke nor Warner Bros. is too focused on "Fast and Furious". Needless to say, Warner Bros. is just a small production after all.

And Duke remembers this series because it will be a super explosion in the future, but there is no impression at the initial stage, it should be very general.

But they did not expect that "Fast and Furious" broke out more than 15 million US dollars on the first day, almost suppressing "The Fellowship of the Ring Expedition."

"We made a mistake." Duke admitted this directly.

Including him, how many of you Jamie Johnson, Doug Walter, and Penny Kelly who are present here have taken this film seriously?

The result is Friday. "Fast and Furious" almost broke the situation that "The Fellowship of the Ring" has been leading every day since its release.

Jamie Johnson kept frowning, "I got the news that the box office of the film has completely exceeded the expectations of Universal Pictures and the artist management company, and even doubled their first day expectations!"

"Universal Pictures is going to increase its publicity efforts." Doug? Walter also lost the spirit of the previous few days. Every company wants to see the continuous success of their films. "They have added 10 million US dollars in publicity expenses. . From tomorrow to next weekend, "Fast and Furious" will be our biggest competitor!"

Like the "Pearl Harbor" and "The Return of the Mummy" that were released at the beginning of the summer file, the single-day box office on weekdays was only more than 1 million US dollars, which did not pose any threat to "The Fellowship of the Ring", and Warner Bros. On them.

Doug Walter thought for a while, then asked, "Is there anything we can use in this film?"

"These are directors and actors who have just climbed up from the bottom. No one paid attention to them before." Jamie Johnson shook his head.

Duke was trying to remember, but there was little information about it, and Paul Walker finally died. Van Diesel became the leader of this series, and small stars like Jessica Alba did not attract his attention...

"I have a message here."

The silent Penny Kelly opened his briefcase, took out a tabloid, and said directly, "Yesterday, Jessica Alba, the heroine of "Fast and Furious", went to the gynecology department of the Syd Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for registration. I bought the cleaning of the hospital and got a copy of her test report."

Penny Kellys said disdainfully. "Everyone, amazing results. The test sheet shows that Jessica Alba has herpes, sexually-diseased herpes..."

"The news is reliable?" Jamie Johnson's eyes lit up instantly.

"We can have people check overnight." Pani Callis said, "This kind of thing is not difficult to find. Her medicine list, her laboratory test list, her assistant. You can check it all."

This brief meeting quickly reached a consensus. Jessica Alba's role focuses on sexy, sunny and healthy routes. If the actors have problems, it will definitely affect the role.

It's really not a secret that Hollywood celebrities hustle, and the public doesn't care too much. But if you get a sexual disease, it will become a stain.

After walking out of the conference room, the somewhat old-fashioned Penny Kelly didn't leave, but followed Duke. He stopped calling Duke until he turned into an empty corridor.

"I know you don't like other people interfering in your private life." Penny Kelly reminded him with some earnest words, "Duke, you are my most important customer and my last customer..."

She sighed and turned to business, "Jessica Alba is not the first and will not be the last."

"Thank you, Pani."

Duke knew that the public relations manager was well-intentioned and said seriously, "I wrote it down."

Pani Kelly didn't say much, waved goodbye and left. Duke returned to the office, sat on the chair, thinking about the words of the public relations manager, and thinking of Jessica Alba, and suddenly felt a chill...

This circle is extremely chaotic, even if the news is closed, people know that the stars on the big screen are not angels.

No one knows how many men Jessica has ever had with Alba, and how many women have been with her men...

The Jessica Alba's matter undoubtedly reminded him of this.

There must be a woman who is crazy like her, but doesn't know how to guard it, there must be Hollywood. What if he meets one of them?

Duke really cares less about things, but he pays great attention to his body.

He can only rejoice now that he doesn't like Jessica Alba's type of woman. The other party was just an influential star in his previous life, and it was difficult to spur his interest.

Maybe it's time for a change?

This thought jumped into Duke's mind again, and he frowned unconsciously, and this chaotic private life really made him tired.

The relationship between Billy Boyd and Ian McLean has always been the focus of attacks on "The Fellowship of the Fellowship". Even if the crew is divided into two channels for publicity, the two are scattered to different places and will still be affected. Use it to make a fuss.

Hype such as ‘guilty conscience’ and ‘desire to cover up’ are endless this weekend, and some people who are spiritually clean. Also gave up the plan to watch "The Fellowship Expedition".

Public opinion is always influencing the audience, even in tabloids. The more famous people, the more the public’s attention, such as Billy Boyd and Ian McLean, if it’s in the "Legal Expedition" Before the show. A few people will care about the scandal of their grandparents.

By the same token, even if there is "Dark Angel", if "Fast and Furious" is not the first day to detonate the box office, and the next day it won 13.81 million US dollars, who will pay attention to Jessica Alba?

The heroine of "Fast and Furious" is already changing Jessica Alba's life. Her sunny, sexy, sweet and healthy image is almost perfectly integrated with the character's temperament, and her popularity far exceeds Duke has no impression of another heroine.

After becoming popular, media attention followed.

Under normal circumstances. If the actor’s scandal is only at the level of drug use, drug use, and nonsense, it will basically not affect the movies starred in. If the scandal level rises to racism and indecent love, such as Mel Gibson, Morgan Freeman, and Angie The degree of Lina Jolie will have a significant negative impact on the film she participated in.

Jessica Alba’s situation can be said to be somewhere in between, but sexual diseases, whether in the East or the West, are rejected by the public.

Not to mention. Her role in the film is so sunny and healthy, but she has this kind of illness in private...

With the ability of Warner Bros. It is not difficult to confirm this silently.

"Fast and Furious" is currently being screened. Jessica Alba is one of the media's concerns. Warner Bros. doesn't need to do much. Just poke the news circulating in a small area to the public. Those sensitive media . Will certainly not let it go.

On Warner’s gossip website tmz, on the night Duke and others ended the meeting, an anonymous user posted that Jessica Alba was suspected of having a venereal disease and went to the gynecology department. I also posted the medical center’s laboratory documents and drug list, which basically confirmed the news.

By the next morning, the print media also reacted. There were almost overwhelming reports in the entertainment section of the newspaper. Especially in the entertainment media, the newly-known star successfully made headlines.

"Jessica Alba hides her face to see the gynecology department and has been diagnosed with STD..."

"Sunshine girl Jessica Alba's private life is chaotic, she has severe genital herpes, her reputation has declined, and her image has been hit hard."

There are many popular rights and wrongs, not only to talk about it, let alone the scandal level.

Except for a small number of media affected by Universal Pictures, almost all media are hyping wildly. For the media and the public, it is also very interesting to watch a star or ruin a star's reputation.

Soon, some media bought Jessica Alba’s assistant, who instantly became a former assistant, and broke the news, further corroborating the authenticity of the scandal.

Not only the media, but under the guidance of someone with a heart, a wave of anti-Jessica Alba appeared on the Internet. This is different from the so-called grandsons of Billy Boyd and Ian McLean who have no evidence at all. Love, all the evidence proves that Jessica Alba has indeed contracted STDs.

"Jessica Alba is a promiscuous **** who has sexually transmitted diseases..."

"Fortunately, I have never engaged with Jessica Alba, so lucky!"

Similar verbal abuses appeared endlessly on the Internet. Christopher Rockencourt looked at these with a gloomy expression, as if it would erupt like a volcano at any time, but he kept resisting. (To be continued...)

ps: Regarding the change, we will get married next month. In addition to work, there are a lot of things to be busy. We have tried our best to maintain the three shifts every day, and it should become two shifts next month. Otherwise, we will have to get married. It's broken.