B2 Chapter 6: Sharing Secrets

Name:Magic is Programming Author:
B2 Chapter 6: Sharing Secrets

Trinlen whistled a jaunty tune as he casually sauntered along the street, walking at Carlos's left. Other pedestrians cleared out of their path without complaint as soon as they got a good look at the royal guard leading the way. Not that anyone around them knew that Lorvan was a royal guard. No, Lorvan and Ordens had their armor disguised as merely high-quality chainmail, not the majestic gleaming full-plate personal fortresses that they truly were; people still gave them a wide berth anyway. I don't blame them. That dude's got a scary scowl. Amber walked on Carlos's other side, and Ordens brought up the rear alongside Noralt, the stout musclebound adventurer. What did she call herself again, a metal juggernaut? Does she have full plate too that she's hiding somewhere?

"So, I've been wondering." Trinlen smiled cheerfully as Carlos looked at him. "Why'd you pick Dramos? Is it because..." He puffed out his chest and deepened his voice dramatically for a moment. "-the legendary Archmage Sandaras* famously visited?"

Carlos laughed, and Amber blushed and hung her head. "Yeah, it was. We didn't know much else to base the decision on." Carlos chuckled again and smirked. "Have you asked Stelras about him yet? You should."

Trinlen raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I shouldn't spoil it for you. Also, we've arrived." Carlos gestured toward the door ahead of them, which Lorvan was just then pushing open. A squad of city guards greeted them just inside, their leader briefly scanning with a specialized divination wand before he bowed and stood aside.

Trinlen eyed the divination wand curiously. Hmm. I only got a brief glimpse of its spell in action, but I think it reacted to Carlos differently from the rest of us. Checking for specific mana signatures of the people who are authorized to enter? He looked forward again, where Carlos was patiently holding his hand against a recessed square in the wall while several waves of mana swept over him in a much more thorough scan. Seems redundant. Then again, they don't want someone like me embarrassing them for being insufficiently paranoid. Or actual thieves breaking in, of course.

He watched with amusement as they went through a series of heavy doors, layer after layer of powerful wards peeling away, opening holes, or merely not reacting as they passed through. Then at the innermost door, Carlos instructed the royal guards to remain outside while the rest of them went in. Trinlen raised a quizzical eyebrow at Carlos, then shifted to Amber, as the door slammed shut behind them and all the locks re-engaged.

Carlos just stepped over to the right-hand wall to open a disguised panel, but Amber looked back at Trinlen and smiled. "Some house secrets are important for you to know, but not necessary for guarding us, and the Crown intends to respect our secrets."

"Ah." Trinlen nodded, then glanced at the fourth person in the room. "Is she secretly a mage teacher too, then?"

Amber shook her head. "No, Noralt is exactly what she seems. She is sworn to our house, however, and the secrets we're going to reveal here aren't that sensitive."

Carlos finished opening the small hidden safe in the wall, put the House Carlos plaque inside, and stood aside to clear the view of it. "Trinlen, take a look."

Trinlen focused his mana sense on the area first, unsurprised to feel some potent and dangerous wards revealed by the removal of the panel's concealment. He frowned. Behind those wards, he felt something strange but familiar. The aether inside that safe was much more orderly than usual, and there seemed to be hints of mana and even essence threaded through it. Where have I felt that before? Then he crouched to peer inside, and his first glimpse of a floating purple crystal snapped the memory into full clarity. "You have a dungeon core?! ... Wait, and it's inside a vault? How did you move it here? Why isn't its domain pushing to expand? How did you prevent it from making that the most heavily-trapped cubic foot of space in existence?" He paused. "Did you somehow copy the Enchanters Guild's ritual for subduing a core, but without an item to attach it to?"

"We have not stolen or copied anything from the Enchanters Guild. As for the rest of your questions, I just asked politely." Carlos smiled and tipped his head towards the safe. "I mentioned we had another introduction for you, and here it is. Trinlen, meet Purple. Reach a hand into his domain, and he'll make a bond so you two can talk directly."

Trinlen cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. "You're not just trying to prank the prankster, are you? I know my reputation, but I haven't done any pranks to you yet to have earned payback. And using something this serious for a prank is bad form."

Carlos shook his head. "Not a prank, and incidentally, I'm glad to hear that you understand that some things are not appropriate for mischief."

Soon, they were settled into a cozy side room in the mansion, and Trinlen rubbed his hands together and launched into his semi-prepared introductory speech. "So, I've never really taught before, and you're looking to learn basically everything the Royal Mage Academy teaches, so I figure copying the order of topics the academy uses is a good way to organize this. First up, there's learning and casting a spell, followed by creating the four basic mage soul structures, but you've already done those. ... Uh, you do have all four, right? The ones Sandaras wrote about in his book."

Amber smiled and nodded. "Of course we do."

"Right. After that, there's a lot of learning various specific spells and practicing with them. That was..." Trinlen winced in recollection. "Painfully tedious and slow to get through. Especially having to wait for the whole class to catch up on wrapping everyone's heads around the full and precise meaning of each spell when I was already toying around with it. Ugh. Anyway, you two don't need that part, right? It was all the kind of simple stuff your house secret can cover." He gave Carlos and Amber a brightly hopeful smile.

Carlos shared a look with Amber, then shrugged and turned back to Trinlen. "Yeah, we can probably skip that. Though I guarantee we'd get through it a lot faster than any academy class."

"Good. Next up, take a look at these partial spells." Trinlen handed them two sheets of paper with several lines of precisely written incantation script at the top and bottom of each sheet, leaving blank sections in the middle. "I believe you have already recognized that these sections are identically present in many different spells, yes?"

Carlos skimmed the papers briefly. One paper had everything but the effect keyword and its parameters for a simple one-shot spell, and the other had the same for a simple sustained spell. He sighed. "Okay, Trinlen, I understand why you chose this approach, and maybe I should have seen this coming, but I think our unique situation calls for a different approach. Rather than you running through the academy's course plan in sequence, let's start with us telling you about what we already have and what kinds of things we think we need, and then you figure out what parts of the academy's teachings will fill in the gaps."

Trinlen hesitated, nonplussed. "Uh. Sure, I suppose. So, what spellcasting knowledge do you have, then?"

Carlos waved the papers at him. "These partial spells that you have? We have learned each individual word that is in them. Even the semicolon." He spoke the punctuation mark's name as the syllable that incantations used for it. "We know the technical rules of what ways of arranging those words together are valid. We have soul structures for learning spells as sequences of those words, and for casting spells without the need for fully precise speech. We can discover incantation words easily, of any kind, and if we fail, we can be certain that it's because the word outright does not exist.

"We need to learn principles of how to assemble the incantation elements we know, and any new ones we may learn, into larger and more complex spells. We need to learn how to design our own complex spells, what mistakes to watch out for in doing so, and how to fix them. We need to learn what affects the power and efficiency of a spell, and how. We need to learn about other soul structures that are useful for spellcasting. We need to learn about strategies and tactics for how to best use spells. We need to learn what types of things spells are good at, and what they are not."

"Okay, I can help with all of that, I think." Trinlen got out a pencil and a small notebook. "Could you repeat that for me? I need to take some notes."

Amber cleared her throat and shook her head. "I'll list them for you later. For right now, the first thing we need to learn is everything that is relevant to choosing what soul structures to make."

Trinlen cocked his head. "Don't you already have 10 soul structures? You don't have room to make any more of them."

Amber shook her head. "There is a way for high-rank soul plans to gain more. It's one of the great secrets of the entire noble class; count it as part of our house secrets that you swore an oath to safeguard. We have learned it and achieved it, and now we need to know what new soul structures would best improve our spellcasting, what capabilities spells cannot provide but a soul structure could, and what soul structures would be pointlessly redundant with spells. After that, I think an overview of what the topics you can teach us about are would be best, and then we can discuss which topics to cover first. Do you need time to prepare for that?"

Trinlen frowned. "That is... a rather important secret. Hmm. Alright, this should be interesting. No need to prepare; I can just skip to the classes on advanced mage soul structures and go from there."