Translator: Soafp

I was aware that the enemies that appear in this game are basically those that do not have any complex consciousness.

After all, the opponents that have appeared so far are basically all beasts. They all attacked us on instinct.

If so, it was nothing more than extermination or hunting. It was not a battle, but merely a game.

But now, an entity has emerged that deviates from that example.

The demon Geryuon and his undead knights.

The leader of the undead knights, that man, was controlled by the demon, yet he had not completely lost his self-consciousness.

“Before I kill you, let me ask you one thing”

“You’ve got a big mouth,……. Don’t tell me you think you can beat me just because you killed those wooden fools?”

“Of course not, what are you talking about”

I didn’t want to talk about that, but the devil had distorted its form again.

Well, it doesn’t matter. This pest is not the kind of person who deserves respect as an enemy.

There is no reason for me to care about the inner thoughts of such an opponent.

“Those undead knights are the ones who challenged you before, aren’t they?”

“……Well, something wrong?”

“No, nothing. Just checking.”

Ultimately, this guy was still killing and humiliating the corpses of those who challenged him.

Instead of dying with honor as warriors, those knights were forced to attack ordinary people as pawns of the devil.

There is no way I can dismiss it as just a backstory.

I cannot put away the anguish of that knight, who confessed to me at the moment of his death, with such cheap words.

–I know the men who were suffering under the fire of war.

But, well —–now I’m somewhat motivated.

“This is not a duel. Neither is it a battle. Just extermination. I will not give meaning to your death, and you will rot there for nothing.”

“Hahahaha ……Don’t look down on me, YOU HUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”

Geryuon raises his hand in the air, screaming.

A huge fireball, perhaps three meters high, erupted above his head.

Apparently, he had been chanting during our chat.

Geryuon, with a triumphant smile on his face, swings his hand down toward me.

“Burn up that congratulatory head of yours!”

“—-[Sword of Bane].”

A huge fireball flies toward me at high speed.

I intercept it with a flash of my sword, which is imbued with a blue light.

The sparkle of the sword bites into the flying fireball, and I feel a different, more solid grip on my hand than before.


A “ging” sound echoed through the air.

The blade that I had swung down with all my might had cut the blazing fire in half.

After passing to both sides of me, the flames did not disappear at the moment of the cut, as in the past, but instead flared up on the ground behind me.

I was satisfied as I felt the presence of the flames.

“I see. So, if the magic is powerful enough, it will not disappear.”


While Geryuon is astonished, I check my condition.

Apparently, the [Sword of Bane] can not completely erase magic if it is losing in power.

When I cut the magic that is losing in power, it seems that I can cut the magic itself, but it seems that I receive penetrating damage.

Well, even so, it is still a slice, and far better than receiving a direct hit.

As long as I understand its nature, there is no problem. In short, all it takes is to not let them accumulate so much powerful magic.


“D-Damn it!”

With a short exhalation, I step in and run. The distance between them is not so great.

In an instant, I made my way to the front and tried to cut its body in two, but Geryuon made a big leap backward from the spot.

But —- I have already anticipated that move.

Way of walking —- disastrous earthquake

Leaning forward, I turned my weight into propulsive force and kicked the ground.

The speed was incomparable to the previous one. I was right in front of Geryuon the moment he landed backwards.


“–[Sword of Life].”

The sword is clothed in a golden light. A flash of the sword, swung down from the dragonfly stance, was absorbed into Geryuon’s chest – just before it reflexively severed his poised arm.

But the blade does not stop there. A further flash of the returning blade is released, cloaked in a black haze.

“–[Sword of Deprivation].”


The [Sword of Deprivation] cleaves Geryuon’s torso, causing blood to gush out of both his left arm and his left arm.

At the same time, HP was recovered, and I stepped forward to strike another blow, but the chill I felt made me switch blades.

“—–[Sword of Bane]!”


Between me and Geryuon, a mass of flame is generated.

It instantly expanded and manifested as an explosion.

The sword that was draped in blue light cut off the explosion, but was unable to cut off the impact and I was pushed backward.

He is, after all, a demon of the nobility, huh? The magic is very powerful for a spur-of-the-moment shot.

“Ga, haa, haaa….y-you”

“Chi, ……back to square one.”

I looked at Geryuon, who has lost his left arm and his torso has been ripped open.

A human could have died of the injuries, but the demon seems to be reasonably sturdy.

I was not trying to satisfy myself by killing him after he had suffered, but he must have been a very vicious and dirty opponent.

Well, I don’t care about that. The next time, I will kill him, and if that doesn’t kill him, just do it again. It was just a repetition of the same thing.

I set my sword in the dragonfly stance and looked straight at Geryuon’s figure with a sword spirit that would cut him in two with a single sword stroke.

“You monster,……, are you really human,……?!”

“Yeah, I don’t know what it is, but that’s a very common saying.”

I don’t know why, but one out of every five people who confront me say the same thing.

It’s a stupid word. Kuon sword style is nothing more than swordsmanship for people to slay others.

If I want to put my faith in such words, I should put my faith in them.

“No need to cling to oracles, I will cut you down.”

“Me……, when it comes to this!”

Geryuon shouts and takes something out with his remaining right arm.

Is that an ampoule or something? I don’t know its nature, but I am sure it would be troublesome if used.

However, the distance between us is too wide because of the explosion that just occurred. Even if I attack him from here, I probably won’t be able to reach him in time.

I had no choice but to take a wait-and-see the situation… Just as I was thinking that, a voice and a recovery magic came from behind me.

” Quon-san!”

“Are you all right?”

“Yeah, no problem. More importantly”

Paying no attention to the gathered girls, Geryuon was hammering the ampoule in his hand into his own body.

After all, was it some kind of medicine or something? I thought it might be a recovery potion, but the way he hesitated to use it for a moment made me think it was something else.

If so, what on earth was it? I was still wondering, but I concentrated on remaining vigilant, and my eyes widened involuntarily.

Geryuon’s body, into which the ampoule had been inserted, suddenly expanded to one size.


“What is that?!”

Geryuon’s swollen body tore the clothes he was wearing, and his exposed skin turned green.

His hands are covered with huge claws, and his face, which had been more or less in good shape, is now transformed into an ugly monstrosity.

It bears no resemblance to his earlier appearance, but if it is said that he is a demon, it is understandable.

Even the arm that was cut off and the abdomen that was ripped open had regenerated, and he was back in perfect health.

“Ku-Hahahaha……Success. I am a genius after all!”

“W-what …… I didn’t hear it was supposed to heppen like that!”

“I don’t think anyone could have pushed him that far.”

Geryuon finally used that ampoule after being in a corner situation.

If so, that would mean that they would not use that one unless they were in a dangerous situation.

It seems to regenerate the damage it receives, and it is quite a troublesome ability to show.

“Hahaha! This is Metamorphosis! Originally, it was a product that could only be used by a Count level, but thanks to your diligent contributions…… Kufufu, I was able to successfully complete the product!”

“…… ugh. Maybe it was enhanced because players kept losing?”

“I didn’t hear those details!”

If what Azami said is true, how enhanced is he really?

I guess no one knew, and I can’t say I blame them, but I can’t help but feel that …… Kurage would want to complain.

I would have enjoyed it a little more if I had a better opponent…… Unfortunately, I’ve decided not to treat this guy as an “enemy”.

It’s a pain in the *ss, but I’ll have to get rid of him quickly.

“If it looks too tough, you guys can cover me from behind.”

“Quon-san, you can’t be serious fighting that guy?!”

“Of course I’m going to slay him. I will be using the Sword of Life a lot, so I want to leave the recovery to you.”

“…… understand, leave it to me.”

“Ugh, if I step forward with you, I won’t be able to help you …… sorry, Quon-san.”

“No problem, just cover me from behind with your magic.”

After the metamorphosis of his entire body is complete, Geryuon begins to move again.

In time with that, I was also moving forward, holding my sword at ready.

He had grown quite large, perhaps two and a half meters, and was a hulking opponent. It would take some ingenuity to defeat him.

“Kukuku, don’t tell me you think you can win by being accompanied by a small fry?”

“I can manage without them, but it’s true that it would be easier if they were here.”

“Let’s see how long you can afford to keep it up!”

With that cry, Geryuon jumps toward us.

The attack is a cleave with his right arm.

A direct hit would either blow me away or tear me apart with its claws – well, there was no way such an obvious attack would hit me.

Way of walking—-Fake shadow.

One step backward, kicking the ground with the landing foot, and then moving forward.

By doing this without shaking my torso, I can make it seem as if the attack has slipped through if I can spot it at the very last moment.

While I was retreating, Geryuon’s claw passed just in front of my chest, and in the next instant, I was diving into his chest.


“Gugg! What the–“

I cleave his right side – but it’s shallow.

Apparently, the strength of the body itself has increased. Just a normal slash would not be enough to inflict a fatal wound.

Even the blood is green, which is a little weird, but I suppose there’s no point in worrying about it.

Geryuon seems to be confused because he can’t follow me, but being slashed in the side, he reflexively brought his right arm back and swung it as if to shake it off.

It was a reflexive action common to amateurs, but with the difference in size, it was difficult to pass it off unnoticed.

I moved to the back of his knee and swung my blade while avoiding him by sinking down and diving.

The effect of a normal cut is still not very effective, but a strike to the back of the knee will probably make the body lose its position whether it wants to or not.

“Guu?! You!”

“—-[Sword of Life].”

Geryuon is kneeling on his right knee, and a blade is swung down from the upper level.

Geryuon reacted surprisingly quickly and turned his body to avoid a direct hit.

However, he still could not escape from the blade. The blade bit into his shoulder and sliced through his back, causing blood to gush out.

After all, it seems that using the [Sword of Life] can inflict a certain amount of damage.

After confirming this, I leap backward.


As a natural reaction, Geryuon had reaped the place where I was with his arm.

After all, it seems that that alone wasn’t enough to hurt that much.

However, this demon’s lower body seemed a little weak, in addition to its magnificent upper body.

That is probably the reason why it does not use kicks. His legs are not that long, and attacking with his arms is much more powerful.

It is nice that I don’t have to worry so much about attacks from the lower half of his body.



“[Wind Arrow]!”

“[Dark Cannon] ……!”

Where the distance opened up, the magic of the group flew in one after another.

In addition, Lumina was also shooting magic here and there.

The attacks of Azami, who specializes in magic, are so powerful that Geryuon’s body collapses under the impact.

Moreover, his attention was also focused on the girls.

“The small fry……!”

“[Sword of Life].”

Of course, there was no way to escape if he could expose such an opening.

I was close to Geryuon again as if I was trying to get through the impact of the exploding magic.

I wanted to pierce him in the heart with a thrust, but unfortunately, I did not know if this huge body had the same structure as a human.

Moreover, it would be a hard task to pull out the blade that has pierced through the heart. It would be troublesome, but I would have no choice but to steadily chip away at it.

First, my arm pointed toward the rear guard.



Geryuon’s eyes flashed as I approached, but his reaction was slow.

Geryuon has already begun to deploy his magic. In that state, there was no way I could respond in time.

And without allowing him to react, the flash I brought down bit into Geryuon’s wrist —–severing it under one blade.