A sword and a holy mark of remembrance. Well, they are items that should be called relics of the undead knight leader.

What is strange is that these items are not classified as equipment items.

Despite the fact that it appears to be a weapon and accessory, this item cannot be equipped.

Well, I can hold it in my hand and swing it, but as long as its performance as a weapon is not displayed, I guess it is considered as not an equipped item.

“A memento, huh …… Is this, in essence, an event to deliver the item to someone else?”

“Well, it doesn’t seem to be an item the player can use, and I don’t know of anything else.”

Kurage and Reno were returning such views when they saw the items I had displayed.

Perhaps there is no mistake about it. If this is an item called a memento, it should be given to the right person.

The question is, who.

“The daughter and the Commander. ……”

“Do you have any idea where they are?”

“Ah, the undead knight who dropped this item …… called Schrade. On his dying breath, he asked me to tell his daughter and the Commander that he was sorry.”

The four girls’ eyes widen at my words.

Well, if they lived a normal life, they would never have a chance to hear a will from the person who is about to die.

With some doubt in my mind and a desire to kill the old b*****d, I shrug my shoulders and continue.

“I don’t know where the girl is, but I assume she is the head of the Order of the Knights. If that’s the case, it’s still easy to find out where she is.”

“But, he is a man of considerable position, right? Is it that easy to meet her?”

“I don’t know, but I hear that this weapon itself proves that it’s from Schrade. If I give it to her, she’ll listen to me, right? Besides–“

I glance back to the battlefield.

The bodies of the demons had already disappeared, but the five bodies – or rather, the bodies of the five knights – still remained.

I didn’t do anything in particular because items appeared without touching the corpses as I usually do, but it’s odd that there are …… drop items, but the bodies are still there.

Well, anyway, it would be unforgivable to leave that Buddhist monk exposed in the field as it is.

“I want to take them to the knighthood too. Besides, it would make it easier to get the story across.”

“Well, …… that’s what I think, too, but… How do you plan to transport them?”

“That’s the problem.”

The worst-case scenario is to leave it here once and have the Knights retrieve it later, but since …… this is a boss area, I don’t know what would happen if I leave it here. ……

Wondering what to do, I picked up Schrade’s head that was lying on the ground – a sudden thought occurred to me and I pushed it to the inventory window.

While the four girls stared at me with a perplexed expression, Schrade’s head was easily sucked into the inventory window and turned into an owned item.

“…..Never thought I’d get to put a dead body in there by myself.”

“I didn’t know corpses were treated as items in one way or another. …… I always dismantled them, so I didn’t know.”

“W-well, …… we can carry the body now, and the result is all right.”

Nodding to Reno’s words, I threw all the other bodies together in my inventory.

As for the rest of the bodies except for that captain, they appeared to be completely undead, but that didn’t change the circumstances.

It would be safer for them if I carried them to the knighthood.

The circumstances leading up to death may vary from one person to another, but after death, everyone is equal. They should be mourned respectfully.

The skill slot expansion ticket that I had obtained was used, and preparations were ready to go.

“Well then, let’s move on.”

“No one has ever been beyond this point, right? Haha, I’m looking forward to it.”

Agreeing with Kurage’s muttered words with a smile on her face, we start walking down the street past the area of stone pillars.

The same dirt road we came in on. Normally, there would have been a lot of pedestrians, but because of the boss area, there were no pedestrians at all.

The sky was overcast as usual, but contrary to when we had arrived earlier, the clouds seemed to be gradually thinning.

If this is the case, it should clear up after a short walk.

Incidentally, Kurage was operating her screen while walking.

Apparently, she was posting on the bulletin board.

She was asked if she was allowed to show the video of the battle, but it was something she had done before, so there would be no problem.

With her at behind my back, I continued on my way, but the streets had a different aspect than before I came.

“I haven’t seen any zombies.”

“Isn’t it because you defeated that demon?”

Certainly, the sudden outbreak of zombies in that neighborhood was most likely caused by that demon.

If that is the case, then it makes sense that the zombies stopped appearing after the demon was defeated.

Incidentally, I don’t feel that those zombies have a story to tell before they were born.

I’m not sure how they differ from the undead knights, but …… they disappear when I touch them, and there is no information on where to take them.

It is possible, though, that they are just enemies prepared by the management, with no trace of such backstory. Well, it’s probably best not to worry too much.

“Hey, Reno. I think that’s the royal capital, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard in Ribrum.”

“I’m looking forward to it. I’ve never seen a real castle before!”

“…… Can I say that’s the real thing?”

As the four girls are talking, the royal city is at the end of this road.

As was written in the information on the sword of remembrance earlier, this country is said to be called Alphatia.

I don’t know much about the characteristics of the country at this point, but I am sure that it is the largest city ahead of us.

I am looking forward to the visit, but at the same time, I am worried.

What lies ahead is completely unknown, and it is an area formed by a cultural form different from that of Japan.

As long as there is a unique power and organization, I will have to be careful how I conduct myself.

“For now, let’s visit the Order of the Knights when we get to the capital.”

“Right. We need to deliver the mementos there first.”

“I wanted to take a look around.”

“You can do that later, Kuu-chan. Besides, this seems to me to be a series of events. ……”

“You mean if we take this with us, something else might happen.”

Well, at the moment I’m not sure what that is.

At any rate–

“We have to be careful not to get caught with the body and the mementos, so they don’t think we’re criminals.”

“Uheh …… reno, leave it to her.”

“Yes, yes, geez.”

Reno nodded with a wry smile at the mourning Kurage, who threw a round of applause at her with a dismayed expression on her face.

Certainly, there is no denying that it is troublesome.

It is true that it would be troublesome if someone were to make strange difficulties for us, and we should be careful about our attitude.

I suddenly felt a presence and looked up.

“Fumu, an enemy?”

“….. Onii-san, I think I told you this before, but how do you know before me? You don’t have the danger-sensing skill, do you?”

“It’s dangerous for me not to be aware of the hostility that’s being directed toward me.”

I looked up into the sky to escape Kuu-chan’s resentful gaze, and saw four birds flying toward me.

They were quite large for birds —– probably birds of prey.

The problem is that they fly very fast. Obviously, this is not a speed that an ordinary bird can achieve by flapping its wings or gliding.



Level: 12

Condition: Normal

Attribute: Wind

Combat position: airborne

In short, it is a hawk that can manipulate the wind.

It is not fair to say that a creature that catches the wind and flies can manipulate the wind itself.

Well, at any rate, it is a battle. The fact that it is flying is troublesome, but it will turn out as it will turn out.

“Quon-san, may I ask you to shoot down these creatures?”

“Hmmm …… Fumu, that would be better. Only the rear guard has to cover for you, okay?”

“That’s enough. Let’s go, guys!”

I have no means of attack in the air. It would be more constructive to have the others attack me rather than waiting for them to come down.

I decide to stand in front of Reno and Azami, who are frozen in place.

It was hard to believe that they would not use their wind control to attack.

If they attacked with wind, that would be the time for [Sword of Bane].

“Hit him, Fireball!”

“Hmmm, I wonder if it works. …… [Windcutter]!”

“…… Be it quick and come together. [Dark Vortex]!”

The flying Aerofalcon is met head-on by the magic of Kurage’s.

Of course, even the other side did not take it lying down. The other side is a bird of prey with superior mobility. They evade the fireballs fired by the Kurage and break through Kuu-chan’s wind blades without even dodging in the first place.

However, there was no way they would be able to avoid Azami’s magic that appeared right after that.

When the two magicians slowed down a bit, a swirling black darkness was released.

“Fumu. Azami should have attacked first, then the others should have followed.

“…… vanguard two, meathead”


The black vortex is damaging the Aerofalcons while limiting their movement.

Azami’s high magic attack power is one thing, but more than that, its stalling effect of disrupting the opponent’s stance is working quite effectively.

In the current situation where their movements have stopped, it would have been easier to hit them with the attacks of Kurage’s.

“N-next! Next attack from Azami!”

“That’s all well and good, but …… the attack will come from the other side before that.”

The swirling darkness clears, and out of the darkness emerge the disheveled Aerofalcons.

They are damaged, but not to the level of crashing.

Well, that’s what one shot of total magic will do. More problematic is that the raptors’ peculiarly sharp gazes are all directed at Azami.

Not surprisingly, Azami seems to have been recognized as the most dangerous.

It is difficult to shoot down a concentrated attack, even if the attacks come sporadically.

With a small sigh, I held Azami up with my left arm.


“Sorry, but I’m going to have to carry you for a bit. It’s hard to deal with this.”

Holding her up like a piece of luggage with my left arm, I stare at the Aerofalcons.

The Aerofalcons, flapping their wings as if hovering on the spot, pulled their wings wide once–turning toward us and flapping them wide once.

A moment later, something invisible loomed toward us–

“[Sword of Bane]—-ha!”

“A little more careful–Ufuu!”

Leaping to evade a flying wind arrow, using the “Sword of Bane” to cut down the arrow that was aimed at the target.

The sudden movement made Azami, who I was carrying it like a piece of luggage, scream as if it were crushed, but it was better than being attacked.

Perhaps annoyed that their attack was unsuccessful, the Aerofalcons let out a high-pitched squeal and tried to charge toward us – and there, Lumina’s magic was released.


What was released was a bursting flash. It had been released on the zombie hordes before, but it exploded in the center of the Aerofalcons, enveloping them in a flash of light.

It is not as long-lasting as the previous vortex of darkness, but in addition to being highly powerful, it also has a blinding effect.

The Aerofalcons, engulfed by the flash, lost their momentum in the assault and could only fly unsteadily.

“…… [Dark Vortex]”

Then, Azami magic is released in succession.

The Aerofalcons, whose strength had been depleted by the two total magic attacks, were unable to withstand the third total magic attack and crashed from the spot.

I looked down at Azami as she fell to the ground with the falling Aerofalcons at her side, and she looked up at me with a reproachful gaze.

“The skill level of the “Sword of Bane” has increased.”

The level of the tamed monster, Lumina, has been raised.

“….I appreciate your help, but be polite about carrying me.”

“O-ou. Sorry.”

I carried her with one hand, which was a bit rough, even if it was to prevent her hands from being blocked.

I put Lumina, who had returned, on my head while bowing my head to her staring at me with a fixed gaze.

Apparently, she had accumulated a lot of experience by defeating Geryuon.

At this rate, her level would go up and up and up.

I heard that tamed monsters sometimes evolve as their level rises.

How they evolve is one of the things to look forward to.

“Well, let’s move on.”

“Yeah, let’s keep going! I can’t wait to go sightseeing in King’s capital.”

Chuckling at the sight of Kurage nodding in a good mood after finishing the skinning, I proceeded with the girls on the road to the royal capital.