030: At the Lamberg Residence

Translated by Dawn

030: At the Lamberg Residence

Entering the Lamberg residence, we were led to what appeared to be the living room.

Inside the room, there stood a young girl.

Seemingly looking out the window, she moved closer toward us. She was a girl in her mid-teens with long brown hair swaying gently.

Presumably, she was――

“Welcome back, Elsa. I’m sorry, it must have been scary… Are you alright? Any injuries?”

“Yes. I’m fine, Milady. These people… the ones sent by Christoph-sama, helped me.”

“The Knight’s Commander? I see…”

The relieved girl checked on the maid and then turned her gaze toward us.

Though I imagined a quiet figure from the term “young lady,” her eyes carried strength.

Cheerful and vigorous, like an ordinary town girl――that was the impression she gave.

Having helped Elsa the maid, she probably felt more at ease with us. She introduced herself with a smile.

“I’m Lirina Lamberg, daughter of Schraid Lamberg. Thank you for helping my maid.”

“I’m Kuon, an outsider. This is――”

“Also an outsider, Kirara Kurage. And here, in order, Rin, Kuu, Azami, and the flying fairy is Lumina-chan. Nice to meet you.”

“Outsiders! And, they say you all are apostles of the Goddess!? And you know Commander too!”

As Lirina reacted, she glanced at Rin, who, noticing the gaze, nodded with a wry smile.

It seemed that in this world, players were treated as such.

When they mentioned the Goddess, it might be the deity of the Admina Church that that priest was devoted to.

Well… our existence was quite foreign in many ways to the locals. Such a setting probably made it easier to handle.

“I happened to meet Commander by chance. However, this time, the reason for our meeting brought us to the Lamberg residence.”

“…Kuon-sama? You said you came here at the request of Christoph-sama?”

“That’s undoubtedly true. He certainly asked for our help. However, the real purpose of our visit is different.”

Narrowing my gaze, I conveyed the message.

It might not be something suitable to tell someone who seemed to have her own problems.

But still, I had to pass on his words.

“For you, it might be a difficult story to hear. Are you prepared to listen?”


Upon my words, Lirina and Elsa held their breath.

Their expressions had a touch of tragic anticipation.

They probably had some expectations after hearing the previous conversation. It wasn’t hard to imagine that her father was still missing.

Confirming that fact was a difficult thing to say.

“…Elsa, please bring some tea. Everyone, come this way… It seems like this might be a lengthy conversation.”

With a solemn expression, Lirina guided us to the table.

Seating ourselves, I observed her as she looked down.

Judging from the atmosphere in the house, her mother was likely not present. Whether they parted ways or if she passed away… If it was the latter, then Schraid would be the only close family she had left.

I couldn’t gauge her inner feelings. That was something only she could understand.

However, it seemed that she wasn’t ready to listen to the full story just yet.


Kirara Kurage and Kuu seemed uneasy, shifting uncomfortably.

Well, this atmosphere might be difficult for these two who rely on cheerfulness.

But they had to endure it, at least until she was ready to listen.

Silence fell, making the situation awkward. It took a considerable amount of time, long enough for Elsa to finish preparing the tea, before she placed the teacups on the table and took her position quietly behind Lirina.

Finally, with one hand on Lirina’s shoulder, the maid gently encouraged her to raise her head.

“Tell me… your story.”

In her expression, there was determination.

She must have guessed the general idea of the story and was preparing herself to hear it.

If that was the case, then I had to respond to her resolve.

“Let me start with the conclusion… Schraid Lamberg, your father, has been confirmed as deceased.”


Upon my words, Lirina tightly clenched her hand that was on the table.

With an obvious effort to hold back her emotions, she didn’t look away, gazing straight into my eyes.

――A strong girl. Truly worthy of admiration.

“Schraid was on a mission with the Knights when they encountered the Baron-class demon Geryon. Despite their valiant efforts, they were defeated, and he lost his life.”

“That… demon…?”

“I killed it. I pierced its heart and beheaded it. It no longer exists in this world.”

Lirina’s shoulder trembled.

It must be something she couldn’t forgive, something she wanted to kill with her own hands.

But the foe was no longer here. Losing the outlet for her anger, only sadness remained.

“Schraid Lamberg was an honorable and noble knight. Even after turning into undead and being controlled by the demon, he resisted with his own will until the very end. I take pride in being the one who faced him in his final moments.”

“His final… moments?”

“I was the one who defeated the undead Schraid, under the control of the demon.”

At my words, Lirina held her breath.

She might have been on the verge of bursting into angry curses, but she gritted her teeth and remained silent.

I was sure she had plenty on her mind. But even so, she chose not to blame me.

I deeply respected her self-control and determination.

“…He left you some words before the end.”


She couldn’t hold it any longer, it seemed. With her teeth still clenched, she silently questioned me with her gaze.

It might be harsh for her at this moment, but I had to deliver those words. It was his final wish after all.

“…’I’m sorry’… Those were his last words to you.”

“… ugh…”

Her sobbing grew uncontrollable, and I let out a small sigh. Immediately, I rose from my seat, accompanied by the four girls.

“I’m feeling a bit tired from talking. Let’s rest in the corridor.”

“Understood. Please take your time to rest.”

Elsa’s voice was slightly shaky as she spoke, and we left the room, stepping into the corridor.

In an instant…

“――――Aaahhhhh! Dad, Dad…!”

The cry, almost like a scream, reached us from behind the door, and I sighed, leaning against the wall.

The four girls seemed to be on the verge of tears, huddled together for support.

Lumina wasn’t crying, but she looked uneasy, her gaze directed toward the door, probably worried about Lirina.

I knew it, but――

“…This is such a bad role, huh.”

It was a role no one in the Knight Order would willingly take. Being the bearer of such news would only bring resentment without any benefits.

However… it had its value.

At least it was better than the situation where they remained clueless and unable to move forward. I didn’t believe that was what the man would have wanted.

Fortunately, Lirina was not alone. She had a trusted maid by her side.

That strong-willed girl could surely overcome this ordeal.


“It’s understandable to empathize, but you’re making a terrible face, you know?”

“Kuon-san, you’re too composed… It’s natural to feel sad after seeing something like that.”

Kirara Kurage protested while wiping her tears, and I returned a wry smile.

She wasn’t wrong; it was a more appropriate reaction.

The reason I didn’t react similarly was simply that I excelled at controlling my emotions.

Within the Kudou Jintsuu style, there were techniques not just for attacking opponents but also for controlling one’s own body.

Mental control was the foundation of it all. If you couldn’t control your own mind, you wouldn’t be able to command your body under your will.

“I don’t lack empathy, and I’m not unaffected. But ultimately, it’s a matter they have to settle. I sympathize, but I don’t plan to interfere any further.”

“Well, I guess that’s true, but…”

“I won’t trivialize the situation, but unnecessary interference will only breed further regrets. In the end, the grief of losing a parent is something only the person experiencing it can truly understand.”


Kirara Kurage seemed dissatisfied, but she couldn’t find any words to refute it.

Human emotions were complex and varied. We, who knew nothing about the relationship between Schraid and Lirina, couldn’t even begin to imagine her grief.

Comfort from outsiders might sound shallow and insincere.

With a small sigh and a wry smile, I conveyed my thoughts to Kirara Kurage and the other three girls.

“…If you’re concerned about Lirina, rather than meddling in Schraid’s affairs, it’s better to simply be on that girl’s side. Being a supportive presence would be much more helpful than intruding into her heart.”

“Support… you say?”

“We, the outsiders in this game, don’t have many obligations or ties to anyone. We are free to support whoever we want, and there’s no reason to blame us for it. Having genuine allies without any ulterior motives is a precious thing.”

Although I tend to think of things in a business-like manner, I was sure they’d be fine with this approach.

Being young allowed them to think without any ulterior motives, and in a sense, Lirina might consider herself lucky to have them here rather than someone else.

Upon hearing my words, Kirara Kurage and the others exchange glances and seem to come to a decision, nodding at each other.

They came here to continue the event, to see what happens in the story… that might have been the reason originally. But now, it had turned into a firm determination within them.

As I admired their resolute appearance, I sensed someone approaching from the other side of the door.

“My apologies for the inconvenience, everyone.”

The door opened, and Elsa appeared with a composed expression.

However, her eyes were red, and there were faint traces of tears on her cheeks.

She was undoubtedly a member of this household, and it was natural for her to be saddened by the situation.

“Are you done?”

“Yes… Milady would like to talk with you all.”

With a small nod, I follow her into the room. The scene inside was unchanged. Lirina sat at the table, her eyes swollen from crying.