036: Eroded nobility

Translated by Dawn

036: Eroded nobility

After escorting Count’s private soldiers and Lirina to the knight’s headquarters, we received a grand welcome from the knight commander Christoph, who seemed to have been informed of the situation beforehand.

Well, it was not just about Lirina; the investigation into the Count’s family had also made significant progress, which was good news for those who had been struggling on this side.

It seemed that they had been secretly investigating the Count’s family, starting from the incident involving Lirina.

Well, it was natural to be suspicious of any unusual influx of people when demons were involved. Marking them would be understandable.

However, it seemed they were having a hard time finding solid evidence, but this incident left no room for denial. The knights have finally obtained a legitimate reason to act.

Although the content of the information was such that it was impossible to be genuinely happy about it.

“…Things are progressing quickly, and I don’t quite understand the situation.”

“We don’t have the luxury of taking our time right now. The situation is sudden, so we have to act fast.”

Currently, we were rushing toward Count’s estate with the knight squad.

Commander Christoph, who was in the midst of preparing, was coordinating the team’s formation.

Our job was to buy time until the commander arrived.

They were definitely using us, and I could understand why they’d want to incorporate an outsider like me, who could come back to life even after death.

Besides, I was curious about what would happen next, so it was not a bad idea.

I felt a little concerned about Lirina and the others left at the knight’s headquarters, but it was much safer than leaving them at home. Christoph was there too, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

“We have the evidence, and there are enough reasons to intrude. We just need to draw their attention to keep them from escaping.”

“You’re sure they won’t escape if we approach them?”

“I don’t think they’ll give up their main base so easily… Well, even if they do escape, it’ll just lead us to their hiding place. You’ve secured the back, right?”

“…Please try not to ask difficult questions.”

Running side by side with the squad leader, we were currently in the midst of a quick march.

Since he was already aware of my movements, it was easy to coordinate.

I was surprised to see that he volunteered for this kind of poor job, but it seemed that Christoph’s charisma was even greater than I imagined.

Well, even if I could claim to be a proxy for the knights, it was still difficult to hold them back on our own and assert legitimacy.

In that sense, he was an extremely helpful choice.

We switched to walking when we got close enough and caught our breath while heading toward Count’s estate.

I wasn’t particularly out of breath, but Rin, Azami, and the knights in armor were a different story.

With their stamina in mind, we adjusted our formation and headed to the destination.

Looking up at the building that came into view, Kuu was muttering to herself with a heavy expression.

“This place is huge…”

“Isn’t this how noble houses are supposed to be?”

“It’s the residence in the capital city, after all. The main base, so to speak, should be grand.”

In other words, it seemed that this was not a ‘vacation’ home but the main residence gathering of the Count’s family.

This implied that this house was Count’s main base, and there was a high possibility that demons were created in this mansion.

There was little need to search for evidence now, but there might be various materials left behind that could be useful for future measures.

“Well, it doesn’t stand out much in appearance.”

“If it were flashy, it would draw unwanted attention. If you’re acting covertly, it’s only natural to blend in.”

“Yeah, if it had a creepy atmosphere, it would definitely be suspicious.”

While chuckling at Kirara Kurage’s words, I looked up at the mansion, our destination.

The scale of the building was not significantly different from the other mansions in this district.

It seemed a bit more spacious in the garden compared to the others, but it was within the margin of error.

In front of the main gate leading to the garden, there was one gatekeeper on each side.

Well, having gatekeepers was not uncommon for other houses, so it was not strange.

If there was a problem, it was that those gatekeepers seem to be directing their hostility toward us.

“Who goes there!”

“This is the Count Feib family’s estate. Unauthorized entry is not allowed!”

As they said that, the squad leader stepped forward, his expression tightening.

He showed the gatekeepers the emblem of the knight’s order on his chest.

“We are the representatives of the Kingdom’s knight order, commanded by Christoph Stoner! Count Feib’s involvement with demons has been confirmed! Concealing this is considered a rebellion against the knight’s order and, by extension, the state!”

“W-What evidence do you have to say such a thing!”

“Kreiss Feib transformed into a demon and attacked people, witnessed by many residents. There’s no escaping that fact!”

Well, with all the commotion they caused, there was no way they could talk their way out of this.

Moreover, from the remarks of their son, it was already confirmed that demons were coming and going into this house.

In a more conventional world, they might have been executed on the spot, but there was no time for that.

However, the stubborn gatekeepers showed no sign of understanding, and I decided there was no point in wasting any more time.

“What’s going on――Guh!?”

“Forget it, you’re obstructing official duties.”

I didn’t know if there was such a crime in this world, but there was no point in wasting time here.

I accelerated instantly and approached, grabbing one of the gatekeeper’s faces and slamming his head against the gatepost behind him.

I made sure not to kill him, but the impact on his head knocked him unconscious.

Staring at the other one, who seemed to have not fully grasped the situation, he stiffened at my gaze.

Of course, I didn’t let that opportunity go to waste, and my fist pierced through his face.

“Alright, no one will complain now.”

“K-Kuon-dono!? What are you――”

“It’s an emergency situation, so there’s no time for trouble. Let’s go.”

Since the authorities were on our side, there was nothing to fear in a criminal sense.

Well, I might have gone a bit overboard, but it was an emergency. They should turn a blind eye to it.

With a smug smile, I kicked the iron gate. The lock on the inside of the gate was broken, and it swung open forcefully.

Stepping inside, I directed my gaze toward a person on the second floor of the building in front of us, looking down from the terrace.

It was a middle-aged man. Even from his clothes, you could tell he was trained, exuding confidence backed by life experience.

But――in the depths of his eyes, I saw a familiar emotion, one of boundless animosity and hatred.

“What a rude visitor you are. You seem to lack common sense.”

“There’s no reasoning or logic when it comes to demons. Or do you intend to pretend to be human now?”

Tauntingly, I challenged him, and the man snorted and narrowed his eyes.

He must have already understood the situation without putting on a facade.

The man standing on the terrace didn’t bother to hide his hatred, and he glared at us.

In response, the squad leader standing beside me made an announcement.

“Count Feib! Reports indicate your involvement with demons! It’s better for you to accompany us quietly to the knight’s order!”

“Hahaha… How kind of the knight’s order. To suggest an ‘accompaniment,’ you speak of lukewarm things.”

Covering his face, Count burst into laughter.

It was undeniably a sneer, aimed at the squad leader and everyone present, including me.

I became even more alert at his demeanor. This was no longer a realm of negotiation or discussion.

――It’s the realm of fighting to the death.

“――’Freeze Lance'”

“‘Demon-Slaying Sword'”

Ice magic was released from Count’s raised hand.

Stepping forward, I drew my Tachi in the manner of Iaido and intercepted the incoming ice spear, activating my skill.

Amidst the shattered ice fragments dissipating, I readied my Tachi once more and grinned, addressing Count.

“We don’t need to hide or play games. Let’s have a serious conversation, Count. Am I that hated by you?”

“Kuku… Oh, indeed. I despise you, the outsider who stands against demons. Moreover, you’re the one who crushed my pawns. I hate you so much… I can’t help but want to strangle you.”

Count’s voice turned cold as ice, filled with genuine killing intent.

Bathing in that chilling aura, I directed both my blade and words toward the Count.

“Hah, does it bother you that much that I killed your son? Quite sentimental for a demon, aren’t you?”

“Oh, I don’t like it at all. He was still a work in progress. He may have been an incompetent piece, but he still had his uses.”

“Oh? Then I take back what I said earlier. You truly are a filthy demon. Wear that title with pride, vermin.”

“Such flattering words, I’m grateful. Parasites like you cling to this world with the goddess’s blessing or something of the sort.”

We exchanged words with smiles, but with each sentence, the murderous intent intensified.

There was no need to hold back anymore――from here on, it was a merciless fight.

First, I needed to drag him down from his elevated position.

I still had a few long-range attack options. If that was the case, I should follow the recent procedure.

“Kirara Kurage, do it.”

“Yes, yes! ――’Fireball’!”

“……’Dark Cannon’.”

“‘Holy Smite’!”

“‘Wind Cutter’!”


I unleashed the magic Kirara Kurage and others have prepared towards the terrace.

Together with Lumina, we released five spells.

All of them hit Count’s standing point on the terrace without missing, turning it into debris and blowing it away with explosions.

Amidst the smoke, I sensed movement and immediately act with my blade.

“‘Iron Edge'”


Slash Technique――Gentle Form, Flowing Water.

Using the magic I could now perform thanks to Level 10 of “Enhancement Magic”, I avoided the incoming attack from my opponent who jumped out of the smoke, and I parried it sideways.

I skillfully land in an empty area, swinging my blade horizontally. My strike was intercepted by the prepared black longsword.

The opponent was a humanoid monster clad in black-green armor, wielding a weapon similar to the one I saw before, but now it had transformed even further away from a human form, grinning with a torn mouth.

“Oh, so you cut down the Baron, huh?”

“You trying to catch me off guard with that? Be more serious, Demon Knight.”

As we exchanged weapons, keeping our distance, we both wore smiles twisted by murderous intent.

My opponent was a Demon Knight, an entity lower in rank than a noble demon.

However, the killing intent emitted from him was clearly stronger than Geryon’s.

This was probably because Geryon was a demon with a researcher’s nature.

He held a noble title and possessed the power to manipulate powerful magic, but the combat was not his forte.

On the other hand, Count Feib was originally a trained warrior, and that nature was further enhanced as a Demon Knight.

Determining which one of us was stronger――that was not something I could judge immediately.

“‘Iron Skin’… Looks like I can enjoy myself a bit. Don’t die too easily!”

“Hahaha! Those are my words, too!”

At that moment, the Count burst into laughter, and several presences emerged from the surrounding buildings.

As I moved my position to confirm, I could see several figures appearing from inside the buildings.

They were the butlers, maids, and armed guards, but all of them had lost the light of consciousness in their eyes and were staring at us with vacant expressions.

It seemed to be the same technique used to manipulate humans that I saw when I defeated the Demon Knight earlier. Irritated by the troublesome situation, I shout to the others:

“I’ll focus on this guy! I leave the others to you!”

“Again!? Well, I mean, we’ll handle it, but…”

“No time to complain!”

Ignoring Kirara Kurage’s protests, I rushed forward.

On paper, we were at a disadvantage in numbers. It was ironic that a demon like him—no, a former human—had resorted to this kind of tactic.

Without any hesitation, I decided to go all out and charge at the Demon Knight.