28 27. Silver Branches, Magic Instrument Store

It was the first time in a year and months that I came to the Magic Instrument Store, Silver Branches.

It is a three-story shop that not only houses life related magic aids, but also aristocratic magic aids. Longer and surprisingly wider in the back than the width of the store.

The store door was decorated with glittering silver branches that seemed to be fine workmanship.

"Welcome. Welcome to The Silver Branch."

A female clerk in a blue suit with a white collar greeted her with a smile. I've been here a few times with my father, but I've never seen this clerk before.

"If there's anything you're looking for, I'll show you."

"There's nothing in particular I'm looking for, so can I go all the way around?

"Of course it is. Feel free to check it out. Call me if you need anything. Please don't hesitate to call the lady."

She said with the exact same smile, both against Wolfe and against Darya.

Darya gets tough and impressed.

The attitude of the women when they came here, comparing themselves to Wolf, apparently persisted a little.

"Thank you. If you need anything, let us know."

When Darya answered, she returned a pleasant smile again, along with an acknowledgement reply.

I seriously think about whether I should practice sales smiling myself.

I decided to go around right from where I came in, and I looked at a shelf lined up.

The first shelf is a life-related magic guide, an appliance if you say so in the senses of previous life.

This is what Darya likes and specializes in most.

There are quite a few magical and convenient parts of this world, but compared to previous lives, it is quite inconvenient.

Japan, where I was in my previous life, was a country with a craftsmanship attitude that said, "For the convenience of life, I don't need any difficulty."

I am fully aware that it is not possible to compare it with this country by putting in the situation and history.

But humans, letting go of the convenience you once found out is something you can hardly do.

When I was little, I wanted the water and hot water temperatures in my bath and sink to come out constant. I don't want to use water and fire magic stones in any barrel or barrel. If it weren't for my father, he would make me a magic guide for the water heater after trial and error.

It was registered as a commercial guild the following year and is now very commonly a magic guide everywhere.

It takes time to dry your hair with windy demon stones. I wanted a hairdryer, and I made a hairdryer with my father out of wind and fire demon stones. The first dryer made by Dahlia was a flamethrower.

My father moves through the rain with a coat of sand lizards (sandlizards) but that is waterproof but not quite dry. I feel that if I fail to dry at all, it will stink.

I want to make a raincoat for my father, but I don't have a waterproof cloth. That's how a waterproof cloth made use of slime.

When I was at the small magic guide stove that I signed up for last month, I wanted to have a pot in the winter at the table with my father, but it was miniaturized for me. Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the table with his father, but it's already starting to be used by travellers and camp.

It is Dahlia's dream that one day she will see people at the shop table with pots on top of small magic instruction stoves.

Out of the blue, Darya herself may be working as a magic conductor because she says, "For the convenience of life, I don't care about any hardship."

Products lined up in the store had changed a lot from a year earlier. There are so many that are miniaturized or have more features.

Still, I found a water heater on the first shelf that was close to my father's initial build, and I was happy to follow.

Some are hairdryers, irons, etc., drying parchment books to avoid mold, book dryers (bookwinders), etc.

There seem to be two main sellouts at times: cold pans and refrigerators.

The cooling pan can be kept cool for long periods of time with water and ice demon stones, contrary to the insulation pan. Cooking is useful, of course, when you want to keep the ingredients just a little chilled, etc.

I guess a refrigerator would be nice if it were meant to be, but it's pretty expensive.

There's a slightly larger refrigerator in the kitchen of the house in my last life. Four gold coins here, sensibly, triple. Besides, the capacity is about two-thirds, and I don't really get in there. Above all, the consumption of ice demon stones is intense. Ice demon stones are higher than water. It hasn't gotten any easier considering the maintenance costs yet.

There is also one smaller refrigerator in the tower, but it might be interesting to try different specifications among them.

"It would be cold and helpful to have some of this size in the barracks as well"

If you're aware, Wolfe has a hot gaze at the biggest fridge.

"Is your fridge small now?


"If you can't get in, you're in trouble."

It will be a real trouble not being able to get ingredients in the coming period. To Dalya, who asked, Wolfe distanced herself a little.

"It only contains booze..."

I was desperate to laugh at the low whispered voice in my ear.

Next on the shelf, there is a line of magic guides that took a big place.

Something similar to a washing machine and a vacuum cleaner.

In this world, washing machines may be difficult to develop.

With purifying magic and water magic, it's cheaper and easier to get a laundry shop than buying a washing machine.

Darya only has a small washing machine. Because I want to wash small items and underwear.

Vacuum cleaners vary from those that set the demon stones of the wind to dust them off from the top instead of the hatchet, to those that match the demon stones of the water with the (broom), to those that use the demon stones of the flames to dry and peel debris on stones and brick floors.

A little expensive, but there was something about setting demon stones with purifying magic and demon stones of the wind, flushing the wind into the room to make it clean. I would like to use it sometime in the tower cleaning etc.

It's the microwave that I think would be useful if it weren't here.

But so far, there's nothing called Thunder's Demon Stone. I also asked my father, but he told me exactly that I had never seen it.

There is thunder itself in this world, too, so I am just praying that one day there will be scientists out there who will string up the mystery of electricity.

I enjoyed the ground floor and went upstairs.

This is a view that has a lot of aristocratic magic aids and makes me want to say fantasy rather than appliances.

This is also Wolfe's anti-bugging magic guide.

On the first shelf I noticed, an audio amplifier. It's like a speaker in a previous life. Louder and wider voice and music. They also use it to inform people of business and emergencies in large mansions.

An anti-bugging magic guide that is commonplace next to it. They put it on for granted when dining outside, even if they're not talking about so much content. This would be the difference between the feeling of nobility and common people.

The next thing in line is the lighting.

From regular room lamps, desk lamps, bed lamps and chandeliers, objects made from demonic stones are quite bright and come in a wide range of light colors.

Recently, lamps with more beautiful skin appeared, as well as desk lamps with tired eyes. While looking at the explanatory notes, I was impressed that they would improve just as they did in previous life.

With regard to the protective bedlamp that exits the ice blade (ice blade), the chandelier with the demonic stone of fire that burns down a radius of 10 meters if dropped, etc., I am afraid, so I shall forget.

At the far back, there was a lamp incorporating fairy crystals.

From the front, the cover of the lamp just glows thin white, but turns to the other side, clear, and you can see the other side of the room.

Fairy crystals are rainbow magic crystals that can be found in places where fairies seem to have lived.

There are two theories that fairies make/leave when they die. Sounds like the magic used by fairies to hide and has an perception-inhibiting effect.

However, the fairy crystals themselves are high and this processing seems to be quite difficult.

A few years ago, my father told me to try it on the window of Darya's room, trying while I was away despite stopping tightly, and scattering three pieces of gold coins in one day. I was a little surprised that even my father, who should have good arms as a magic conductor, couldn't do it.

I remember cleaning while complaining about the shattered fairy crystal and not letting my father drink that night.

As I swung away the memories that came to mind and proceeded to the back, a group of blurry accessories lined up inside the glass case.

It's not an ornament, it's an accessory as a magic guide.

Various kinds of protective accessories, mainly ice, but some of them are firepower that just burns the opponent round. The icing (freezing) ring, which is a protective bracelet, was also here.

There is also a wide variety of rings, piercings, and temporal junction bracelets such as detoxification, anaemia, petrification, and confusion prevention.

This one probably has more alchemist productions than a magic conductor.

On top of each other, some bracelets were combined to prevent petrification and confusion. I wonder how the hell you do magic grants.

"Sorry, I was obsessed"

"No, it sounds fun and most importantly"

I haven't spoken a word since I came upstairs, and I forgot about Wolfe's existence and saw it. But he finds himself amused.

"Did you like anything?

"It was all interesting"

It is unfortunate that we can only have unusual conversations in the store. I want to talk slowly after I get out there.

"This ring, please"

Wolfe was buying a gold ring with detoxifying effects when he went back just a little down the aisle where he came from.

Demons are often poisonous. I guess I still need it in the crusade.

After I bought it, I left the store behind while being dropped off by a clerk who politely thanked me.