38 37. I Can't Stop Being a Magic Instructor

After noon, as I was checking the waterproof cloth at the work place, the bell at the gate rang.

When I thought it was Irma, there was Wolfe, who had just returned in the morning.

I wear fairy crystal glasses securely.

"I'm sorry I came all of a sudden. I wanted to pay for my glasses yesterday and deliver them so fast."

Wolfe's tone is strangely fast.

What was given was a leather bag that seemed to contain gold coins for payment and a black-skinned paperwork case.

I hope you don't give it to me in the face like a dog who's picked up a thrown ball.

He said with a smile as he tilted his neck wondering if he was so happy with his glasses.

"I thought about it a lot and got the notary to write it properly. I don't want to bother my dear friend."

"No way......"

Opening with a very unpleasant hunch, I saw the letter 'Make Dahlia Rossetti an equal friend, allow free speech and do not question any disrespect'. Later it is a long, long sentence that supplements it.

Besides, there were not one piece of parchment, but two. It's horrible from the heart to read it all.

Damn it - the words are bad, but that's all I can think of.

If you look at the notary's signature, it was Dominic the Commercial Guild for some reason.

What face should I see Dominic next, what an explanation.

Darya wanted to dive under her own bed now.

"I really didn't know I was going to make it... and why is it a commercial guild?

"Because when I was a royal castle or a notary of nobility, I was going to get a lot of distractions. Dominic consulted me when I explained in a commercial guild that I wanted to consult on the production of magic guides so that the magic guides could not hesitate to talk to me."

"Is that what happened?"

In that way, Dominic might have been quite convinced of that. I truly hope so.

"So, that Dominic recommended that I invest in the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, too? Via commercial guild, properly."


I don't know why the notary Dominic would recommend Wolfe to invest in it, around there.

The number of investors is on time, and we haven't collected any more funds than we do now. It's like the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce did it just to buy Dahlia.

"No, it's not about a new waterproof cloth or to get the sword awarded first. If something as awesome as the glasses you have made may come into being, I would love to support you. I have some savings that I haven't spent. Besides, the investor tells me that more noble names will increase the chances of buying a variety of materials..."

I was deeply convinced of the reasons explained.

With Dominic, Wolf and Darya are like children.

Perhaps he tried to include the noble name 'Scalfalot' in the investor in order to broaden his possibilities for finding his own material.

If the material widens at this time, let me use it.

When it comes to materials, Wolfe is already about the same (mundane), if not the same, hole next door.

"... ok. We appreciate your contribution to the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce. I will take it as a job and do my best to give it back properly at work"

"Thank you for saying I couldn't. Well, let me recommend that. And don't hesitate to let me know if it's any of my business or not, if you're in trouble. Contact information is also in that contract, both barracks and houses. There may be some things you can do with the identity of the Royal Castle Knight and the name of Scalfalot."

"No, someone who's coming to Ichii sooner or later, isn't that an abuse of power?

"It's not an abuse of power. While I'm at home right now, I'm just gonna make the most of it."

Good face, but chaotic in character.

Some kindness cares for himself, others are pranksters who like to make fun of people, are like submissive dogs, are close to civilians, have aristocratic slight darkness, and this man is like unreadable.

It seems like it would be best for mental health to give up reading and think it's Wolfe collectively.

"Darya, thank you so much, heartily"

Unexpectedly, Wolfe thanked him deeply.

Since yesterday, I feel like the noble Wolf has kept his head down on the common man's self. When he tried to stop him, he returned to his posture and smiled at the boy.

"I'm happy for you. I'm just putting this on, I'm free to walk. I can't speak, I can't follow my gaze. If a man doesn't tell you anything, a woman won't ask you her name. Today, from the royal castle to this point, no one spoke to me here."

"... good"

Now it is pitiful just to hear. I would love for you to wear those glasses and enjoy a normal city walk.

"I'm sorry. I knew I wanted a spare for when I broke it. Of course, I'm not saying right now because I'm seeing how hard it is when I make it. In the meantime, I don't care how much it costs."

"Okay. Look for fairy crystals and calculate and accept the amount properly. What about the colors? It's a light blue-gray now, but it can be done in any other color."

It is now green eyes with blue-gray glass and fairy crystals. Now you might want to change the color of the glass and put a different color image in the fairy crystal.

Although the biggest challenge is whose eyes to model.

"I like the same as this. I thought I was calling, but the color of this eye looks like Dahlia."

"... change the color of the glass to something else! Different colors!

"No, I'm not! Wait, I like the same color as this!

I tried to suggest to the embarrassment, but Wolfe rushed me to deny it. It makes me laugh when a young child looks desperate to make a claim.

"It's a joke. There are so many people with green eyes, don't worry so much."

"Oh, okay"

"Can you even brew tea?

"No, you're at work with those clothes, aren't you? I don't want to disturb you, so I'll come back. I'll use it when I know I'm off, so I want you to meet me if your plans are right."

"Okay. Shall I grant you a dagger next?"

"I'm so excited."

The next promise is already natural, and it's strange that we're waiting for it.

I've only seen him three times so far, and it feels like I've known him for a long time, even though this is the fourth time I'm seeing him today.

"Well, I'll be back"

"Waiting for you"

Once the glasses were removed, Wolfe looked at herself still with those golden eyes.

It was like seeing someone very dear. With that sleigh, for a moment, I almost had an illusion.

That's an advanced aesthetic.

"Thank you so much. I'm going to walk through the city on my own, with my glasses."

Slowly putting his glasses back on, he smiled back the way he came.

The footsteps also dropped off his back, which left lightly, and Dalya returns to the workplace.

Finish all the waterproof cloths today, and let's have a new magic guide development concept at night, over a glass of red wine.

I am, after all, a magician.

Sometimes a magician is ridiculed for being far below a magician or alchemist.

Without flashy attack magic like a magician, people's wounds can't be healed either.

I can't make potions like an alchemist, nor can I produce sparse metals.

Sometimes people ask me what that means, even if I think I made something good as a magic guide.

Sometimes complaints come from people who don't read a lot of explanatory notes, can't use them, can't understand them, etc.

A price or profit contract, sometimes referred to by the general public as a gold deceased.

Development is a hand exploration, prototyping is less likely to succeed, and can be distracting to failures like mountains.

No matter how carefully you magically grant it, you can't do it with every expensive material.

Still, I'm often glad I'm a magic conductor.

I am glad that someone is more convenient and someone laughs at me with my own built magic guide.

Seeing the magic guiding equipment you make leads to someone's happiness at all is so much fun that it sucks.

This is why I can't stop being a magic conductor, there are days when that seems so.

Today was the day.