115 114. Head of the clothing guild and members of the Chamber of Commerce

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Master Ruini"

"No, I'm not waiting that long. This one said it was impossible."

A short distance from the carriage stable of the feed carriage and waiting in the black box-shaped carriage was Fortunato, the head of the garment guild. Summer and blue above and below, bright blonde hair well visible.

When Ivano got to his seat, the carriage moved out intact.

"Thank you, Mr. Mercadante, for the shoe dryer today. It arrived in the morning, so I gave it a try, but it's a great product."

"If you like it, most importantly."

"If you could speak up for mass production, I'd have taken the time here any minute."

Respond to Fortunato's slightly cold voice with a sales smile.

"Sorry for the delay in the announcement. I was also lost in contacting the head of the clothing guild that a Merchant has contacted me… I would like to discuss it with you if there is any clothing connection next."

"Let's wait in anticipation. By the way, have you decided on the next development yet?

"We're just discussing some ideas"

I have to look at this one. It's cool enough not to make you feel the heat of summer. But behind that blue, there is definitely a light that explores this one.

"Would you also like to consider registering as the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce for those in the clothing guild? I'll make it easier for you."

"I appreciate the offer, but we don't have all the personnel there."

"Was it two people helping out to the two chambers of commerce, that sure sounds tough"

The Rossetti Chamber of Commerce rents a room inside a commercial guild, so just do a little research and you'll see. That's all I'm interested in this guy, I decided to make that decision.

"Shall I introduce you to people from my side? You may have a temple contract so that you can trust as many people as you want who can guarantee your identity."

The sudden offer was delayed for a moment.

There is a guarantee of identity, and few people even sign a temple contract. I can tell you that's a pretty thankful offer. However, I am certain it is with a Fortunato string.

"I appreciate the story, but it's only my second month and the Chamber of Commerce will not remain in motion either. We may be able to discuss it with you any time soon, so please do so."

As we managed to keep the conversation cloudy, the carriage stopped.

Relax and go outside, it was the corner of the aristocracy.

Enter a shop that is small for the aristocratic district but seems large for the common people. Moving to the corner room upstairs, in front of the door stood the knight and the shopkeeper one at a time.

I feel a little out of place on the anti-bugging magic equipment that's been put on the table as a matter of course.

"You've already eaten, so I thought it might be a little unusual wine."

Two bottles of wine, and a plate of various knobs, such as cheese and raw ham, in front, continue the explanation.

"They say this white is the youngest thing in the store. This one comes in spicy red with herbs, and it's just a little old. Shall we start with the younger one?"

Cheers with Fortunato and mouth the white wine.

It is also strange that the wine leaves its aroma intact. After the sweetness and flavour resembling grape juice, the flavour of the wine and the firmness of the alcohol linger on the tongue.

The youngest, convinced me of the word. It's a flawless wine, but this is good.

"If I let you sleep for about ten years, it's going to taste good"

Apparently the man in front of me tasted a little dissatisfied. There are subtle wrinkles between the eyebrows.

"In the future, would you like to have an occasional luncheon with the Chairman of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce and you, Mercadante, and me?

"It's an honor, but we thought we'd be pretty busy with each other"

"Then you can be Mercadante alone. I'd like to hear a new story soon."

"Thankfully, most of our items are commercial, not clothing. This shoe dryer is also a derivation from the dryer, and we may not be able to talk very beneficially to Master Fortunato"

If Fortunato learns first about the trends of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, he will have more opportunities to enter mass production and sales.

However, at the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, there is no need to oblige an unregistered clothing guild. And if you don't do mass production, you don't even need help.

Unless we could draw profitable terms from Fortunato, we were not going to give in.

"As I used to tell you, when you were in a waterproof cloth, why wasn't it a clothing guild, you got it from all sides. I was able to handle the raincoat right away... but I had an amazing day with the guild leader and stomach aches at the time"

A little sympathy for those words like monologue.

Indeed, a waterproof cloth is a cloth. It could have been a garment guild or something to handle.

As far as waterproof cloths developed by Dalya were concerned, they were registered and sold in commercial guilds. A former president of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce had created an early sales channel and mass production system to ensure that Carlo and Dahlia could not be burdened.

But I've never known clothing guilds had that much impact.

"Now, if you want to invite me on a lunch date, my hands are rude, too. Instead of bouquets of flowers, send a letter to a shoe affiliate who is registered with the clothing guild about the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce shoe dryer. In my name, of course."

"… if possible, please turn the story around to all customers with large clothing mouths."

"Fine, I'll send you a letter too."

"Now, if you would like to speak up, I will ask you to schedule an appointment here to the limit."

I smile and answer, but sweat terribly on my back.

It gave me a lot of good terms, but it's something I'm often more afraid of when this happens.

Fortunato opens the second bottle of wine and pours it into a glass. I feel the pace is just a little too fast.

"Speaking of which, you should have been a commercial guild employee, but since when do you go to the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce?

"It's that day. I asked the chairman to come in."

"That's great judgment and action."

The red wine that I drank toasting all the shapes has a nice, wine-like aroma. The sweetness and acidity are smooth, and the glass is easily empty while tasting. The late aftertaste is a little bitter because it is a herbal wine? Still, it didn't smell like grass at all I imagined.

"Mercadante, if you ever leave the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, speak up. Before you decide otherwise."

"I'm very honored, but I think that's the choice between losing the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce or me dying"

"... Really? Now, if you have any problems, speak up. You can talk about it."

"Thank you. Our Chamber of Commerce is still weak, so please help us."

"Then call me the default. Not so much for the president of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce. There will be a little attitude on the part of the clothing people."

"Thank you. I'm in Ivano, too, please."

I was surprised when I did some research on Fortunato, but my age was not so different from mine. Yet you look younger than you, and when you're talking, you feel terribly older.

Similar to Wolfe in terms of being sturdy and eye-catching, this one is gorgeous and then opaque.

"If the name of the Chamber of Commerce passes, Rossetti, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, no, Miss Dahlia, there will be a feather worm dropping by. Yeah, this may not be what I'm telling you."

"I'll take care of it, too. Mr. Lucia is going to be able to beat down the featherworms verbally."

"I'm sure she would. In time, I'm just hoping that the featherworms will stick around to hear what they have to say."

Turn a mild laugh and open the glass. The good wine on the street was just a second cup empty.

"Nevertheless, I never expected you to see our Chamber of Commerce so far"

"I already fully understand the usefulness of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce. Not as much as I might have liked Miss Dahlia to be with the Second Lady if Lord Volfredo hadn't been next door."

The feeling showed that the word was not a joke.

Welcome to your wife because it's useful, I guess that's normal in nobility. I don't like it as much as I do.

"Because we are luxurious as guarantors. Because Viscount Jeddah and his wife care about the chairman."

"I see, that's iron wall protection. For that matter... why Miss Dalya's previous background doesn't seem to fit together?

"... that's because Carlo, my father, was very protective of Mr. Dalya"

"Is the waterproof cloth really just a development for Miss Dahlia?

"... Yep. Because I've been in the guild since I was a student. I was desperate to collect materials."

"Is this development of socks, underneath shoes, also just for Miss Dahlia?

"... yes, of course"

"He said that his engagement was broken, his father and his stupid fiancée were gone, and Lord Volfredo picked it up. Are those two together, Gabriella, or are you?

"... Neither."

Wait, what am I talking about now?

I realize what I don't intend to talk about spills out of my mouth, chewing my lips thoughtfully.

Potion was offered as he was stuffing the spilled blood with a handkerchief as the pain made him unable to speak. Ivano does not hesitate to mouth it and erases the wounds on his lips.

"Excuse me, did it work too well? Slightly, a relaxing effect - a wine with a medicinal effect that smooths the mouth. It's the first 'business meeting', so we didn't hesitate to talk to each other. Yeah, of course I'm drinking the same thing."

Saying, stroking Kara's glass with her fingers. It is a form of clothing served with consent.

I am also angry that this is a noble fluent, but after being completely tested, I reflect on the fact that I was easily caught.

"Apologize for this one. It's a personal present for you."

"The ring, is it?

"Yeah, it's a protective ring. Contains anti-poison, anti-confusion and anti-ecstasy. If you are going to do business with an aristocratic opponent, consider it a must. You should also be aware of women who come with food and drink. Because Mrs. Jeddah wouldn't have been that good at it."

The words are polite, but 'your master Gabriella would not have been able to teach aristocratic commerce' sounded so.

Commercial guild counterparts have many merchants. Nobility gets to hang out more through the Chamber of Commerce. If you're going to do business straight, you'll have to remember.

"... thank you for your time."

Align the silver ring to the middle finger of your right hand and take a deep breath.

The ring that responded to my little magic cleared my blurry head.

From the lips I just bit, it still tastes slightly like blood though.

"Would you like to continue, occasionally, drinking for two? If I'm in aristocratic business, I can talk to you a little. The aristocratic lady has a little face, too. If there's anything I can do to help you with the new product instead, I'd like to talk to you soon."

I'm saying it with a gentle face, but to sum it up, 'I'll tell you, talk to yourself'.

If you keep doing business with your aristocratic opponent, it won't go your way, and there are traps and troubles. If you want to put yourself in the merchandise of the Chamber of Commerce, I will teach you and help you.

Apparently, I've been pissing this guy off for a little while.

He's a man who doesn't like it a little, but he's fit to learn about nobility. It's not even a level where you can fight, so now, you should break your knee.

"Okay. With permission from the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, we will accept."

"Looking forward to it"

The glossy smiling face of Fortunato is just a little.

"... Dear Fort, I also have a gift for you, from our Chairman of Commerce"

Turn to the sales face while giving Fortunato a white envelope.

"Can I teach this to Fortunato," he told Dahlia, and permission was obtained.

The day she first went to the royal castle, she returned badly. When asked in conjunction with Gabriella what had happened, she was answered with a crying face, 'We talked about water bugs'.

That's when I heard what to do with the water bugs. Thanks to you, I was able to completely say goodbye to five years of water bugs.

I had a brief summary of that note today and brought what I made into a card, in a white envelope.

"... this is, again..."

It didn't take long until Fortunato's spare grin switched to total bitterness.

"I'm not, but I appreciate the information for those in need."

"Yes. What about telling the noble women that Lord Ford will teach them?

Women also have few water bugs. It would be all the more so if we were in the family.

I used to lie to my wife myself and have been heavily complained about.

"You're just a little too delicate."

"Yeah, so why don't you sneak up on me as a response to when my husband, fiancé, or lover are in more trouble. In case you are, you can just ask in the name of someone, and if the woman you love worries you, the man will be happy. I was wondering if I could sell you a little."

Fortunato's eyes only slightly opened and his expression disappeared.

"... Ivano, I will not flatter you, you are much more competent"

"Thank you, it's an honor"

"However, if you were to make that suggestion, you should have avoided Miss Dalya saying this to me." If the woman I love worries me, "what if I get it wrong?

"... I will correct it, with permission from the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, which I brought"

I was going to hit it, but it happened.

Fortunato, who saw herself like that, laughs dull.

"Because there are many aristocratic rhetoric and fried legs. You should also pay attention to Miss Dalya. Well, maybe by now, after Lord Volfredo desperately taught."

"Our chairman of commerce, what is it?

"I was told at the first meeting. 'I trust Master Fortunato, so I'll leave everything to you'. That was... there was something quite coming"

Ivano tilts his neck in the way he talks about thinkers.

"Sure, it was about the business, wasn't it?

"In aristocratic terms, unmarried women mean 'I want you to be my knight'. It's an expression of heavy respect. If you're a knight, that's the dialogue you want to be told for once. For me to stop being a knight, I thought it was something I'd never been able to relate to for the rest of my life, but it made my dream come true."

"I'm sorry. My chairman, I thought you were saying it without any knowledge..."

I remember her desperately remembering the cards of courtesy, and she became a distant eye. It's a little hard to tell you to hang in there even more.

"Of course I know. Oh, there was more to it. In a popular opera some time ago, a woman became famous as the first word to say to a man on a night when they could be two. Lucky or unlucky, if you knew that opera, you would surely associate it."

"I don't know what to say, that... nobility is a real hassle"

I laugh myself bitterly at the truth of the dust spill.

Fortunato across the street laughed out loud.

"Absolutely right. Noble dating, rhetoric, stand-up behavior, tied to mountains of rules, it's embarrassing. Still, in the clothing guild, more than seventy and fifty percent of the profits are aristocratic. There's more to it than effort."

"Is that it..."

"Yeah. The margins are different. If you want to make the Chamber of Commerce bigger, you'd better have direct interaction."

Maybe connecting with this guy isn't a bad idea.

Just like Darya used Osvaldo as her teacher, I just need to make this man her teacher about nobility. If you have something to gain, mood and feeling are second to none.

"How is it beautiful after this store? Of course, we'll have everything here."

"I'm happy to invite you, because there are three women in the house who love you"

"I didn't know that. Ivano has quite a wide arm."

"Yeah, my wife has two daughters, she's full of hands."

To his own answer, Fortunato looked a little strange.

Maybe this man, too, doesn't know about the common people, as he doesn't know about the nobility.

"Master Fort, what are your plans for the Second Lady?

"My wife says to marry me early. He wants to share a working relationship with the house...... how about Ivano? Once the Chamber of Commerce has developed, having a Second Lady will be of some help."

"The three of us are enough of our favorites. Besides, when my wife imagines with both of us, all I can think of is more difficulty..."

"Well, sure, there's a big deal for one person..."

Fortunato's may have had quite a turn for herbal wine.

A subtle face to each other, but for the first time I feel like I've seen an exact agreement.

"Later, we'll talk business in Nashi. Now I'd like some wine just for the grapes. I'd like to hear about Ivano's wife and daughter."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'd love to hear about Mr. Ford's wife."

Looks like Fortunato left the room and asked the store people to add him.

The man who sat back in the chair has a pranky look on his face somewhere.

"It's just like my wife's wine."

Red wine delivered to service and on the table. Ivano stumbled on the label.

"I want to fall in love at first sight. Pretty beauty, be my wife and be strong"