There is no moon in today's night sky, and the stars are filling it.

On the rooftop of the green tower, Darya was looking at the sky in the direction of the royal castle.

Next to the right is Wolf, and next to the left is Irma and Marcella, sitting on a waterproof cloth.

The table in front of you has a large array of ales and dishes, but it's dark and not very visible.

Today is the Summer Festival of the Kingdom of Ordine.

This calendar is twelve months, thirty days each month. And there are two things off the calendar, the summer festival and the winter festival, one day at a time.

However, even when it comes to summer festivals, it doesn't mean grabbing a divine shrine or dancing

In the temple, they have prayers to wish for autumn abundance, but it seems that it is part of the nobility to see it.

Common people are casual things like taking a break and relaxing, eating a little better food than usual, shopping, and going around the stalls.

It is the opposite for restaurants, stalls, and shops.

Darya also went out to the mall with Irma, preparing for the fall, and bought about two long-sleeved shirts.

There are many places to take turns off work for two or three days before and after the summer and winter festivals.

Both the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce and the Irma hairdresser were closed for two days before and after.

Guards, knights, shipping guilds, etc. will take turns off.

For this reason, Wolfe and Marcella worked until the evening and had just come to the tower.

At this hour of the Summer Festival, many look at the unsettled sky in the direction of the royal castle.

He who sees from the store, he who goes up to the roof, he who looks up from the street, varies.

The aim is fireworks hosted by the Royal Castle.

There have been fireworks in previous lives, but what we call fireworks in this world in this world is of a different kind.

In this world, it's not gunpowder that launches, it's fire magic by the Magic Instructors.

"It's about time..."

A small red light rose in the sky on the side of the royal castle, said Wolfe, whose ears were twisted.

The royal castle is far from the tower, so I'm not sure about the form of the fireworks.

Still, the red light shines brighter than the stars and colours the night sky. It must be a lot of magic, because it's by the magician.

Deep red, red close to orange, wine red - after a different kind of red light lasted for a while, now the blue and green light mixed.

I don't know what the Mage Master is emitting blue or green flames or if there are any tricks to color them out.

The red, blue, and green lights are divided into six parts each, from which they branch and extend into two further parts.

There shouldn't be any sound, but then, I overlapped the sound of fireworks from a previous life.

Then there is a little while, and a few times a red light runs in the sky, a red dragon line drawing emerges.

It was painted with fire magic by a senior magician. In the royal castle and the central district, I'm sure you'll see beautiful, giant dragons.

It's a little snoring from the tower, but its size is still amazing.

There were cheers coming from all over the neighborhood.

After the red dragon line painting disappears completely, the area suddenly quiets down.

The four men on the roof of the tower also silently corrected their spines.

A sphere of white light (occasionally) that slowly ascends into the sky after a little longer (ma).

I thought it was high, high, going up everywhere, it glows hard like a meteor, filling the sky with pure white light.

If I closed my eyes unexpectedly to the brightness of midday, I would have cheered everywhere.

The light, as if it were a small sun, is the magic of the king.

The present king boasts the greatest amount of magic among the kings of the last few generations and is also known as The One Who Can Let the Sun Go.

Probably fire magic, but how hot is that bright white flame and how much fire power?

The people have reverence and longing for a king who reminds them of the Great Fairytale Instructor, but they are frightened from other countries.

Legend has it that the first king swept away the demons by himself and flattened the land of this king's capital, but it may not be a mistake, though.

"I think every year, but it's still like the sun. The whiteness still stings in my eyes"

"Kings are amazing, aren't they?"

Nod to the conversation between Marcella and Irma, turning on the magic guide lamp.

It was a painful intensity of light in my eyes, eyelids.

Darya has never seen the actual king, but says he will have the eyes of darkness at night, in his blonde hair shining as the sun.

The king, who is said to excel not only in magic, but also in reign, is very popular in the country.

It would be the merchants' mess to have portraits depicted as a wide variety of good men, keeping the colors intact.

"Well, let's drink to that. Here's to the kingdom of Ordine!

"Cheers to King Ordine!

The Summer Festival of Darya and the others is the real deal from here on out. Just eat and drink even.

Drink black ale and white ale on each side and grab the crespele you bought at the stall.

Cresperre is a slightly thicker crepe with a variety of ingredients and sauces inside and wrapped in a square.

I bought three kinds: pork meat and vegetables, cheese and ham, and seafood.

I've eaten with Wolfe before, but it's one of the easiest and tastier menus in the street.

All of this year's Cresperre is well equipped and well fed. Looks like it was a hit stall.

"I'm gonna cook this one too."

Grilled on the net of a small magic guide stove is a grilled chicken planted by Dahlia.

Momo and breast are not only favorites of Marcella, so the skin and cartilage, the hearts and the gizzard were also prepared.

I already have plenty of sauce on.

Salt dashi made with salt, garlic and onion oil, and sweet dashi with dark eyes made by simmering fish soy, liquor and honey.

The violent smell of chicken fat and sauce burning is unmotivating indoors to boulders.

As they were baking, the three neighbors began to soften.

"This is cartilage, right?

"Yeah. Does Wolf like cartilage?

It was a little surprising.

The aristocrats didn't think they would eat much visceral food. Does Wolfe's destination store offer these things?

"I guess Momo is the best. But cartilage has a pleasant texture. I went to eat with Marcella the other day."

"I wandered around the downtown stall, and then I went to a stand-up drinker"

"I've tried a drink with a name I've never drank from one end."

"That must be the guy with the extra booze mix. It tasted amazing."

Apparently, the two men have been enjoying downtown drinks.

If I were a man, I could have had those drinks with me. I smiled uncontrollably, just a little flattered.

Drinking a white ale, flipping a grilled chicken, the story turned back to the fireworks earlier.

"Wolf, that, it's all going to be raised by the Wizard, isn't it? Are fire magic wizards common in the royal castle?

"I'm quite there. Many magicians have combined magic."

"But it's the king who's amazing, after all. How many magic powers do you have?

"I was a classmate of the college and the maximum was seventeen, so I think I have more than twenty. You've never heard of the king's magic numerically."

In higher colleges, if you exceed nine, you can point to a magician, and if you exceed thirteen, you can point to a senior magician. That's what they said.

But I don't think magic is as good as it gets.

In fact, Darya, whose magic has risen one recently, made it difficult for Kraken tape to be applied.

Kraken tape is a material that can be packed and packaged by passing weak magic. If the magic is too strong, I just hold it and it gets gnarly and sticks to my fingers and hands.

"... the king will never be able to put Kraken tape on it."

Irma couldn't help but think of her own words that she spilled. Wolf and Marcella are smiling bitterly.

"I wonder if Kraken Tape can do a lot to the king..."

"Why is it all of a sudden Kraken tape? There won't be any live slime in the tower again, will there?

He's not here right now.

Darya answered honestly, but Ilma, looking back, was dazed.

She doesn't like slime.

When I used to have my eyes dried up in the garden and indoors, they screamed brilliantly.

"If you have magic, don't, either. Sometimes I don't even use it."

He said, "What should I use for that magic?"

"Lighting in a disaster or something?

"Darya, that could be a little disrespectful..."

While we were having a chat, the fire went through good for the grilled chicken.

Each one takes his favorite yakitori on a plate and starts eating it looking out over the city and the night sky.

The first thing Dahlia took was a sweet dahly momomo.

It has a little more spinage, but it smells good. Not behaving slightly, but I took a bite of one of the larger tips.

In the gravy that comes out of the cucumber, the sweet sauce is tangled together. When you're chewing, the aroma of the corn also adds to it and it's quite tasty.

As she praised herself with her heart that she had done well, Wolfe caught her eye, even chewing. Apparently, they're eating from salt dale.

I also burned the cartilage and the gizzard, so I'll gently put it on the plate while I'm at it.

On the other side, Marcella seriously discusses the combination of salt dale on black ale and sweet dale on white ale on Irma, which tastes better or fits.

I think I should eat both without putting on the pros and cons, but it may be the couple's communication, so I left it at ease.

Subsequently, a good amount of ale and one roasted chicken after another all fit into the stomach of four.

"Marcellor, I'm sorry, I can't!

"Damn, you..."

On his way home, Irma couldn't go down the stairs, whether he drank too much or ate too much.

Marcella, smiling as she said she had no choice, lifts her up and carries her.

I tried to call a carriage to the tower, but said, 'It's light baggage, so I'll take it to the stable' and left.

Dropping them off, Darya and Wolfe return to the roof again.

Wolfe was used to the motion and wrapped me around the waterproof cloth she was laying on.

I don't even have that much cleanup today, so all I need to do is get the table carried away.

Dahlia puts together a piece of Cresperre wrapper, and, uh, she recalls what last summer's festival would have done.

He hasn't done so since my father died, so he must have definitely gone to the grave.

But I couldn't remember seeing the fireworks, or what I ate or drank.

"I hope I can drink again next year."

Unexpectedly Wolfe's words.

Still, think for a second, Darya asks him.

"Book next year in the tower, will you keep it?

"Thank you very much"

Suddenly a salutation, Wolfe, deeply thanked him, so Darya also gave him a serious thank you.

When we get back into each other's positions, we laugh out unbearably.

"Just a little more, would you like a drink? Because it's a summer festival."


Darya thinks to him with a gentle smile on his face.

Unfortunately, I don't know if my reservations for next year will be kept.

An expedition may enter Wolfe, or we may be able to run other errands.

The fact that the house has become a marquis may also make it difficult to come to the tower.

Still, there's only one thing Darya knows.

This summer's festival, I'm sure I'll remember myself next year.

Like last summer's festival, I won't forget.