190 189. New merchant members face-to-face

"Marcella, are you okay?

"It's okay, Chairman. In the meantime, the plating will peel off and the basement will appear."

Marcella answering with a neat smile, but what you are saying is already disturbing.

And Darya, too, is getting harder to fix her expression.

"... I knew you'd be restless, Mr. Marcella"

"You won't have a choice, Dalya! If we don't get used to this, it's not a good idea if we get this tone on our customers."

"Yes, Chairman, Marcella, no."

In one of the rooms of the commercial guild, the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, all the chambers of commerce are in the process of face-to-face courtesy.

Dahlia and Ivano, the desk is handled by Marcella and Mezzena.

Ivano is the only one who is perfect, so he also supplements words, bowing angles, etc. and combines the practice of introducing himself. But this is hard.

Even now, the tone of Darya and Marcella had just collapsed in a chain reaction.

"Chairman, good luck with some more. Marcella is a subordinate at work, and she's the 'knight' of the Scalfalotto family."

"Could you stop being a 'knight', 'vice chairman'? My back is itchy."

"Marcella, to be honest with you too, 'Vice Chairman' has an itchy back"

Two people emphasizing and saying each other's titles, but their shoulders are shaking slightly.

Darya learned to connect herself to it.

"Both of you, have a good taste of the days when I was called 'Chairman' and I was restless"

Smiling, Mezzena across the diagonal blew out.

"I'm really glad I'm Ping," "Knight," "Vice Chairman."

"Remember, Maena..."

"Marcella, let's get the words right"

At the same time, I finally got the right face to face, and we all took a breather.

"Then it will be an administrative procedure from here on out. The two of you have taken off the guarantor, so I will give you the proceeds for the guarantor period. Each, I kept in my commercial guild account. This is the proof of deposit."

Marcella and Mezzena were guarantors of the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce.

At the time of the opening of the Chamber of Commerce, they had both deposited four gold coins, but this time, they become members of the Chamber of Commerce and leave their guarantors. For this reason, it will take the form of a return, multiplied by profits for the entire period of the guarantor.

Upon receipt of the certificate of deposit from Ivano, the two remained consolidated.

"... Vice Chairman, is the amount wrong?

"You're not wrong, Marcella. Confirmed."

Ivano answered with a cool face.

What's on the paperwork is four gold coins of principal plus twenty, twenty four combined.

"Six times in just four months... a bet..."

I don't know if it's open or touching, Mezzena stares at the paperwork with her watery eyes.

Thinking of it as Darya's senses, it's like two or four million returned in four months with 400,000 deposited.

I can't help but be surprised at the two of you. Honestly, I was surprised myself.

"It's from decent revenue, so take it"

"Okay. Thank you. I'll take it. So - not the chairman, Dalya, I want you to keep turning this around to pay for your bracelet. Even if it's not enough, I'll make sure to pay in splits."

Marcella slipped the paperwork onto the table and gave it to Darya.

"Mr. Marcella is going to have a baby, and he's a twin. I don't think Irma's gonna be able to get back to work for a while."

"Master Scalfalotto and the Chamber of Commerce are well paid. I don't have any trouble with my life."

As for Darya, I wanted her to receive it for future loose ends.

But I can tell by the way we've been dating that Marcella hasn't broken down so far.

"... then I'll let the principal go back and accept the profit share as the price for the bracelet. So let me turn to the materials and thank you to each Chamber of Commerce and Master Gouid. And there's no extra."

"No, it's pretty expensive, that. I've been using a lot of scarce materials, and it's a technical fee."

"Dr. Osvaldo only needs the material, so he promises to help with the work later, and Tobias says he won't receive any money, so it really hasn't cost him that much. Sooner or later, I'm going to give back to the Chamber of Commerce and Master Gouad in a different way."

"Okay. I'll do everything I can to do the job I get, and if there's anything I can do to thank you, I'll give it back."

Marcella turned her gaze on Mezzena as she cut the conversation there.

"Maena, now you can move in with all your heart"

"Yeah. I'm moving into a room with a water heater"

"Um, Mr. Mezzena, is it possible that you're being pushed home?

"Yeah... not that many"

I'm sorry to distract you from Mezzena.

I'm saying it's not a lot, but if nobility gets involved, I'll be careful to respond.

At home where you're supposed to relax. Then it must have been like you couldn't rest for the past two weeks.

"It's our fault, so I'll get the room ready here. Tell me the terms later. And stay at the inn today."

"Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience. And can't the chairman and vice chairman, if possible, please do it in 'Mayna'? It's hard to call it 'mezzena', and I'm not used to it... because even the shipping guild called it 'maena'"

"Okay. Well, from now on, let me call you 'Maena'."

The change of name to nickname makes me feel a little closer to Mayna.

Still, it's going to take awhile to get familiar with the call.

"Now, as of today, these four, let's celebrate the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce!

The four of us smile at Ivano's bright proclamation.

The Chamber of Commerce room turned again, and I felt smaller.

When I finish my scheduled work, I cut it up a little early because it's my first day.

In the future, the return of Darya was to be accompanied by Marcella on a carriage and escorted to the tower.

"Maena needs to talk about the room and the inn, so just stay a little"

"Yes, I understand"

"It wasn't me, I'll come in the afternoon because I have a knight's education at the Scalfalotto family, even tomorrow morning"

"Good luck, Marcella"

"... there's going to be a wisdom fever..."

The Lord of sandy hair spilled his true meaning with exhalation.

Marcella, at the Scalfalotto family since yesterday, has begun to learn how to be courteous and savvy to knights.

As a shipping guild, I have made deliveries to noble mansions, but not to the knowledge of knights.

An old knight and a man-to-man, in action format where you can't even take notes. I heard everything from morning to lunch, from morning greetings to walking down the hall, to eating, and Ivano was pretentious.

"Good luck, Mr. Marcella. You'll be fine if you get used to it."

"Darya, pray for the day when you get used to it..."

Darya, as a friend, supports her with an innocent smile.

Marcella opened the door with a bitter smile and left the room with her.

"Maena, please sit over there. Is the room okay around here in the Central District? The candidates are in these three. Since the guarantor of the room will be the Chamber of Commerce. And here's the inn, please."

"Thank you. Cheapest of the three, please. Inn is cheaper..."

I spread the paperwork over the table to show it, but Maena seems sorry.

Young, but they have a solid sense of money.

"I'll get it out at the Chamber of Commerce, and if someone comes to you, it'll be a pain in the ass, won't it? This is an inn that protects guests. Use this until you're done moving."

"Thank you, that was helpful..."

"If you have any trouble or need help, please feel free to tell me."

"Well, about the payroll... it's higher than it was when I was in the shipping guild, is it really good for me?

"I've caused you trouble here, and I need you to do a lot of things. And if you do more work, you'll get paid again."

It is 30% more than the salary of the shipping guild, including the nuisance fee, which took the form of taking the workplace.

Still, if you think about getting people to work in this Chamber carefully from now on, it's not expensive.

"I wanted to ask you, how much physical enhancement or magic is Maena?

"Body strengthening can be easier if you carry up to three times your weight. Magic is four, and there is wind magic. It's about cooling everyone down a little in the summer or drying their clothes better."

"In the shipping guild, you also have the experience of your people, right?

"Yes, because I like horses. He also helped take care of the horses in the shipping guild a little, and he can ride some. You can go with a horse in a hurry."

"Marcella said, 'Occasionally,' how have you been through rough things?

"I was working with Mr. Marcella on a shipping guild, so a little"

Answer him carelessly, raise your rating.

Quite capable. If you want to pull about the same amount of personnel out of your shipping guild, your salary will have to be a little more colored.

When he narrowed his blue eyes, Ivano asked what he most wanted to hear.

"Maena, how many years have you been doing Rumor Sparrow?

"... will it be about three years"

The one-beat answer was delayed, but Maena did not hide it.

Rumor sparrows are those who receive money and spread rumors and propaganda in the city.

Maina says she is mainly talking to drunk people in canteens and taverns.

"Will the work of the rumored sparrow continue in the future?

"I was hoping that if I were to join the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, I would have to stop..."

"Just in case, if you can tell me what you want to talk about, you can go on. That would be a pretty good source of income. We might even ask for it."

Ivano deliberately hoisted the corner of his mouth slightly and stared at the watery eyes.

"Marcella doesn't know you're a 'rumor sparrow', does she?

"Yes, I never said it. It's like hidden pocket money. Mr. Marcella is worried, so I don't want to be too prudent."

"Mind if I ask you how you spend your money?

"It's a social expense. I'm a free paedophile, and it takes a lot of women."

Mena, who said it was obvious, has turned back on herself without flickering.

The 'free paedophile' is also referred to as a symbol of the freedom of the Kingdom of Ordine.

I make love as a couple, but I don't bind them, I don't stop them from dating other people, I'm in a certain number of relationships. If both have the same idea, there is no training ground.

It must be because of the sect Ivano only thinks of one wife that caught the feeling a little.

"Okay. Love is free, but don't bring trouble to the Chamber of Commerce"

"Yes, I'll be careful"

I honestly stare back at Maena nodding and convince her.

Soft chestnut hair, neat face, cool watery eyes. He has a tight body and a light blue jacket for shipping.

I was used to seeing Wolfe and my senses were paralyzed, but Mana is certainly a beautifully shaped category.

I see, this would also look good to be a loving young man.

"Well, good luck. The innkeeper has been contacted. I don't think they'll tail us if we move through the back door of the guild."

"Thank you, Vice Chairman. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Execute the thank you I taught you today properly in front of me, and Maena leaves the room as well.

In the room left alone, Ivano clears the paperwork.

And I spread the parchment sent by Gouid on my desk and reread it.

Mezzena Grieve.

Parents are unknown, grew up in an ambulance, shipping guild with Marcella referrals, and have a reputation for serious work.

Ability exceeds expectations, guarantor is Marcella, no string attached anywhere.

Quite a talent.

It was just a surprise they lied about the use of money.

She does have quite a few girlfriends in Mayna.

But what he assists and goes through with his legs is an ambulance for the children he was in.

Sure, it must be 'social expenses', but I need you to be honest with me.

As you say 'woman' to make your mind feel bad, I still can't tell if it's embarrassing or the strengths of the late youth.

I remember 'Puppies' that Osvaldo used to say to himself.

'For the future, I suggest you have a puppy early' - that recommendation means growing up a young business member.

Maena is well hit and she is not afraid of things. There is also physical strengthening, and arms stand unnecessarily for escorts.

On top of that, he also swallows some gray, rumored sparrows.

It doesn't seem a little honest, but if I could grow up as a merchant, I'd feel pretty good about it.

I'm still hard to say for myself, but I'd rather have a trustworthy body.

"Will there be more work again? I'm going to be totally busy..."

Contrary to the words, Ivano was laughing with pleasure.