206 205. Chamber Room and Clothing Guild Leader

When she comes in front of the room she's renting at the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, Mayna brings back a large box of parchment paper with one hand. Then he opened the door and threw Dahlia through first.

Once inside, place your luggage and gently pull the chair where Dahlia always sits.

The escort is quicker and also more natural than Marcella, who is studying knights.

"Oh, thank you"

And he was still a darya unfamiliar with escorts.

"You don't need to thank me, Chairman. If you smile, so be it."

Besides, it is the end of getting instruction from Mayna. I want to reflect.

Beginning today, I vow to reread the noble manners book for thirty minutes before going to bed.

Marcella next to Darya is desperately spelling out her notes. To sum up the courtesies I have learned at the Scalfalotto family today.

Even notes are forbidden there, and besides, with the confirmation exam every day, what a big deal it seems.

"Maena, have you learned how to behave for nobility somewhere?

Ivano, who was looking across the street into the notebook, raised his gaze and asked.

Maybe I admired Mayna's smart escort.

"I haven't learned... well, hang out with a little aristocratic woman"

"Did that teach you?

"No, I borrowed a book of aristocratic manners and escorts to read, and then in practice. But he asked me if it would fit, so it's not strange to say he was taught."

It is a brilliant effort to have learned so far by teaching the book and the other person.

Mayna began to move the parchment she had brought onto the shelf without any illumination.

"That person is also a 'free paedophile'?

"No, you don't. Back then, I wasn't a free paedophile yet either... and I broke up right away"

I don't know the look on Mayna's face when she pointed at the shelf. I just feel a little lower.

"I knew there was a difference in status between nobles and ordinary people. Besides, I have no parents. The world was too different to be possible."

Chikuri, the pain runs in the back of my chest.

The difference between ordinary people and nobility is enormous. Even if I got a baron position, I'm a commoner.

The feeling and thought that the world was too different made it clearer to enter and leave the royal castle.

"Don't say that, Maena. Out of the blue, the world is small, maybe I didn't throw it away. You're in the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce and you're here."

It was Marcella who swept away the almost dark atmosphere.

Maena says so, looking back. I already had a soft smile when.

I try to change the story and ask him what he remembers.

"Speaking of which, I heard Maena could ride horses, how long before she could?

"Is it two months while you help take care of the horse? Does the chairman do horseback riding?

"I wish I could ride"

It is two months old with a mana that seems to have good motor nerves.

If you are not confident in exercising at all, how many months will you be able to ride it again?

"Darya, can't it be a carriage? If you just want to ride a horse, you can ask Wolfe. Wouldn't it be easier to get on board?

"I want to be able to ride alone..."

Wolfe told me to try riding the horse in the house, but I don't want to show you where I'm too disdressed. I just wanted to get used to it before I was taught. But it's hard to say that to a boulder.

"Um, can you teach Maena how to ride a horse?

"Uh... because I'm self-styled and teaching is not good. It's a little difficult."

"I'm sorry to ask so suddenly. I knew I should learn from a horse riding teacher..."

It would be another thing to teach people that they can ride horses. I've heard bad things.

Next to Darya reflecting, the bitterly smiling Maena spills so with only her 'resentful' lips.

Ivano noticed and was nodding softly.

When Marcella finally finished her note and closed her notebook, the knock sounded.

A little early for the usual time, but I guess the guild brought me a letter for today. Looking across the door with that in mind, a blue-faced guild official stood.

"Um, to Chairman Rossetti, Viscount Luini, the head of the clothing guild, would you mind if I let you through? Well, it looks like we're in a hurry, we're already in the hallway..."

Admit in advance to the guilder who nodded his voice, and stand up all together.

It would be urgent to wait in the hallway without touching it.

Did something go wrong with the inner laying of the shoes, the five-finger socks, and the breeze cloth (Auratello) - so worried I hurried into the room.

"I didn't touch it, and suddenly I'm sorry. I'd like to ask Miss Dahlia a few questions."

"What is it, Master Fort?

Across the table, turn down the tea, and greet yourself to the fort where you cut out there as well.

Its suspicious blue eyes reminded me of a previous life claimant for some reason.

"The other day, I heard that Miss Dahlia had brought the Count Goodwin family to Lucia."


"Did you still? May I ask what better use the Count Goodwin family had for Lucia?

I want you to wait, I just asked back in surprise. Not a 'yes' to affirmation.

Darya goes on to explain to the stuffed Fort.

"Master Goodwin is from the Demon Crusade Unit. I just happened to see you in front of the coffee shop."

"Do you meet by chance and then go to the coffee shop for three hours?

I understood very well that Lucia had an escort. I didn't even know you were investigating behavior.

Explain it to the default where the voice is subtly lower.

"To Master Goodwin, if Lucia didn't look good in her clothes, then we talked about clothes and colors that would look good... on the road, so we had tea at the coffee shop and talked about it over sweets"

I'm not lying. We did also talk about Randolph's clothes during the sweet rigging.

Although it was long enough before I eventually left and Lucia had given me the recommended clothes and colors with a gullible note.

"Is that what you meant...... I'm very sorry. I was worried that Lucia would go to the Goodwin house."

Randolph's home, the Count Goodwin family, has the task of guarding the border.

It won't be Lucia's place to work, I think so and reconsider.

On the contrary, we might be able to do business selling clothes along the border and to our neighbours.

I also understood Fort's worries.

At the coffee shop, Lucia was activating an anti-bugging magic guide, so I guess I didn't hear what the story was about. If you could hear me, you'd know it wasn't a pull-out, and you wouldn't have come to confirm.

"I'm sure Lucia won't go, even if she calls me from elsewhere. Because I think I really enjoy working at the garment demon guidance workshop."

"Really... I wish I had"

Fort suddenly laughed glamorously. He's so worried about Lucia pulling out.

Lucia is the head of the garment demon guidance workshop. So much so that it is now being said to be the one arm of the default. You won't want to be pulled out.

Later we talked a little about next year's breeze cloth (Auratello), and Fort went home.

Dahlia, who has been dropped off, decides to take a break because she is just a little tired.

On the ground floor of the commercial guild for a break, I decided to buy a smaller treat for the number of people.

It is special today because the harrassment lasted a bit.

Wishing Marcella to make me a cup of coffee to try to go with me, Darya left the chamber of commerce.

"Was that the garment guild leader just now? You're an amazing man, as rumored. So, are you Mr. Lucia..."

"Well, is that so?"

Maena makes an impressive voice, Ivano subtly clouds.

I guess I thought Fort was a matchmaking introduction to Lucia and Randolph.

Actually, I met him where he was with Dalya, just a coincidence, it seems.

But he threw out a busy guild leader's work, albeit briefly, and came all the way here to ask. I know exactly how obsessive you are.

"A garment guild leader is definitely married, isn't he? If you're Lucia, the Second Lady is going to do it without difficulty."

"There is also a relationship between home and work..."

"You're a nobleman and a common man..."

With sympathy or empathy, Marcella throws a tiny glance at the two people who have just dropped a slight tone of voice.

"Hey, do you have anything more to say about our chairman...?

No one answered that question.