221 220. Common folk flushing and bitter liquor

Commercial guild of the evening, in response to a sudden call from Fort, Ivano took the carriage to pick him up.

but there was already a default inside.

The darkness at a glance is not even this masculine.

"Dear Fort, is something wrong? If you're in a hurry, I'll ask you here."

"... I asked Lucia to marry me and she refused"

"... Was it"

Yesterday at the clothing guild, I heard that Fort's wife went to a room with Dahlia and the others.

I thought it would be a mere greeting, but when I returned to the commercial guild, Darya was strangely calm.

That's what I was a little concerned about, and today, I received a letter from Fort, informing me of the situation.

Fortunately, Darya was not moving about us.

No, it was a way of dividing the feeling that it didn't matter because it was passing unmoved and it was a different world.

"As for myself, to what I had nothing," he wrote in reply to Darya's hope on his behalf.

Most of all, on the day of the inadvertent leak, my brother is anxious that you won't have a snowstorm.

"Dear Fort, would you like to commonly 'give up alcohol' or something?

"... Nice. Do you want to go to the right store?"

"Why don't you come to my house, if you don't mind? Because I moved into a bigger house than before. It is small but also has two rooms. While you're drinking, your servants can rest in the other room."

I guess my words were very surprising, my blue eyes became very round.

Normally, it is unlikely that a common man's self will invite a noble, garment guild leader to his house.

However, I didn't think it would be appropriate to give up alcohol in a shop for aristocrats.

After a few seconds of patrolling, he admitted, as he had given up.

"Welcome home, you"

"Welcome home, Father"

"Welcome back, Dad!

As soon as I opened the door of the house, my beloved welcome overlapped beautifully.

On the way, I stopped by the restaurant where I ordered a meal, and then I asked the house to serve a "take Master Fort home as a customer". Enough, at best, but because I thought it would be better mental health to know first.

But after himself, the gaze of the young daughters shakes as Fort and his squire creep through the door. I figured out that tension was in my hands, and I'm a little sorry.

"Right now - Dear Fort, this is my wife Loretta, my daughter Irina, Roane."

A taller wife than herself and daughters who are still light to hug.

They all have fluffy long silver hair, their wives have watery eyes and their daughters have the same blue eyes as themselves.

"My name is Loretta. My husband is taking great care of me."

"My name is Irina. My father took great care of me."

"Roane, it is. Thank you for your help."

My older daughter had just turned seven, but she imitated just like my wife.

My youngest daughter went on and on, but she was only four years old, and she bit me at the end.

Fort gracefully thanks the three of them for their nobility.

"My name is Fortunato Luini. Thank you for your kind welcome to our sudden visit. I am so glad to see your beautiful wife and ladies."

The sales smile of the chief of the garment guild was pointed at. It is a famous expression when you make your ladies blush.

In contrast, his wife smiled for visitors, his older daughter smiled soberly, and his younger daughter responded with an innocent smile.

To the women of the Mercadante family, the default smile effect seems to be thin.

"I need to talk to Mr. Fortunato today."

Explaining that, we head to the room with Fort and his squire.

Even as the younger child looked back in the hallway, her sister pulled her hand and walked away.

I want you to forgive me today because I'll triple my roundabout tomorrow with a hug.

Guide the attendant to one of the rooms, tell him that the door will not be locked, and ask him to wait.

Glad I rented a house with two rooms.

It's ironic that Fort was the one who recommended it before.

Upon entering the other room, he recommended the back chair to the default.

Fortunately, the food from the store arrived early. He seemed to care about the menu and time because he wished to 'double it as soon as possible' in the dining room where his friend was.

A small table and a side table in a small room, over which liquor and dishes lined up perfectly.

I'm curious if it fits Fort and his squire's mouth after a common ceremony where there's no service, but I just have to ask him to give me a break.

We ate the food while we talked about something unusual for a while.

All I do is eat about two-thirds of the time and put the cutlery down. Instead of signaling it, Ivano put a new glass on the table.

"Dear Fort, didn't you think Mr. Lucia would say no?

I tried to say it on a direct ball, but Fort answered without discouragement.

"Five fifths, no, if I confessed, I thought they'd take it in about six or four."

That's not his arrogance.

Generally, it is a jade that nobles bring marriage stories to the common people.

If, furthermore, the aristocratic principals, the bosses of the work and the previous relations are good, the option of saying no is not the first.

"Against Lucia, I thought I would be able to focus on the environment in which the gardener works, the free use of clothing ingredients, and the protection from loud people… that's about it."

"I see."

"What was missing..."

Words are questionable, but they sound like monologues. That look, which is different than usual, is a little hard to talk about.

"I thought I might have let you see your wife first."

"That was unpredictable. No way, because I didn't think Minerva would suddenly go see him."

"Was your wife telling you about Lucia?

"Yep. The other day I went to the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce"

It's a nobleman, Fort. It's not strange that you're talking to your wife about Lucia.

What was out of the math was his wife's ability to act.

"Excuse me, was your wife out of the Count's house?

"That's right. Minerva's mother is from the Marquis, isn't she? Thank you for everything."

What a strong wife for an aristocratic connection.

Along with that, I am convinced that I even spoke to Darya besides Lucia.

If you replaced Minerva's invitation with your own senses, I guess it's close to pulling out work or scouting that.

"Ivano, I need to talk to you"

"Go ahead."

"I know it's unconcerned, but is there any way to get Lucia? I want you to keep working on the garment demon workshop, and I don't want the Goodwin family of the border uncle to marry me."

"I do. I know it's hard for Master Fort, but do you still ask?

"Yeah, let me hear it"

Looking straight back at the shaking blue eyes, Ivano says without hesitation.

"As long as Master Fort breaks up with his wife, throws away his family and his title, his chair as head of the garment guild, and he's a common man and just a gardener"

"Ivano, what a joke!

A voice that could not hide her irritability or anger echoed the room.

Take that in the front and just keep the word going.

"I'm not kidding, Master Fort. Mr. Lucia is a rooted commoner. I don't understand the way you think about aristocratic marriage. Lucia can't share a loved one with someone. In nobility, the First Lady and the Second Lady are the norm, but the common people don't."

"I heard that even the common people, regardless of their percentage, have marriages involving work etc..."

"If you're a free paedophile or a big merchant, you do have one of those. But couples think of each other one-on-one, and that's the common man's way."

"'The common man's fluent', is it..."

Fort, who said to parrot back, exhaled long afterwards.

"Dear Fort, can I redeem you for Mr. Lucia? Everything I have in my hand now."

"... you can't. I have something to protect, too."

Distorted his righteous face, Fort laughed mockingly.

I knew the answer from the beginning. It's just a story that I caught up with.

"Was it selfish of me to want to protect Lucia on my side..."

Undecorated vegetable voice hurts my ears.

But I wasn't willing to stop here.

"If that's what you think, why don't you keep protecting me as a work associate/valued subordinate? If I may say something busy, wouldn't Mr. Lucia be happy as he is now? Do you really think that Mr. Lucia, who became the second lady of the nobility and fell into shape, is happy?


"If I knew the noble Fortunato Luini, I wouldn't have given Mr. Lucia a choice in the first place."

It was this man who taught himself the 'noble fluent'.

The nobility's unique prehistory and authenticity, the way it is untold, the way it is a gift that is not a bribe - he who taught them grey-colored with a cool face, can't possibly think of it.

"I should have spoken to Mr. Lucia's father first. Because there is no way that a common man's one-workshop manager can turn down the relationship between Viscount Luini, the chief of the clothing guild, and his daughter. Nobility is the norm, and if the house had been consolidated first, Mr. Lucia would have had to take it."

If they used that hand, they weren't going to quit Fort and some 'fights' either, if Lucia didn't want it.

Darya and herself, the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce, got Lucia into her current job.

I was ready to reach out as much as I could.

"Dear Fort, are you willing to do that now?

"I can't do that. Now, there's a face that fits Lucia."

Without saying it, Fort hid his eyes with one hand.

"... pitiful. I didn't know you were a knight yet..."

I spoke at length at the coffee shop the other day with my border uncle Randolph in Lucia and Dalya - that's all Fort came to check with the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, this man, who was usually calm, saw a broken (almost) man by love.

"I don't feel sorry for you. Besides, you don't think it would have been better not to see him, do you?

"... I think I was very fortunate to see Lucia, even now"

"Then why don't you swallow all her dreams and will and continue to be a good boss and a good companion? Then you can protect and help Lucia, even if she's with others."

"You say something pretty harsh, Ivano"

"If we do it well, won't Master Fort be able to stay a 'Lucian knight' for the rest of his life?

"... where that pity is unforgiving, he looks just like the deputy guild chief"

I was also prepared to be yelled at, but Fort just raised his mouth angle without force.

"I'll ask you as much as I want. I won't tell anyone. Anything tomorrow, you can make a temple contract for secrecy. Why don't you just drink here this evening, be stupid, get sick, spit it all up in your stomach? That's not something you can show your family when you go home."

"... I know"

"Then, go ahead."

Two gauze white handkerchiefs, and ice demon stones.

Fort stares at what is arranged on the table, wondering.

"If your eyes sweat, wipe them with a handkerchief, and if your eyelids (eyelids) are about to fall off, they'll cool your eyes with another handkerchief wrapped in ice demon stone"

"Ivano, who is it from?

This is Carlo Rossetti.

"Are you Miss Darya's father?

"Yeah. Anything Carlo says, 'A good man shouldn't expose his silly face to a woman,' he says.

It's the way Carlo taught me at the drinker when my wife was pregnant and she was in unreasonable trouble with her job.

He flushed all the worries he didn't want to take home and was opened the door of the house with a bright, drunk face.

I have tried it several times before but it works quite well.

"Are you sure you want to expose the man to a disgraceful face?

"Shouldn't you be able to pick someone? Stay and go this evening. It's small, because my house wouldn't have misunderstandings. If you drink too much and fall asleep, I'll accompany you. I won't show it to our wives, our daughters, or our squire."

"... sweet for your words. You owe Ivano."

"No, thanks for the bitter liquor first, Doctor."

A few months ago, I was drunk a herbal wine that had a confessional effect on this default.

He talked about the "noble flush," and then got a protective ring with anti-poison, anti-confusion and anti-seduction. That silver ring is still on my right hand finger.

At first, I was the one who thought you weren't kidding.

Sometimes I thought he was a wonderful guy for his aristocracy and the invisibility in his belly.

But as we talked over and over with food and drink and were taught about aristocracy and clothing relationships, only a little bit of this man came to know.

Fort, the Viscount Principal, and, while delivering results as a clothing guild chief, was also trying diligently to fold with the gardener within.

I can't tell you if my mouth is torn, but when I had scissors with Lucia, I looked happiest.

Fort gave me a pair of leather shoes, choosing my clothes when I went in and out of the royal castle.

He was polite to a single business member, just a common man himself, without clouding.

I am well aware that that is for my interest with the Rossetti Chamber of Commerce.

Still, for me, I am a thankful teacher, who taught me the noble fashion and made the relationship visible.

"If you can return alcohol to your teacher, that's one serving. I didn't think it would be this early to get off your teacher role. With just this much time, Ivano had much longer arms. You're also earring faster."

"It's still early for you to come down. Because my arm hasn't grown longer, I just can borrow the arm of a long man. My ears are borrowed, so not yet."

"Still, it doesn't suit you anymore that I'm a teacher...... Ivano, I'm going to go down as a teacher, so spare me the approximation of the year, will you be a friend who can say silly?

"It's an honor, Master Ford."

"'Fort' and without a salutation. I don't care where anybody asks me."

The next time I was consolidated, it was me.

It is rare for the Viscount Principal to allow the common man to call out. Well, not anywhere.

Because it doesn't, it proves to be a reciprocal friend.

The mood is going to be pretty good in the future, but it's going to be a mountain of explanations and hassles to the surroundings - but still, it's above all an honor for a respected teacher to wish for a friend.

Why don't you take it with your chest up?

"Thank you. Now, 'Fort', take this."

The liquor I poured halfway into the glass with a smile on my face is dark gray.

It's just odd how the hell you mixed what up.

It is a bottle that a friend of mine has given away to celebrate his takeover and joking. I was running out of words that I would definitely get sick.

In fact, Ivano was stunned after just one bite.

"Let's have it."

Looks like Fort's ready for his upcoming drunkenness. The bracelet granted anti-poison and anti-confusion was removed.

And pour the gray liquor down your throat all at once.


Even though the first bite feels sweet, the next moment, the taste of alcohol comes as spicy and tough as it stabs the tongue. And the carbonation that subtly washes the mouth, the burning heat of the throat, and the bitterness of the aftertaste - Fort shivers his shoulders to the first taste and sees how he manages to match it.

I guess it was too bad. Those blue eyes moistened all at once.

Ivano shifts her gaze from the twitching blue as she licks the same liquor.

"It's a mixed drink from downtown, called 'Drunken Regrets'. It's bitter enough to cry, isn't it?

My friend still mouthed the liquor again and laughed just at his lips.

"Yep. I've never had such bitter liquor before in my life..."